12-09-02 PC Agenda
Regular Meeting
Golden Valley City Hall, 7800 Golden Valley Road
Council Chambers
Monday, December 9,2002
7:00 P.M.
I. Approval of Minutes - November 11, 2002 Planning Commission Meeting
II. Reports on Meetings of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority, City
Council, Board of Zoning Appeals and other Meetings
III. Other Business
A. Discuss possible revisions to the Residential zoning district.
IV. Adjournment
Regular Meeting of the
Golden Valley Planning Commission
November 11, 2002
A regular meeting of the Planning Commission was held at the Golden Valley City Hall
Council Chambers, 7800 Golden Valley Road, Golden Valley, Minnesota, on Monday
November 11, 2002. Chair Pentel called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM.
Those present were Chair Pentel and Commissioners Eck, Keysser
Shaffer. Also present were Director of Planning and Developme
Planner, Dan Olson and Recording Secretary, Lisa Wittman.
Rasmussen were absent.
II. Informal Public Hearing - Minor Sub
cAleese and
Grimes, City
rs Groger and
I. Approval of Minutes - October 14, 2002 Planni
MOVED by Eck, seconded by McAleese and moti
October 14, 2002 minutes as submitted.
d like to subdivide their property into two parcels.
be built on the newly created southern lot.
Grimes referred to Section
minor subdivision m
they are located. He
requirements aft
meet all of th
is very ste
square fee
home uld
, Subd. 3 of the Subdivision Code and stated that lots ina
requirements of the appropriate zoning district in which
the existing home would not meet the setback
osed lot split but that the new home shown to be built could
uirements with special construction techniques because the lot
hat the north lot would be 9,452 square feet in area or about 500
the 10,000 square foot lot requirement. The south lot where a new
tructed would be less than 8,000 square feet in area.
Grimes ex d that the access to the utilities is somewhat problematical due the
steepness of the property and the existing utility connections to the house on Wayzata
Boulevard. He said that the primary issue with the City Engineer is revising the sanitary
sewer service to the Wayzata Boulevard sewer main and connecting the new home to the
existing service on Tyrol Trail.
McAleese questioned if this proposal has to go through the preliminary plat and final plat
process because it is a minor subdivision. Grimes said yes and he explained that the
current plans serve as the preliminary plat.
Shaffer clarified that the survey does not show the shed currently located on the property
and that it would also require a variance from setback requirements. Grimes stated that
Minutes of the Golden Valley Planning Commission
November 11, 2002
Page 2
the City, as a condition of approval, would have the applicant remove the shed or get a
variance to keep the shed.
John Wilson, applicant stated that he bought the property in 1994 from MnDOT and thathe
had no intention when he bought it to change anything. He stated that the creation of a
new lot would be a great place to build a house and that they don't consider the lot their
back yard and that it is not very useful to him as it is because the R rty falls off more
that 40 feet from front to back. He explained that he tried to cre nforming lots and
thought that his surveyor had made the existing home and the onform to the
subdivision requirements.
Jeanne Gross, 1
wooded are
house this
~hway easement for
;'~ frontage road is an
Grimes stated that a condition of approval would be to r
the frontage road to be dedicated property. At the curre
McAleese stated that the fundamental proble
the requirement of the Subdivision Code. He
asked the applicant what the hardship is
stated that the hardship is that he ca '
the back part of the . lot is of no adva
property tax money to the City.
Pentel opened the public he
proposal is that the lots don't meet
of the Subdivision Code and
. to the Subdivision Code. Wilson
roperty for its ultimate best use and that
nd that a new house would bring more
Aaron Lerner, 1324 Tyrol
wooded area and is
putting a home in this
ted that the proposed new parcel along Tyrol Trail is a
has helped drive people to the area. He stated that
uld be a detriment to the entire area.
Pass stated that she agrees with Mr. Lerner and that the
charm of the neighborhood. She added that she didn't think a
uld add to the property values.
Stepha , 1316 Tyrol Trail stated that when people buy into a neighborhood they
buy into y assume is a sort of implied understanding of how the land is going to be
used and what is going to be there. She added that she is concerned how the subdivision
would impact the proposed new home and the homes around it.
Nancy Tronnier, 1370 Alpine Pass stated that she liked the diversity in the area but the
property being discussed is too small to build a home on. She added that she appreciates
the applicant's effort but not at their expense.
Pentel, hearing and seeing no one, closed the public hearing.
Shaffer referred to another subdivision recently approved on Alpine Pass where the
applicant went to the extreme to make the 10,000 sq. ft. minimum lot size requirement and
Minutes of the Golden Valley Planning Commission
November 11, 2002
Page 3
to say now that this applicant doesn't have to meet the requirements would not be fair. He
added that he doesn't feel that the hardship is appropriate and that he is against this
Eck stated that he couldn't see, in this case, a justification for creating two lots.
Keysser stated he agreed with Commissioner Eck and that the proposal doesn't make
McAleese stated he is concerned about being asked for someth'
law. He does not see any genuine hardship and is not in favor
'ty can't do by
Pentel stated she agreed with the other Commissioners
states that minor subdivisions shall be denied if they do
bdivision Code
Ize requirements.
MOVED by Keysser, seconded by Eck and motion
applicant's request to subdivide the property 10
nammously to deny the
,,:Wayzata Blvd.
III. Informal Public Hearing - Zoning C
ise the Zoning Code to allow drive-in bank
Use in the Light Industrial zoning district.
Grimes stated that during t
allowing drive-in banks in
f approving the Central Bank P.U.D. the issue of
strial was discussed.
Pentel asked if drive-
and that Staff an Co
be better than re
Id be allowed as a Conditional Use. Grimes stated yes
ed that allowing drive-in banks as a Conditional Use would
underlying zoning of the property.
ussed the proposed language in Grimes' memo and decided to
bank facilities with frontage on a collector or minor arterial street".
e public hearing. Seeing and hearing no one, Pentel closed the public
MOVED by McAleese, seconded by Eck and motion carried unanimously to approve
revising the Zoning Code to allow drive-in bank facilities as a Conditional Use in the Light
Industrial zoning district.
-- Short Recess --
Reports on Meetings of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority, City
Council, Board of Zoning Appeals and other Meetings
McAleese reported on the October 15, 2002 City Council meeting.
Minutes of the Golden Valley Planning Commission
November 11, 2002
Page 4
v. Other Business
A. Discuss possible revisions to the Residential zoning district.
Grimes referred to Olson's memo dated November 6, 2002 and stated that he had looked
at other cities requirements regarding side yard setback and that most of them had a 10-
foot side yard setback requirement and many of them had a max' t coverage
equests for
s than the required if
umber of variance
Olson stated that the Board of Zoning Appeals very seldo
second garage stalls. He suggested making the side y
the request is for a second garage stall, which would d
req uests.
Shaffer stated that he has worked with other
of the building, so as the building gets higher
igure the setbacks by the volume
rd setbacks increase.
Grimes stated that right now accordin
ft. garage in their back yard and that
sq. ft. accessory building.
de, residents could build a 1,000 sq.
ratfler see a third stall garage than a 1,000
Pentel stated that she thinks i
also interested in the volu
She stated that it would b
decks or porches that wo
able to reduce side yard setbacks but that she is
Ir nt and the lot coverage requirement in other cities.
o consider reducing front yard setback requirements for
quired to remain open structures.
McAleese stated
ould need to be careful about the wording of these Code
s y reducing the setback requirements on one side if the property is
stated he would be afraid of changing the front yard setbacks on
e people will always push it to the limit.
Olson discu d the requirement of keeping an accessory building completely behind the
house. He stated that the only reason he could think of for this requirement is aesthetics.
Shaffer discussed the issue of frost footings for detached garages. McAleesesuggested
having two standards: those with frost footings could be located next to the home, those
without would still have to be located behind the home.
Grimes discussed the issue of temporary storage and stated that he has an agreement
with the PODS (Portable on Demand Storage) storage company that their containers can
only be on a site for seven days. Shaffer stated that he could do some research on various
requirements in other cities for single family zoning districts and present this research at
the December 9 meeting.
Minutes of the Golden Valley Planning Commission
November 11, 2002
Page 5
VI. Adjournment
The meeting was adjourned at 9:18 PM.
. Rough. Rough. Rough Draft of Proposed Revisions to the
Golden Vallev Sing/e-Familv Residential Zoning Code
Subdivision 1. Purpose. The purpose of the Residential Zoning District is to provide for single-family,
detached dwelling units at a low density along with directly related and complementary uses.
Subdivision 2. District Established. Properties shall be established within the Residential Zoning
District in the manner provided for in Section 11.90, Subdivision 3 of this Chapter, and when thus
established shall be incorporated in this Section 11.21, Subdivision 2 by an ordinance which makes
cross-reference to this section 11.21 and which shall become a part hereof and of Section 11.10,
Subdivision 2 thereof, as fully as if set forth herein. In addition the Residential Zoning Districts thus
established and/or any subsequent changes to the same which shall be made and established in a similar
manner, shall be reflected in the official zoning map of the City as provided in Section 11.11 of this
Subdivision 3. Uses Permitted. The following uses and no other shall be permitted in the Residential
Zoning Districts:
A. One-family dwellings.
B. Inconspicuous real estate signs and "for sale" signs, relating to the property upon which they are
located, and of not more than 4 square feet in area.
C. Rental of rooms to not more than two people for lodging purposes only.
D. Name plates not exceeding one square foot in area.
E. Accessory buildings, as defined in this Chapter.
F. Garages, as defined in this Chapter.
G. Residential facilities serving six or fewer persons.
H. Day care facilities licensed by the State of Minnesota serving 12 or fewer persons, in accordance
with Minnesota Statutes Annotated 245.812, Subdivision 3.
I. Manufactured homes, as defined in this Chapter.
J. Foster family homes.
K. Home occupations, as regulated by this Section.
L. Essential Services - Class I
Subdivision 4. lot Requirements For Platting. All lots located within an approved plat shall be
regarded as buildable lots. Tracts, or parcels of land, described by metes and bounds may be regarded
as buildable lots provided they are at least 12,500 square feet in area and at least 100 feet in width at the
building setback line.
Subdivision 5. lot Area, One Family. In the Residential Zoning District a platted lot of a minimum area
of 10,000 square feet (and a minimum width of 80 feet at the minimum required front setback line) shall
be required for one family housed in one building.
Requirements for Lot Areas and Dimensions.
A. Minimum Lot Area.
Single Dwelling Unit
B. Minimum Lot Width.
Single Dwelling unit
C. Minimum Lot Depth.
Single Dwelling unit
10,000 square feet
80 feet
120 feet
. D. No more than one dwelling unit shall be erected, placed or used on any lot.
Requirements for Building Coverage, Setbacks and Height.
A. Building Coverage.
1. Lots 10,000 Square Feet or Greater in Area. Building coverage shall be not more than 25 percent for all
buildings and structures, provided, however, that the combined total area occupied by all accessory
buildings and structures, excluding attached garages, shall not exceed 1,000 square feet.
2. Lots Less Than 10,000 Square Feet in Area. Building coverage shall be not more than 30 percent for
all buildings and structures, provided, however, that the area occupied by all buildings and structures shall
not exceed 2,500 square feet.
3. The combined total area occupied by all accessory buildings and structures, excluding attached
garages, shall not exceed 900 square feet for lots used for single dwelling unit buildings.
Subdivision 6. Unplatted Property. No dwelling or accessory building shall be erected for use or
occupancy as a residential dwelling on any tract of unplatted land, which does not conform, with the
requirements of this Section.
Subdivision 7. Setback Requirements. The following building setbacks shall be required in the
Residential Zoning District:
A. Front & Side Setbacks. The required front setback shall be measured from the front property line and
from any side or rear property line which is also a street or road right-of-way line, but this requirement
shall not reduce the building width of any comer lot to less than 22 feet at the. ground story level. The
required side setbacks shall be based upon the front setback line.
B. Decks and Patios. The first 150 square feet of an unenclosed deck or patio shall not be included when
computing building coverage.
C. Minimum Setbacks
Front Side Interior Side Rear
Street Street Yard(s) Yard
1. Single dwelling unit buildings on lots 100 35' 30' 15' 20% of/ot
feet or more in width. width
2. Single dwelling unit buildings on lots less 35' 30' 10' 20% of lot
than 100 feet in width and greater than 70 width
feet in width
2. Single dwelling unit buildings on lots less 35' 30' 10% of one 20% of lot
than 70 feet in width. side and 20% width
of the other
. side
3. Buildings and structures accessory to single
dwelling unit buildings:
a. Detached garages, tool sheds,
greenhouses and garden houses entirely
within the rear yard, including the eaves.
b. attached garages, tool sheds,
greenhouses and garden houses.
Meet principal bldg. setbacks
c. attached, unenclosed front
d. unenclosed decks and patios
e. swimming pools, including
appurtenant equipment and required
decking entirely within the rear yard.
Meet principal bldg. setbacks
other accessory buildings
D. Height
2 ~ stories or 30 feet whichever is
1. Single dwelling units buildings and
structures accessory thereto.
2. Buildings and structures accessory to
single dwelling unit buildings, but not
attached thereto.
1 ~ stories or 18 feet whichever is
Subdivision 8. Corner Visibility. Between the right-of-way lines of intersecting streets and a line joining
points on such lines 25 feet distant from their point of intersection, or in the case of a rounded corner, the
point of intersection of the tangents, no building or structure may be erected and no vegetation, other than
shade trees trimmed up a distance of at least 10 feet above the curb line, may be maintained above a
height of three feet above the plane through their curb grades, for the purpose of corner visibility.
Subdivision 9. Cornices and Eaves. Cornices and eaves may not project more than thirty inches into a
required open space or setback.
Subdivision 11. Building Width Requirements. No principal building shall be less than 22 feet in width
as measured from the exterior of the exterior walls
Subdivision 12. Building Side Yards
A. The width of the side yard abutting a building wall shall be increased two inches for each foot the
length of the wall of the building exceeds 40 feet. For the purpose of this section, a wall includes any
building wall within ten degrees of being parallel to and abutting the side lot line of a lot.
B. Side yard widths may be reduced if the sidewall of a building is not parallel by more than ten degrees
with the side lot line, to permit the average depth of the side yard to conform to the minimum side
yard depth in the district, but no side yard shall be less than five feet deep. No side yard shall be
reduced to prevent construction of a driveway from the street into the rear of the lot unless a garage,
which has access from the street, is located on the lot or an alley provides a secondary access to the
rear yard of the lot
C. A single-family house which legally existed or for which a valid building permit had been granted on or
before the effective date of the ordinance from which this chapter is derived, may be expanded by an
addition or dormer, provided the addition does not extend into the existing side yard, and provided the
side yard setback is not less than ten feet.
D. Side Street Setback. The required side street setback shall be increased to that required for a front
street setback where there is an adjoining interior lot facing on the same street. The required side
street s.etback for a garage shall be increased to 35 feet if the garage opening faces the side street.
E. Interior Side Yard Setback. The required interior side yard setback shall be increased by 6 inches for
each foot the building height directly along. that side yard exceeds 15 feet. For purposes of this
subparagraph, building height shall be the height of that side of the building adjoining the side lot line
and shall be measured from the average proposed elevation of the ground along and on the side of the
building adjoining the side lot line to the top of the cornice of a flat roof, to the deck line of a Mansard
roof, to the highest point of the roof of a shed roof, to the uppermost point on a round or other arch-type
roof, to the average height of the gable(s} on a pitched roof, or to the top of the ridgeofa hip roof.
F. Rear Yard Setback -Interior Lots. If the rear lot line is less than 30 feet in length or if the lot forms a
point at the rear and there is no rear lot line, then for setback purposes the rear lot line shall be deemed
to be a straight line segment within the lot not less than 30 feet in length, perpendicular to a line drawn
from the midpoint of the front lot line to the junction of the interior lot lines, and at the. maximum
distance from the front lot line.
G. Rear Yard Setback - Comer Lots Required to Maintain Two Front Street Setbacks. The narrow
dimension of the lot along one of the two street frontage lot lines shall be determined for the purposes
of this code to be the front street lot line.
H. Through Lots. For a through lot, the required setback for all buildings and structures from the street
upon which the single dwelling unit building does not front shall equal the Front Street Setback.
I. The width of the side yard abutting a building wall shall be increased two inches for each foot the
length of the wall of the building exceeds 40 feet. For the purpose of this section,a wall includes any
building wall within ten degrees of being parallel to and abutting the side lot line of a lot.
J. No side yard shall be reduced to prevent construction of a driveway from the street into the rear of the
lot unless a garage, which has access from the street, is located on the lot or an alley provides a
secondary access to the rear yard of the lot.
Subdivision 12. Accessory Buildings. Accessory buildings, as herein defined, shall be governed by the
following requirements:
A. Detached accessory buildings shall be located wholly to the rear of the house or main building to which
it is incidental with at least 10 feet of separation between the main building and the accessory building or
buildings. When so placed, the accessory building or buildings shall be no less than 5 feet distant from
any lot boundary line other than a street line and no less than 35 feet distant from lot boundary line which
is also a street line.
1) Exception: Garages, when built of materials matching the main structure, when designed to
match the main structure and built with frost footings may be built to meet the same front setback as the
main building, however with at least 10 feet of separation between the main building and the garage and
an increased side yard to meet main building side yard requirements.
B. Garages or other accessory structure, which are attached to the house or main structure, shall be
governed by setback requirements of this Chapter, which pertain to the main structure.
C. No building permit. shall be issued with respect to the main structure for a single family dwelling not
having a garage unless the registered survey submitted at the time the application for the building permit
is made reflects the necessary amount of space for the location of a garage, which will meet the setbacks
and other requirements of this Section.
D. Oh, yeah, and by the way all residences built must be designed by a licensed architect!
~IZ>IZ> 6F
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_ AREA: 641Z>1Z> 6F
Current G:V Code
Maximum Size ~ouse
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AIEA: 4400 6F
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Er.Qposed Revised
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Maximum Size !-louse
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Architects I Consultants P. A.
212 Third Avenue North, Suite 460
Minneapolis. Minnesota 55401
WlZ>IZ> 6F
phone. 612.340.5430
fax. 612.340.5431
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Copyright 2002 rJ.o
I certify that this plan, spedftca1ion. or
report _s prepared by me or under my
direct supervision & th8IllI11 a clUy
under the laws of the _ of
Date _ Reg. No.
Revision I No. I DslB
Er.Qposed Revised
G:V Code
Variation of
Potential ~ouse
Lot Layouts
Date 12/3/02
Project No. 02-00
. 'y
Architects I Consultants P. A.
ZlZ Third Avenue North, Suite 460
Minneapolis. Minnesota 55401
plwne. 612.340.5430
fax. 612.340.5431
I certify that this plan, specificaticn, or
report was prapared by me or under my
direct supervision & that I am a duly
under the laws of the state of
Date _ Reg. No,
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Axonometric of
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Project No.