Connection Project Board of Directors 10-21-10Minutes
Envision Connection Project
Board of Directors Meeting
October 21, 2010 7 pm, Brookview Community Center, Conference Room
Present: Linda Loomis, Chair, Lynn Gitelis, Sharon Glover, Cindy
Inselmann, Philip Lund, Dean Penk, Marshall Tanick, Blair
Absent: Jim Heidelberg, Cindy Inselmann, Helene Johnson
Guest: Jennifer Lara
Staff: Sandy Werts
1. Call to Order/Introductions/Roster Update
The meeting was called to order at 7:10 pm by Mayor Loomis.
2. Approval of Agenda
The Agenda was approved as printed
3. Approval of the Minutes of September 16, 2010
Motion: Gitelis moved to approve the minutes as written. It was seconded by
Tremere and .approved unanimously.
4. Proposed Community Foundation/Non-Profit
a. Transitional Board -Penk reported that three hours were spent at the last
meeting working on the plan and the by-laws. The committee would like to
register the Foundation by January 2011. The next meeting is November 17
at 7 pm. A mailing is planned in mid-December to introduce the organization
to Golden Valley residents and businesses.
DeDe Scanlon has talked to Cheryl Weiler about getting information into the
They will target individuals and companies who will be asked to donate to the
The plan is to amend the Golden Valley Community Events Fund instead of
starting new.
There is a question of who appoints the first board. The committee is thinking
this through. It is possible that those on the transition board may not be on
the first organization board. It may come back to the Envision Connection
Board to make this decision.
The committee is working on the internal structure. Bill King from the Council
on Foundations is available to speak to the Community Foundation group.
Penk said the relationship of the Envision Board to the Foundation must be
Glover said that legal advice is also needed. A question has come up about
giving to individuals to fund "small sparks". IRS rules say it is possible to give
to individuals.
b. Next Steps -There are four subcommittees working on details to present at
the November 17 meeting.
5. Bridge Building Activities
a. Lilac Planting Recap -Werts Reported there were 70+ volunteers and 12
team leaders that planted over 700 plants, trees and shrubs at the October 2
event. Tremere asked if there are other MDOT right of ways that can be
planted. It was thought that Hwy 55 offered a number of years of planting
A video about the "Lilac Way" and the building of Hwy 100 was mentioned
along with Bill .Hanley a producer at Channel 2 and the MNDOT public
relations department as a possible segment on transportation for the 125tH
b. Valley Volunteer Day -Jennifer Lara, who is leading this effort, envisions a
day where the entire community comes together to enrich the community.
She sees different community organizations planning their own activities with
everyone wearing the same T-shirt.
Werts expressed her concern in getting enough volunteers for the Lilac
Planting Project if the events were on the same day. Loomis said it may give
opportunities for people who cannot help with the planting project. Other
suggestions including kicking off Valley Volunteer Day in the afternoon and
using the lilac planting as the center. Gitelis suggested having an end of the
day event such as a cookout at Brookview.
Lara said she is looking for people to serve on the committee. Loomis
suggested she contact the churches.
c. Bridge Builders Quarterly Meeting -This meeting is scheduled for October
23. Notices have gone out. Other locations where meetings could be held
are Wirth Park, KARE 11, LOGIS, General Mills and Honeywell. The
meetings do not have to be on a Saturday.
e. Ice Cream Social -Tanick would like there be a 125th Anniversary theme to
the music, possibly from "gas light music" to the present. Tremere suggested
checking with the Hennepin County Museum
f. Buckthorn Busting -Loomis referred to the article It's a Scary Time to be a
Weed, saying that noxious plants are an issue everywhere.
g. Garden Club -The Daytime Garden Club cleaned the median on Winnetka.
The Evening Club is getting hands dirty with a plant sale, weeding, and Lilac
planting. They have talked about providing lunch for the Lilac Planting Project
h. Neighbors Helping Neighbors - No Report
i. After School in the Valley - No Report
j. Natural History Museum - No Report
k. Memorial Day Parade -Tanick will contact John under the auspices of the
125th anniversary to see if he needs help with the parade. This event draws a
different crowd. The only complaint is that it lacked a musical component.
I. Chimney Swifts -Loomis attended a dedication for a Chimney Swift Tower
that was built as an Eagle Award project. Representatives of the Audubon
Society and the Scout's Troop were present. There is a resident, Bob Paske,
who is a Chimney Swift Tower builder. He and his wife are attending the
Bridge Builders meeting.
6. Valley Days
This is a one day celebration in Brookview Park. The small pavilion will be
dedicated to the Historical Society to put up a 125th Anniversary display.
7. Communications
• Taste of Golden Valley -This is coming up on November 10 and benefits
the Human Services Foundation. Tanick asked if the Envision Board
should have a presence. It was suggested that three people have a table
at the event to promote Valley Volunteer Day. Werts will talk to Jeanne
Fackler about the procedure.
8. Recruitment of Members to the Executive Board - no discussion
9. Golden Valley's 125 Year Anniversary
A meeting is scheduled for October 28 at 7 pm at Brookview Community Center.
Tanick hopes to determine some of the activities to be held.
10. Future meetings
November 18, December 16
The meeting adjourned at 8:55 pm.