GVHSF MINUTES 09-09-1996
Golden Valley Human Services Foundation
September 9, 1996
Meeting Minutes
Golden Valley City Offices Conference Room
Members Present: Bob Blenkush, Joyce Doerffler, Jay Hoffman, Gloria Johnson, Bob
Lang, Sharon Mattison, Robbin Rouillard, Duane W osje and Sue Virnig - staff liaison.
Members Absent: Hilmer Erickson, Elissa Heilicher.
1. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Jay Hoffman.
2. A motion was made to approve the meeting minutes of June 10,1996 with one
amendment at item 3b to read "tee shirts" in place of "advertising for the game" in
the first line. The motion was seconded. Motion passed.
3. Update on RunIWaIk
a. Now that our run/walk. is an accredited race, Sue V. expects an additional
b. Sponsors. Sue V. would like a member to contact the corporate sponsors
c. Volunteers. Volunteers should arrive at the park at 7:30 AM. Sharon M. will
call NSI Griswold to pick up coffee and lemonade and will contact Byerly's to
arrange for apples.
Joyce D. will ask SuperAmerica to donate bagels and bakery goods. The
quantity needed would be 144 (12 dozen). Joyce suggested contacting
SuperAmerica for cash donations in the next two months.
d. Other races we are competing with on September 21st are: "Run the River" in
Shakopee and one at the University of Minnesota.
e. It was suggested that timing and award results get posted sooner.
4. Update on Foundation Funds and Allocations
a. Sue V. suggested that the GVHSF put in an additional $301.00 to complete the
$20,501.00 annual request of Home Free Shelter.
b. Sue V. estimates that the GVHSF will have an approximate fund surplus of
$13,000.00 at the end of 1996.
c. Joyce D. suggested we add a golf tournament to our fund-raisers in 1997. The
Brookview Men's Association would be willing to assist us with this fund-
raiser. Bob B. and Bob L. mentioned our research into a golf tournament at
Golden Valley C.C. last year which was found to be cost prohibitive.
Joyce's husband, Harlan has offered to act as tournament director. Bob B. has
offered to assist Joyce and Harlan. Joyce asked to have this discussion on the
agenda for the October meeting.
d. Sharon M. suggested that all organizations requesting funds make a
presentation prior to any commitment or allocation. Sue V. said that a
presentation had been planned for the August meeting before it was canceled.
A visit to each organizations facilities was also suggested.
e. Sue V. suggested approving the full amount of the requests from Home Free
Shelter and Detached Worker. Jay H. suggested making a lower commitment
to the two "contractual" organizations.
f. Gloria J. commented that 10% of gambling dollars can be used for the City.
g. Motion. A motion was made by Bob B. to allocate only the amount of funds
that are estimated to be raised in 1997. This amount was estimated at:
$31,000.00 for pulltab income and $13,000.00 for 1996 carryover for a total
allocation budget of $44,000.00.
The motion was seconded by Robbin R
Discussion: Bob L. suggested that that an amount from each year's
carryforward be escrowed to create interest income and create a permanent
fund for the foundation.
Discussion: Jay H. would like to amend the motion to the following:
"Review budget allocations at the May meeting to make any adjustments
necessary for disbursement".
The motion was seconded by Joyce D.
The motion was passed unanimously.
h. Motion. A motion was made by Duane W. to pledge an additional $301.00 to
Home Free Shelter for 1996.
The motion was seconded by Bob B.
The motion was passed unanimously.
5. Sue V. suggested we review and discuss the fundraising letter in the next meeting.
Bob L. suggested mentioning adding our fundraising efforts and the corporate
sponsorship opportunities in the letter. Sue V. will add to the agenda.
6. At 8:48 p.m., the motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Gloria J. and was
seconded by Sharon M.
7. The next meeting will be held Monday, October 7, 1996 at 7:00 p.rn. at City Hall.
Respectfully submitted,
Robert Lang