03-09-09 HSF Agenda GOLDEN VALLEY HUMAN SERVICES FOUNDATION March 9, 2009 6:30 pm Brookview Community Center Conference Room 1. Call to Order 2. Approval of the February 9 meeting 3. Run the Valley Planning-April 4, 2009 a. Event review b. T-shirt design final c. Sponsor final d. Volunteer Update e. Event assignments i. Set up - April 3 at 4:30 p.m. ii. Food pick-up (day and time) iii. Day of event (registration, food table, clean-up, etc) 4. Other Business a. Taste of Golden Valley Update b. Roster Review c. Anything else? 5. Adjournment Please call Jeanne if unable to attend 763-512- 2340 or e-mail jfackler@cLgolden-valley.mn.us