10-25-1993OPEN SPACE & RECREATION COMMISSION October 25, 1993 Members present: Jim Johnson, Rich Krahulec, Tom Zins, Mike Mauren, George Murad and Chuck Cahill. Also present were Mark Grimes (Director of Planning & Development), Rick Birno, Rick Jacobson and Sharyl Thompson. GOLDEN OAKS PARK PLAYGROUND EQUIPMENT The meeting opened with a resident, Mibs Pearson, addressing the Commission with a concern regarding her displeasure with the playground equipment installed at Golden Oaks Park. She felt the equipment was too large, it was placed in a poor location, and that bushes trimmed adversely affected their home. Rick Jacobson reviewed the history of this playground equipment project. Contact had been made with the neighborhood through a Mrs. Ann Little who presented the plans to residents surrounding Golden Oaks Park. Changes and modifications were made to the original plan due to the input from the residents. The residents chose the color of the equipment, the design and the location. Rick Jacobson and Tom Klatt had met personally with Mr. Pearson before the project was completed to get input and address any concerns.. A motion was made by Tom Zins and seconded by George Murad that a sub -committee be formed to inspect the site and report back to the Commission. He requested that Tim Johnson serve with him on this sub -committee, and Rich Krahulec volunteered to serve as well. Motion carried. MINUTES A motion was made by Rich Krahulec and seconded by George Murad to approve the minutes of September 22, 1993. Motion carried. RECREATION REPORT- RICK BIRNO Rick Bimo showed a series of slides from the attendance figures from the various programs. well received. summer park programs. He then reviewed the The summer programs were very successful and Jim Johnson said he had received positive feedback from members of the community on the summer programs. The Commission expressed their gratitude to Rick for his good work. CITY DEVELOPMENT UPDATE - MARK GRIMES Mark Grimes, Director of Planning and Development reviewed the ongoing development projects in Golden Valley. The rebuilding of Winnetka Avenue is scheduled for 1994. The Commission members received a copy of the plans. He also reviewed the Valley Square Development, and Golden Hills. Tom Zins expressed concern regarding further development and how it relates to Bassett Creek. He felt more should be done to enhance the creek and not "hide" it. Chuck Cahill asked what process the Commission should go through to obtain more land for parks and open space purposes. Mark said the Commission would need to ask for direction from the City Council. DEER MANAGEMENT PROGRAM Members of the community have gone to the City Council asking that something be done about the nuisance deer which are destroying property. Mark reviewed the information brought before the Council to date. No formal recommendations have been decided on by the council. They will be having further discussions at future meetings. SIDEWALK COMMITTEE - GEORGE MURAD The Sidewalk Committee had met. They will be reviewing the sidewalk priority list and then make recommendations to the City Council before January, 1994. NEW BUSINESS Rick shared a note sent to the city from a neighbor to Golden Oaks Park thanking the city for the new equipment and for being invited to share in the planning process. ADJOURNMENT A motion was made by Jim Johnson and seconded by Rich Krahulec to adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 9:15 PM.