Regular Meeting
April 26, 2010
1. Call to Order
Sandler called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
Roll Call
Roger Bergman, Kelly Kuebelbeck, Emily Piper, Anne Saffert, Jerry Sandler,
Dan Steinberg, Rick Jacobson, Director of Parks and Recreation; Brian Erickson,
Recreation Supervisor; Damon Struyk, Wirth Beach Advisory Committee, and
Sheila Van Sloun, Administrative Assistant.
Ken Graves, Bob Mattison and Jim Vaughan.
3. Aaenda Chanaes or Additions
Jacobson added:
. Sochacki Park BMX Course
4. Approval of Minutes - March 1, 2010
MOVED by Piper and seconded by Steinberg to approve the March 1st meeting minutes. Motion
carried unanimously.
5. Wirth Beach Advisory Committee Update - Damon Struvk
Struyk is a Golden Valley resident who has been appointed to the Wirth Beach Citizen Advisory
Committee. He explained that the committee's goal is to advise the Minneapolis Park and
Recreation Board by collecting data and citizen input for use in planning Phase III of the Wirth
Beach improvements. Struyk then discussed the three different phases of the Wirth Beach
improvements, beginning with Phase I, which began in 2005. Phase II construction is currently
Struyk explained that there is a strong desire for the area to be fixed up but not overbuilt. He
said there is a lot of support for a path around Wirth Lake along with other amenities. He said
that safety is a concern and believes more visitors using the area would help.
Struyk said the committee has two more meetings scheduled. It appears the committee
supports the idea of improved maintenance, a walking path around the perimeter of the lake,
keeping as much green space as possible, along with added features.
6. Athletic Field Grant Proaram
Jacobson explained the sub-committee met and discussed the possibility of added soccer fields at
Sandburg. They plan to have plans drawn up and move forward, if the association can raise some
money. The goal is to have conceptual plans drawn up along with a cost estimate.
7. Recreation Report - Brian Erickson
Erickson gave details on his programs.
He said skating rink numbers were up this year from last. Kuebelbeck voiced citizen frustration
that the rinks closed for the season even though temperatures and usage were good. She said
she and others went to surrounding communities to skate because they kept rinks open longer.
Erickson explained that the rinks are scheduled to close at the end of the day on President's
Day, which is dictated by budget and generally temperatures.
Erickson had eight teams for Adult Broomball. Two of those teams went on to the state
tournament and won first place.
Minutes of the Golden Valley Open Space and Recreation Commission
April 26, 2010
Page 2
Erickson said Golden Valley Girls Softball Slowpitch Association has 42 teams this year, up
from last year with 39. He said Golden Valley Little League's opening day is May 1st.
He explained that due to heavy usage on some weekends by the Youth Softball Association, a
mailing was sent to homes residing in the Lions Park neighborhood with event dates.
Erickson has hired all his seasonal staff for summer programs, which begin June 14 and end
July 30 with the Penny Carnival at Brookview Park.
8. Sochacki Park BMX Course in Robbinsdale
Jacobson explained that area youth have created a BMX course at Sochacki Park, which the
City of Robbinsdale was considering closing due to liability of the course being on city park
property. He was told two people have come forward to save the course. The City of
Robbinsdale has given these individuals one year to come up with a plan for a safe course,
which would include forming an association to design, build, monitor, maintain and insure the
9. Adiournment
MOVED by Bergman and seconded by Piper to adjourn at 8:20 p.m. Motion carried