JWC Minutes 2-2-11 JOINT WATER COMMISSION MINUTES Golden Valley - Crystal - New Hope Meeting of February 2, 2011 The Golden Valley— Crystal — New Hope Joint Water Commission meeting was called to order at 1:30 pm, in the City of Golden Valley Council Conference Room. Commissioners Present Tom Burt, City Manager, Golden Valley Anne Norris, City Manager, Crystal Kirk McDonald, City Manager, New Hope Staff Present Sue Virnig, Finance Director, Golden Valley Jeannine Clancy, Public Works Director Bert Tracy, Public Works Maintenance Manager, Golden Valley Dave Lemke, Utilities Maintenance Supervisor, Golden Valley Paul Coone, Operations Manager, New Hope Bernie Weber, Utilities Maintenance Supervisor, New Hope Guy Johnson, Director of Public Works, New Hope Randy Kloepper, Utility Supervisor, Crystal Tom Mathisen, Director of Public Works, Crystal Other Steve Nelson, Bolton & Menk, Inc. Minutes of December 1, 2010 MOVED by McDonald seconded by Norris and motion carried unanimously to approve the minutes of the December 1, 2010 meeting. Resolution 11-01 regarding Designating Depositories for Joint Water Funds Commissioner McDonald introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION 11-01 RESOLUTION DESIGNATING DEPOSITORIES FOR JOINT WATER FUNDS The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was seconded by Commissioner Norris and upon a vote being taken thereon, the following voted in favor thereof: Burt, McDonald, and Norris; and the following voted against the same: none, whereupon said resolution was declared duly passed and adopted, signed by the Chair and his signature attested by the Vice Chair. Joint Water Commission Page 2 of 3 Resolution 11-02 regarding Annual Elections for the 2011-2021 Insurance Policy Commissioner Norris introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION 11-02 RESOLUTION MAKING ANNUAL ELECTIONS FOR THE 2011-2012 INSURANCE POLICY The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was seconded by Commissioner McDonald and upon a vote being taken thereon, the following voted in favor thereof: Burt, McDonald, and Norris; and the following voted against the same: none, whereupon said resolution was declared duly passed and adopted, signed by the Chair and his signature attested by the Vice Chair. Update on the New Hope Well Testing Pump Steve Nelson, from Bolton & Menk, Inc., reported the New Hope well was an excellent well for a back-up well in an emergency water supply plan. The water quality after the 24 hour test was good. The next step would be to purchase a used pump and motor, the cost would be around $19,500. The Technical Advisory Committee would meet to discuss options for further use of this well and emergency backup system. They would bring back options at the next meeting. CitiLink Lease Termination McDonald reported Nextera had an antenna lease for the North Water Tower, but was bought out by CitiLink who wasn't interested in continuing the lease. CitiLink did agree to remove the equipment at their cost and offered two additional rent payments. MOVED by McDonald, seconded by Norris to authorize termination of CitiLink Lease on New Hope Water tower, remove equipment and receive lease payments for two months. The motion carried unanimously. New Contract with Minneapolis Norris reported there is no `new contract' and the agenda item should have read, Direction from the Councils. Norris stated the JWC needs to get direction from their Councils to determine if the cities wanted to direct the JWC to pursue the idea of a back-up water supply plan in case of an emergency. MOVED by McDonald, seconded by Burt to authorize staff to meet with their Councils to determine if the JWC should work on an emergency back-up water supply plan. Motion carried unanimously. Joint Water Commission Page 3 of 3 Update of JWC Forcemain Pipe Study Through Robbinsdale Mathisen reported the forceman pipe study was still in draft form and hoped to have the report by the next meeting. Update on 2010-2011 High Service Pumps Replacement Project Mathisen reported the costs for the study to replace high service pumps in both Crystal and Golden Valley from Bolton & Menk, Inc. was $29,500. MOVED by Norris, seconded by McDonald to authorize a memo of understand for the replacement of high service pumps for $29,500. The TAC committee would approve the needed tasks for the project. Motion carried unanimously. Update on Crystal and Golden Valley Intake Meters Accuracy Study with Minneapolis Tracy reported the problems with the meters have been corrected and the meters have been recalibrated. Tracy and Kloepper will meet with Minneapolis to determine a schedule for checking the accuracy of the metering. Next Meeting The next meeting will be March 2, 2011. Adjournment The meeting was adjourned at 2:25 pm. Thomas D. Bu air ATTEST: hristine Columbus, Administrative Assistant