GVHSF MINUTES 07-11-1994 GOLDEN VALLEY HUMAN SERVICES FOUNDATION MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF JULY 11, 1994 HELD AT THE GOLDEN VALLEY CITY HALL COUNCIL CONFERENCE ROOM MEMBERS PRESENT: Sue Virnig, city staff; Don Anderson; Gloria Johnson; Ruth Heaner; Jack Cole; Robert Junghans; Cal Stoll; Vern Montroy; Jay Hoffman; David Albersman; MEMBERS ABSENT: Jennifer Smith; Elissa Heilicher; The meeting was called to order by chair Jack Cole at 7:05 pm. 1. It was moved, seconded and passed, to approve the minutes of the meeting of June 13, 1994, as distributed. 2. The draft informational brochure about the Foundation was reviewed. The draft will be given to the City's Connnunications Coordinator to review for graphics and advise on layout. 3. Applications for funding for 1995: It was moved, seconded and passed, to proceed to open the applications process for 1995 with applications for funds being received from any human services organization providing such services to citizens of Golden Valley. 4. It was moved, seconded and passed, to strike the "last resort" question in the Foundation application form. 5. Fund raiser event discussion: Chair Cole passed out to each member a fund raiser guideline. He requested that each member review the handout for the next meeting. It was moved, seconded and passed, to notify the funded organizations by letter that the revenues from pull tab gambling in Golden Valley will be approximately $13,500 short fall in 1994 and that allocations to each organization will be rediced bya uniform percentage. It was moved, seconded and passed, to concentrate Foundation efforts on a fund raiser in 1995. Annual prospective events of a large participation will be researched for the next meeting. Events such as special olympics, Little League state championship tourney, and a major type of gold event. The business solicitation of small businesses in Golden Valley will be further discussed at the next meeting. 6. . .The next meeting will be August 8, 1994, at 7:00 pm, at the council conference room~ city hall. There being no further business~ the meeting was adjourned at 8:57 pm. Wfl~ DONALD B. ANDERSON, Secretary