08-10-09-HSF Minutes
Golden Valley Human Services Foundation (GVHSF) Meeting
August 10, 2009
Present: Dan Blumb, Hilmer Erickson, Elissa Heilicher, Brenda McGhie, Chris Monroe, Diane
Nimmer, Connie Sandler, and Toots Vodovoz. Also present Jeanne Fackler, Staff Liaison.
Not Present: Gloria Johnson and Steve Schumacher.
Call to Order: Vice Chairman Sandler called the meeting to order at 6:34 p.m.
July 13 minutes: Erickson moved and Heilicher seconded the motion to approve the minutes of
July 13. The motion passed unanimously.
Luke Weisberg from the Golden Valley Community Events Committee gave an overview of the
committee. Items of discussion were:
The function of the GVHSF versus the Community Events Committee and Envision
Fundraising - who is asked, how is the organization presented, how funds are used
How does Envision fit with each group
Is there a way to work together
Where do we go from here
Blumb will contact Mayor Loomis and ask to meet with her. The group thanked Weisberg for
coming to the meeting.
New Business:
Golden Valley Golf Classic: After much discussion, it was decided to cancel the Golf Classic. The
sponsorships brought in $3,000 and @ $6,000 is needed to run the tournament. Nimmer will
compose a letter and contact the sponsors. Fackler will notify the Golf Course, City Hall and
Channel 12 ofthe cancelation. Sponsors will be offered four tickets to the Taste to thank them
for their sponsorship.
Taste of Golden Valley: A "save the date" card has been created to send to restaurants and last
year's attendees. Monroe will chair the event with Sandler lead for the restaurants, Blumb lead
for entertainment, Monroe lead for baskets and McGhie lead for publicity. Nimmer asked for a
timeline which Blumb will create. The goal is to have 10 restaurants by the September meeting.
Chipolte has given a verbal agreement. A tour of The Metropolitan is being scheduled. Blumb
has contacted several entertainers. Discussion centered on the type of entertainment wanted at
the event. McGhie reported the Perpich Center would like to be involved.
Other Business:
The Allocation Packet is on the city's website. At this time two proposals have been returned.
Adjournment: Heelicher moved to adjourn the meeting, McGhie seconded the motion. The
meeting was adjourned at 8:00 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Jeanne Fackler
GVHSF Staff Liaison
Create time line for Taste of Golden Valley event
Meet with Mayor Loomis about GV Community Events Organization and Bridge Builders Board
Press release for Taste of Golden Valley
Work with Fackler on save the date card mailing
Compose letter for golf tournament cancelation
Contact sponsors after letter is sent
Contact Rachel and set facility tour date/time
Send out restaurant assignments to board members
Send golf tournament cancelation letter
Notify yearly golfers and volunteers of cancelation
Work with Monroe on save the date card mailings
Send board members letterhead, save-the-date cards