07-11-11-HSF Minutes Golden Valley Human Services Foundation (GVHSF) Meeting
July 11, 2011
Present:, Brenda Hayle, Elissa Heilicher, Chris Monroe, Diane Nimmer, Connie Sandler and Toots
Vodovoz.Also present:Jeanne Fackler,Staff Liaison.
Not Attending: Dan Blumb, Hilmer Erickson
Call to Order: Chairman Sandler called the meeting to order at 6:48 p.m.
June 13 minutes: Heilicher moved and Vodovoz seconded the motion to approve the minutes of
June 13.The motion passed unanimously.
GVHSF Name: Members discussed changing the name of the GVHSF. Motion: Recommend to
the City Council that the Golden Valley Human Services Foundation's name be changed to the
Golden Valley Human Services Fund. Heilicher moved and Nimmer seconded the motion.The
motion passed unanimously.
By-laws Review: Several changes to the by-laws were discussed. Suggested changes will be sent
to members for review before being sent to the Council for approval, Hayle moved and Nimmer
seconded the motion to approve by-laws as proposed. Motion passed unanimously.
Golf Classic-Friday,July 15`h: Vodovoz, Sandler and Nimmer will assist with check-in; Heilicher
has volunteers to assist with the lunch. Food has been ordered. Erickson will witness the Hole-
Upcoming Events:
Taste of Golden Valley:Sandler contacted The Metropolitan. Blumb was unable to connect with
the GV Country Club.The Metropolitan offered three dates.Thursday, December 15t was the
first choice, followed by November 30th. Sandler will confirm the date with The Metropolitan
and ask the Community Foundation Board if they would like to partner on this event.Three sets
of tickets will be given as prizes at the golf classic.
Other Business:
Community Foundation: Nothing to report.The CF is generating a list of possible
funding/revenue sources.
GV 125`h Anniversary: Vodovoz asked for volunteers to assist with the 125`h Booth at the GV
Farmer's Market. Heilicher volunteered for July 31 and August 28 from 8:15-10 and Nimmer
volunteered for July 31 from 11:30-1:30. Vodovoz will confirm the times and duties for our
Funding Application: Members reviewed the application. Fackler will send the changes to the
Communications Department. Application will be posted on the website late July.
Adjournment: Sandler reminded the members the next meeting is August 8`h at 6:45 p.m.
Monroe moved to adjourn the meeting, Hayle seconded the motion.The meeting was
adjourned at 7:55 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Jeanne Fackler, GVHSF Staff Liaison