GVHSF MINUTES 01-10-1994
MEMBERS PRESENT: Jeff Loeb; Ed Hara; Jack Cole; Don Anderson; Gloria Johnson;
Sue Virnig, staff laison; Ruth Heaner;
MEMBERS ABSENT: Terri Mattson; Cal Stoll;
The meeting was called to order by Chair Jeff Loeb at 7:02 PM.
1. The minutes of the meeting of September 13, 1993 were approved as mailed.
2. 1993 year to date allocations were reviewed. Records indicated that the
revenues received were $42,731.33. The revenue for December, 1993 was $520.67
short of projections.
3. The chair reported that Denny's Restaurant #1634 donated a check to the Foundation
in the amount of $196.36 on December 28, 1993 recommending that the funds be
directed to PRISM. The monies came from employee donations.
4. Letters to the Foundation from charitable organizations were reviewed:
A. Adventure Club: It was moved, seconded and passed that the Adventure Club
personneL.be scheduled to meet. with the Foundation at oneof.Ilext meetings
to brief the Fouridation members on their administration and purposes. It was
moved, seconded and. passed that the billing from the Adventure Club in the
amount of $792.00 be withheld for 60 days for further review and the funds
for the billing be set aside in the reserve fund balance.
B. Home Free: It was moved, seconded and passed to send Cindi Cook, Assistant
Director of Home Free a letter explaining that the Foundation funding has not
changed from the date of our original letter to funding recipients and that in
event the current solicitation of businesses for donations is successful, their
request for additional funding may be again considered. Sue Virnig will write
the letter for the chair's signature.
C. West Suburban Mediation Center: It was moved, seconded and passed to send a
lett.er to Susan Nelson, Executive Director of the West Suburban Mediation
Center, with the same content as in the Home Free letter above.
5. Discussion was held on fund raising by the Foundation to augment the gambling funds
now being received. The pull tab gambling funds in Golden Valley are on the
decline reportedly due to the competition of the Indian gambling casinos in the
State of Minnesota and neighboring states. Various suggestions were made as to
where the Foundation could look for augmenting revenues: (IE) collaboration
with other service organizations in the city to have a "mother of all garage
sale" to the benefit of all the participating service organizations; raise money
for an endowment fund for use of the income from the endowment funds to augment
the current revenues; contact the Indian gambling casinos i.ordonations to the
Foundation; sponsorship of an entertainment event in collaboration with other
service organizations with ticket sales generating .the revenue.
CouncilmeIllberJohnson will attend a council workshop and see what direction, if
any, the council may have for the Foundation.
6. Jeff Loeb has submitted his letter of resignation to the City Council due to
personal committments. The Foundation members expressed appreciation for his
leadership and wished him well in his future endeavors.
7. The next Foundation meeting will be February 14, 1994 at 7PM at the city hall
conference room. Jack Cole will be the acting chair for the unexpired term of
Jeff Loeb.
8. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:15PM.
Respectfully submitted, If} ~ /) /7
Donald B. Anderson, Secretary ~~ ~.