This meeting was conducted in a hybrid format with in‐person and remote options for attending,
participating, and commenting. The City used Webex to conduct this meeting and members of the
public were able to monitor the meetings by watching it on Comcast cable channel 16, by streaming it
on CCXmedia.org, or by dialing in to the public call‐in line.
1. Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 6:30 pm by Chair Pockl.
Roll Call
Commissioners present: E. Brenna, S. Ginis, L. Pockl, M. Ruby, C. Segelbaum
Commissioners absent: A. Brookins
Staff present: Jason Zimmerman – Planning Manager, Myles Campbell – Planner
Council Liaison: Denise La Mere‐Anderson
2. Land Acknowledgement
3. Approval of Agenda
Commissioners noted an original agenda shared had an additional item that was sense deleted and
the amended version was then shared and posted to the public site.
MOTION made by Commissioner Ruby, seconded by Commissioner Segelbaum, to approve the
agenda of March 27, 2023.
4. Approval of Minutes
Commissioner Segelbaum noted an edit on page 8, the sentence was worded differently than what
was said and he requested a review and edit.
MOTION made by Commissioner Ginis, seconded by Chair Pockl, to approve the meeting minutes of
February 27, 2023 pending the noted edit.
MOTION made by Commissioner Brenna, seconded by Chair Pockl, to approve the meeting minutes
of March 13, 2023.
5. Informal Public Hearing – Luther Genesis Major PUD Amendment b. Zoning Map Amendment
March 27, 2023 – 6:30 pm
Council Chambers
City of Golden Valley Planning Commission Regular Meeting
March 27, 2023 – 6:30 pm
Myles Campbell, Planner, started with a summary of the request and the amendment to create a
third principal structure as well as convert a portion of the surface lot for a 5‐story parking structure.
Campbell laid out the existing conditions and gave a background on the property, its PUD and the
four current amendments.
The current proposal for Amendment 5:
Add new Genesis Dealership building
o 22,500 sq.ft. in area and 25’ in height
Add new parking ramp in northeast corner of the site
o 49’3” or 5 stories in height and 30,350 sq. ft.
o 411 parking spaces, inventory storage rather than customer parking
o Total parking increases from 1,027 to 1,199
Improvements to overall hardcover
o Preserve Trees along General Mills Blvd
o Increase pervious surface by 2,091 sq. ft.
o Additional landscaping
New signage for dealership and ramp
Campbell displayed photos, elevation drawings, and addressed the secondary principal structure, the
side setback for a principal structure, external landscaping, structure size and location, and building
material requirements.
Staff Review
Land Use and Zoning
Staff supports the co‐locating of dealerships where it doesn’t impact site circulation. Adds
density to a typically land‐inefficient use
o Similarly supportive of a parking structure to avoid inventory lots here and elsewhere in
the City
Parking Ramp Height and massing is significant, even with the retained vegetation.
o Planning Commission or City Council could consider other mitigating conditions such as
public art for the ramp to provide visual interest
Internal lot line in practical application matters very little to the overall PUD functionality
Parking setback in front of Genesis becomes roughly in line with external landscaping in front of
Traffic and Circulation
Vehicle maneuvers within the site are tight in a number of areas
Applicant has worked with staff to address some of these, although Engineering remains
concerned about the margin of error provided and the degree of difficulty in performing these
City of Golden Valley Planning Commission Regular Meeting
March 27, 2023 – 6:30 pm
City wants to avoid a scenario where delivery drivers choose to unload in the public ROW rather
than make difficult turns on‐site
Staff is recommending that plans be revised in order to improve vehicle routes
o The preferred option for staff is to realign entrances on Wayzata to eliminate some of
the snaking movements for large trucks through the site
o At a minimum, changes to internal islands and parking layouts are needed before staff
would recommend approval
Architectural & Material Standards
A full calculation for the dealership building should be required before building permitting
Applying material standards to the parking ramp seems unrealistic to staff, options like art or
additional landscaping have a greater impact on the ramp’s appearance
New signage planned is consistent with the existing site, and with other PUDs with multiple
users that have requested flexibility
Staff is conditioning approval on the submittal of a full signage plan to be referenced in the
amended PUD permit, similar to past practice
Preserving trees along General Mills Blvd is a positive aspect of the plan, current landscaping
plan does not provide a count of removals occurring along Wayzata however
Applicant will need to work with City Environmental Staff on tree replacement as part of a Tree
and Landscape Permit prior to any site activity
Applicant plans to continue using the MnDOT stormwater pond to the east as its primary form
of stormwater management
The new Genesis dealership includes an underground stormwater detention tank to control
volume and water quality
Given the amount of earthwork involved, review of the project by BCWMC will be required
Fire Safety
Site Circulation allows access for emergency vehicles to all sides of new and existing structures
Fire staff would like to see a more developed plan for the handling/storage of electric vehicle
Recommended Action
Based on review of the materials submitted and the findings above, staff recommends approval of
Amendment #5 to RLT Second Addition PUD No. 91, subject to the following conditions:
1. Site Plan revisions to address traffic turning movements are made prior to adoption of the
amendment by City Council, to the satisfaction of City Engineering staff.
City of Golden Valley Planning Commission Regular Meeting
March 27, 2023 – 6:30 pm
2. All vehicle deliveries shall take place on‐site and shall not take place on the street.
3. Applicant shall submit a signage plan including the location, dimensions, and design of all
signage across the PUD, to be referenced in the amended PUD permit.
4. Applicant shall work with staff from the Golden Valley Fire Department to develop a plan
for safe handling and storage of lithium vehicle batteries.
5. A Tree and Landscape permit shall be required in order to assure coordination with City
staff as trees are replaced.
6. A building materials schedule shall be provided prior to building permitting for the proposed
Genesis dealership building.
Commissioner Ginis asked about parcel combination and if the proximity of the proposed building to
the lot line would impact the future of the lot. Staff mentioned there were options to either create
one parcel with three buildings or three parcels with one building. Staff directed the question to the
Chair Pockl asked if there was a concern for the future of the lot if there wasn’t a lot consolidation.
Staff doesn’t have concerns as there are many safeguards in place such as the contents and
conditions of the PUD permit.
Commissioner Ruby asked how the Genesis dealership would impact the traffic on Wayzata. Staff
reviewed this with a recent amendment to another dealership and the amount of traffic on that road
would not trigger a traffic study. One consideration could be to communicate the need to restrict
test drives in residential neighborhoods. Ruby followed up by asking if the City evaluates traffic on
lots since now three dealerships are connected. Staff responded that sign code regulates the number
of signs associated with advertising and directional signs on the lot do not count towards that
capacity limit.
Commissioner Segelbaum noted that staff didn’t include anything related to the dark‐skies
regulation and staff responded the applicant submitted a lighting plan. The plan is focused on the
new dealership and did meet the standards.
Commissioner Brenna asked if the Westwood Hills Nature Center was notified and staff responded
that all Planning Commission notifications are sent to properties within 500ft. The nature center was
notified as well as staff in Saint Louis Park so they could pass it along to the impacted addresses.
The conversation continued around construction schedule, storage of construction machinery,
landscaping and tree inventory, parking structure details, and building material details.
Chair Pockl invited the applicant to speak.
Steve Sabraski, Landform Professional Services, Civil Engineer – Applicant noted the large project
and added that this isn’t an expansion of business but rather a new business that will provide jobs.
The site design revolved around the cell tower placed in the middle of the parking lot. Site circulation
and alternates have been presented to staff and the applicant continues to work with alternates to
find a good resolution. The applicant discussed access points to the lot and traffic flow. He went on
to discuss storage items reviewed with the Fire Department for safety, site lighting was updated with
the 2018 Land Rover expansion and should be compliant. Luther intends to add wayfinding signage
and other signs for traffic calming, this has been implemented at other sites already. The goal is to
City of Golden Valley Planning Commission Regular Meeting
March 27, 2023 – 6:30 pm
keep the other two dealerships open during construction and there is no plan to close roads and
machinery won’t be in the ROW. The parking structure will be primarily for inventory but there will
also be employee parking and maintenance parking. The architectural intention is for the ramp to
follow along with the current style of buildings and there will be a few enhancements. General Mills
landscaping will be maintained as it is and the excavation for the ramp will be minimal since the ramp
must be built on piles. Lot consolidation or separation wasn’t considered as the lots have agreements
and no building is on both sides of a lot line. The applicant added the three dealerships will require
the ramp, current parking is displaced due to the new building and a third dealership addition
increases inventory demand.
Commissioner Ginis acknowledged the cell tower and asked why the ramp was decided to be in the
Toyota area versus Land Rover. This particular location is a way folks enter the City and treatment of
this area is important. The applicant discussed location decision making and the displacement of the
other sites and thus the need.
The conversation went on to discuss landscaping options on the east side of the ramp.
Chair Pockl opened the public forum at 7:50pm.
Chair Pockl noted there were no comments received via Golden Valley Speaks.
Chair Pockl noted there were no in person commenters.
Chair Pockl invited remote callers to speak and there were none.
Chair Pockl closed the public comment portion at 7:53pm.
Commissioner Ruby commented that understanding the site restrictions because of the cell tower is
helpful and the color scheme/style of the other buildings are pleasing. He added in general he
supports this plan.
Commissioner Segelbaum noted the ramp is 5 stories and only has a 15ft setback which feels
overwhelming. He added he’s like to see more mitigation of the traffic concerns around the ramp
entrances and General Mills.
Commissioner Ginis noted she was waiting for the discussion to conclude before she formulates a
final decision. She supported the comments around the difficulty of removing a cell tower and added
the need for aesthetics and layout if the ramp lands where it’s intended.
Chair Pockl noted that a PUD is a request in exchange for public benefit. The dealership makes sense
but the parking ramp is harder to digest and she appreciates staff comment on its benefit being
greater than a surface lot.
The conversation discussed alternates, the impact to buyers, the impact to the neighborhood, and
acknowledged the dealership only makes sense with additional parking. They wondered if conditions
should be added.
Chair Pockl led the group through the standard of findings for a PUD. The two standards the group
feels have yet to be met are Quality Site Planning and Preservation.
Segelbaum noted his previous reasons fall here and why he would state this finding is not met.
City of Golden Valley Planning Commission Regular Meeting
March 27, 2023 – 6:30 pm
The applicant spoke up that from a business perspective the ramp is for the benefit of the Toyota
dealership. If it was located on the west side, there would be cross traffic on the street or on the lot.
Each dealership is a separate business and the ramp serving Toyota should be on the Toyota site. A
ramp shorter than 5‐stories would lead to a decrease in parking and force employees to park on the
road. The applicant continued by stating reasoning for the ramp location and its proximity to the
building, utilities, exit/entrance points, and lanes in the parking lot.
Commissioner Ginis added that the explanation makes sense to her and she’d like to see landscaping
and materials added to the conditions.
Staff noted the Commissioners could add conditions.
Commissioner Brenna noted the current trees should be preserved and there shouldn’t be a focus
on new trees. She asked if this item could be tabled and if the group can request a tree preservation
MOTION made by Commissioner Ruby, seconded by Commissioner Ginis, to recommend approval
of Amendment #5 to RLT Second Addition PUD No. 91, subject to the conditions listed by staff plus a
tree preservation plan and a ramp beautification plan as stated by Commissioners.
Commissioner Ginis requested a friendly amendment that the group may look at stricter standards
for replacement of future loss of trees.
Aye: Brenna, Ginis, Ruby
Nay: Pockl, Segelbaum
–End of Televised Portion of Meeting –
6.Council Liaison Report
Council Member LaMere‐Anderson updated the Commissioners on the most recent Council Work
Session, which included presentations of the Planning Commission and Board of Zoning Appeals annual
reports, the Planning Commission 2023 work plan, and discussion of the direction for the Commission
to research how to define and name neighborhoods throughout the city. She also provided a summary
of the discussion on the search for a remote fire station site.
7.Other Business
Campbell noted the agenda for the upcoming BZA meeting where Commissioner Ginis was the
scheduled Planning Commission representative.
MOTION by Commissioner Ginis to adjourn, seconded by Commissioner Ruby and approved
unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 9:12pm.
________________________________ Secretary, Sofia Ginis
Amie Kolesar, Planning Assistant