10-28-08 BZA Minutes
Minutes of a Regular Meeting of the
Golden Valley Board of Zoning Appeals
October 28, 2008
A regular meeting of the Golden Valley Board of Zoning Appeals was held on Tuesday,
October 28,2008 at City Hall, 7800 Golden Valley Road, Golden Valley, Minnesota. Chair
Sell called the meeting to order at 7 pm.
Those present were Members Kisch, Nelson, Segelbaum, Sell, and Planning Commission
Representative McCarty. Also present were City Planner Joe Hogeboom and
Administrative Assistant Lisa Wittman.
I. Approval of Minutes - September 25, 2008
MOVED by Segelbaum, seconded by Kisch and motioned carried unanimously to approve
the September 25 minutes as submitted.
II. The Petitions are:
Continued Item...
1800 Mendelssohn Avenue North (08-09-16)
Marlin Henrikson, Applicant
Request: Waiver from Section 11.21, Subd. 19 Driveway Setback
. 3 ft. off the required 3 ft. to a distance of 0 ft. at its closest point to
the side yard (south) property line.
Purpose: To allow for the construction of a new driveway.
Request: Waiver from Section 11.21, Subd. 11(A)(3)(c) Side Yard Setback
. 3 ft. off the required 12 ft. to a distance of 9 ft. at its closest point
to the side yard (south) property line. .
Purpose: To allow for the construction of a new deck.
Hogeboom reminded the Board that this proposal was tabled at last month's meeting in
order to allow the applicant time to provide proof of the location of the previously existing
driveway. Hogeboom stated that staff has reviewed the photos submitted by the applicant
and has determined that the edge of the driveway shown in the photos is landscape rock
and not the edge of the previously existing driveway. Therefore, if the applicant wants to
expand the driveway all the way to the property line he still requires a variance.
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October 28, 2008
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Hogeboom added that the variance request listed above regarding the proposed deck was
removed from last month's agenda but is back on this agenda per the applicant's request.
McCarty asked Hogeboom to discuss the recent Planning Commission discussion
regarding setbacks for patios and other paved surfaces. Hogeboom explained that Golden
Valley currently has no setback requirements for patios. He stated that he researched
surrounding city's requirements and most of the cities he spoke with require a 5-foot
setback for patios. He said at this point staff and the Planning Commission are
considering requiring a 3-foot setback for patios because it would be consistent with the
driveway setback requirements.
Segelbaum asked if a new driveway could be reconstructed in the same location as the
previously existing driveway. Hogeboom stated that any part of the previously existing
driveway that was paved can be replaced in the exact same location.
Segelbaum asked if the City has received an updated survey of the property. Hogeboom
explained that the City would not require a survey in order to allow the applicant to replace
the previously existing driveway in the same location. However, he has suggested to the
applicant that it would be in his best interest to get a new survey because there has been
some discrepancy regarding the exact location of the previous driveway.
Marlin Henrikson, Applicant, said he misunderstood the Board's request regarding
obtaining a new survey. He showed the Board several pictures in order to demonstrate
where the previous driveway was located. He stated that the area in question used to be
blacktop but it had disintegrated so much that he put rock there to help with drainage
issues. He stated that he also wants to place a curb along the edge of the driveway to help
with the run-off from his driveway.
Kisch said it is difficult to understand the distance of the driveway shown in the pictures in
relation to the survey. Sell agreed that the pictures show landscape rock but it is hard to
tell where the edge of the driveway is located.
Hogeboom stated that the survey shows that the existing driveway is located two feet
away from the property line and reiterated that if he wants to replace the previously
existing driveway he can, but without a variance the 3 ft. x 11 ft. new driveway area in
question must be located 3 feet away from the property line.
Henrikson stated that the top portion of the previously existing driveway was located
approximately 6 inches away from the property line and then it tapered away from the
property line approximately 2 feet. Hogeboom reiterated that the survey is the only proof
the City has right now regarding the location of the previously existing driveway and it
shows that it was 2 feet away from the property line.
Kisch referred to the proposed new deck addition and asked the applicant if the
dimensions of the deck are 12 ft. x 5 ft. Henrikson said yes. He referred to a picture of the
previous deck location and stated that he would like to have a one level deck as opposed
Minutes of the Golden Valley Board of Zoning Appeals
October 28, 2008
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to the previous two smaller levels. He stated that the previous deck was 4 feet in width and
he would like to build the new deck 5 feet in width in order to make it easier to move things
in and out of the house.
Kisch stated that an 8 ft. x 5 ft. deck might also work. Henrikson stated that there would be
approximately 6 feet of deck space on one side of the door and 3 feet of deck space on
the other side of the door. McCarty stated that he wasn't sure if the applicant really needs
3 feet of deck space behind the screen door especially since at last month's meeting he
was willing to consider building a 25 square foot landing area instead of deck. Hogeboom
said it was his misunderstanding that the applicant would be willing to build a 25 square
foot landing area. Henrikson said a 5 ft. x 5 ft. landing area would only give him 1 foot of
space on either side of the door.
Kisch asked if 25 square feet would be considered a landing area and could be built within
the setback area but if anything larger would be considered a deck and would have to
meet the setback requirements. Hogeboom said that is correct. He added that when he
originally looked at the applicant's proposal he thought a 25 square foot landing would
Kisch asked the applicant if he would be willing to compromise on the size of the deck.
Henrikson said he would rather remove some of the deck to the right side (east) of the
Sell asked the applicant if he is proposing stairs leading from the deck to the back yard.
Henrikson said yes.
Sell asked the applicant if he is proposing to move his shed. He stated that the shed
shown in the pictures is his neighbor's shed, but that he is proposing to move his shed to a
conforming location next summer.
Segelbaum referred to the driveway issue and said he would like to see an outline with
dimensions of the paved area written on the survey. Kisch agreed and stated that if the
variance is denied the applicant will still be able to build a new driveway in the same
location as the previously existing driveway.
Henrikson asked if he could pave the areas of the driveway/patio area that are not in
question. Sell said yes and reiterated that he can pave a new driveway in the same
footprint as the previously existing driveway.
Sell opened the public hearing.
Ginger Dunlap, 1720 Mendelssohn Avenue North, said she doesn't care if the applicant
replaces the previously existing driveway in the exact same place. She just wants the
driveway of the 8 ft. x 11 ft. area in question to be located 3 feet away from the property
line because it is right outside her dining room. She stated that there is no hardship in this
case and the applicant has not proven where the previously existing driveway was located.'
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October 28, 2008
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Dunlap asked if the applicant installs gravel in the 3 feet setback area if he will be able to
park on it. Hogeboom explained that the applicant is allowed to drive over any gravel area,
but he will not be allowed to park on it.
Seeing and hearing no one else wishing to comment, Sell closed the public hearing.
McCarty asked if the pavement has changed since they heard last month's proposal.
Hogeboom said nothing has changed with this property since last month's meeting.
Kisch said he would support the variance request regarding the deck because if it were
considered to be a landing rather than a deck it could still be 5 feet in width. Nelson
agreed and said she was concerned about the width of the proposed deck more than the
MOVED by Kisch, seconded by Segelbaum and motion carried unanimously to approve a
variance for 3 ft. off the required 12 ft. to a distance of 9 ft. at its closest point to the side
yard (south) property line to allow for the construction of a new deck. McCarty suggested
the Board make it clear that they are approving a 12 ft. long x 5 ft. wide deck. The Board
ag reed.
Segelbaum referred to the variance regarding the driveway and stated that he doesn't see
the necessary hardship in this case. He said he hoped to see a new survey that clearly
showed where the previous driveway was located.
McCarty noted that at last month's meeting there was discussion about calling a portion of
this proposal a patio. He asked if that patio portion is still being proposed. Hogeboom said
yes, part of the proposal is a patio but the applicant will not be allowed to park on it.
MOVED by McCarty, seconded by Kisch and motion carried unanimously to deny the
variance request for 3 ft. off the required 3 ft. to a distance of 0 ft. at its closest point to the
side yard (south) property line to allow for the construction of a new driveway.
1520 Toledo Avenue North (08-10-15)
Donna Nelson, Applicant
Request: Waiver from Section 11.21, Subd. 11 (A)(1) Front Yard Setback
. 1.6 ft. off the required 35 ft. to a distance of 33.4 ft. at its closest
point to the front yard (west) property line.
Purpose: To allow for the construction of a garage.
Hogeboom stated that the applicant currently has a 1-stall garage. He explained that it is
the applicant's intent to tear down the existing garage and build a new 2-stall garage in its
Minutes of the Golden Valley Board of Zoning Appeals
October 28,2008
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place. He referred to a survey of the property and noted that the existing garage was built
1.6 feet into the front yard setback area. He stated that moving the garage to a conforming
location further back on the lot would cover up an existing window and there is also a
significant slope in the rear yard which would make it difficult to build the garage any
further back on the lot. He stated that staff believes this is a reasonable request and is in
support of this proposal.
Donna Nelson, Applicant, showed the Board pictures of her existing garage and explained
how moving the garage further back on the lot would block an existing window.
Board Member Nelson asked if the proposed new garage will follow the same plane along
the front as the existing garage. Donna Nelson said yes.
Segelbaum asked if the stoop area on the back of the existing garage is being removed.
Donna Nelson said yes. She explained that there will be an 8 ft. x 12 ft. porch area in its
place and in the future she would like to build a mud/room laundry area above the porch.
Sell opened the public hearing. Seeing and hearing no one wishing to comment, Sell
closed the public hearing.
Segelbaum said he thinks this is a reasonable request and he appreciated the fact that the
applicant is conforming to the side yard setback requirements. He added that other homes
in area also seem to encroach into the front yard setback area.
Kisch said that given the fact that the existing garage encroaches 1.6 feet into the front
yard setback area and that the proposed new garage will too, he is inclined to support this
request because it maintains the integrity of the building.
MOVED by Kisch, seconded by Nelson and motion carried unanimously to approve the
variance request for 1.6 ft. off the required 35 ft. to a distance of 33.4 ft. at its closest point
to the front yard (west) property line to allow for the construction of a garage.
6736 Glenwood Avenue (08-10-16)
Jake & Kelly Schetnan. Applicants
Request: Waiver from Section 11.21, Subd. 11(A)(3)(a) Side Yard Setback
. 10ft. off the required 15 ft. to a distance of 5 ft. at its closest point
to the side yard (west) property line.
Purpose: To allow for the construction of a garage addition.
Hogeboom explained that the applicant is proposing to remove an existing carport and
replace it with a second garage stall. He stated that staff supports this request.
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October 28, 2008
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Kelly Schetnan, Applicant, stated that the recent hail storm has speeded up the process of
her needing to upgrade the existing carport/garage. She added that the carport does not
have a door so it is not feasible to store anything in it so she would like to add a second
garage stall. .
Segelbaum asked how much bigger the proposed new garage stall will be compared to
the carport. Schetnan said the new garage stall will be approximately 3 to 4 feet wider than
the carport. She added that the neighbor most impacted by this proposal is in favor of the
Sell asked if the existing carport is located 5 feet away from the property line. Schetnan
said no, but they would like to build the new garage 5 feet from the property line.
Kisch asked the applicant if she intends to keep the existing garage. Schetnan said yes.
Sell questioned the size of the proposed new garage stall. He suggested the new garage
be 10 feet in width instead of the proposed 11 feet. Kisch stated that the width of the
proposed new garage has to do with the header and the size of the garage door.
Sell asked the applicant why she isn't proposing to remove the interior wall between the
two garage stalls. Schetnan said it was too expensive to remove the wall.
McCarty explained that the Board is not supposed to consider economic hardships but in
this case, he is in support of this proposal in order to get a second garage stall. Nelson
agreed and added that the new garage will aesthetically improve this house and it won't
impact the neighboring properties. Segelbaum agreed.
Sell opened the public hearing. Seeing and hearing no one wishing to comment, Sell
closed the public hearing.
MOVED by Segelbaum, seconded by McCarty and motion carried unanimously to approve
the request for 10ft. off the required 15 ft. to a distance of 5 ft. at its closest point to the
side yard (west) property line to allow for the construction of a garage addition.
III. Other Business
Discussion on variance standards - City Attorney Allen Barnard
Barnard discussed legislation changes regarding the reasonable use of property. He .
stated that since the new legislation the Board of Zoning Appeals has a lot of discretion
and can consider the reasonable use, unique circumstances and impact on surroundings
when hearing variance proposals. He added that if Golden Valley's laws are more
restrictive than state statutes then Golden Valley's laws have to be ignored.
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October 28, 2008
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McCarty asked at what point the Board can say no and at what point a house is
considered excessive. Barnard discussed the tests to determine reasonableness including
unique conditions and the impact to surrounding properties. Segelbaum added that all
three things: reasonable use, unique circumstances and impact on surroundings must be
considered together.
McCarty asked Barnard if he thinks the Board is being too strict. Barnard stated that it is
not the Board's job to deny variance requests it's their job to figure out what is reasonable
and best.
Kisch stated that he also looks at the intent of the Code and questioned setting precedent.
Barnard suggested that the minutes show findings and reasons for variances being
Segelbaum questioned if the Board is approving a specific plan when they approve a
variance or if the approval is just a blanket approval. Barnard suggested that the minutes
indicate what is being approved.
IV. Adjournment
The meeting was adjourned at 9:25 pm.
~ 'iJ--- ~.
Chuck Segelbaum, Vice Chair