09-29-09 PC Agenda
Planning Commission
Regular Meeting
Golden Valley City Hall, 7800 Golden Valley Road
Council Chambers
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
7 pm
1. Approval of Minutes
a. June 22, 2009 Regular Planning Commission Meeting
2. Informal Public Hearing - Zoning Code Amendment - Regarding Front
Yard Setback Requirements for Decks
a. Applicant: City of Golden Valley
b. Purpose: To allow decks to be located within 30 feet of the front yard
property line in the Single Family Zoning District (R-1)
3. Informal Public Hearing - Zoning Code Amendment - Regarding the
Number of Street Curb Cut Access Points
a. Applicant: City of Golden Valley
b. Purpose: To limit the number of street curb cut access points to one per
parcel in the Single Family Zoning District (R-1)
4. Short Recess
5. Reports on Meetings of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority, City
Council, Board of Zoning Appeals and other Meetings
6. Other Business
a. Planning Department Project Update
7. Adjournment
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Regular Meeting of the
Golden Valley Planning Commission
June 22, 2009
A regular meeting of the Planning Commission was held at the Golden Valley City Hall,
Council Chambers, 7800 Golden Valley Road, Golden Valley, Minnesota, on Monday, June
22,2009. Vice Chair Waldhauser called the meeting to order at 7 pm.
Those present were Planning Commissioners Cera, Eck, Kluchka, McCarty, Schmidgall
and Waldhauser. Also present was Director of Planning and Developm Ma Grimes
and Administrative Assistant Lisa Wittman. Chair Keysser was absen
1. Approval of Minutes
June 8, 2009 Regular Planning Commission Meeting
MOVED by Eck, seconded by McCarty and motiOrlibar~i\PdUnarl.i~pusly to approve the
minutes as submitted.
Informal Public Hearing - Condi:tional<U
9405 Medicine Lake Road - CU..67 A1
ermit- Amendment #1 -
Applicant: Winner Gas/Convenience Store, George Kabalan
Address: 9405 Medicine Lake Road
Purpose: To .~..I..low the~pplicant to rent U-Haul trucks at his existing location in the
Co~~\Prcial zoning district
Grimes referred to a I map and noted that this property is at the intersection of
Highway 199 andrvt\Pd e Lake Road. He explained that the applicant would like to
amend th$ti,?~.y~~ nal Use Permit for this property to allow him to rent two U-
Haul trucks ong with>hIS gas station, car wash and convenience store.
Grimes explained that the original gas station did not require a Conditional Use Permit. In
1995 When thepwner wanted to install his car wash, the City required him to obtain a
Conditioflal4'~e Permit. He referred to the existing Conditional Use Permit and the site
plan and showed the area where the applicant would like to park the rental trucks. Grimes
stated that he would like the trucks to be located in the two furthest west parking spaces
behind the building and not where the applicant is proposing in order to allow better
access to the car wash.
Grimes stated that the applicant has been renting U-Haul trucks for a couple of years.
However it was only recently brought to his attention because there were several trucks
parked along an easement area which was supposed to be posted "no parking" according
to the original Conditional Use Permit. He added that he allowed the applicant to continue
Minutes of the Golden Valley Planning Commission
June 22, 2009
Page 2
renting two trucks during the time it took to go through this Conditional Use Permit
amendment process and upon visiting the site this evening he noticed that there are
currently two trucks and two trailers parked on this lot which is disappointing because that
was not his agreement with the applicant.
Grimes referred to the site plan and stated that originally the City required 15 parking
spaces on this site for the gas station/convenience store. He stated that he did a
recalculation of the parking spaces needed based on current parking requirements and
feels 7 parking spaces will meet the needs of this property. He said he..~()esn't4~ink the
number of parking spaces will be an issue however cars should not be\parked in\the
access easement area and the "no parking" signs should be installE:)d perJhe origiil"')al
Conditional Use Permit agreement.
Grimes stated that another issue he is concerned about is thenonfoconfor~il1g signage on
the property. He explained that the City's sign code ad~..inistratRr Rog~r.~cCabe has
been dealing with the property owner regarding the amount of sIgnageon the property.
Therefore he is recommending as a condition of a.pptrov~1 thatthesignage on the property
be brought into conformance by August 31,2009.
Kluchka asked Grimes to clarify what the sign.probl.em is. Grimes showed the
Commissioners photos of the site and stated th~t the applicant probably has double the
amount of signage allowed. Waldhau~efa~k.~\~t}he allowed amount of signage.
Grimes said he doesn't know whattheallow~d am unt of signage is for this property
because some of the signs may.pe "grandfath~red" in. He added that the sign code is not
part of the zoning code and syggestedthat the applicant meet with Roger McCabe to
come up with a sign plan in order to bring his property into conformance.
Grimes reiterated that if the~pp'Icant rents two U-Haul trucks or trailers he doesn't think
this proposal will be anissue.lf however there starts to be more trucks or trailers on the
property there could be issues with the access to the car wash and the un-striped parking
area in the back of thel:>l,li'din~f.Kluchka asked how many available parking spaces would
be available for rental activity. Grimes referred to the site plan and pointed out that there
are 4 parking$p~c.~sin the front of the building and 11 spaces behind the building. He
reiteratedth feelstble parking requirement for this property can drop from 15 spaces
to X spaces\leaii.m~ them with 8 spaces more than what is required. Kluchka asked how
many spaces.M1ouf€J be used for the rental trucks. Grimes stated that the applicant is
askiri~.for perrmission to have 2 rental trucks on his property. Waldhauser asked if some
of the spac~si;pehind the building are not usable for parking because of the need to
access the car wash. Grimes said it is his understanding that the spaces in the back
haven't been striped because there really isn't a need for them.
Waldhauser asked why it would be a problem to allow the applicant to have more than 2
rental trucks on this property since they have enough parking spaces. Grimes said the
Planning Commission could recommend that the applicant be allowed to have more than
2 rental trucks however he is concerned at this point that more trucks would be parked on
this property than are allowed.
Minutes of the Golden Valley Planning Commission
June 22,2009
Page 3
McCarty referred to the signage requirements and asked about the City's recourse on
businesses that don't comply with the sign code requirements. Grimes stated that it would
be considered a misdemeanor violation of the City Code however staff likes to work with
people first to try to bring their properties into conformance if that doesn't work than the
matter could be taken to court.
McCarty asked if the owner has been approached by the City regarding the non-
conforming sign issues. Grimes said it is his understanding that Roger McQ.abe has
spoken with the property owner regarding the signage at this property.
Waldhauser referred to the easement on the east side of the parking lot and askeq if
landscaping or planting can be done in easement areas. Grimes said thatplants.i~an be
placed in easement areas.
Kluchka asked Grimes what part of the City Code or wQat departm s with the
striping of parking lots. Grimes said the Planning and Pu_liq Wo~~s 0 rtments would
work with applicants regarding the striping of thei~ipark' IOt.KIOchka asked if it would be
appropriate to require as a condition of approval:that thikingIOt be appropriately
striped to encourage good circulation and access to the ca~"vash.
George Kabalan, Applicant, stated that.he has parkedJ,.J,.l0laul trucks on this lot and in the
easement area for 2 years now and no One h i.d anything. He agreed that Mr. Grimes
allowed him to keep renting 2 trucksoUring Conditional Use Permit amendment
process and that the 2 trailers M~I<Grimes saw on the property earlier this evening belong
to an employee who wasn't aw?trethattnere were only supposed to be 2 trucks on the
property. He added that thail will be removed in the morning. He stated that he
would like to be allowed ent trUe~s to help him improve his business. He referred
to the signage issues and sai would work with Roger McCabe to come up with a
signage plan. Waldhauser a he applicant if he has spoken with Mr. McCabe in the
past. Kabalan said heiQa dhauser asked about the "no parking" signs that are
supposed to be:l~cated st access road. Kabalan said there are no signs
regarding parkingi?tt.all 08 his property. Waldhauser noted that the requirement regarding
the installati~nof'.'nopwking" signs pre-dates this current property owner.
Kluchka asked th~ applicant if it would be helpful or useful to him to have more than 2
rental trucks.~abaIan said it would help him get more business if he could have more
trucksibl..lt he ""ould do whatever the City allows him to do.
Grimes askeo the applicant about the size of trucks he would be renting. Kabalan said the
longest truck he would rent will be 17 feet.
Waldhauser referred to the 5 parking spaces behind the building that aren't routinely used
and asked if that is where people drive to access the car wash. Kabalan said he would be
willing to re-strip the parking lot in order to make parking, circulation and access easier.
Minutes of the Golden Valley Planning Commission
June 22, 2009
Page 4
Cera asked the applicant to describe the rental business. Kabalan said he would have 2
trucks and people can rent them for "in town" or local use. He said there would not be
customers dropping of trucks from different locations.
Waldhauser opened the public hearing.
Kimberly Vedo, representing Hillsboro Court Apartments, 2911 Hillsboro Ave. N., New
Hope, said she opposes this proposed use because she doesn't think it's..~ttractive to the
community particularly with the improvements other property owners i e have
made and this use will not enhance the community at all. She said th icall -Haul
dealerships are found in communities that have a lot of economic d e iss . She
added that this corner with the gas station and liquor store is alre dy nQt tive
and a U-Haul dealer won't help the situation.
Waldhauser asked Vedo if her concern is just the appearance of thei~..Haul vehicles or
something else. Vedo said she thinks the U-Haul truckswQuld reflect negatively on the
neighborhood and would give people a bad perception of thear~(11. She added that a U-
Haul dealership is not something she would conSider to be. an attractive attribute when
marketing her apartments.
McCarty stated that the U-Haul dealers8ip/cou b an attractive amenity to the
apartment residents. Vedo said that shegen IYiqQesn't encourage her residents to
Waldhauser questioned if it vvQuldm~~~a difference from an appearance stand point if
the U-Haul trucks were lo~~tedb~hin~the gas station. Vedo said that would be preferable
to having them in the fron~pr on t@e side. She added that there are just certain things that
don't necessarily reflect positively on a community such as pawn shops, U-Hauls, check
cashing stores, tobaycQ.shopsi~tc. and those types of things fall into neighborhoods that
are not as desirable ~.~... sh~~.2LlldJike hers to be. Grimes referred to the location map and
reiterated where he isrElg~mmending the trucks be parked. He said he thinks it will be
hard for peoele to~~~ th~. trucks if they are parked where he is recommending and not in
the easementare~,.. H~ said he thinks the signage on the site is more of an issue.
Ec asked\{Eldo.VI(ho she is referring to when she says "we". Vedo said she is speaking
fo ownel"i~ndpartnership group for the property. Eck asked if she is speaking on
beha the r ....... ters or if any of the renters have complained. Vedo said she is not
speakin alf of the renters and she hasn't had any complaints yet, but typically she
hears from renters about issues after the fact.
Seeing and hearing no one else wishing to comment, Waldhauser closed the public
McCarty asked the applicant how long he has had U-Haul trucks at his location. Kabalan
said he has been renting the U-Haul trucks for two years. He added that he realizes the
Sinclair station across the street is newer but that is not what is important. What is
Minutes of the Golden Valley Planning Commission
June 22,2009
Page 5
important is how he serves people in the community. He said he willing to find a solution
regarding the signage and he is willing to park the trucks in the specified location but he
feels no one from the apartments will be able to see the trucks.
Waldhauser said doesn't have too much concern about this proposal except for the
signage issues. She said the appearance of this property is important because it is an
entrance to Golden Valley. She noted that there is landscaping in the front and trees on
the highway side of the property however she wishes there were trees between this
property and the McDonald's next door to the east. She said there se~mstOb~~dequate
parking even with a couple of trucks parked in the back. She added that it would.be nice
to have the parking clarified with "no parking" signs in the easement area and striping to
indicate where cars should go.
Schmidgall said he doesn't want to cripple a thriving businesS but this prop~rty is visually
chaotic and he is disappointed that it has been out of complian~~ wit gn ordinance
for 14 years and the "no parking" signs haven't been in d i 4 ye . He would really
like to see this property brought into compliance with nditional Use Permit.
He said he would also like to limit the number oLU-Haul in order to keep the
visual chaos to a minimum.
McCarty agreed that the number of rentartruck~shoUlqb~limited to 2 and added that the
City also needs to do its part to enforce the conditions in the Conditional Use Permit. Cera
also agreed with the idea of limiting the number of trucks to 2 and suggested a condition
be placed on the approval that t0~ property should be brought into compliance before the
proposal goes to the City Coypcil; 0ka said he agrees that progress toward sign
compliance should be sho~f1;
Waldhauser reviewed the <pitions in original Conditional Use Permit. She stated
that the suggested new90nditio~s for this amendment request are as follows: 1) The
parking spaces on thepro~erty S0all be clearly designated and striped and the two
spaces for the rental trucks should be clearly marked; 2) All signage shall meet the City's
sign code requirern~ntsby no later than August 31, 2009 and 3) "no parking" signs shall
be installed Fir~ Marshall, along the west side of the shared driveway adjacent to
TH 16 n thal'lAugust 31,2009.
KlUQ0ka sug tedthey add a condition regarding landscape screening of the parking
area for adjacent properties. McCarty said he would be in favor of requiring landscape
screeningifJ0.ere were adjacent residential properties but it doesn't seem fair to put the
landscape cost burden on this applicant. The Commissioners agreed.
McCarty asked about the process for revoking a Conditional Use Permit if the conditions
are not met. Grimes said staff typically tries to work with property owners before revoking
their Conditional Use Permits. He added that for a Conditional Use Permit to be revoked
staff would have to receive a complaint or notice some gross violation of the Conditional
Use Permit.
Minutes of the Golden Valley Planning Commission
June 22,2009
Page 6
McCarty said he is concerned that the deadline of August 31 to bring the property into
compliance is arbitrary and won't mean anything to the applicant or the City so he'd like to
see some progress on the site before the applicant is allowed to go to the City Council.
Cera agreed he would like to see some progress before the proposal gets approved by
the City Council. Grimes stated that the applicant has been working with Roger McCabe
to bring his property into conformance with the sign code.
Waldhauser asked if the sign code deals with aesthetic issues or if signage is only based
on allowing a certain amount. Grimes said there are no design standarq$fbt . .ns other
than in the 1-394 Mixed Use zoning district.
Kluchka asked the Commissioners for their opinion about how
be to the rest of the neighborhood. Schmidgall said he is happ
recommendation for the location for the rental trucks.
Kluchka suggested that the applicant be required to subrmit.a revised showing the
parking lot striping, designated truck rental spaces .andthe location of any signs. Grimes
agreed that would be a good idea.
MOVED by Schmidgall, seconded by Cera and motion carri~d unanimously to
recommend approval of an amended Cql1ditional Use~~r!'Tiit at 9405 Medicine Lake
Road to allow the applicant to rent U-Ha is existing location in the
Commercial zoning district with th~:foll~wl
1. A new site plan updating th.. 9/1195. site plan all be submitted and be made a part
of this permit. The two equ ntparking spaces shall be the two spaces south of
the store and closest tOiTH 16, There shall be a total of 9 parking spaces for
customers, employees anq ipment display. The parking spaces on the property
shall be clearly designated striped and the two spaces for the rental trucks shall
be clearly marked
2. The propertYrn.ay b dasia gas/convenience store with one automated car wash
bay. Also, up t 0 ks or trailers may be displayed for rent on the site in the
10cationiCliitified bove Condition No.1.
3. All si g the site will meet the requirements of the City's sign code by no later
than AU94~ ,2009.
4.'!fi4o parking!'. signs shall be installed per the Fire Marshal along the west side of the
shared drive'tVay adjacent to TH 169 by no later than August 31,2009.
5. All other a~plicable local, state, and federal requirements shall be met.
6. Failure to comply with one or more of the above conditions shall be grounds for
revocation of the CUP.
--Short Recess--
Minutes of the Golden Valley Planning Commission
June 22, 2009
Page 7
4. Reports on Meetings of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority, City
Council, Board of Zoning Appeals and other Meetings
Kluchka reported on the District 281 Divestiture Committee meeting he attended where
they discussed options for what to do with seven school district properties.
Waldhauser reported on a 1,000 friends of MN meeting she attended where they
discussed landscaping and redeveloping old properties and what other have
done in regard to landscaping.
5. Other Business
McCarty asked about proposed new language regarding decks, porches, stoops, etc.
Grimes stated that staff is still working on the proposed language ahdwill bring it to a
future Planning Commission meeting.
6. Adjournment
The meeting was adjourned at 8: 15 pm.
763-593-8095/ 763-593-8109 (fax)
September 23, 2009
Golden Valley Planning Commission
Joe Hogeboom, City Planner
Proposed Ordinance Allowing Decks to be located within 30 feet of the Front
Yard Property Line in the Single Family (R-1) Zoning District
Currently, open front porches are allowed to be located within 30 feet of the front yard property
line in the Single Family (R-1) Zoning District. Open front porches are understood by the
Building and Inspections Department to be unscreened, and covered by a roof structure.
Recently, several proposals have been made that show uncovered porches, or decks, located
up to 30 feet from the front property line. Language in the code currently prohibits this.
As homes in Golden Valley age, the City is seeing an increase in the remodeling of front entry
areas to homes. Because landing areas over 25 square feet must adhere to setback
requirements, uncovered platforms larger than 25 square feet must be located at least 35 feet
away from the front property line.
Staff has agreed that the impacts of uncovered platforms ("decks") in the front yard are similar
to those of covered platforms ("open front porches"). Therefore, staff recommends amending
City Code to allow decks to be allowed to be located within 30 feet from the front property line,
and requests that the Planning Commission recommend approval of the proposed ordinance.
Section 11.21, Subdivision 11 of City Code (2 Pages)
9 11.21
*Subdivision 11. Principal Structures
Subject to the modifications in Subdivision 12, below, principal structures in the R-1
Zoning District shall be governed by the following requirements:
A. Setback Requirements. The following structure setbacks shall be required for
principal structures in the R-1 zoning district. Garages or other accessory
structures which are attached to the house or main structure shall also be
governed by these setback requirements, except for stair landings up to
twenty-five (25) square feet in size and for handicapped ramps.
1. Front Setback. The required minimum front setback shall be thirty-five
(35) feet from any front property line along a street right-of-way line.
Decks and 9Qpen front porches, with no screens, may be built to within
thirty (30) feet of a front property line along a street right-of-way line.
a. In the case of a corner lot, the side with the narrower street frontage
shall be considered the front of the lot.
2. Rear Setback. The required rear setback shall be twenty percent (20%) of
the lot depth.
3. Side Setback. Side yard setbacks are determined by the lot width at the
minimum required front setback line. The distance between any part of a
structure and the side lot lines shall be governed by the following
Source: Ordinance No. 292, 2nd Series
Effective Date: 3-12-04
a. In the case of lots having a width of one hundred (100) feet or
greater, the side setbacks for structures fifteen (15) feet or less in
height shall be fifteen (15) feet. The side setbacks for any structure
greater than fifteen (15) feet in height shall be fifteen (15) feet plus
one-half (0.5) foot for each additional one (1) foot (or portion thereof)
of structure height over fifteen (15) feet;
b. In the case of lots having a width greater than sixty-five (65) feet and
less than one hundred (100) feet, the side setbacks for structures
fifteen (15) feet or less in height shall be twelve and one-half (12.5)
feet. The side setbacks for any structure greaterthan fifteen (15) feet
in height shall be twelve and one-half (12.5) feet plus one-half (0.5)
foot for each additional one (1) foot (or portion thereof) of structure
height over fifteen (15) feet;
c. In the case of lots having a width of sixty-five (65) feet or less, the
side setbacks for structures fifteen (15) feet or less in height along the
north or west side shall be ten percent (10%) of the lot width and
along the south or east side shall be twenty percent (20%) of the lot
Golden Valley City Code
Page 1 of 2
9 11.21
width (up to twelve and one-half (12.5) feet) The side setback for any
structure greater than fifteen (15) feet in height along the north or
west side shall be ten percent (10%) of the lot width and along the
south or east side twenty percent (20%) of the lot width plus one-half
(0.5) foot for each additional two (2) feet (or portion thereof) of height
over fifteen (15) feet.
d. For any new construction, whether a new house, addition or
replacement through a tear-down, any wall longer than thirty-two (32)
feet in length must be articulated, with a shift of at least two (2) feet
in depth, for at least eight (8) feet in length, for every thirty-two (32)
feet of wall.
Source: Ordinance No. 382, 2nd Series
Effective Date: 3-28-08
4. Corner Lot Setbacks. To determine the rear yard setback, use the longer
lot line. To determine the side yard setback, use the shortest lot line.
Source: Ordinance No. 292, 2nd Series
Effective Date: 3-12-04
B. Height Limitations. No principal structure shall be erected in the R-1 Zoning
District with a building height exceeding twenty-eight (28) feet for pitched
roof houses and twenty-five (25) feet for flat roof houses.
Source: Ordinance No. 382, 2nd Series
Effective Date: 3-28-08
C. Structure Width Requirements. No principal structure shall be less than
twenty-two (22) feet in width as measured from the exterior of the exterior
D. Cornices and Eaves. Cornices and eaves may not project more than thirty
(30) inches into a required setback.
E. Decks. Decks over eight (8) inches from ground level shall meet the same
setbacks as the principal structure-;--in the side and rear yards.
Golden Valley City Code
Page 2 of 2
763-593-8095 I 763-593-8109 (fax)
September 23,2009
Golden Valley Planning Commission
Joe Hogeboom, City Planner
Proposed Ordinance Restricting Driveways and Street Access in the Single
Family (R-1) Zoning District
The Public Works Department has requested that a provision be added to the Zoning Code
limiting the number of street curb cut access points in the Single Family (R-1) Zoning District to
one access point per parcel. The Public Works Department has expressed concern over the
increasing number of property owners requesting additional curb access points, often at the
expense of the City.
Driveway access is currently regulated by City policy. By codifying the guidelines, the City is
able to enforce standard procedures throughout the community. It also allows residents
wishing to receive additional street curb cut access points the ability to petition to the Board of
Zoning Appeals, rather than informally lobbying the City Council.
The proposed language is written to allow more than one street curb cut access point on a
parcel if several extenuating circumstances apply. Those exceptions include the existence of a
"horseshoe driveway," the need to access a legally constructed accessory structure on the
property or a documented need due to a physical disability.
Staff and the City Attorney have reviewed this proposal, and recommend amending City Code
to restrict driveways and street access in the Single Family (R-1) Zoning District. Staff requests
that the Planning Commission recommend approval of the proposed ordinance.
Section 11.21, Subdivision 19 of City Code (1 Page)
9 11.21
*Subdivision 19. Paved Area, Driveways and Street Access Requirements
Paved areas in the Single Family (R-1) Zoning District, include those constructed of
concrete, bituminous pavement, or pavers, and are governed by the following
A. Driveways built or reconstructed on or after January 1, 2005, shall be paved.
B. Setbacks. Paved areas shall be setback three (3) feet from a side yard
property line, except for shared driveways used by multiple property owners
pursuant to a private easement.
Source: Ordinance No. 415, 2nd Series
Effective Date: 02-13-09
C. Coverage. No more than forty percent (40%) of the front yard may be
covered with concrete, bituminous pavement, or pavers.
Source: Ordinance No. 382, 2nd Series
Effective Date: 3-28-08
*Renumbering Source
Ordinance No. 382, 2nd Series
Effective Date: 3-28-08
D. Street Access. Each lot may have only one (1) street curb cut access. Lots
with the following situations may have up to two (2) street curb cut accesses
(cost for the additional street curb cut access point shall be assessed to the
property owner):
1. A lot that contains two (2) legally constructed garages.
2. 8...Qbysical disability of a person residing on the property requires
additional driveway access.
3. A lot that contains an existing horseshoe driveway.
Golden Valley City Code
Page 1 of 1
763-593-8095 I 763-593-8109 (fax)
September 23, 2009
Golden Valley Planning Commission
Joe Hogeboom, City Planner
Planning Department Project Update
The Planning Department serves as the project facilitator for several large-scale initiatives that
impact the City. This report provides an update of the major planning-related projects currently
underway in Golden Valley.
Comprehensive Plan
Since 2006, the City has been in the process of creating a formal update to its comprehensive
plan. In early 2009, this update had received formal Planning Commission and City Council
approval. The plan was then submitted to the Metropolitan Council for formal review.
The Metropolitan Council has asked the City to make several adjustments to the Plan. In
addition to several typographical changes, required adjustments include;
. Streamlining of demographical forecast data throughout the plan.
. Providing additional housing density information.
. Creating a section of the plan wherein the City's implementing regulations, such as PUD
ordinances, water quality regulations, etc., are defined.
. Providing more detailed data concerning future land uses in the City.
. Providing more detailed data concerning the City's officially designated redevelopment
. Extended traffic forecasting data.
The Planning Department is currently working to implement these changes into the
comprehensive plan. The plan is anticipated to be resubmitted to the Metropolitan Council by
Douglas Drive
The Planning Department is leading a land use study of the Douglas Drive corridor. This study
was initiated in the summer of 2008, and is expected to be completed by the end of 2009. The
study focuses on long term land uses in and around the corridor, as well as future traffic
In August, an open house was held to allow property owners a chance to view information
generated by the study. Many visual graphics were displayed which showed future roadway
configurations. One graphic illustrated the long-term possibility of eliminating access to various
side streets along Douglas Drive, favoring a controlled access point at Olympia Street. This
graphic was based upon future traffic projections as well as long-term land use assumptions.
Several residents have reacted unfavorably to this alternative. In response, the City has asked
engineering consultants to re-examine this, and other future roadway alternatives. The City will
send a letter to residents within a half-mile radius of the Douglas Drive corridor clarifying
elements in the study, and offering the opportunity to enroll in a Douglas Drive Corridor Study
list serve. Information pertaining to the Douglas Drive Corridor Study may be accessed at
Coinciding with the long term land use study of Douglas Drive is the City's immediate desire to
construct a sidewalk along the east side of the roadway between Duluth Street and the Luce
Line Trail. In August, $1,050,000 in funding was allocated to the City of Golden Valley from
Transit for Livable Communities (TLC). This funding is part of the federal Non-Motorized
Transportation Pilot Program, from which a portion of the corridor study was also funded.
TLC supports the City's proposal to construct a sidewalk along Douglas Drive, but believes
that the City must also implement other aspects of the 'complete street' philosophy into the
design. As a stipulation to receiving the funds, TLC has required that Golden Valley reduce the
number of traffic lanes along Douglas Drive to two through lanes and one center turn lane
between Medicine Lake Road and Golden Valley Road. In doing so, TLC also requires that two
one-directional bike lanes are marked on the road. Additionally, TLC requires that the speed
limit on Douglas Drive north of Golden Valley be reduced to 35 miles per hour.
Staff has determined that the successful completion of the abovementioned requirements
would exceed $1,050,000. Staff has been working with the City Council to determine what
City-initiated funding mechanisms would supplement TLC funding. The Council has discussed
the possibility of implementing a franchise fee to absorb the cost of moving overhead utilities
underground as well as the possible obtainment of easements from adjacent property owners.
Council has directed staff to develop a plan to restripe Douglas Drive to three lanes, as well as
construct the east sidewalk. Staff is working in coordination with Hennepin County, TLC, the
Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT), and the City of Crystal to ensure a well-
designed plan is implemented. Construction on this project is anticipated to begin in the spring
of 2010.
Bottineau Boulevard Transitway
Hennepin County is currently studying the feasibility of constructing a light rail transit (LRT) line
within the Bottineau Boulevard/West Broadway Avenue corridor between Downtown
Minneapolis and the Arbor Lakes Shopping Center in Maple Grove. During the course of the
study, it was determined that limited right-of-way along densely-developed West Broadway
Avenue in North Minneapolis prevents light rail transit tracks from being constructed in that
area. Alternative locations were sought for the line as it enters Downtown.
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This figure illustrates the four alignment
options currently under consideration for
transit line. Option D1, currently the
preferred alternative, would route the line
out of the Bottineau Boulevard corridor in
Robbinsdale and duplex it onto the
Burlington Northern Santa Fe (BNSF)
railroad corridor. This option enters Golden
Valley at the Mary Hills Nature Area and
continues through Theodore Wirth Park.
Ultimately, the line would connect to Olson
Memorial Highway, where it would continue
into Downtown. For this alignment, a
possible location for a transit station has
been identified at Golden Valley Road.
Other alternatives include bringing light rail
through either Penn or Lowry Avenues, or
ending the light rail line in North Minneapolis
and continuing a bus rapid transit line (BRT)
into Downtown via West Broadway Avenue.
These three alternatives (D2, D3 and D4)
would add significant travel time to the line,
and are therefore considered inferior to the
Golden Valley option.
The earliest possible construction of the Bottineau Boulevard Transitway would occur in 2015.
Preliminary public meetings have been scheduled to introduce these concepts to area
residents and to gather public feedback. No public meeting will take place in Golden Valley.
The nearest public meeting will take place on Wednesday. September 30 from 6-8 pm at the
Crvstal City Hall.
Hennepin County is also currently involved in the Southwest Transitway LRT corridor. The
Southwest Transitway is expected to extend from Downtown Minneapolis to Eden Prairie.
Construction on the Southwest Transitway is expected to be initiated prior to the Bottineau
Transitway, possibly starting in 2012. More information on the Southwest LRT corridor can be
found at http://www.southwesttransitwav.orQ/.
Community Development
The City has extended its contract with Hennepin County and has agreed to participate in the
Active Living Hennepin Communities until December 31, 2010. In return, Hennepin County has
agreed to reimburse the City $5,067 for staff time and other expenses. Active living is a
movement wherein physical activity is incorporated into citizens' daily routines. The Planning
Department will provide insight into incorporating development guidelines into city codes which
foster elements of active living.
The City's interdepartmental "Green Team," chaired by Planning and Development Director
Mark Grimes, continues to search for innovative ways in which environmentally friendly
applications can be incorporated into city practice and policy. Currently, the Green Team is
identifying ways in which the Zoning Code can address and regulate wind energy generators.
As a result of the Green Team's work, several other amendments to the Zoning Code have
been proposed, including adding provisions to address rainwater collection and storage barrels
as well as photovoltaic devices. Green Team-initiated ordinances are expected to be formally
presented to the Planning Commission in November.