2023-02-07 Regular Meeting February 7, 2023 — 6:30 PM Council Chambers Hybrid Meeting CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING MINUTES City Council meetings are being conducted in a hybrid format with in -person and remote options for attending, participating, and commenting. The public can make statements in this meeting during public comment sections, including the public forum beginning at 6:20 pm. 1. Call to Order Mayor Harris called the meeting to order at 6:48 pm. 1A. Pledge of Allegiance and Land Acknowledgement Mayor Harris led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance and read the City’s Land Acknowledgement statement. 1B. Roll Call Present: Mayor Shep Harris, Council Members Maurice Harris, Denise La Mere-Anderson, Gillian Rosenquist and Kimberly Sanberg Staff present: City Manager Cruikshank, City Attorney Cisneros, Building Official Anderson, Environmental Resources Supervisor Eckman, and City Clerk Schyma 1C. Annual Discover St. Louis Park Presentation Becky Bakken, President and CEO of Discover St. Louis Park, presented a year-end update for Discover St. Louis Park. 2. Additions and Corrections to Agenda Motion by Rosenquist, Second by M. Harris to approve the meeting agenda as submitted. Motion carried 5-0. 3. Consent Agenda Motion by Sanberg, Second by Rosenquist to approve the Consent Agenda as revised: removal of Item #3D1 - Police Employment, Accountability, & Community Engagement (PEACE) Commission Appointment; #3E7 - Approve 2022-2024 Labor Agreement with Patrol Officers Union (LELS Local # 27); and #3G - Receive and File the City of Golden Valley's 2023 Pyramid of Success (Council Goals). DocuSign Envelope ID: 5E80E31B-DC64-4CFC-AFE2-DE488D757ECD Motion carried 5-0. 3A. Approval of City Council Minutes: 3A.1. Regular Meeting Minutes of 2022 - May 17, June 7 and 21, July 5 and 19, August 3 and 16, September 6 and 20, October 6 and 18, and November 1 3A.2. Regular Meeting Minutes of 2023 - January 17 3B. Approval of City Check Registers 3C. Licenses: 3C.1. Gambling License Exemption and Waiver of Notice Requirement - Sons of the American Legion Post 523 3D. Boards, Commissions, and Task Forces: 3D.1. Police Employment, Accountability, & Community Engagement (PEACE) Commission Appointment 3E. Bids, Quotes, and Contracts: 3E.1. Approve Purchase of Gate Valves and Parts from Boys Water Products 3E.2. Authorize the City Manager to Sign an Election Equipment Lease Agreement with Hennepin County in a Form Approved by the City Attorney 3E.3. Authorize Subscription Agreement with Cartegraph Systems LLC 3E.4. Approve Professional Services Agreement for Electrical Inspections Services with Stephen Tokle Inspections, Inc. 3E.5. Approve Agreement with Traverse des Sioux Garden Center and Landscape for the Medley Park Stormwater Restoration Project No. 22-18 3E.6. Approve 2022-2024 Labor Agreement with Community Service Officers Union (LELS Local # 525) 3E.7. Approve 2022-2024 Labor Agreement with Patrol Officers Union (LELS Local # 27) 3F. Authorize Filing Extension for Harold Avenue Addition Plat 3G. Receive and File the City of Golden Valley's 2023 Pyramid of Success (Council Goals) 3H. Adopt Resolution No. 23-007 Approving Amendment to Compensation and Classification Tables 3. Items Removed From the Consent Agenda: 3D.1. Police Employment, Accountability, & Community Engagement (PEACE) Commission Appointment The City Council thanked all applicants interested in serving on the PEACE Commission. The Council consensus was to appoint Katrina Cisneros to PEACE Commission. Motion by Sanberg, Second by La Mere-Anderson to appoint Katrina Cisneros to the vacant position on the Police Employment, Accountability, & Community Engagement (PEACE) Commission with a term that expires in April 2024. Motion carried 5-0. 3E.7. Approve 2022-2024 Labor Agreement with Patrol Officers Union (LELS Local # 27) Mayor Harris discussed the incentives included in the new contract and expressed his support for the Police Department. DocuSign Envelope ID: 5E80E31B-DC64-4CFC-AFE2-DE488D757ECD Motion by Rosenquist, Second by M. Harris to approve 2022-2024 Labor Agreement with Patrol Officers Union (LELS Local # 27). Motion carried 5-0. 3G. Receive and File the City of Golden Valley's 2023 Pyramid of Success (Council Goals) Council Member Rosenquist discussed the process of deciding which goals to focus on each year at the Council’s annual strategic planning session. She further talked about specific goals on the 2023 Pyramid of Success. Motion by Rosenquist, Second by Sanberg to receive and file the City of Golden Valley’s 2023 Pyramid of Success (Council Goals). Motion carried 5-0. 4. Public Hearing 5. Old Business 6. New Business All Ordinances listed under this heading are eligible for public input. 6A. Second Consideration of Salt Storage Ordinance No. 757 Environmental Resources Supervisor Eckman presented the staff report and said that staff have not received any comments from members of the public regarding this ordinance. Mayor Harris opened the item for public comment. No one requested to speak. Motion by Sanberg, Second by La Mere-Anderson to adopt the second consideration of Ordinance No. 757 adding Section 10-5 Salt Storage at Commercial, Industrial, and Institutional Facilities to City Code Chapter 10 Environment and Nuisances. Motion carried 5-0 with unanimous approval. (In Favor: M. Harris, S. Harris, La Mere-Anderson, Rosenquist, Sanberg. Opposed: N/A) Motion by La Mere-Anderson, Second by M. Harris to adopt Resolution No. 23-008 Authorizing Summary Publication of Ordinance No. 757. Motion carried 5-0 with unanimous approval. (In Favor: M. Harris, S. Harris, La Mere-Anderson, Rosenquist, Sanberg. Opposed: N/A) 6B. Second Consideration of Updated Stormwater Management Ordinance No. 758 Environmental Resources Supervisor Eckman presented the staff report and said that staff have not received any comments from members of the public regarding this ordinance. He added that most of the proposed changes are mandatory for compliance with MPCA permit or conformance with state and watershed requirements. DocuSign Envelope ID: 5E80E31B-DC64-4CFC-AFE2-DE488D757ECD Mayor Harris opened the item for public comment. No one requested to speak. Motion by Rosenquist, Second by Sanberg to adopt the second consideration of Ordinance No. 758 amending Chapter 107 of the Golden Valley City Code to update language regarding the City's stormwater management. Motion carried 5-0 with unanimous approval. (In Favor: M. Harris, S. Harris, La Mere-Anderson, Rosenquist, Sanberg. Opposed: N/A) Motion by M. Harris, Second by Sanberg to adopt Resolution No. 23-009 Authorizing Summary Publication of Ordinance No. 758. Motion carried 5-0 with unanimous approval. (In Favor: M. Harris, S. Harris, La Mere-Anderson, Rosenquist, Sanberg. Opposed: N/A) 6C. Review of Council Calendar Mayor Harris reviewed upcoming city meetings, events, and holiday closures. 6D. Mayor and Council Communications 1. Other Committee/Meeting updates 7. Adjournment Motion by Rosenquist, Second by M. Harris to adjourn the meeting at 8:08 pm. Motion carried 5-0. ________________________________ Shepard M. Harris, Mayor ATTEST: _________________________________ Theresa J. Schyma, City Clerk DocuSign Envelope ID: 5E80E31B-DC64-4CFC-AFE2-DE488D757ECD