09-15-11 Envision Connection Project Executive Board Minutes Minutes
Envision Connection Project Executive Board
September 15, 2011 7 pm, Brookview Community Center, Conference Room
Directors Present: Linda Loomis, Chair, Lynn Gitelis, Sharon Glover, Philip Lund, Dean Penk (7:55
p.m.), Marshall Tanick (7:15pm), Blair Tremere
Guest: Mike Schleif
Directors Excused: Jim Heidelberg, Cindy Inselmann, Helene Johnson
Directors Absent: Luke Weisberg
Staff: Sandy Werts.
1. Call to Order and Introduction of New Member Nominee
The meeting was called to order at 7:10 pm by Mayor Linda Loomis. There was not a quorum. A
quorum was established at 7:15 pm.
Mike Schleif was invited to attend the meeting as a potential new board member. He gave his
background and talked about his community involvement and why he would like to serve on the
Envision Connection Executive Board.
2. Approval of Agenda
The agenda was approved as presented
3. Approval of the Minutes of August 18, 2011
Motion: It was moved by Lund and seconded by Glover to approve the minutes as
written. The motion passed unanimously.
4. Community Foundation Update
The Community Foundation Board met on September 14 and began discussion on the giving
program. There are four components to the giving program —governance, accountability,
scheduling and program. Program includes limitations, who the Foundation can give to and who
they cannot give to.
Tremere said the goal is to have the "Founding Board "in place by May 20, 2012
5. Bridge Building Activities
• Commonplace Web Platform — Loomis reported that community leaders are invited to
a meeting on Monday, September 19 at 7 pm at city Hall. Two community organizers
will come to golden Valley for ten weeks to sign up people and to show them how to
connect neighborhoods and organizations. This new website wili allow community
groups to announce their activities that cannot go onto the city website. Housing and
transportation are needed for the two volunteers who are coming October 1.
The notice was sent to the Envision board, the Lilac Planning Team, the Faith
Community, the 125th Anniversary Committee, the Farmer's Market Organizers and
other selected individuals. Schleif suggested inviting Twin West members.
The website will be administered in golden Valley. Membership is limited to those with
Golden Valley addresses. Gitelis offered that a good description for the site is a
"community bulletin board or newspaper."
• Bridge Builders -the Bridge Builders are meeting on Saturday, September 17 at the
PRISM office. There will be a 45 minute meeting followed by a history bus tour of
Golden Valley that should be done at noon.
Lund expressed his desire to "galvanize' Bridge Builders to make it a "force" in the
community so that when you look at a map of the city, there are Bridge builders
Loomis will prepare the agenda and will include the following:
1. Introduction and Welcome
2. Updates
3. 125th anniversary
4. How to galvanize volunteers
5. Future meetings.
• Lilac Plantinq —The event is on October 1. Loomis hosted a notice on her Facebook
site. Some people "liked" it right away.
Envision will set up their table from 11:30 to 12:30 pm
Lund and Dwight Townes are serving as "foremen" for the planting.
The Kelly Street Pumpkin Festival is also on October 1.
• Vallev Volunteer Day-This event is also on October 1. Werts met with Jennifer
Mathwig today and did a spot for Channel 12. There are five projects as part of WD—
the Lilac Planting, Chalk Art, Buckthorn Busting, Befriending Birds and litter pickup at
the Laurel Avenue Ponds.
• Envision Award - Loomis nominated Don Anderson for the Envision Award. He Co-
chaired the Steering Committee during the Envision Summit
Motion: It was moved by Tanick and Seconded by Tremere to give the Envision
Award to Don Anderson for his involvement in the community with emphasis on his
work on the Envision Summit.
• Garden Club -The Garden Clubs are assisting with the lunch for the Lilac Planting.
The morning club has made a $100 donation. The evening group is also planning a
• Farmers Market—The Farmers Market has been Successful. It is open through
October 9. Loomis said the organizers said they will break even. There is room for
twelve more stalls. They do not want to get much bigger so it doesn't dilute the sales.
The market would like more meat and cheese vendors.
• Ice Cream Socia/—Werts said the bill for the ice cream and cones is $682.00. The
revenue that came in does not cover this. Tanick recommended making a request to
the 125th Anniversary Committee for the funds to cover the shortfall.
A question was asked if the Golden Valley Sunflower ice cream would be available to
be served at the 125th Birthday Party. Werts said she would ask if it would be
• Neighbors Helpinq Neiqhbors-Valley of Peace is interested in being a part of this.
Loomis will put them in touch with DeDe Scanlon
6. 125 Anniversary Planning
a. Activities—The "birthday party" will be on Friday, December 2. The Time Capsule
contents will be on display at the event. Tremere is looking for people to help collect the
items suggested. He will bring the list to the next meeting.
Tanick said that Poquet Auto is giving $100.
The Party is being called a Birthday Party because 2012 is the 125th year and some
events that did not occur this past year can take place. The party will become the kickoff
for the coming year.
The committee must also look at where the Hall of Fame will go.
b. Next Meeting —The next meeting is September 22
7. New Business - None
8. Communications
• 125th Anniversary organization article —the Golden Valley Women's Club was featured in
the Sun Post and Patch.com during the month of August
9. Recruitment of Members to Executive Board
Mike Schlief said he is interested in a position on the board. Werts said she would talk to Cindy
Inselmann about her seat, and Penk will talk to Weisberg. There was a question about Weisberg
being appointed. Werts will look at what was prepared to send to the council when Gitelis and
Inselmann were appointed and will prepare something for the council.
10. Upcoming Meetings
Oct. 20, November 17 and December 15— Brookview Conference room
The meeting was adjourned at 8:45 pm.