10/16/08GOLDEN VALLEY HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION MEETING Minutes from the Meeting of October 16, 2008 Members Present: Marion Helland, Anne Dykstra, Christopher Jordan, Roger McConico & Debra Yahle. Members Absent: Ron Brandon and Jay Sandvik. Staff Present: Chief Stacy Altonen and Council Member DeDe Scanlon The meeting was called to order by Commissioner Dykstra at 7:05 pm. OPEN FORUM There was no one present requesting to address the Commission. CHAIRPERSON'S REPORT APPROVAL OF MINUTES Commissioner Yahle moved to approve the minutes of the September 11, 2008 meeting; seconded by Commissioner McConico. The minutes were unanimously approved. COMMITTEE REPORTS SCHOOL EDUCATION There was nothing to report. HOUSING Commissioner Jordan advised he would like to reach out to residents in multi -housing or rental housing units and advise them the City has a Human Rights Commission should they have any concerns they need assistance with. Commissioner Jordan also expressed interest in providing training or supplying information to property managers. Commissioner Dykstra advised topics could include: temporary shelter, transportation for medical care and services for children. Chief Altonen advised the City has the Star Program, where the Police Department and Inspections Department meet quarterly with approximately 12-20 property managers to discuss a variety of topics. She advised the HRC could prepare fliers to distribute at those meetings if desired. Council Member Scanlon advised of a foreclosure meeting at the Golden Valley Library. Scanlon will forward information on the meeting to commissioners. LEAGUE OF MINNESOTA HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSIONS Commissioner Helland advised 9 new members were elected to the board and the next meeting will be on October 26th in Red Wing. A meeting schedule for 2009 will be established at this meeting. More than 100 people attended the annual conference in Rochester. SHARE THE DREAM There was nothing to report. DISCRIMINATION Chief Altonen is still working on gathering the information on Affirmative Action. Information will be forwarded to commissioners via e-mail before the next meeting. OLD BUSINESS BREMER GRANT Commissioner Helland advised the grant form has been submitted for the cities of Golden Valley, Crystal, Plymouth, New Hope & Robbinsdale. A meeting has been scheduled for January 26th at 7PM in the Crystal Community Center to decide what kind of training the commissions would like to have and who should provide the training. The training will be offered to commissioners, council members and mayors of the five cities. NEW BUSINESS ELECTION OF OFFICERS Commissioner McConico motioned to elect a temporary chair to preside over the meetings through the end of January; seconded by Commissioner Helland. A temporary chair will be elected at the November meeting. MENTORING PROGRAM Chief Altonen advised the police department would like to start a mentoring program for youth where police and fire personnel participate in monthly activities and social/civic events with approximately 12 kids who otherwise would not have exposure to those kinds of events. She asked commissioners to forward contact information to her for any children they know that would benefit from this sort of program. NEXT MEETING The next meeting is scheduled for Thursday, November 13th, beginning at 7PM. ADJOURNMENT Moved by Commissioner Yahle, seconded by Commissioner McConico to adjourn the meeting at 7:51 pm.