GVHSF MINUTES 06-10-1996
Golden Valley Human Services Foundation
June 10, 1996
Meeting Minutes
Golden Valley City Offices Conference Room
Members Present: Bob Blenkush, Joyce Doerffler, Hilmer Erickson, Bob Lang,
Elissa Heilicher, Robbin Rouillard, Duane Wosje and Sue Virnig - staffliaison.
Members Absent: Jay Hoffman, Gloria Johnson and Sharon Mattison.
1. The meeting was called to order at 7:10 p.m. by Bob Blenkush.
2. A motion was made by Duane W. to approve the meeting minutes of May
13, 1996. The motion was seconded by Hilmer E. Motion passed.
3. Discussion of the Board Game
a. The only agenda item of the meeting was further discussion of the
proposed board game. Members discussed further input given from
Gloria Johnson prior to the start of the meeting, regarding sales of the
games offered by the Chanhassen Rotary. The Chanhassen Rotary
has sold a Monopoly-type board game in the past, and this year is
selling a trivia-based board game. While the sales for the game has
netted $5,000 and $9,000 for the respective games, the Rotary is
having some trouble with the company not releasing the games prior .' L
to payment on this year's game. Gloria J. also said that Chanhasse~T-.sh I r'C..
had about 100 left-over games from their fIrst fund-raiser. Paclytging
was important in selling the games at retail. //
b. Joyce D. said she did not receive a good response from ~ small
businesses regarding buying advertising for the game. I She said that
the businesses that were somewhat interested in buying advertising
were those that were doing well fInancially.
Elissa H. said that although larger corporations could be approached
to buy advertising there would probably be a lack of enthusiasm from
that sector as well.
Bob B. asked if the sale of the game would be hurt by not having it
coincide with the opening of Golden Valley Commons. The
membership agreed that businesses in the Commons might be more
willing to advertise after they had been in business for a year or more.
Robbin R. wondered whether the Foundation might look at a more professional or formal way of raising money. She thought there
might be a way to encourage businesses to be good corporate citizens
through other venues of fundraising.
Sue V. suggested the Foundation might consider other fundraising
options such as coupons for a "Welcome to Golden Valley" packet
for new residents that would be purchased by Realtors.
c. Elissa H. made a motion that the discussion of the board game be
tabled until after the Golden Valley Commons was occupied. Hilmer
E. seconded the motion. Motion passed.
4. At 7:38 p.m., the motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Hilmer E.
and was seconded by Bob L.
5. The next meeting will be held Monday, July 8, 1996 at 7:00 p.m. at City
Respectfully submitted,
Robert Lang