GVHSF MINUTES 05-10-1999
Minutes of the May 10, 1999 Meeting
Golden Valley Council Conference Room
Members Present: Hilmer Erickson, Karen Neis, Gloria Johnson, Mary Anne Moore, Jeff Hansen,
Terri DeVeau, Helen Bassett, Elissa Heilicher and Sue Virnig, Staff Liaison. Chesley Strom, guest
Members Absent: Lori Heilman, Carolyn Fiterman, Vita Wilson
Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 7 :05 p.m. by chair Jeff Hansen.
Approval of April Minutes: Hilmer Erickson moved and Mary Anne seconded approval of the April
minutes. The motion passed unanimously.
Business Proposal by Chesley Strom: Chesley is a resident of Golden Valley and he presented
options to the board regarding our nonprofit status. Discussion ensued around the issues of
endowment planning, long-term giving programs, incorporating into a 501 (c)(3) organization, or a
private foundation. A handout was distributed to members present, which listed advantages and
disadvantages ofincorporating and becoming a foundation. Jeff thanked Chesley for his proposal and
information. Further discussion was tabled until a future meeting.
Run the Valley Comments: The run event went smoothly. There were 323 runners, which is up
from last year's total of 290. The foundation netted $3,326.56 from the event. Some suggestions for
next year included long sleeve tee shirts, and a kid's race. Scheduling the race a week before the "Get
in Gear" race seemed to work out well. We will look at the same weekend for next year.
Golf Tournament: September 25, 1999 at 8:30 a.m. at Brookview Golf Course. Jeff reported that
Mazda will provide a car again, hopefully something other than a Miata. Rita, Helen, and Mary Anne
will contact last year's sponsors for possible sponsorship for this year's event. Karen will send out
letters for door prizes, again. We are looking for Golden Valley businesses to sponsor the event. We
need sponsors as soon as possible.
~ $500- hole sponsorship (includes a foursome)
~ $1,000- corporate sponsorship (includes a foursome)
~ $ 75- cart
Alissa will contact Starbucks and Piazzas for food and coffee. Ten will solicit new businesses from
the new complex on Highway 55. We had talked about trying to sign up foursomes instead of
individuals for the event. One way to encourage this would be to charge a slightly higher fee for
individuals. $60 would be the rate per person for foursomes, and a different price for individuals was
not decided on at this meeting.
Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 8:15 p.m.
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The next meeting will be on June 14.