GVHSF MINUTES 12-09-1996
Golden Valley Human Services Foundation
Minutes of the December " 1996 Meeting
Golden Valley Council Conference Room
Members Present: Sharon Mattison, Duane Wosje, Bob Blenkush, Joyce
Doerffler, Hilmer Erickson, Elissa Heilicher, and Sue Virnig, Staff liaison.
We stiU need an additional member for our Foundation membership.
The meeting was called to order by Bob Blenkush at 7:09pm.
Elissa Heilicher moved and Sharon Mattison seconded the motion to approve
the October 7, 1996 minutes. The motion passed unanimously.
The Foundation went over the financial information about the pull tab revenue.
The Golf Tournament was discussed in detail. The dates that should be looked
at are September 6 or September 7. It would be a morning shot gun tourney with
lunch following. The tourney would need many volunteers.
Sharon Mattison would call Lisa Diehl from Opus abOut using their location for
our flower sale next May.
The next meeting is January 13,1997. Please mark that date on your calendars.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:20pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Sue Virnig
Staff Liaison (Secretary pro tem)