2023-04-13 - PEACE Commission Agenda Packet REGULAR MEETING AGENDA Meetings are being conducted in a hybrid format with in-person and remote options for attending. Remote Attendance: Members of the public may attend this meeting in person or via Webex or by calling +1-415-655-0001 and entering meeting number 2459 567 7189. Meeting password is yvYyxHJc343 (98999452 from phones and video systems) 1. Call to Order 2. Land Acknowledgment: We acknowledge and honor the Dakota nation, on whose ancestral land the City of Golden Valley is built, and whose land resources we use. We commit to counteracting the erasure of the cultural practices and presence of the Dakota people and through education and by amplifying a wide range of indigenous voices. 3. Attendance/Roll Call ☐ Randy Anderson ☐ Madeline Ryan ☐ Katrina Cisneros ☐ Andrew Wold ☐ Henry Crosby ☐ Loretta Arradondo ☐ Alicia Dang ☐ Roslyn Harmon ☐ Trey Gladney ☐ Janet Frisch ☐ Charlie Quimby Staff Present: 4. Check in: What is one thing you are looking forward to now that spring is here? 5. Approval of Agenda 6. Approval of Minutes 7. Staff Updates - School Resource Officer April 13, 2022 – 6:30 pm Council Conference Room Golden Valley City Hall 7800 Golden Valley Road 8. Subcommittee Workplan Breakout 9. Check out (with subcommittees): “After today, I leave with a greater sense of ___” (One word) 10. Adjournment REGULAR MEETING MINUTES 1. Call to Order 6:33 2. Land Acknowledgment: We acknowledge and honor the Dakota nation, on whose ancestral land the City of Golden Valley is built, and whose land resources we use. We commit to counteracting the erasure of the cultural practices and presence of the Dakota people and through education and by amplifying a wide range of indigenous voices. 3. Attendance/Roll Call ☐ Randy Anderson ☒ Madeline Ryan ☒ Katrina Cisneros ☒ Andrew Wold ☐ Henry Crosby ☒ Loretta Arradondo ☒ Alicia Dang ☒ Roslyn Harmon ☒ Trey Gladney ☒ Janet Frisch ☒ Charlie Quimby Staff Present: Airrion Williams Staff Liaison Community Connections and Outreach Specialist. Councilmember Sanberg. City Attorney Maria Cisneros. Special Guest Dr. Raj Sethraju. Police Chief Virgil Green 4. Approval of Agenda Wold Motioned to add swearing in of new member Katrina Cisneros to agenda. Quimby 2nd. Approved unanimously. 5. Discussion/Action Items 5.A. Oath of Office for Katrina Cisneros 5.B. PEACE Check in – Who is a Black Person who inspires you? 5.C. Community Engagement Committee Update Commissioner Quimby shared that the Community Engagement Committee met with the communications department to discuss the PEACE Newsletter. Quimby shared that during the meeting they discussed frequency of a newsletter, content, and efficiency. Quimby proposed that the commission vote to make the Community Engagement Subcommittee an editorial board to submit the PEACE newsletter to the city for distribution. Quimby shared that the PEACE Commission would submit content to be reviewed by city leadership, after approval February 9th, 2022 – 6:30 pm Golden Valley City Hall 7800 Golden Valley Road City of Golden Valley PEACE Commission Regular Meeting February 9th, 2022 – 6:30 pm 2 the communications department would review, and then staff liaison Williams would put content into a template, where he would show to the Community Engagement Subcommittee before Williams sends the final newsletter to subscribed community members. Quimby shared that this will be solely electronic. Chair Gladney asked who the voice of this newsletter is. Quimby shared that PEACE is the voice, but he would be delivering the message. Staff Liaison Williams asked how frequent the newsletter would be released. Quimby resp onded that the newsletter will start as a quarterly installment. Quimby shared that the CE subcommittee plans to have a community listening session this spring. Quimby shared that the listening session will convene community to gather input on PEACE’s workplan. Commissioner Cisneros asked for clarity about who is considered community. Quimby shared that he and Commissioner Crosby have had conversations with community members both in person and via social media. Chair Gladney shared that the commission should be intentional to get inclusive feedback that the city has historically failed to gather. Gladney also shared that after the City Council Special meeting PEACE should consider analyzing the data that was shared. Gladney shared that Chief Virgil Green disclosed that people are discouraging officers from working with GVPD. Chief Green stated that officers leaving has been very discouraging. Green shared that officers have shared that the community is very supportive to the PD, but now officers are leaving. Chief Green shared that officers get paid well, have top of the line equipment, and community support. Green speculated that the reason staff are leaving is because of the new police leadership being a black woman and man. Wold asked Chief Green if officers are incentivized to be on the PEACE Commission. Chief Green answered yes. Wold expressed frustration about not having police representation despite being incentivized. Commissioner Arradondo stated that her cousin, former Chief Arradondo, faced similar conflict and that she supports the PEACE Newsletter addressing these concerns. Green shared that there is a rumor that City Council, the Mayor, and the City Manager don’t support the Police Department and the rumors are untrue. Chief Green shared that there is a viral story of a woman calling the police on a young black man who was installing HVAC. Green stressed the importance of identifying racial issues in the community. Commissioner Cisneros stated that PEACE needs to make sure that the community engagement events need to have a restorative racial lens to be impactful. Chief Green shared that the PD has an aggressive recruitment campaign. Wold MOTIONED to approve Commissioner Quimby’s proposal to allow the Community Engagement committee to function as an editorial board for the PEACE newsletter, 2nd by Commissioner Frisch. Approved Unanimously. Commissioner Cisneros abstained. 5.D. 2023 Work Plan Process Staff Liaison Williams shared that the PEACE Commission is scheduled to present their workplan to the July 11th City Council meeting. 5.E. Police Department Recruitment & Retention City of Golden Valley PEACE Commission Regular Meeting February 9th, 2022 – 6:30 pm 3 5.F. Staff Updates Chair Gladney appointed Commissioner Cisneros to the Chair of Recruiting and Hiring Subcommittee. 6. Adjournment 8:28pm Frisch MOTIONED to adjourn, Quimby 2nd, Approved Unanimously. _______________________________________ Trey Gladney, Chair _______________________________________ Airrion Williams, Staff Liaison REGULAR MEETING MINUTES 1. Call to Order 6:44 2. Land Acknowledgment: We acknowledge and honor the Dakota nation, on whose ancestral land the City of Golden Valley is built, and whose land resources we use. We commit to counteracting the erasure of the cultural practices and presence of the Dakota people and through education and by amplifying a wide range of indigenous voices. 3. Attendance/Roll Call ☒ Randy Anderson ☒ Madeline Ryan ☐ Shelli Bakken ☒ Andrew Wold ☒ Henry Crosby ☐ Loretta Arradondo ☒ Alicia Dang ☒ Roslyn Harmon ☒ Trey Gladney ☒ Janet Frisch ☒ Charlie Quimby Staff Present: Airrion Williams Staff Liaison Community Connections and Outreach Specialist. 4. Approval of Agenda Commissioner Frisch MOTIONED to accept agenda, Commissioner Quimby 2nd, unanimously approved 5. Approval of Minutes Commissioner Quimby MOTIONED to accept minutes for 12/8/22, 2nd by Commissioner Frisch, unanimously approved 6. Subcommittee Update Chair Gladney shared that he will be thinking about the service of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and the disparities that BIPOC communities still face, despite the progress made that Dr.King worked toward. Community engagement: January 12th, 2022 – 6:30 pm Golden Valley City Hall 7800 Golden Valley Road City of Golden Valley PEACE Commission Regular Meeting January 12th, 2022 – 6:30 pm 2 Commissioner Quimby shared that the Community Engagement Subcommittee met with Crime Analyst and PD Community Engagement staff, Kaitlin Undersander and Assistant Chief White regarding collaborations with PEACE. The CE subcommittee discussed engaging block captains, partnering on upcoming events, and organizing regular meetings. Commissioner Quimby shared that the CE subcommittee is also looking forward to the restorative circle trainings. Vice Chair Harmon gave an overview of restorative work where she shared that restorative circle work is acknowledging and repairing harm. Quimby also shared that CE is working on a newsletter for PEACE and have a meeting with the Communications Department upcoming. Quimby shared ideas for what could be included in the newsletter. Commissioner Wold shared that PEACE should have a link to the PEACE newsletter in the Golden Valley mailer. Staff Liaison Williams shared that he sent two examples of newsletters that the city publishes. Wold shared that the police department shared an image of the “thin blue line flag” and the city webpage then shared that image on its webpage. Wold shared that the image was in poor taste as it’s been used by white supremacist groups. He suggested that Quimby uses time in the next meeting with communications to discuss the impact of that image. Data: Commissioner Dang shared that Data subcommittee met to look over the policy manual and to determine what policies to address. Wold asked what the process was for PEACE Commissioners to make recommendations for policy review. Dang shared that the commission brings their recommendations to a group consisting of PD leadership, the race and equity consultant, Aviellah, city attorney Cisneros, and the PEACE Commission. The group then determines what action to t ake collaboratively. Hiring: Chair Gladney shared that Commissioner Bakken has resigned. Gladney expressed his appreciation for her service. Gladney stated the importance of Commissioners managing their physical, mental, and emotional wellness because this work is heavy. Gladney shared that he will act as the Hiring Subcommittee chair until a new chair is appointed. 7. Collaborative Solutions Grant Update Commissioners Anderson and Dang shared that they will be meeting with the full policy review team 1/16/23 to start their initial review of the GVPD policy manual. Dang shared that they will also be working with LOGIS, the software company that PD uses for policy, to determine which policy can’t be edited due to state law. Guest Dr. Raj asked if there was a process for civilians to leave complaints to the PD. Williams shared that a civilian could call the PD and speak directly to the Chief to file a complaint. Commissioner City of Golden Valley PEACE Commission Regular Meeting January 12th, 2022 – 6:30 pm 3 Crosby shared that he spoke with a woman at the Chat and Chew event and the woman shared that she did not like the process for filing a complaint. 8. Letter to Community Commissioner Quimby shared that the executive committee met with City Manager Tim Cruikshank, City Attorney Maria Cisneros, and Staff Liaison Airrion Williams to discuss PEACE Commissions response to the investigation where a police officer was found to have violated workplace practice and data privacy laws. Quimby wants the commission to collaboratively review the message and once done, agree on the final document to share with City Council. Chair Gladney will then share that message at a council meeting where it will be accepted and filed. Commissioner Ryan asked what the intention behind this letter was. Chair Gladney shared that the City Manager shared with the community that the city will work with PEACE Commission in response to the investigation, so the commission should share its thoughts on the investigation. Chair Gladney made a MOTION to approve the general message of this letter, Quimby 2nd, Approved unanimously. 9. Staff Updates - Bridging the Faultline’s Event Williams shared details about the collaborative events in partnership with Just Deeds, Mapping Prejudice, and TPT taking place Feb 6th at Breck High School and Mar 6th at the Capri Theater. - Harassment Toolkit Williams shared that he and Kaitlin Undersander have been working on a harassment toolkit and wanted to know if PEACE was interested in aiding in restorative circles when the proc ess found it necessary. - Sweet Potato Comfort Pie’s Annual MLK Day Event Williams reminded the commission of the event and shared that there are still volunteer opportunities available. - Officer Recognition Chair Gladney shared that he would have loved to be in attendance to honor officers that were recognized at a City Council Meeting in December, as the PEACE Commission has shared the idea of honoring officers over the past year. Commissioner Anderson shared that there is a fundraiser for Acting Assistant Chief Sleavin and he encouraged PEACE Commission to join him in supporting Sleavin. 10. Adjournment 8:15pm Chair Gladney MOTIONED to adjourn, Frisch 2nd, Approved Unanimously. _______________________________________ Trey Gladney, Chair City of Golden Valley PEACE Commission Regular Meeting January 12th, 2022 – 6:30 pm 4 _______________________________________ Airrion Williams, Staff Liaison