09-02-08 Regular Meeting of the City Council September 2,2008 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Golden Valley, Hennepin County, Minnesota was held at 7800 Golden Valley Road in said City on September 2, 2008 at 6:30 p.m. The following members were present: Freiberg, Pentel, Loomis, Scanlon and Shaffer. Also present were: Thomas Burt, City Manager; Jeannine Clancy, Director of Public Works; Allen Barnard, City Attorney; and Judy Nally, Administrative Assistant. Approval of Agenda MOVED by Freiberg, seconded by Shaffer and motion carried unanimously to approve the agenda of September 2,2008 as submitted. Approval of Consent Agenda MOVED by Freiberg, seconded by Shaffer and motion carried unanimously to approve the items on the consent agenda as submitted. Mayor Loomis read the items listed on the consent agenda. *Approval of Minutes - City Council Meeting - July 15, 2008 MOVED by Freiberg, seconded by Shaffer and motion carried unanimously to approve the City Council Meeting minutes of July 15, 2008 as submitted. *Bills and Claims MOVED by Freiberg, seconded by Shaffer and motion carried unanimously to authorize the payment of the City and Housing and Redevelopment Authority bills as submitted. *General Business Licenses MOVED by Freiberg, seconded by Shaffer and motion carried unanimously to authorize the issuance of licenses as recommended by staff. *Solicitor's License - Metropolitan Marketing Concepts MOVED by Freiberg, seconded by Shaffer and motion carried unanimously to approve the solicitor's license for Metropolitan Marketing Concepts. *Gambling License Exemption - Edina Realty Foundation MOVED by Freiberg, seconded by Shaffer and motion carried unanimously to receive and file the gambling license exemption for the Edina Realty Foundation. Regular Meeting of the City Council September 1, 2008 Page 2 *Minutes of Boards and Commissions MOVED by Pentel, seconded by Freiberg and motion carried unanimously to receive and file the minutes as follows: Board of Zoning Appeals - July 22, 2008 Civil Service Commission - April 1 0, 2008 Envision Connection Project Board of Directors - July 17, 2008 *Letter from Bruce and Elizabeth Kittilson Regarding Dog Ordinance MOVED by Freiberg, seconded by Shaffer and motion carried unanimously to receive and file the letter from Bruce and Elizabeth Kittilson, dated August 20, 2008, regarding the dog ordinance. *Quote - City Hall and Golf Maintenance Proiect MOVED by Freiberg, seconded by Shaffer and motion carried unanimously to authorize building maintenance on the City Hall and Golf Maintenance from the lowest responsible bidder, Restoration Systems, Inc. for $58,200. The bids are as follows: Restoration Systems, Inc. Advanced Masonry Restoration Western Waterproofing Co., Inc. $58,200 115,381 110,000 *Quote - Fire Station #3 Emergency Generator MOVED by Freiberg, seconded by Shaffer and motion carried unanimously to approve the installation of an emergency backup generator at Fire Station #3 from the lowest responsible bidder, Allied Generators for $51,595. The bids are as follows: Allied Generators Gopher Electric, Inc. Ridgedale Electric, Inc. Electrical Installations & Maintenance, Inc. Phasor Electric Company $51,595 56,454 62,100 63,900 71,000 *Quote - Playground Equipment - Natchez Park MOVED by Freiberg, seconded by Shaffer and motion carried unanimously to approve the purchase and installation of playground equipment at Natchez Park from the lowest responsible bidder, Earl F. Andersen, Inc. for $32,685.00. The bids are as follows: Earl F. Andersen, Inc. Play Power/Flanagan Sales $32,685.00 33,927.78 Regular Meeting of the City Council September 1, 2008 Page 3 *Call for Public HearinQ - Special Assessments - Delinquent Utility Bills and Miscellaneous CharQes -10/7/08 MOVED by Freiberg, seconded by Shaffer and motion carried unanimously to call a public hearing for special assessments for delinquent utility bills and miscellaneous charges for October 7,2008 at 7 pm. *Receipt of July 2008 General Fund BudQet Report MOVED by Freiberg, seconded by Shaffer and motion carried unanimously to receive and file the July 2008 General Fund Budget Report. *Receipt of Safe & Sober ChallenQe Grant Member Freiberg introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION 08-35 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING ACCEPTANCE OF A TRAFFIC SAFETY AWARD The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was seconded by Member Shaffer and upon a vote being taken thereon, the following voted in favor thereof: Freiberg, Loomis, Pentel, Scanlon and Shaffer; and the following voted against the same: none, whereupon said resolution was declared duly passed and adopted, signed by the Mayor and her signature attested by the City Clerk. *AuthorizinQ Submittal of 2008 Municipal RecyclinQ Grant Application with Hennepin County Member Freiberg introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION 08-36 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING SUBMITTAL OF THE 2008 MUNICIPAL RECYCLING GRANT APPLICATION TO HENNEPIN COUNTY AND AUTHORIZE EXECUTION OF GRANT AGREEMENT The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was seconded by Member Shaffer and upon a vote being taken thereon, the following voted in favor thereof: Freiberg, Loomis, Pentel, Scanlon and Shaffer; and the following voted against the same: none, whereupon said resolution was declared duly passed and adopted, signed by the Mayor and her signature attested by the City Clerk. Regular Meeting of the City Council September 1 , 2008 Page 4 *Call for Administrative Hearing - Tobacco Compliance Check Violation - Golden Valley Sinclair - 9/16/08 Member Freiberg introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION 08-37 RESOLUTION CALLING FOR AN ADMINISTRATIVE HEARING ON TOBACCO SALES VIOLATION - GOLDEN VALLEY SINCLAIR The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was seconded by Member Shaffer and upon a vote being taken thereon, the following voted in favor thereof: Freiberg, Loomis, Pentel, Scanlon and Shaffer; and the following voted against the same: none, whereupon said resolution was declared duly passed and adopted, signed by the Mayor and her signature attested by the City Clerk. Public Hearing - Public Hearing - Industrial Development Revenue Refunding Note - Opportunity Partners, Inc. Sue Virnig, Finance Director, introduced the agenda item and answered questions from the Council. Allen Barnard answered questions from the Council The Mayor opened the meeting for public input and persons present to do so were afforded the opportunity to express their views thereon. John Utley, Kennedy and Graven, stated the documents allow the City to consent to the refinancing to proceed. Bruce Bester, Senior Vice President, Finance and Chief Financial Officer, stated the funds from this refunding will be put back into the program. The Mayor closed the public hearing. Member Shaffer introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION 08-38 RESOLUTION APPROVING THE ISSUANCE OF AN INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT REVENUE REFUNDING NOTE BY THE HENNEPIN COUNTY HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY UNDER MINNESOTA STATUTES, SECTIONS 469.152 THROUGH 469.165 OPPORTUNITY PARTNERS, INC. Regular Meeting of the City Council September 1, 2008 Page 5 Public Hearina - Public Hearina - Industrial Development Revenue Refundina Note - Opportunity Partners, Inc. The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was seconded by Member Pentel and upon a vote being taken thereon, the following voted in favor thereof: Freiberg, Loomis, Pentel, Scanlon and Shaffer; and the following voted against the same: none, whereupon said resolution was declared duly passed and adopted, signed by the Mayor and her signature attested by the City Clerk. MOVED by Shaffer, seconded by Pentel and motion carried unanimously to authorize the Mayor and City Manager to sign the Joint Powers Agreement. Public Hearina - Ordinance No. 408 - Conditional Use Permit 08-123 - 601 Boone Avenue North - Teacher Federal Credit Union, Applicant The following ordinance was MOVED by Freiberg, seconded by Pentel: ORDINANCE NO. 408, 2ND SERIES AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE CITY CODE Approval of Conditional Use Permit Number 08-123 601 Boone Avenue North Teacher Federal Credit Union, Applicant Dan Lieberthal, Vice President Real Estate, Teacher Federal Credit Union, reviewed the permit and answered questions from the Council. Steve Schmidgall, Planning Commissioner, presented the Commission report and answered questions from the Council. Thomas Burt presented the staff report. The Mayor opened the meeting for public input and persons present to do so were afforded the opportunity to express their views thereon. Hearing and seeing no one, the Mayor closed the public hearing. MOVED by Freiberg, seconded by Pentel and motion carried unanimously to approve Ordinance #408, 2nd Series. Upon a roll call vote, the vote was as follows: FREIBERG - YES LOOMIS - YES PENTEL - YES SCANLON - YES SHAFFER - YES Regular Meeting of the City Council September 1, 2008 Page 6 Set Date for Public Hearinas - 2009 Proposed Budaet and Property Tax Levy Sue Virnig, Finance Director, introduced the agenda item and answered questions from the Council. MOVED by Pentel, seconded by Scanlon and motion carried unanimously to set the date of the original public hearing for Monday, December 1 at 6:30 pm and the reconvened hearing on Monday, December 8 at 6:30 pm for consideration of the 2009 Proposed Budget and 2009 Tax Levy. Certification of 2009 Proposed Property Tax Levy Sue Virnig, Finance Director, introduced the agenda item and answered questions from the Council. Thomas Burt answered questions from the Council. MOVED by Freiberg, seconded by Shaffer and motion carried unanimously to certify the City's 2009 proposed property tax levy in the amount of $16,124,650. Request to OCCUpy Recreational Vehicle Durina Construction - 500 Indiana Avenue North Mark Kuhnly, Chief of Fire and Inspections Services, introduced the agenda item. Allen Barnard answered questions from the Council After the Council considered the matter it was, MOVED by Shaffer, seconded by Scanlon and motion carried unanimously to deny the request from Gordon Leighton, 500 Indiana Avenue North, to live in a recreational vehicle on site based on the following findings: 1) sanitation issues are a real problem in that facilities are not available on the site, 2) construction debris and other debris is strewn all about the property; 3) safety of property owner; 4) the building appears to be a nuisance at the present time and if the work required to be completed is done the house would still be uninhabitable. Announcements of Meetinas The Douglas Drive Task Force will meet on September 9,2008 at 7 am at the Brookview Community Center. The Primary Election will be held on September 9, 2008. The next Council/Manager meeting will be held on Wednesday, September 10, 2008 at 6:30 pm. Regular Meeting of the City Council September 1, 2008 Page 7 Announcements of Meetings - Continued Some Council Members may attend the September 11, 2008 Historical Society Meeting at the GVHS Historic Church. The Human Services Foundation Golf Classic will be held on September 12, 2008 at 8 am at the Brookview Golf Course. A City Council meeting will be held on September 16, 2008 at 6:30 pm. The next Bassett Creek Water Management Commission will be held on September 17, 2008 at 11 :30 am. A Council Social will be held on September 25, 2008 from 6 to 8 pm at the Piazza's Italian Restorante. A Douglas Drive Corridor Study Workshop will be held on September 29, 2008 from 6 - 8 pm at City Hall. Mavor and Council Communications No action and/or discussion took place. Adiournment The Mayor adjourned the meeting at 7:30 pm. Linda R. Loomis, Mayor ATTEST: Judy Nally, Administrative Assistant