2023-02-21 Regular Meeting February 21, 2023 — 6:30 PM Council Chambers Hybrid Meeting CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING MINUTES City Council meetings are being conducted in a hybrid format with in -person and remote options for attending, participating, and commenting. The public can make statements in this meeting during public comment sections, including the public forum beginning at 6:20 pm. 1. Call to Order Mayor Harris called the meeting to order at 7:03 p.m. 1A. Pledge of Allegiance and Land Acknowledgement Mayor Harris led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance and read the City’s Land Acknowledgement statement. 1B. Roll Call Present: Mayor Shep Harris, Council Members Maurice Harris, Denise La Mere-Anderson, and Gillian Rosenquist Absent: Council Member Kimberly Sanberg Staff present: City Manager Cruikshank, City Attorney Cisneros, Environmental Specialist Chirpich, and City Clerk Schyma 2. Additions and Corrections to Agenda Motion by Rosenquist, Second by M. Harris to approve the meeting agenda as submitted. Motion carried 4-0. 3. Consent Agenda Motion by La Mere-Anderson, Second by Rosenquist to approve the Consent Agenda as revised: removal of Item #3D.1. Appointments to Various Commissions; #3F.2. Approve Resolution No. 23- 011 Accepting the In-Kind Donation of $2,191.50 from Stan Waldhauser Photography; and #3F.3. Approve Resolution No. 23-012 Accepting a Donation for the GVPD Shop with a Cop outreach Event From James and Kathleen Johnson and the Golden Valley Crime Prevention Fund and a Donation for 2022 GVPD Awards Ceremony From the Golden Valley Crime Prevention Fund. Motion carried 4-0. 3A. Approval of City Council Minutes: DocuSign Envelope ID: 13E6D197-3609-49DA-B6FE-51BBC84AC4BF 3A.1. Regular Meeting Minutes of 2022 - November 15, December 6 and 20 3A.2. Meeting Minutes of February 7, 2023 - Special City Council Meeting (commission interviews), Special City Council Meeting with Closed Executive Session, and Regular City Council Meeting 3A.3. Meeting Minutes of February 14, 2023 Special City Council Meeting (commission interviews) 3B. Approval of City Check Registers 3C. Licenses: 3C.1. Approve Multi-Family Rental Property Licenses for the period of March 1, 2023 through February 28, 2024. 3D. Boards, Commissions, and Task Forces: 3D.1. Appointments to Various Commissions 3D.2. Receive and File November 28, 2022 Environmental Commission Meeting Minutes 3E. Bids, Quotes, and Contracts: 3E.1. Approve Contract for City Hall Boiler Replacement Project with Uhl Company, Inc. 3E.2. Authorize the Mayor and City Manager to execute a construction services agreement with Versacon, Inc. in a form approved by the City Attorney for the 2023 Wesley Park Shelter Building Improvement Project 3F. Grants and Donations: 3F.1. Approve Resolution No. 23-010 Supporting Submittal of Application to Minnesota Pollution Control Agency for Minnesota GreenCorps Host Site 3F.2. Approve Resolution No. 23-011 Accepting the In-Kind Donation of $2,191.50 from Stan Waldhauser Photography 3F.3. Approve Resolution No. 23-012 Accepting a Donation for the GVPD Shop with a Cop outreach Event From James and Kathleen Johnson and the Golden Valley Crime Prevention Fund and a Donation for 2022 GVPD Awards Ceremony From the Golden Valley Crime Prevention Fund 3. Items Removed From the Consent Agenda: 3D.1. Appointments to Various Commissions Council Member Rosenquist thanked all applicants interested in serving on City commissions. Mayor Harris thanked Executive Assistant Olmo for her work coordinating the application, interview, and appointment process. Motion by Rosenquist, Second by M. Harris to appoint Scott Seys to the Open Space and Recreation Commission, Imara Hixon to the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Commission, and Pamela Wandzel to the Planning Commission. Motion carried 4-0. 3F.2. Approve Resolution No. 23-011 Accepting the In-Kind Donation of $2,191.50 from Stan Waldhauser Photography DocuSign Envelope ID: 13E6D197-3609-49DA-B6FE-51BBC84AC4BF Council Member Harris thanked Stan Waldhauser for the amazing photographic work that he donates to the City. Motion by M. Harris, Second by Rosenquist to adopt Resolution No. 23-011 Accepting the In-Kind Donation of $2,191.50 from Stan Waldhauser Photography. Motion carried 4-0 with unanimous approval. (In Favor: M. Harris, S. Harris, La Mere-Anderson, Rosenquist. Opposed: N/A) 3F.3. Approve Resolution No. 23-012 Accepting a Donation for the GVPD Shop with a Cop Outreach Event From James and Kathleen Johnson and the Golden Valley Crime Prevention Fund and a Donation for 2022 GVPD Awards Ceremony From the Golden Valley Crime Prevention Fund Council Member Harris thanked James and Kathleen Johnson and members of the Golden Valley Crime Prevention Fund for their support of the Police Department and generous donations that helped fund these important events. Motion by M. Harris, Second by La Mere-Anderson to adopt Resolution No. 23-012 accepting donations for the GVPD Shop with a Cop outreach event and the 2022 GVPD awards ceremony. Motion carried 4-0 with unanimous approval. (In Favor: M. Harris, S. Harris, La Mere-Anderson, Rosenquist. Opposed: N/A) 4. Public Hearing 5. Old Business 6. New Business 6A. Review of Council Calendar Mayor Harris reviewed upcoming city meetings, events, and holiday closures. 6B. Mayor and Council Communications 1. Other Committee/Meeting updates 7. Adjournment The meeting was adjourned by unanimous consent at 7:25 p.m. ________________________________ Shepard M. Harris, Mayor ATTEST: _________________________________ Theresa J. Schyma, City Clerk DocuSign Envelope ID: 13E6D197-3609-49DA-B6FE-51BBC84AC4BF