03-01-10 GOLDEN VALLEY OPEN SPACE & RECREATION COMMISSION Regular Meeting Minutes March 1, 2010 1. Call to Order Sandler called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. 2. Roll Call Present: Kelly Kuebelbeck, Bob Mattison, Anne Saffert, Jerry Sandler, Dan Steinberg and Jim Vaughan, Rick Jacobson, Director of Parks and Recreation; Andy Soltvedt, Recreation Supervisor; and Pat Dale, Golden Valley Little League. Roger Bergman, Ken Graves and Emily Piper. Absent: 3. Aaenda Chanaes or Additions None made. 4. Approval of Minutes - January 25.2010 MOVED by Vaughan and seconded by Saffert to approve the January 25th meeting minutes. Motion carried unanimously. 5. Athletic Field Grant Proaram Jacobson gave an overview of the grant program and details on the first cycle of the 2010 Youth Sports Program Grants totaling $2.4 million. Discussion focused on the addition of two fields at the Honeywell Little League site. They also discussed other factors that may be included in the construction, such as: additional parking at or near the site, additional sidewalks as needed, ADA accessibility, and the addition of a storm water mitigation pond near the site. After discussion, the following motion was made: MOTION: MOVED by Mattison and seconded by Steinberg to recommend to the Council to re-submit the Youth Sports Grant proposal, which if funded, would allow for the construction of two additional fields at the Honeywell Little League site. Motion carried unanimously. 6. Recreation Report - Andv Soltvedt Soltvedt told the Commission he had 40 teams in his Youth Basketball program, which is run in cooperation with Crystal and St. Louis Park. Of those, 214 youth were from Golden Valley alone. He said open gyms at Davis Community Center have been well attended with 600 participants both January and February. Soltvedt said the 2010 Spring/Summer Activities Brochure is at the printer and will arrive at the homes this week and next. Registration begins March 18th. He said Golden Valley is continuing its partnership with Twin City Tennis Camps and offering many great programs this spring and summer. Soltvedt announced that ten Concerts-in-the-Park are scheduled this summer at Brookview Park. 7. Adiournment MOVED by Mattison and seconded by Vaughan to adjourn at 8:45 p.m. Motion carried unanimously.