GVHSF MINUTES 04-14-1997
Golden Valley Human Services Foundation
April 14, 1997 .
Meeting Minutes
Golden Valley City Offices, Council Chambers
Members Present: Bob Blenkush, Joyce Doerffler, Hilmer Erickson,
Elissa Heilicher, Gloria Johnson, Bob Lang, Sharon Mattison, Robbin Rouillard, Rod
Wooten, Duane W osje, Sue Virnig - staff liaison and Harlen Peterson - golf tourney
Members Absent: Jay Hoffinan
1. The meeting was called to order at 7:05 p.m. by Bob Blenkush.
2. A motion was made to approve the meeting minutes of March 10, 1997. The
motion was passed and seconded.
3. YMCA Detached Worker Program Presentation
Chad Lanners, a program manager for the Detached Worker Program, gave a
presentation on the history and function of this YMCA service.
- The program was started in 1960 and started dealing with students in schools
around 1973.
- The staff size is five for this program, handling over 600 youth/year.
- Some programs provide alternatives to the court system.
- Eight communities are served by this program.
- Four top issues for the DWP are:
I) Inappropriate school behavior
2) Family problems
3) Low academic performance
4) Destructive behavior
- Four value goals are:
1) Hones!'j
2) Caring
3) Respect
4) Responsibility
- Average time line for participating youth is six months.
- Statistics are being compiled for the first time this year to gauge the success of
individual programs on an incoming vs. outgoing basis.
4. Flower Sale
a. A motion was made to set the Flower Sale date of Saturday, May 17, 1997.
The motion was seconded and passed with one vote opposing.
b. Opus has given the foundation use of their property at Highway 55 and
Winnetka Avenue.
c. The date of May 17 may be in conflict with the Garden Club's annual
event across Winnetka. If so, it was decided to postpone our event until
Saturday, May 24.
5. Golf Tournament - Golden Valley Golf Classic - Committee Reports
a. Marketing. Robbin Rouillard - Chair
- GV Open House will held on Wednesday, June 18. GVHSF will plan to
set up a booth to promote the tourney.
- T-shirts. Sue V. will count the remaining shirts printed last year. All 325
"Large" shirts are gone.
- Poster. Bob L. will work with Harlen P. and Robbin R. to adapt the T-
shirt logo for a trophy, poster and other printed graphics.
b. Sponsorship/Prizes/Gifts.
- Morries Mazda is sponsoring a Miata for a hole-in-one.
- Corporate Four is sponsoring a $500.00 hole and $10,000.00 for a hole-
- Medicine Lake Lines is sponsoring a $500.00 hole.
- Handicabs is sponsoring a $500.00 hole.
- Prudential Preferred is sponsoring a $500.00 hole.
- Iten Chevrolet is sponsoring a $500.00 hole and an S-lO pickup for a
- NSP is sponsoring a $500.00 hole.
- Sue V. will do a complete listing of sponsors and begin sending "Thank-
yous" .
- Elissa will work on "Thank-yous" for prize donors.
c. V olunteers/Registration.
- Registration can be done on Access software.
6. Other
Elections will be held at the upcoming May meeting. All members should plan
to attend.
7. Adjournment
The meeting was adjourned at 9:00 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,