Panel Discussion - QuestionsEnvironmental Commission Panel Discussion Solid Waste Collection Practices Discussion Topics ? Describe your city’s program. ? What are the positives of your current program; what are
the negatives? ? Describe any changes that you envision your city implementing in the future. ? Has there been any recent public discussion regarding solid waste management or recycling
in your community? ? For those that have evaluated their solid waste management or recycling programs, what are the reasons and motivations behind the decisions that were made? ? If
any changes have been made in your solid waste management or recycling programs: o What was difficult? o What was easy? o What perceived benefits or negatives did not materialize? o
What unexpected benefits or negatives have occured? o What were the greatest benefits/negatives that resulted from the change? ? For those Cities with organized hauling contracts, does
your city have any experience in splitting your City’s into zones, if so how many, and subsequently do y?????ou have contracts with any independent haulers? ? What are the additional
staffing needs/requirements for those Cities with organized solid waste collection (as compared to an open hauling system)?