02-10-09 CM Minutes
Council/Manager Meeting Minutes
February 10, 2009
Present: Mayor Loomis and Council Members Freiberg, Pentel, Scanlon and Shaffer.
Assistant City Manager Jeanne Andre, Finance Director Sue Virnig, Public Works
Director Jeannine Clancy, Director of Planning and Development Mark Grimes, and City
Planner Joe Hogeboom. Les Eck and John Kluchka of the Planning Commission also
The meeting began at 6:33 pm in the Council Conference Room.
Douglas Drive Corridor Study
Joe Hogeboom provided background on the Douglas Drive Corridor Study and
introduced Michael Schroeder, a planning consultant from LHB, who is leading the
study efforts. Schroeder explained that the study relates to long-term planning for the
corridor and at its completion will result in an amendment to the City's Comprehensive
Plan. He reviewed the stages of the study that have been completed, including
identifying existing conditions and those most likely to change over time, seeking input
from stakeholders and looking at long-term land use and infrastructure changes
anticipated for the corridor. The current stage of the study is undertaking land use
demonstrations to further define land use opportunities and how these uses would
impact transportation needs. He explained that a major focus of the study has been to
improve pedestrian, bicycle and transit opportunities in the corridor, both long- and
Joe Hogeboom reported that Transit for Livable Communities (TLC), which funded the
Douglas Drive Corridor Study, recently announced it would consider funding to
implement immediate bike/pedestrian improvements identified through the study. TLC
has asked cities involved in studies to submit a letter of intent outlining facilities to be
funded and estimated project costs. Staff met with TLS and identified an asphalt
sidewalk on the east side of Douglas from Duluth to Golden Valley Road as the top
priority. TLC could support this sidewalk in combination with revisions to Douglas Drive
that provide on-street bike lanes in combination with two through lanes and one turning
lane for motorized vehicles. Currently this segment of the road has four through lanes
for motorized vehicles and no bike lanes. Other possible improvements that could be
included in a proposal include multi-use trails from Golden Valley Road south to the
Luce Line Trail on the east and/or west sides of Douglas Drive, pedestrian
improvements at Douglas and Highway 55 and improvements to the existing sidewalk
on the west side of Douglas from Duluth Street to Golden Valley Road. One significant
question to be addressed while preparing for the grant submission is whether adjacent
landowners will donate easements for sidewalk improvements as grant funds would not
be available to secure easements.
The Council supported proceeding with a letter of intent for grant funding, with the
asphalt sidewalk as the top priority. The main concern is that the three-lane street
design provides a direct route for through traffic that does not require vehicles to weave
back and forth. The Council would also support improved transit opportunities in the
Corridor. Staff will prepare a resolution for Council consideration at its next meeting.
Council/Manager Meeting Minutes
February 10, 2009 - Page 2
Envision (VISI) Award
Jeanne Andre reported that the Connection Project Board of Directors has taken past
Council suggestions and further refined the concept of the Envision Award. She noted
that the Communications staff has prepared materials to announce the award to the
public, a nomination form and a draft certificate for awardees. The Connection Project
Board would review nominations and recommend persons to be given awards to the
Council, but would like the awards to be presented by the Council. The Council
discussed the review process, how many awards might be recommended in a year and
discussed the types of initiatives that might be recognized. The Council suggested that
it review the nominations informally prior to the night of the award. Staff will prepare a
resolution establishing the Envision Award for Council consideration at its next meeting
and outline the process to be followed in considering and acting upon nominations.
General Fund Transfers
Sue Virnig reported that she has been working with the auditors on closing out the
financials for 2008. Due largely to permit revenues from the 2007 and 2008 hail storms,
the general fund balance exceeds year-end projections. Staff recommended that these
funds be transferred to other funds to assist with long-term financial needs.
Recommended transfers include: $300,000 to the Park Improvement Fund to finance
future improvements to the Parks and level the annual transfer from the General Fund
for those needs through 2013; $500,000 to the Equipment Replacement Fund to finance
the replacement of a fire pumper and reduce the required number of equipment
certificates of indebtedness from two to one in 2012; and $200,000 to the Street Debt
Service Fund to finance future debt service payments related to pavement
management. The Council supported this approach, which will be formally considered
by Resolution at the next Council meeting.
The meeting adjourned at 7:47 pm.
Jeanne Andre
Assistant City Manager