EC Minutes 04-22-2024City of Golden Valley April 22, 2024 -6:30 pm Environmental Commission Regular Meeting 4 viii.Shift2Electric -Does a lot of work with car dealerships and could be included in future engagements or education. 1.We have used them for information in the past and have directed people to them. ix.We can now require private property owners to add EV chargers if they're doing new development/redevelopment, parking lot/ramp construction/reconstruction. x.We're still on hold as far as the City adding charging stations to public areas. Still waiting for clarification on the state law. D.Program/Project Updates i.Commissioners mentioned they don't get a regular Planning update anymore. It was suggested they could follow the Planning Commission and Council agendas and sign up for e-mail updates. ii.The Wildwood Park project site has been seeded and planted. There is a 3-year vegetation management and establishment period in the contract, before it's turned over to the City to manage as part of its annual native vegetation buffer contract. 1.Medley Park is the same. There's two years left in the professional management period. iii.No Mow May is for the community more so than the City. The City mows the play fields and high use areas, but refrains from mowing its designated low maintenance areas. Also, the City refrains from using chemicals where possible. E.Council Updates i.None F.Other Business 8.Adjournment i.Ethan and Annie presented to senior citizens at Brookview at a workshop on Recycling, Organics, and Composting. 12-15 people attended. ii.This is Chair Hill's last meeting. iii.Next month is the business meeting and the election of a new chair. MOTION by Commissioner Weirich, seconded by Commissioner Hill to adjourn the meeting at 8:21 pm and the motion carried. ATTEST: Carrie Nelson, Administrative Assistant Debra Yahle, Vice-Chair