11-05-07 GOLDEN VALLEY HUMAN SERVICES FOUNDATION November 5,2007 6:30 pm Brookview Community Center Conference Room 1. Call to Order - Schumacher 2. Approval of the October 8, 2007 minutes - Schumacher 3. Taste of Golden Valley Update - Monroe Volunteer assignments Vendor Needs 4. Allocation of Funds - Schumacher 5. Other Business a. 501 c3 status b. Solicitation letter - Fackler c. Council meeting 6. Adjournment Note to members who volunteered to help: Baskets for the Taste of Golden Valley will be put together after the meeting. Please bring any items you have for a basket to the meeting. We also need baskets. Please call if unable to attend 763-512-2340 Or e-mail atjfackler@cLgolden-valley.mn.us