06-09-20 CM Minutes REGULAR MEETING MINUTES The meeting began at 6:30 pm. Present: Mayor Harris and Council Members; Rosenquist, Fonnest, Sanberg and Harris. Staff present: City Manager Cruikshank, City Attorney Cisneros, Human Resources Director Santelices, Communications Director Weiler, Parks and Recreation Director Birno, Environmental Resources Supervisor Eckman, Environmental Specialist Chirpich, Physical Development Director Nevinski. 1. Rising TIDES Task Force Recommendations to the City Council Rising TIDES Task Force Chair Joelle Allen presented the Task Force Report. Allen explained how the COVID-19 pandemic and the death of George Floyd have prompted the Task Force to add three recommendations to the priorities for the City Council to consider. Allen discussed the importance of extending the serve of the Rising Tides Task Force by a minimum of one year and continuing efforts to engage with community members in an inclusive, culturally sensitive manner with a focus on collaboration. Vice Chair Amber Alexander continued the presentation and expanded on the importance of training staff on baseline understanding of different cultures and communication styles. The Council asked Allen and Alexander to expand on the need to extend the Task Force’s term. Allen communicated that TIDES has made headway on the goal of including the community’s insights, perspectives and feedback on City wide discussions throughout 2019 and 2020. Moving forward, work remains to be done in developing and implementing equity and inclusion plans. Data collection as a short and long term initiative will be a fundamental tool to effectively develop messaging and programming that is culturally relevant. The Council debated re-prioritizing the Equity Manager position to lead the equity, diversity, and inclusion work within the City. The Council advised staff to move forward with extending the duration of the Task Force with the possibility to address the time frame in the medium term. The Council thanked the Task Force and staff for their ongoing work, commitment and variety of timely recommendations brought forward towards a better Golden Valley. 2. Discussion regarding Community Forum on Systemic Racism City Manager Cruikshank and Communications Director Weiler presented the staff report. Weiler presented certain details to keep in mind while holding a moderated forum on this topic, for example, to lay out clear objectives and marketing strategies in order to present the forum to the public. In terms of leading the conversations, Chair Allen suggested a person of color should take the role of moderating the Community Forum. The Council and Task Force liaisons discussed the June 9, 2020 – 6:30 pm Virtual Webex Meeting DocuSign Envelope ID: 1CFB94F1-56A4-4D61-B89F-377B99B33E28 2 City of Golden Valley City Council/Manager Regular Meeting Minutes June 9, 2020 – 6:30 pm importance of leading a facilitated conversation hosted by the City via a moderator in order to engage the community. Vice Chair Alexander offered input on including City staff’s participation on the conversation, like the Mayor City Manager and City Police Chief. The addition of the Human Rights Commission Chair to the conversation was also suggested. City Manager Cruikshank encouraged organizing a planning committee to craft the forum dynamics. The Council stressed on laying out clear objectives for this conversation. Tentatively, the main objectives are: - to provide a space for community members to reflect on efforts around equitable experiences for all in Golden Valley. - to provide a space for community members to process the events that happened over the last several months in Minneapolis and around the country. 3. Curbside Organics Recycling Collection Environmental Resources Supervisor Eckman presented the Environmental Commission’s report. Per County ordinance requirement, cities are obligated to provide residential households with the opportunity to participate in curbside organics collection programs. The Commission reviewed three main options to meet the County requirement: - option 1: City Contract - All-In, Everyone Pays - option 2: City Contract - Opt-In - option 3: Hauler License Requirement - Opt-In (organics cart or durable bag placed in trash cart) Eckman explained that the commission has prioritized certain conditions for this program to be successful. High on the list were: City wide participation rates with low fees assessed to residents. The commission solicited input from the community through an online survey, social media, and a virtual open house featuring an online comment box. The City published six online news stories and two CityNews stories between March 6, 2020 and May 21, 2020. The commission’s recommendation is to pursue option 1. The Council discussed the budget increase proposal and how the fees would be collected and dispersed. Eckman explained that Hennepin County would potentially provide a funding pool to distribute among individual cities, although those details have not yet been determined. Staff expressed there is interest and potential expand the program to multi housing family units instead of just single housing through fourplex units (which are included in the County mandate). This goes in line with increasing participation rates and making the program available to all types of homes in Golden Valley. Hennepin County is driving efforts to connect with these types of units and exploring the implementation of this program. The Council thanked staff and the commission for their ongoing work in taking sound environmental steps in Golden Valley. 4. Facilities Analysis and Downtown Study Discussion Physical Development Director Nevinski presented the staff report. The City’s 2020 budget includes funding for a Facilities Study to evaluate the City’s long term projected building needs. The City conducted two studies in 2016 and 2018. The studies provided recommendations on how to DocuSign Envelope ID: 1CFB94F1-56A4-4D61-B89F-377B99B33E28 3 City of Golden Valley City Council/Manager Regular Meeting Minutes June 9, 2020 – 6:30 pm improve operational facility needs for the Police and Fire departments. These efforts have led to the need to conduct a more detailed facilities analysis for City wide operations with the exception of Brookview. The study would consider the needs and locations of Public Safety, Public Works, and City Hall operations, and would provide the basis for both land use and financial planning decisions. The Council discussed authorizing the budget for these studies and agreed that they are a strategic priority. The proposed conceptual schedule projects contracts to be ready by the upcoming fall. 5. Partners In Energy – Energy Action Planning Team Recruitment Process Environmental Resources Supervisor Eckman presented the staff report which includes assembling an Energy Action Planning Team to help develop the energy visions, goals, priorities and actions for the Golden Valley community. Eckman presented the process for recruitment, including member commitment and duties, member selection criteria, selection process, and advertisement and promotion of this opportunity. The Council discussed promotion opportunities, in particular targeted outreach for multi-housing family units and schools. The Council also discussed reaching out to larger corporations and their potential interest in suggesting and abiding by the Energy Action Plan. Staff explained how some of these companies are leaders in sustainability and environmental initiatives and that there is potential to capitalize on the knowledge of the corporate sector throughout their representation. 6. COVID-19 Operations Recovery and Readiness Plan Human Resources Director Santelices presented a summary of the staff report. City staff has been working diligently over the last several weeks to develop a COVID-19 Operations Recovery and Readiness Plan (CORR Plan). The plan is outlined into four main sections and follows a phased approach to reopening City Facilities. Each department is developing its own worksite safety plans, which are divided into three phases that follow general guidelines. City Attorney Cisneros shared insight on the City’s approach to mask wearing for visitors while in City buildings and the circumstances around requiring visitors to wear masks. Cisneros explained that City’s Emergency management team was inclined to pursue a “balancing act” approach between doing what is safest for the community and for employees against the need to be able to provide essential services for the community—like the right of the people to vote. The City will prioritize a focus on education and a mask wearing culture by strongly recommending visitors to wear a mask while on City buildings. The City will utilize plexiglass as physical barriers to protect their workers (for instance during elections). Staff and the Council discussed the promotion of absentee voting among residents. Staff confirmed the City will be including plexiglass barriers during election day and will be following extensive decontamination protocols and precinct procedures. Staff also discussed election judges recruiting and how to fill capacity needs, this includes the possibility of utilizing city staff to fulfill election judge needs if such necessity should arise. The Council discussed the practicality of City Council formal virtual meetings in the near future, in particular as it relates to the phased approach laid out in the CORR Plan and the state of the DocuSign Envelope ID: 1CFB94F1-56A4-4D61-B89F-377B99B33E28 4 City of Golden Valley City Council/Manager Regular Meeting Minutes June 9, 2020 – 6:30 pm current pandemic. City staff shared thoughts on the continually evolving situation and the State’s encouragement for cities to continue to conduct remote meetings in the immediate future. Staff also explained that certain matters may suggest good reason to hold particular meetings in a hybrid mode. The Council thanked City staff for their diligent work and for providing detailed procedures for a safe and healthy workplace for its employees and visitors. 7. Council Review of Future Draft Agendas: City Council June 16, City Council July 7, Council/Manager July 14, Housing & Redevelopment Authority July 21, City Council July 21, City Council August 4 and Council/Manager August 12, 2020 No changes were submitted for future draft agendas. The meeting adjourned at 10:06 pm. ________________________________ Shepard M. Harris, Mayor ATTEST: _________________________________ Tomas Romano, Assistant to the City Manager’s Office DocuSign Envelope ID: 1CFB94F1-56A4-4D61-B89F-377B99B33E28