GVHSF MINUTES 10-09-1995 GOLDEN VALLEY HUMAN SERVICES FOUNDATION MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF OCTOBER 9, 1995 HELD IN THE COUNCIL CONFERENCE ROOM MEMBERS PRESENT: Don Anderson; Hilmer Erickson; Elissa Heilicher; Jay Hoffman; Bob Blenkush; Bob Lang; Sharon Mattison; Gloria Johnson; Sue Virnig, staff; MEMBERS ABSENT: Jack Cole, excused; Jennifer Smith; 1. The meeting was called to order at 7: 05 PM by vice chair Jay Hoffman. II. It was moved by Heilicher, seconded by Lang, and approved unanimously to approve the minutes of the meeting of September 12, 1995, as distributed. III. A review of the Foundation fund raising projects was made. (See attached report) The Fun Run was reviewed by the members with the following comments and suggestions: 1. The start should be slightly later around 8 AM instead of 7:30 AM. 2. The registration table people need instructions as to how to get the lights on in the Brookview shelter. 3. 80 runners participated in the Fun Run. 4. Staff needs volunteers to prepare thankyou's to participants and the corporate sponsors and these could be prepared before the race day. 5. The runner's numbers could be attached to their identification before the day of the race. 6. Add a walk and a kiddy race to the event after the adults are done. 7. Consider a fund raiser breakfast at Brookview after the race. 8. Serious runners are interested in a 10k run instead of aSk. 9. Send letters out next year to this year's runners with an application for the race and PR about the race. Next years date is September 21st. 10. Start earlier to solicit sponsors for the race and put their names on the back of the tee-shirt given to the race participants. 11. Consider asking businesses for prizes to be raffled off at the Brookview breakfast after the race. 12. Consider offering a free pancake breakfast at Brookview for the walkers but build the breakfast cost into the entrance fee. 13. This years race went well and the city support staff did a large part to make it a success. IV. The members discussed what to do with the 1995 tee-shirts not sold. After considering several alternatives the members agreed by concensus to keep the tee~shirts available for sale through December. Set up a table to sell them at the Fire Department open house on October 14th from 11 - 3. It was moved by Lang, seconded by Erickson, to put an ad in the Golden Valley newsletter for the Nov.-Dee issue and further, to put an ad in the city water bills for the November and December mailing. Any cost for the ad in the water bills would be paid by the Foundation. Approved unanimously. It was agreed by concensus that any tee-shirts unsold in January, 1996, would be given as an in-kind donation to the Home Free Shelter and PRISM. V. The business solicitation letter was reviewed. Hattisonpresented a sub- stitute draft letter which was discussed. Johnson presented a substitute draft of paragraph 3. It was moved by Erickson, seconded by Heilicher to approve the Mattison draft as amended by Johnson. Unanimously approved. GOLDEN VALLEY HUMAN SERVICES FOUNDATION MINUTES OF OCTOBER 9, 1995 - page 2 It was moved by Heilicher, seconded by Lang, to have printed 1M #10 envelopes and 1M #9 envelopes with Foundation return address for the solicitation letters to businesses in Golden Valley. Unanimously approved. The next meeting of the Foundation will be a work session to fold, stuff and stamp the solicitation letters. VI. It was moved by Johnson, seconded by Heilicher, to receive and file the letter from Southdale Mall regarding volunteers for gift wrapping at the Mall. VII. Other Business: 1. It was moved by Erickson, seconded by Heilicher, and passed unanimously, to have Mattison research the greenhouses for the possibility of having a Spring plant sale fund raiser on Saturday of mother's day in May, 1996 or sooner if practical, with the report to be given at the November 13th Foundation meeting. VIII . 2. Lang and Blenkush agreed to research the possibility of having a golf tourniment at the Golden Valley Country Club as a fund raiser. New Business: The next meeting of the Foundation will be Monday, November 13, 1995, at 6:30 PM. Vice chair Hoffman will present the financial projections/grants to the city council at the council meeting on Tuesday, October 10, 1995. There being no further business the meeting was adjourned 8:25 PM. u;:;;;~ DONALD B. ANDERSON Secretary