2023-02-14 Special Council Meeting February 14, 2023 — 5:00 PM Council Conference Room Hybrid Meeting CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING MINUTES Special City Council meetings are being conducted in a hybrid format with in -person and remote options for attending. Present: Mayor Pro Tempore Denise La Mere-Anderson (arrived 5:35 p.m.), Council Members Maurice Harris, Gillian Rosenquist and Kimberly Sanberg Absent: Mayor Shep Harris Staff present: City Manager Cruikshank and City Clerk Schyma Special Meeting Item(s): 1. Commissioner Interviews The Golden Valley City Council met to interview candidates the following candidates for appointments to various boards and commissions: Scott Seys Imara Hixon Pamela Wandzel 2. Discussion Regarding Appointments to Various Boards and Commissions The Council consensus was to make the following appointments at the next regular City Council meeting. Name Commission Scott Seys Open Space and Recreation Commission Imara Hixon Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Commission Pamela Wandzel Planning Commission 3. Adjournment The Council adjourned by unanimous consent at 6:22 pm. ________________________________ Denise La Mere-Anderson, Mayor Pro Tempore ATTEST: _________________________________ Theresa Schyma, City Clerk DocuSign Envelope ID: 7CEF898F-980C-481F-996B-A8B642BAA4F0 February 7, 2023 — 5:00 PM Council Conference Room Hybrid Meeting CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING MINUTES Special City Council meetings are being conducted in a hybrid format with in -person and remote options for attending. Present: Mayor Pro Tempore Denise La Mere-Anderson, Council Members Maurice Harris, Gillian Rosenquist, and Kimberly Sanberg Absent: Mayor Shep Harris Staff present: City Manager Cruikshank and City Clerk Schyma Mayor Pro Tempore La Mere-Anderson started the special meeting at 5:00 pm. Special Meeting Item(s): 1. Commissioner Interviews The Golden Valley City Council met to interview candidates the following candidates for appointments to various boards and commissions: Matthew Olson Karen Boehne 2. Discussion Regarding Appointments to the Police Employment, Accountability, & Community Engagement (PEACE) Commission The Council consensus was to appoint Katrina Cisneros to the vacant position on the Police Employment, Accountability, & Community Engagement (PEACE) Commission with a term that expires in April 2024. 3. Adjournment The Council adjourned by unanimous consent at 5:45 pm. ________________________________ Denise La Mere-Anderson, Mayor Pro Tempore ATTEST: _________________________________ Theresa Schyma, City Clerk DocuSign Envelope ID: 7CEF898F-980C-481F-996B-A8B642BAA4F0