GVHSF MINUTES 07-08-2002 GOLDEN VALLEY HUMAN SERVICES FOUNDATION Minutes of the July 8, 2002 Meeting Golden Valley City Council Room Members Present: Julie Binkley. Hilmer Erickson. Paul Flood. Carrol Gatlin. Larry Kennebeck, Mary Anne Moore. Karen Neis. Steve Schumacher. and Sue Virnig. Staff Liaison. Not Present: Danitra Easton, Gloria Johnson. Elissa Heilicher. and Chad Svihel Call to Order: Mary Anne Moore called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Approval of June Minutes: The motion to approve the minutes was seconded. and passed by all those present. New Member Welcome The Foundation proudly welcomes Julie Binkley, Paul Flood and Steve Schumacher. Commission listing Review The commission listing was reviewed for changes. Sue will provide everyone with the revised listing. By~laws Review The following changes to the By-laws were approved: Article II: Membership, Meetings and Attendance 3. Atttendance Attendance is required at all meetings. Absence from three OOftseetltlve regular or special meetings ~ mYllmLshall be cause for recommended removal from the Foundation. Members are responsible for notifying the staff liason or council member if they cannot attend a meeting. Sue will forward a copy of the revised By~laws to the Council for approval. Golf Fundraiser: September 13- Friday SponsorslDonors: We reviewed the most recent revised list of sponsors and prize donors. We are currently short by seven sponsors. We discussed contacting prior sponsors who have not yet committed this year. We also discussed potential new contributors. Sue will email sponsor letters to everyone. Stationary is available if needed. Board members are encouraged to continue soliciting new donors. It is anticipated that Elissa will contact vendors in regards to providing food products. The Foundation was provided a $1.500 contribution from Preferred One to help cover the cost of food. Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 7:45 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Carrol Gatlin The next meeting will be August 12 at 7:00 p.m.