This meeting was conducted in a hybrid format with in‐person and remote options for attending,
participating, and commenting. The City used Webex to conduct this meeting and members of the public
were able to monitor the meeting and provide comment by calling in.
Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 7 pm and the land acknowledgement was read by Chair Carlson.
Roll Call
Members present: Kade Arms‐Regenold, Chris Carlson, Nancy Nelson, Richard Orenstein, Mike
Ruby – Planning Commissioner
Members absent:
Staff present: Myles Campbell – Planner
Approval of Agenda
MOTION made by Orenstein, seconded by Arms‐Regenold to approve the agenda of December 27,
2022, as submitted.
Motion carried.
Approval of Minutes
MOTION made by Orenstein, seconded by Arms‐Regenold to approve the September 27, 2022
meeting minutes.
Motion carried with one abstention from Nancy Nelson.
MOTION made by Nelson, seconded by Arms‐Regenold to approve the October 25, 2022
meeting minutes.
Motion carried
1. Address: 1508 Alpine Pass
Applicant: Mark and Melissa Noel
A variance of 5 feet 2.25 inches off of the required 35 feet to a distance of 29 feet 9.75 inches
to allow the construction of an enclosed entry
A variance of 5 feet 2.25 inches off of the required 30 feet to a distance of 24 feet 9.75 inches
to allow the construction of an open porch
Myles Campbell, Planner, showed members its location in the city, and elaborated on its history of
approved variances in 1995, 2000, and 2001. The homeowners would like to replace the existing
entryway with a new home addition and add a covered front porch.
December 27, 2022 – 7 pm
City of Golden Valley BZA Regular Meeting
December 27, 2022 – 7 pm
The “Practical Difficulties” standard of evaluation was only put in place in the state statute in 2011.
The 1995 variance made the 31.9‐ft building front setback and the 4.8‐ft building side setback
conforming. The 2001 variance reduced the building front setback for the open porch to 29.9‐ft and
zoning code at the time did not include a differentiation between homes and open front porches.
In 2001 the Board did find the intrusion minimal and that it would blend with character of the
Practical Difficulties
Both requests seek to update the home’s entrance in order to provide more functional space to
transition between outdoors and indoors. The addition is reasonably scaled to achieve that
purpose, and is not changing the residential nature of the property’s use. Staff believes the
proposed use is reasonable.
Staff does not believe the home’s footprint on the lot constitutes a unique circumstance
outside of the control of the landowner. While the landowner did not build the house, many
homes throughout the city were built under old versions of the zoning code and as a result have
legally non‐conforming setbacks. No other difficulties such as topography, vegetation, or
floodplains are present. Staff does not find any unique circumstances that are not caused by
the landowner.
Home addition – Given that it largely follows the footprint of the existing porch, and only very
minimally increases the setback intrusion (29.9’ current vs. 29.81’ proposed) staff believes
granting the variance would not alter the essential character.
Roofed Porch – The new porch would increase the intrusion into the front yard setback more
significantly. Closer than any previous variances, and around 5’ closer than the recently
amended 30’ setback for open porches in code. Being in the front yard, it would be a visible
change in the site when viewed from right‐of‐way, and staff believes this variance would alter
the essential character.
Other Considerations
Staff assesses whether the request represents the smallest feasible variance or if there are other
options available:
Uncovered stairs up to 25 sq.ft. in area are allowed within setbacks for accessibility reasons
without a variance
o This wouldn’t address the home addition variance, but could eliminate the need for the
covered porch by providing access
Interior renovations could allow for more entrance transition space, at the cost of some floor
area for either the dining room or living room
City of Golden Valley BZA Regular Meeting
December 27, 2022 – 7 pm
Staff recommends denial of the variance for 5 feet 2.25 inches off of the required 35 feet to a
distance of 29 feet 9.75 inches to allow the construction of an enclosed entry
Staff recommends denial of the variance for 5 feet 2.25 inches off of the required 30 feet to a
distance of 24 feet 9.75 inches to allow the construction of an open porch
Chair Carlson asked how the previous variances impact the proposal today. Staff reviewed the build
location in 1939 and its proximity to the setbacks while adding review of past variances isn’t usually a
factor for new variances. In this situation however, using the variances to review setback proximities is
Chair Carlson invited the applicant to speak.
Edward Eichten, Architect, noted the current covered porch’s usability is limited and lacks storage space.
The applicant reviewed possibilities without needing a variance and the proposed uses space from the
dining room to create a 4‐ft interior entry with storage. If that space were to be expanded, it cuts off a
bay window and the approach would be to line up the wall with the living room. Expanding the front
porch allows the same function they currently have with a covered entry.
Members asked about an uncovered porch and the applicant noted the covered porch is ideal in MN
climate, however the applicant is willing to adjust the request if needed. Members asked about materials
used, the current materials are pavers but the applicant would like to use composite decking and then
use the same for a deck replacement in the rear of the home.
Mark Noel, homeowner, noted the covered porch dimension of 5ft was created intending for a bench
would be to accommodate supervising their children in the front while playing.
Members and staff discussed eaves, overhangs, the amount of the request in the setback if there weren’t
previous variances compared to the totals now with the lot in compliance from previous variances.
Members asked the applicant if they were willing to be flexible and the applicant said they were but they
would need to navigate alternatives. They added they’re excited to invest in their home and Golden
Valley and if this variance is denied, they could face needing to leave the City. The applicant added
they’ve received positive feedback from neighbors. Orenstein noted that neighbor approval is a factor in
the Board’s decision but doesn’t override other decisions. He added that the group rarely approves front
yard setback variances.
Chair Carlson opened the public hearing 7:30pm.
There were no in person comments.
There were no online/remote comments.
Chair Carlson closed the hearing at 7:32pm.
Orenstein stated he’s not comfortable approving the request as is, noted the applicant’s stated flexibility,
and occasional confusion between essential character and unique circumstances. Commissioner Ruby
pointed out that the current homeowners shouldn’t be held responsible of previous variances. He added
that the enclosure of the current porch, seems fine to him. The porch is a true new encroachment and he
City of Golden Valley BZA Regular Meeting
December 27, 2022 – 7 pm
feels the applicant should have some flexibility with adding eaves, or decreasing the size and consider the
code. Nelson noted that the South Tyrol area is full of houses built in the front yard setback and that’s not
the current owner’s fault. She added it’s reasonable, it doesn’t alter the essential character, and feels the
covered entry is reasonable.
Chair Carlson noted there are two requests before the board, that he is in favor of enclosed entry and
would like to see alternatives for the porch request.
MOTION made by Nelson, seconded by Commissioner Ruby to approve a variance of 5 feet 2.25 inches
off of the required 35 feet to a distance of 29 feet 9.75 inches to allow the construction of an enclosed
Motion carried
The group discussed tabling, amending, or denying the second request. The applicant then discussed
possible amendments to the variance and the options surrounding eaves, footprint, and patio versus
MOTION made by Nelson, seconded by Orenstein to approve a variance of 3 feet 2.25 inches off of the
required 30 feet to a distance of 26 feet 9.75 inches to allow the construction of an open porch
Arms‐Regenold asked for comment on the unique circumstances and the setbacks. He clarified that
the home was placed in its location on the lot prior to the implementation of current setback
regulations. In order to make the come currently conforming, instead of legally nonconforming,
previous owners sought a variance from the code at the time in 1995.
Motion carried
Myles Campbell, Planner, gave the Board an update on recently approved term limits by the City
2. Adjournment
MOTION made by Carlson, seconded by Orenstein and the motion carried unanimously to adjourn
the meeting at 8:00 pm.
Motion carried.
Chris Carlson, Chair
Amie Kolesar, Planning Assistant