GVHSF MINUTES 12-12-1994
MEMBERS PRESENT: Sue Virnig, Staff Laison; Don Anderson; Jack Cole; Cal Stoll;
Ruth Heaner; Vern Montroy;
MEMBERS ABSENT: Gloria Johnson, Jay Hoffman; David Albersman; Jennifer Smith; ~lissa
Heill~heThe meeting was called to order by chair Jack Cole at 7:05pm.
II. The minutes of the meeting of November 14 and special meeting of November
21, 1994, were approved as distributed.
III. A review of the recent arts and crafts show was made.
A. Preliminary revenues and expenses:
1. revenues - $2,790.43.
2. expenses - $1,141.72
3. preliminary net - $1,648.71
B. It was moved, seconded and passed, to grant table rent refunds to uwo
vendors due to a medical emergency and death in the family.
C. It was moved, seconded and passed, to congratulate and express apprecia-
tion to Sue Virnig for her organizational skills and leadership to make
the show a success.
D. A critique of the show based upon observations and comments followed:
1. The following were positive comments and observations:
The vendor,'s had generally quality merchandise and the variety
of merchandise was good.
Concession stand was appreciated by both the vendors and the
The "Georgia Carpet Store" location served as an excellent
facility for the show.
Cookies and bakery goods sold at the concession stand were of
good quality and variety.
500 visitors were estimated to have attended the show in the two
Spaces sold to the vendors were large enough so that there was
no crowding by the vendors displays.
following were negative comments or observations:
The table rent fee was too high for a first time show.
Some vendors sold items which were not "home made" type goods.
Some vendors complained that parking was a problem though an
attempt was made to make the vendors park their own vehicles on
the side of the building to allow visitor parking in front.
d. Some stated that their were not enough directional signs pointing
to the show and not enough promotional signs in front.
e. Some visitors objected to being charged $1. entrance fee.
f. Some Foundation members questioned whether the Friday-Saturday
sale should have been Saturday - Sunday instead.
2. The
g. Some Foundation members suggested the time of sale should be
open earlier (9am) and stay open later (6pm).
h. Some vendors complained about the limited driv:e:w~y access to the
store area.
i. It was suggested the vendors should be charged a deposit of "x"
dollars to be refunded after the closing time of the last day.
(Several vendors packed up and left early on the last day.)
j. The contract with.~the vendors should expressly state that they
(the vendors~/may not sell any food or beverages during the show.
E. It was moved, seconded and passed, to send letters of thank you to John
Swanson, companies who donated food for the concession stand, volunteers
set up the tables and chairs, volunteers who assisted during the show,
and the art school students who decorated the front windows.
F. Vern Montroy stated that the Marquette Bank Golden Valley would donate
the funds necessary to bring the net income up to $2,000.
IV. Annual fundraising events reports:
A. Business soliciation letter:
1. The draft letter was approved as presented.
2. The goal is to mail out the letter in April, 1995 to selected Golden
Valley businesses asking for their financial help.
B. "Golden Valley" game board:
1. A subcommittee was appointed to examine the potential of a game
board for a fundraiser by the Foundation. The following members
were appointed to a subcommittee:
David Albersman, chair; Jay Hoffman; Don Anderson;
2. Recommendations of the subcommittee will be put on the agenda for the
January meeting.
C. Sweatshirt Project:
1. Consideration should be given to the time of sale initially to
determine whether the garment should be a warm weather type or not.
2. The item was tabled until the January meeting.
D. Foundation golf special:
1. Now being publicized for sale.
E. Calendar for 1996:
1. A subcommittee was appointed to determine the details of this project.
Ruth Heaner, chair; Elissa Heilicher; Jennifer Smith;
F. Week Long Event:
1. Discussion deferred until a future meeting.
V. Old Business:
A. 501 (c) 3 IRS status - tabled until another meeting.
B. Pull tab revenues to date are estimated to be 5,000 over projected amount.
C. Chair Cole will contact Gloria Johnson to discuss the Home Free Shelter
and Detached Worker funding and proposals for the future.
VI. The next meeting will be January 9, 1995 at 7PM, Council Conference Room.
The meeting was adjourned,At 8~0 ~m. Respectfully submitted,
Don Anderson, Secretary ~~