7. e Recycling Update Memo C:\Users \lnesbitt \AppData \Local \Microsoft \Windows \Temporary Internet Files \Content.Outlook \K62B97PO \RecyclingUpdateMemo.docx Memorandum Public Works 763.593.8030 / 763.593.3988 (fax) Date: January 16 , 201 2 To: Jeannine Clancy, Public Works Director From: Mark Ray, PE, Engineer Subject: New recycling program update Friday, January 6 th , 2012 was the first collection of curbside recycling under the new recycling contract with Allied Waste. The blue service area (roughly two -thirds of the City) was serviced on January 6 th . Gray service area (remaining one -third of the City) customers had their first curbside recycling service on Friday, January 13 th . Attached is a map of the recycling service areas. City staff made visual inspections throughout the City on both days to observ e how things were going and provided assistance to residents as needed. Based on initial observations, it appears that the vast majority of curbside recycling customers are participating in the new recycling program. Additionally, it appears that most residents understand when their service is (blue or gray service schedule) and correctly place the recycling cart at the curb. Staff will be receiving the information on the volume of material recycled as part of the first invoice from Allied Waste for the January service. Questions that the City has been receiving are related to the service schedule and how to change the cart size. As the time progresses and residents become more comfortable with the program it is expected that these questions will become less frequent. F rom observations in the field, questions from residents, and input from Allied Waste the City will have another two -page article in the January -February edition of the City newsletter on the new recycling program. The primary focus of the article will be i nformation about the new materials that can be recycled, details on the additional curbside appliance/electronic recycling service, and a brief summary of frequently asked questions. In summary, it appears that the transition to the new recycling program went very smoothly and participation in the City’s recycling program has increased . Attachment