01-11-10 PC Agenda
Minutes of the Golden Valley Planning Commission
November 23, 2009
Page 10
in his experience, owner occupied housing units have not been a problem and in fact offer
people an opportunity to stay in Golden Valley. Schroeder added that the problems
typically associated with multi-family housing tend to be connected to bad management.
Kluchka asked about the cost of this study. Grimes stated that the study cost
approximately $100,000 and approximately $50,000 was received in grant money.
Kluchka asked how much implementation will cost and who will pay for it. Schroeder
explained that the primary source of funding for redevelopment is tax increment financing
or tax abatement. He stated that there is usually some combination of grant money and
developer capital tied with city resources. Grimes added that much of the upgrading of
Douglas Drive will be paid for by Hennepin County. Kluchka aske~..~bout. the cost~ for
developing the land, not the road. Grimes stated at this point in ti~e the City is not going
to acquire property and sell it back to developers. Tax increment is most likely what would
be used for any redevelopment. He added that the plan is just a way to show developers
the City's vision for the corridor.
Kluchka referred to the questions asked by residents regarding remodeling their homes
and planning for any future redevelopment. Schroeder stated that properties, as they are
acquired, would be acquired based on fair market value through an appraisal or through
the uniform relocation act which is a manda~yd pr~.cess use~ to define what the
acquisition price will be. He suggests to people in reqy~yl()~ment areas not let their
properties decline, particularly in an aref\l<~hat I~oks out<over 20 years for redevelopment
and doesn't predict when redevelog.p1yptV\iiHhappemIThe value of the property is based
on the condition of the property .~t;\eh it<i$ acq~ired so it is worth it for property owners to
maintain and improve their property. He discussed the federally mandated process for
property acquisition when a9~ty,.S invOlved in purchasing properties and suggested
residents talk to real estateprofe$sion~ls or appraisal acquisition experts to help with
improvement decisions.
Grimes discussed th~change$<that have occurred since the mid-1980s in the 1-394
corridor. He statyd that n~fi.)r()Perty in that corridor has been devalued and in fact property
values have been.enhanved.
Kluvhka~ai€fhe is interested in knowing if developments are helped or hindered by these
planning studies. Keysser said he thinks within the next 20 years the market will vhange
Kluvhkaa,skedhow the Douglas Drive Corridor Study addresses maintaining residential
character alQhg the vorridor and the potential impact to neighboring property. Schroeder
stated that the intention is to use redevelopment to create a higher level of amenity, not
only to the corridor but to the neighborhoods near the corridor. He stated that the study
also tries to stabilize the negative impacts of the roadways and create vharacter that
encourages more walking and more movement and enhanves the image of the corridor
while still feeling residential in character.
MvCarty referred to the northeast corner of Douglas Drive and Golden Valley Road and
asked how the study addresses that area. Svhroeder stated that area differs to the
Minutes of the Golden Valley Planning Commission
November 23, 2009
Page 11
Comprehensive Plan which suggests a multi-family use. Grimes stated that the
Comprehensive Plan designates that area as high density.
Grimes referred to the concern heard earlier about 6-story buildings in the Douglas Drive
Corridor and stated that they would be located only along TH 55. Schroeder agreed and
added that every other area is either 3 or 4 story, multi-family buildings.
McCarty said he thinks the study is very well thought out but he is not convinced that the
idea of front yards facing Douglas Drive will work, especially for families with children.
Grimes agreed that wouldn't be the typical choice for families with chi..l~ren. It robably
more appropriate for single people or families without children.
Schmidgall said he would cheerfully live in the community that is depicted ihthe study. He
said he understands that 25 years from now the community will look different than what
has been depicted because the study is a starting off point or guideline. He said it is an
excellent plan that involved wide participation by members of community and it is an
excellent direction for the future of this area.
MOVED by Schmidgall, seconded by Eck and motion carried unanimously to recommend
the adoption of the Douglas Drive Corridor studY9~ a part the Special Planning
Districts chapter of the Comprehensive Platt
--Short Recess--
6. Reports on Meetin.9~Of)theF'l()using and Redevelopment Authority, City
Council, Board ofloningApP~als and other Meetings
Kluchka stated thatth~pi ...81 Divestiture Committee has continued to meet and
discuss options for thE:). clis . 'p~operties.
7. Other Business
No other business was discussed.
8. Adjournment
The meeting was adjourned at 9:35 pm.