bza-minutes-sep-26-23REGULAR MEETING MINUTES
This meeting was conducted in a hybrid format with in‐person and remote options for attending,
participating, and commenting. The City used Webex to conduct this meeting and members of the public
were able to monitor the meeting and provide comment by calling in.
Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 7 pm and the land acknowledgement was read by Chair Carlson.
Roll Call
Members present: Chris Carlson, Elizabeth Greiter, Nancy Nelson, Richard Orenstein, Mike Ruby
–Planning Commissioner
Members absent:
Staff present: Jason Zimmerman – Planning Manager, Myles Campbell – Planner
Approval of Agenda
Chair Carlson asked for questions on the agenda. Nelson asked about the Chair stepping down and if
there needs to be a vote. Staff chimed in that there will be a new member at the October meeting and
voting may occur then. Otherwise the Vice‐Chair will act as chair in the interim.
MOTION made by Orenstein, seconded by Greiter to approve the agenda of September 26, 2023, as
Motion carried.
Approval of Minutes
Nelson noted that the minutes indicate she was present for the August meeting, she was not.
MOTION made by Orenstein, seconded by Chair Carlson to approve the August 22, 2023 meeting
minutes pending correction.
Motion carried.
1.Address: 4940 Lowry Terrace
Applicant: Hannah Heard
Request: A variance of 8’ off the required 25’ to a total distance of 17’ from the rear property line for
a deck addition.
Myles Campbell, Planner, reviewed the request and the property line specifically in question. Staff
noted the lot location in the City, the neighborhood, floodplain data, and the irregular angles on the
lot lines. There is an existing deck at the rear of the home that was built in 1993. Staff reviewed the
variance granted for the previous deck, the proposed new deck and expansion, and that the design
falls within the setbacks, not closer to the property line, and avoids the floodplain entirely. The
applicant would like to expand the deck and replace the spiral staircase with a switchback style for
September 26, 2023 – 7 pm
City of Golden Valley BZA Regular Meeting
September 26, 2023 – 7 pm
Practical Difficulties
The deck addition does not bring the existing structure any closer to the rear property line,
and the desire to build a safer staircase makes sense. Staff does find this request reasonable.
The irregular shape of the lot has already necessitated a variance in the past to utilize the
backyard. Additionally a large portion of that backyard space is further encumbered by the
presence of a floodplain, which this project manages to avoid. Staff believes the site exhibits
unique circumstances.
As noted in the application, this deck addition would not be visible from the street, and the
addition still has sufficient spacing from the neighboring properties.
Staff believes that the requested variances will not alter the essential character of the
neighborhood and city.
Other Considerations
Staff assesses whether the request represents the smallest feasible variance or if there are other
options available:
The home’s location and previous variance means the only option to avoid a variance would
be to keep the existing deck as is today.
Staff recommends approval of the variance request for 8’ off the required 25’ to a total distance of
17’ from the rear property line for a deck addition.
Commissioner Ruby asked if any of the new deck would be in the floodplain and if added elements
would be required to maintain structure stability. Staff responded that they confirmed with the
Environmental Staff that the deck is completely outside of the floodplain, even the footings.
Chair Carlson invited the applicant to speak.
Hannah Heard, applicant, noted that the current deck will be demolished but then replaced as is
AND adding to it along the west side of the house, as presented by staff.
Chair Carlson opened the public hearing 7:12pm.
There were no in person comments
There was one person online but no comment was made.
Chair Carlson closed the hearing at 7:14pm.
Chair Carlson opened the Board discussion.
Orenstein commented the request seems straightforward. Chair Carlson noted staff analysis and he
agrees with their recommendation. Both Nelson and Greiter echoed these comments.
City of Golden Valley BZA Regular Meeting
September 26, 2023 – 7 pm
MOTION made by Nelson, seconded by Orenstein to adopt staff findings and approve the variance
request for 8’ off the required 25’ to a total distance of 17’ from the rear property line for a deck
Motion carried
2.There were no Council updates.
Staff reminded the group that early voting is going on in Golden Valley.
MOTION made by Orenstein, seconded by Chair Carlson and the motion carried unanimously to
adjourn the meeting at 7:21 pm.
Motion carried.
Chris Carlson, Chair
Amie Kolesar, Planning Assistant