07-07-10 JWC Agenda Packet
1 :30 pm - July 7, 2010
Council Conference Room
Golden Valley City Hall
1. Call to Order
2. Approval of Minutes - June 2,2010
3. Letter to Minneapolis - Burt
4. CitiLink's Request for Equipment on North New Hope Water Tower -
5. Adjournment
Golden Valley - Crystal - New Hope
Meeting of June 2 2010
The Golden Valley - Crystal - New Hope Joint Water Commission meeting was called to
order at 1 :30 pm, in the City of Golden Valley Council Conference Room.
Commissioners Present
Tom Burt, City Manager, Golden Valley
Anne Norris, City Manager, Crystal
Kirk McDonald, City Manager, New Hope
Staff Present
Sue Virnig, Finance Director, Golden Valley
Bert Tracy, Public Works Maintenance Manager, G
Dave Lemke, Utilities Maintenance Supervisor, G
Bernie Weber, Utilities Maintenance Superviso
Tom Mathisen, Director of Public Works, Cry
Jeannine Clancy, Director of Public Works, Go
Guy Johnson, Director of Public Works, New Hop
Minutes of May 5. 2010
nimously to approve the
A reement For Pro
Rehabilitation Pr
ion carried unanimously to approve the
Ith Bolton and Menk for $34,500 for the
for Generator Maintenance to Golden Valle
quote for a 3-
pump maintena
y McDonald and motion carried unanimously to approve the
upport Agreement with Ziegler Power Systems to perform
mount of:.
$4206.00 - Ge erator PM Service, annually
$2148.00 - Pointguard Monitoring, annually
$2268.00 - Load Bank Testing - every other year
Broadband Solutions Interest to Lease Space on New Hope North Water Tower for
Two Microwave Dishes
McDonald wanted to inform the Commission that New Hope is working with Broadband
Solutions regarding the lease rates and timing.
Joint Water Commission
Page 2 of 2
Next Meetina
The next meeting will be July 7,2010.
The meeting was adjourned at 1:15 pm.
Christine Columbus, Administrative Assistant
Golden Valley w Crystal w New Hope
Joint Water Commission
7800 Golden Valley Road
Golden Valley, Minnesota 55427
June 24, 2010
Mr. Steve Kotke, Director of Public Works
City of Minneapolis
City Hall, Room 203
350 South 5th Street
Minneapolis, Minnesota 55415-1315
Minneapolis Water Purchase Agreement
Dear Mr. Kotke:
The Joint Water Commission (JWC) recently completed a multi-year collaborative process with
the City to review specific issues set forth in the Agreement. These included: 1) consideration
of a backup City water supply, 2) expanded JWC oversight and governance, 3) emergency
interconnections with neighboring cities, and 4) supplemental groundwater supply. The
overarching purpose of these discussions was to secure a high quality, reliable and
sustainable water supply for JWC residents.
The JWC is pleased having secured from Minneapolis the ability to develop emergency
interconnections with its neighboring water suppliers. The Water Advisory Board also
expanded the JWC's advisory input into City water works operations and water system capital
However, little progress is being made on the development of a backup water supply,
construction of a critical interconnection with St. Paul, and investment of sufficient funds into
ongoing renewal and replacement of the City water system. Due to the apparently dire
financial condition of the City Water Fund, cancellation of the planned Fridley membrane
treatment facility, and continued very large transfers of water revenue to the General Fund, at
this point the JWC is compelled to re-engage you and your staff in a focused discussion as to
the rates paid for City water and other matters affecting the long-term viability of the
Ag reement.
The next five-year cost of service adjustment in JWC rates is due to take effect in 2013. The
JWC is seeking to re-negotiate its Agreement prior to that time. We would appreciate a
response to our concerns by mid-July.
Mr. Steve Kotke
June 24, 2010
Page 2
Water Purchase Agreement Payment Provisions
The Water Purchase Agreement between the JWC and the City sets forth a specific
methodology for determining the rate to be paid by the JWC for wholesale potable water
service. The agreement sets forth a five-year cycle of cost of service adjustments to the rates.
The last such adjustment went into effect 1 January 2009 and will remain so until 31 December
Base - Extra Capacity Method
The Agreement specifies that a "Base - Extra Capacity" analysis of City water works operating
expenses, allowance for depreciation and return on capital be conducted every five years to
determine the ratio between inside-city residential customers and the rate to be paid by the
JWC for wholesale city drinking water for the next five years. The Agreement specifies that the
City use the American Water Works Association (AWWA) Base - Extra Capacity method to
identify and allocate costs between City retail customers, the JWC and other suburban
wholesale customers. Section 1.F of the Agreement specifies that the AWWA method be used,
but that the JWC only be allocated a share of operating expenses and depreciation allowance
with zero return on capital.
Table 1 below sets forth the summary of the 2008 analysis that developed the JWC's current
wholesale water rates.
TABLE 1 - Minneapolis Cost of Service to the JWC, 2008
Planl Value Allocation 36,763,760 319,055.894 11.5%
Return on Investment
Depreclallon 1.517,056 12.985,984 11.7%
Bond Payment 12.938,274
O&M 4,021,293 35,431,549 11.3%
Billing and Accounting 1.500
TOTAL 5,539.849
2007 Water Used (Gallons) 2,649,000,000 20.946.000,000 12.6%
Cost per Million Gallons 2,091.30
Cost per Thousand Gallons 2.09 3.58 58.4'Yo
Cost per 100 Cubic Feet 1.56 2.67 58.4%
Cost of Service to Serve the Joint Water Commission, peE, September 2008
Mr. Steve Kotke
June 24, 2010
Page 3
Position. It is our position that the City has generally followed the AWWA Base - Extra
Capacity methodology with regard to defining cost categories, cost allocation factors, and
water demands. As called for in the Agreement, the analysis properly excludes a return on
investment cost component.
The 2008 analysis includes forecasted 2009-2013 capital improvements to derive a $13.0
million estimate of an allowance for depreciation. Almost half of this estimate is based on
projected 2009-2013 capital improvements, some of which have been cancelled or deferred
indefinitely. It should also be noted that the depreciation estimates included in the 2008
analysis were developed specifically for the 2008 analysis and cannot be reconciled with the
City's 2007 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR).
Please provide to the JWC a revised cost of service analysis with adjusted allowance for
depreciation estimate reflecting changes that have been made to the 2009-2013 capital
improvement plan and adjust JWC rates accordingly.
Fair and Equitable Rates
Section 6.B of the Agreement stipulates that rates established for the JWC in 2008 should be
"fair and equitable."
Position. It is our position that the City has an obligation to establish a common cost of service
framework to be applied prospectively and consistently in setting rates for new wholesale
customers and for future adjustments in rates for retail customers.
In 2009, the City prepared a cost of service analysis of retail potable water rates for the
Minneapolis-St. Paul Airport (MSP). The analysis, evidently prepared using the AWWA Base -
Extra Capacity methodology, concluded that rates to MSP should be significantly lower than
those charged the JWC. MSP has an internal, small diameter water distribution system and
would receive water from the City via large diameter water mains, similar to those serving the
JWC. However, MSP is an "on-demand" customer that does not have its own storage or oft-
peak delivery requirements like the JWC. Therefore, operating expenses, and rates, should be
higher to meet MSP's higher peak demands and storage service needs. A cost of service
analysis of such a customer would reasonably conclude that a fair and equitable rate for the
MSP should be somewhat higher than the JWC, and somewhat lower than inside city retail
rates. Either MSP is being charged too Iowa rate, or the JWC is being charged too much.
Please provide to the JWC a cost of service analysis that demonstrates that JWC and MSP
rates have been developed on a consistent cost of service basis.
Costs Which Are Not Incurred
Section 6.B of the Agreement stipulates that "all costs of service which are incurred to provide
water to other customers but which are not incurred in providing water to the JWC should be
set aside." This provision is interpreted to mean that costs that are either not incurred or not
allocable to the JWC should not be included in the cost basis of JWC rates.
Mr. Steve Kotke
June 24. 2010
Page 4
Position. It is our position that the City has an obligation to clarify its 2008 cost of service
analysis and demonstrate that the estimated $4.75 million in Ultrafiltration Program
depreciation expense is indeed related to assets that will be put in service by 2013. Due to the
cancellation of the Fridley Membrane Project, it is unclear whether the depreciation expense
related to 2009-2013 improvements will increase by such a significant amount. If it cannot be
shown that these assets will be put in service during this period of time, then the 2008 Cost of
Service analysis of JWC rates should be revised and these costs "set aside" for purposes of a
new JWC rate.
Extraordinary Transfers
Section 1.C of the Agreement defines an extraordinary transfer as "the transfer of funds from
the Water Works Fund to any other fund of the City of Minneapolis without the receipt of
services in return therefore...." A pro forma forecast prepared by City staff and distributed to
the JWC in the fall of 2009 indicated that annual transfers to the General Fund are expected to
average about 25 percent of annual operating expense over the next ten years. These
transfers are divided into two line items in the forecast: "Transfers to General Fund" and
"General Fund Services".
It should also be noted that the Agreement stipulates a $1,500.00 annual metering and billing
expense. This expense is included as a line item in the 2008 Cost of Service analysis.
Position. Please demonstrate that transfers to the General Fund both in the current budget
period and forecasted through 2013 are directly related to a "receipt of services" as stipulated
in the Agreement. In our experience with utility budgeting and finance, General Fund transfers
of 25 percent are extremely high.
Further, please demonstrate that the transfer to the General Fund does not double count the
metering and billing expense that is included in the 2008 Cost of Service Report. If indeed
metering and billing expenses are included in the General Fund transfers, then the JWC is
paying twice for these services.
Finally, the City should reconcile in a transparent manner its 2008 cost of service analysis with
the pro forma forecast distributed last fall.
. We appreciate the opportunity to bring these issues to your attention and look forward to
meeting with you soon to discuss their resolution. Thank you.
Very Truly Yours,
Thomas D. Burt, Chair
c: Anne Norris, City of Crystal
Kirk McDonald. City of New Hope
I Real Property Law
Specialist Certified By
The Minnesota State
Bar Association
'Licensed in Illinois/Colorado
'Qualified Neutral Mediator
under Rule 114
Attorneys At Law
TELEPHONE (763) 424-8811 $ TELEFAX (763) 493-5193
e-mail law@jspattorneys.com
Writer's Direct Dial No,,' (763) 201-0211
e-mail sas@jspattorneys.com
July 2,2010
Kirk McDonald, City Manager
City of New Hope
4401 Xylon Avenue North
New Hope, MN 55428
Re: CitiLink Request for Antenna on North Water Tower
Our File No.: 99-10000
Dear Kirk:
This letter is in follow up to the July 2nd letter you received from Carol Wirsbinski of CitiLink in
connection with its requested lease on the North Water Tower.
The main sticking point in our negotiation on the lease was the rent amount. CitiLink has agreed to
pay annual rent of $9,000.00 As you know, we have required annual rent payments of $25,000.00
or more from other cell phone providers like T-Mobile and Sprint. However, these providers have
been using the tower space for their entire network of customers. As a result, the tower rent is
spread out among numerous customers. CitiLink's request for tower space is limited to a single
customer; LDI. Obviously, CitiLink's tower rent will be borne exclusively by LDI. As a result, a
reduced tower rent is justified in this unique case and in my opinion will not set a precedent in any
future negotiations with other cell phone service providers. Also, LDI is a significant business in
the City and assisting LDI to obtain better phone service thereby promoting their presence in the
City is in our best interest as well.
Further, CitiLink's use of the tower property will be minimal with no required special equipment.
They will only require a 2 foot by 4 foot equipment box incidental to the antenna on the tower. The
box is made from stainless steel and they have agreed to screen the box if we so require. In other
words, they will satisfy public works and the surrounding residences of any aesthetic concerns we
might have about their use ofthe tower property.
I did speak to Director Johnson regarding their request. He does not have any problems with their
request as long as they meet our aesthetic concerns and realize they may need to provide temporary
power to the site if and when we revitalize the existing well on the site.
In summary, this appears to be a reasonable proposal for the City which will generate an additional
$9,000.00 in revenue the City can obviously use. Contact me if you have any further questions or
Very truly yours,
Steven A. Sondrall
cc: Guy Johnson
P:lAltomeylSASII Client Filesl2 City of New Hope199-10000 City Mgrlltr K McDonald re CitiLink towerrental.doc
7 -2-2010
City of New Hope
Mr. Kirk McDonald - City Manager
4401 Xylon Ave North
New Hope, MN 55428
RE: New Hope North Water Tower - Service for Liberty Diversified Industries
Dear Mr. McDonald,
This correspondence is to explain the need of the installation for the microwave
connection to establish service for Liberty Diversified Industries. CitiLink Broadband is a
wireless provider for point to point, internet and voice services. This request is only for
the permission to lease space for our equipment to service LDI and not a full deployment
of a broadcast tower.
Our towers serving the area where LDI's main corporate office is located are unable to
connect without an additional tower due to a ridge in the topography. The microwave
point to point connection we are providing for LDI to connect their corporate office and
their Brooklyn Park location does require line-of-site to connect.
We have requested permission to lease space on the New Hope North water tower for
placement of the two 2' microwave dishes. Our installation will also include a 24" base
cabinet, cabling to the two dishes, and a power connection.
We will be directing the dishes one to each of the following GPS coordinates.
. Latitude N 45 03.250 Longitude E 24 93.400
. Latitude N 44 59.733 Longitude E 993.433
I understand the JWC will be meeting on July 7th and we look forward to receiving the
final approval.
Thank you for your consideration. We look forward to hearing from you at your earliest
Carol Wirsbinski
President & CEO
CitiUnk Broadband Solutions, 15322 Galaxie Avenue, Sle. 200, St. Paul, tvlN 55124-3152