Joint EC-OSRC Minutes 2-27-12
Joint Meeting of the
Golden Valley Environmental Commission, and Open Space and Recreation
February 27, 2012
A joint meeting of the Environmental Commission and Open Space and Recreation
Commission was held at the Golden Valley City Hall, Council Conference Room, 7800
Golden Valley Road, Golden Valley, Minnesota, on Monday, February 27, 2012. Chairs
Rich Baker and Jerry Sandler called the meeting to order at 7:04 pm.
Those present were, Environmental Commissioners Anderson, Baker, Hill, Struyk and
Yahle; Open Space and Recreation Commissioners Bergman, Cornelius, Kadue,
Kuebelbeck, Piper, and Sandler; City Council Member Clausen. Also present was
Director of Parks & Recreation Rick Jacobson, Director of Public Works Jeannine Clancy,
Parks Supervisor Al Lundstrom, Public Works Specialist Eric Eckman and Administrative
Assistant Lisa Nesbitt
1. Park Turf Management Proposal
Lundstrom presented the City’s proposed changes to manage the park turf with the
addition of Isaacson Ball Field Complex. The proposed changes include reducing the
weekly mowing schedule in some passive recreational areas of the City’s park open
space system that are not programmed for active recreation and are difficult to manage
due to grade and access. Changes to the mowing schedule were proposed for portions of
Scheid Park, Glenview Park, the area north of Brookview tennis courts, N. Wesley Park,
and Briarwood Nature Area. Commissioners requested that the area directly behind home
plate at Scheid Park continue to be maintained due to the amount of baseball activity.
Baker requested that the Environmental Commission receive updates as to the status and
conditions of the naturalized park areas. Each commission agreed to make a motion of
approval at their individual meetings. A full copy of the presentation is on-file.
2. EAB Update
Lundstrom updated the commissions on the City’s Emerald Ash Borer Management Plan.
The presentation is on-file.
3. Adjournment
The meeting was adjourned at 8:03 pm.