07-14-03 PC Agenda AGENDA GOLDEN VALLEY PLANNING COMMISSION Regular Meeting Golden Valley City Hall, 7800 Golden Valley Road Council Chambers Monday, July 14, 2003 7pm I. Approval of Minutes - June 9, 2003 Planning Commission Meeting II. Reports on Meetings of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority, City Council, Board of Zoning Appeals and other Meetings III. Second Review of Single-Family Residential Zoning District (R-1) IV. Housing Plan Review V. Adjournment . . Regular Meeting of the Golden Valley Planning Commission June 9, 2003 A regular meeting of the Planning Commission was held at the Golden Valley City Hall Council Chambers, 7800 Golden Valley Road, Golden Valley, Minnesota on Monday, June 9,2003. Chair Pentel called the meeting to order at 7 pm. Those present were Chair Pentel and Commissioners Eck, Grog Rasmussen and Shaffer. Also present were Director of Planni Mark Grimes and Administrative Assistant, Lisa Wittman. C absent. I. Approval of Minutes -- May 12, .2003 Plannin Groger referred to the last sentence on page tw be added before the word "would". He referred t stated the word' "hear" was misspelled. H seven and stated thatthe word "and" n referred to the .Iast sentence on page changed to the word "to". a word "they" should ragraph on page five and d paragraph on page er the word "playing". He that the word "of' should be Pentel stated that she would r dated June 5, 2003 adde conditions the Commisso fencing around the auto minutes and sugge ha the minutes before t e onditions listed in Mark Grimes memo in the minutes along with the additional clarified that she wanted the proposed to b our feet in height, not six feet as written in the ontroversial items the Planning Commission approve the City Council. ed by Eck and motion ,carried unanimously to approve the the above noted corrections. II. lie Hearing - Conditional Use Permit (CU-102) Robert H. Sarvey (Elite Auto Sales Inc.) 9010 Olson Memorial Highway, Golden Valley, MN The applicant would like to use the building for indoor and outdoor auto sales in the Commercial zoning district. Purpose: Grimes referred to the site on a location map and explained the applicant's request. He stated that the property is owned by National Camera and that the applicant has put in a contract to . lease it for five years. . Minutes of the Golden Valley Planning Commission June 9, 2003 Page 2 He explained that in the late 1980's Avis Rental Cars used this property for outdoor sales and lease of cars in a manner very similar to the applicant's proposal. He reminded the Commissioners that in April of 2002, Morrie's Mazda submitted an application for a Conditional Use Permitto utilize this building for used car sales and that it was unanimously recommended for approval at that time but that Morrie's withdrew the application before it went on to the City Council for approval. He referred to the plans submitted by Elite Auto Sales and noted that they arethe same plans Morrie's submitted when they applied for their Conditional Use Permit. . Grimes stated that the neighbors south of the site have expressed c lighting and the noise. He said that there haven't been issues reg i noise level since they've been required to be turned down after rs. Grimes stated that there would be approximately 180 cars trips per day which is considered light. He stated that there is site that has operated without any complaints for the I cou there have been a lot of these types of auto dealer far they haven't been an issue but the question i issue. robably 100 to the west of th is Grimes stated that Gol en Valley and that so ere be before there is an Pentel asked how the cars were going t auto transport trucks dropping off the City would monitor it. Grimes sugg site. Pentel referred to Grimes' stated that she noticed that Aut their fence. Grimes stated he said she is concerned about o violate parking laws and how the .. plicant how the cars would arrive on the i at the applicant could have two flag poles and Ijalership nearby has several poles lashed to cussed the flags with AutoPoint. Pentel asked Grimes to r that the public woul e added about there report and ad co ;itions he recommended in his staff report out loud so what they are. She stated that she would also like a condition arked in setback areas. Grimes read the conditions from his . also be no autos displayed on platforms. Eck state" stated landsca othing about landscaping mentioned in Grimes' report. Grimes ite is fairly well landscaped and that he doesn't feel any more t t e pavement in the parking lot is looking a bit rough. Grimes stated that y doesn't get involved unless the whole parking lot is being replaced and that would be the owner's responsibility, not the tenants. Robert Sarvey, Applicant, 9010 Olson Memorial Highway, stated that the cars they are proposing to sell would be dropped off at other dealerships and brought to this site one at a time, not by auto transport trucks. He stated that it is his goal to run a top notch business and to blend in with the community. He said that he would be on the site at all times if there were . questions and that he has been in the auto business for 18 years. . . Minutes of the Golden Valley Planning Commission June 9, 2003 Page 3 Shaffer asked the applicant if he thought there would be a problem with adding a condition of approval regarding not allowing auto transport trucks on the site. Sarvey stated there would be no problem with that condition. Sarvey added that he is planning to re-otl and blacktop the parking lot and to sandblast the building. Pentel opened the. public hearing. Arlen Turnquist, 433 Ensign Avenue North, stated that he appreci and speaker issues have been addressed. He asked if the Plan address the issue of telephone bells that dealerships someti lights would be turned down. the lighting ould hat time the Pentel stated that the lights would be turned down to Grimes said that something about bells or noise c business hours. permit as well. Seeing and hearing no one, Pentel closed the p MOVED by Shaffer, seconded by Eck a request for the applicant to use the bui indoor and outdoor auto sales in th conditions: animously to approve the e a Olson Memorial Highway for . g district with the following amended 1. The site and building I approval. ed with the CUP application becomes a part of this 2. There shall be designated par areas or a. customers. 57 total cars on the site. All cars must be parked in here shall be no parking in landscaped areas, setback es shaH be designated for employees and 1 0 spaces for 3. shall be limited to 9 am toB pm Monday through Thursday, and9 ay nd Saturday. There shall be no car sales on Sunday although the sed. 4. stapprove any outdoor lighting plan. The City reserves the right to require that ingconsultant chosen by the City review any plan. The cost of the review would be born by Elite. After business hours, the lighting mustbe turned down to provide only security-type lighting. 5. No repair or maintenance work will be done on site other than car washing. . 6. Any signage on the site shall meet the requirements of the City's sign ordinance. . . . Minutes of the Golden Valley Planning Commission June 9, 2003 Page 4 7. There shall be no signage painted on any vehicle or window of any vehicle. There shall be no signage painted or placed on the inside or outside of any window of the building; 8. The display of balloons or other inflatable devices is prohibited. Any type of searchlights or laser lights is also prohibited. 9. The building may be used for the display of up to three vehicles along with offices. The basement may be used for storage. The Director of Inspection first approve the display of vehicles in the building. 10. No outside speakers or audible devices are to be used at t 11. Two flagpoles for the display of the U.S. and other gov to the site. 12. Any outside trash containers must be screene building. 13. There shall be no platforms of any typ 14. The dropping off of cars shall not 15. All other applicable local, st 16. Failure to comply with revocation of the co of the above conditions shall be grounds for it. III. Housing and Redevelopment Authority, City g Appeals and other Meetings , 2003 City Council meeting. She reported that the equest by ABC investment to sell used cars at 800 Lilac Drive that the 4500 Hampton Place variance appeal was brought back on to enda on May 20,2003 and was again voted down. IV. Other Business A. Letter from Gary Gandrud, Faegre & Benson regarding a proposed Text Amendment in the Industrial zoning district. . . . Minutes of the Golden Valley Planning Commission June 9, 2003 Page 5 Grimes referred to the letter he received from Gary Gandrud at Faegre & Benson asking ifhis client, Dennis Doyle, who owns Welsh Companies and works with the corporation Hope for Life could sell some things from his warehouse which is located in the Industrial zoning district. He stated that he did tell Mr. Gandrud that the City Code only allows temporary sales, which is 15 days per year, in the Industrial zoning district. Shaffer said that he doesn't like the idea of retail in the Industrial zoning district other than the temporary 15 days per year already allowed. The other Comm' rs agreed. Grimes stated that he would tell Mr. Gandrud that the Planni doesn't think that it is a very good idea. B. Review of changes to Section 11.21 of the City Co Grimes referred to the draft Section 11.21 of the City Code a would like to see changes made to this section becau e strict. Shaffer referred to Subdivision 9 and suggeste and if it includes impervious surface or buil . Shaffer referred to Subdivision 10(A) of side of the building increases. Pentel referred to Subdivision 1 that faces the street shoul front of the lot is the narr referring to the narrowes homeowner. ;;d that she thought the side of the home the front of the home. Shaffer stated that the at is not defined anywhere. Grimes said that of the lot is often more advantageous to the Groger referre building space garages a ) and stated that 1,000 square feet of accessory la ge. Grimes stated that 1,000 square feet also allows for o Su ,vision 11 (G) regarding in-ground swimming pools and stated should apply for above ground pools as well. to Subdivision 12 regarding Pre-1982 buildings and stated that the needed to be added before the word building. Shaffer referred to Subdivision 14 regarding driveway requirements and asked if an existing driveway doesn't meet requirements if it would then need a variance. McAleese suggested moving the driveway section of the Code in to the Pre-1982 Section of the Code. . . . Minutes of the Golden Valley Planning Commission June 9, 2003 Page 6 Shaffer referred to Subdivision 16 regarding home occupation requirements and suggested adding something about referring to the definition section for employee information. He stated that he thinks one employee should be allowed. Pentel referred to Subdivision 16 (A)(8) regarding home occupation hours of operations and stated that she thinks allowing a 7 AM starting time would bea better than 9 AM. Pentel referred to Subdivision 16 (B)(9) regarding prohibited home occ suggested saying "retail sales" instead of "gift or antique shop". Grog allowing "isolated and occasional sales". Pentel asked what a Zoning Permit is. Grimes explained that t changes state that decks less than 30 inches in height no I permits. Therefore, the City won't know where decks are bei Requiring a Zoning Permit will help the City stay on to whe being built. He added that sheds would also requir Pentel asked how people would know if they ne would be the same way they know they wo ermlt. Shaffer said it g Permit. its. Grimes explained that it ack areas. Shaffer added that Rasmussen asked why they would wa is to keep decks and sheds out of the goal is to not have to grant s Groger stated that he is no trying to make less work neighbors and how they proposed changes th that the BZA isn't t only front porc changes. He said it s.eems like it is about BZA. He said that he is concerned about ial ected. Shaffer stated that a lot of the new bors and the characteristics of the neighborhood and the number of variances. Groger suggested allowing the front setback area. regulations Section 4.07 of the City Code (Fences and S ubdivision 3(0) regarding types offencing and suggested that C1ng be added to this section as well. Eck refe Subdivision 3(E) regarding the height of fencing and stated that the word "still" should be removed from the first sentence. Shaffer referred to Subdivision 3(H) regarding fence openings and stated that it doesn't address the issue of having gaps in between the fences. Grimes stated that fence plans and pool plans are approved by the building official. . . . Minutes of the Golden Valley Planning Commission June 9, 2003 Page 7 Shaffer referred to Subdivision 3(1) regarding temporary fences and suggested adding something about fences that are up longer than 30 days because of construction time that lasts longer than 30 days. Groger referred to Subdivision 4(A)(1) regarding fence heights and questioned the height of fences for corner lots. Grimes explained that anytime a.fenceabuts a street it would be limited to four feet in height. He added that he would c1arifythis section ofthe Code. Shaffer referred to Subdivision 4(C)(2} regarding storage in the Li Industrial zoning districts and stated that the word "either" shoul second sentence. Groger referred to Subdivision 4(C)(3) regarding fence heigh foot high fence would lookout of place around a whol . di something about fencing around storage areas an D. Review of Comprehensive Plan for hi Grimes gave the Planning Commission then discussed the city's Housing Poli locations in the City where higher h' nd census information and mmissioners to think of using could potentially be built. Pentel referred to the re-buildin could be a right turn in and Rhode Island and TH 55 of TH 55 and that it woul MnDOT issue and tra where it is. area of the City and asked if there t access opened up on the south side of at is a major concern of people who live south iate e situation. Grimes explained that that was a e major concern of every development no matter Pentel stated t homes b units . could do o enior citizens who want to get out of their single family 00,000 townhome unit and that proposals for affordable 's consideration. Grimes stated that allowing more density ere are some large lots south of TH 55, and asked how people out of the area. She said she would be interested in knowing the demogra now on Area B and what the City thought they would be when the project began. Grimes said he thought he could get that information from RoUland. Shaffer stated that it would be prudent to have the Council do a traffic study first of the area south of TH. 55. Grimes said he would like to see the Planning Commission come up with some housing study areas. Pentel added that she thinks they shouldn't only look at residential areas. Minutes of the Golden Valley Planning Commission June 9, 2003 Page 8 . Rasmussen stated that the problem is that the empty nesters can't afford an expensive condominium. Grimes suggested identifying some areas worth studying but going a little fasterwith the area south of TH 55 first. v. Adjournment The meeting adjourned at 9:50 pm. . . . . . Hey Planning 763-593-8095/763-593-8109 (fax) Date: July 8, 2003 To: Planning Commission From: MarkW. Grimes, Director of Planning and Development Subject: Housing Plan Review At the request of the Commission, I am enclosing a full size copy of the Zoning Map. The idea was to give each of you the opportunity to look at the entire community and determine if there are areas that you think may be appropriate for higher density housing. This information would then be brought to the entire commission for brainstorming. The Planning Commission also suggested that some additional traffic information about traffic generation from higher density housing would be helpful. There is money in the Planning Commission budget to help get this information. I am now in the process of working with the Public Works Director to get this information. This traffic information would be somewhat generic that could be used when evaluating potential housing sites in the City. The Commission felt that traffic generation information is very important since traffic generation from higher density housing s.eems to be the main concern of neighbors of proposed higher density housing developments. . Hey Planning 763-593-8095/763..593-8109 (fax) Date: July 8, 2003 To: Planning Commission From: Mark W. Grimes, Director of Planning and Development Subject: Second Review of Single-Family Residential Zoning District (R-1) At the last Planning Commission meeting in June, staff presented a draft of the R-1 zoning district. The Planning Commission made several comments about the draft and suggested some clarifications and changes. The staff has again reviewed the draft taking in mind the Commission's thoughts. I have asked Lisa to send you a new draft with comments in the margin where there are still issues to be resolved or changes that were made. . I want to highlight a couple of the more substantial items that need to be discussed: · Subdivision 9-Lot Coverage. The staff is suggesting that there be two or three lot coverage requirements due to the varying siz.e of lots in Golden Valley. Also, the staff is suggesting that the lot coverage requirement only include building areas, not all impervious surfaces. Staff believes it would be difficult to calculate all impervious surfaces and that the amount of impervious surface on a lot is addressed by building setback requirements. Also, the construction of driveways, sidewalks, and patios do not require building permits. It would be very difficult to monitor these types of activities. · Subdivision 10 A-Setback Requirements. The staff is suggesting that no vehicles be parked in the front yard unless they are on a driveway. It also defines which side of the lot is the front in the case of corner lots. · Subdivision 14-Driveway Requirements. Staff recommends that all new driveways be paved after this ordinance is enacted. Also recommended is thatthe width of driveways be limited to the width the garage in order to eliminate very, very wide driveways. · Subdivision 16-Home Occupations. Up for9iscussion is the issue regarding outside employment. Staff suggests either none or one in addition to those who live at the house. Staff knows that Minneapolis and Roseville permit one outside employee. . Staff knows that there are some philosophical issues about this draft that must also be discussed such as the overall reduction in setbacks and the "grandfathering" of older houses found in Subdivision 12-Pre-1982 Buildings. All these issues are open to more discussion. . . . Draft #3 SECTION 11.21. SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL ZONING DISTRICT (R-1 ). Subdivision 1. Purpose. The purpose of the Residential R-1 Zoning District is to provide for single-family, detached dwelling units at a low density along with directly related and complementary uses. Subdivision 2. District Established. Properties shall be established within the R-1 Residential Zoning District in the manner provided for in Section 11.90, Subdivision 3 of this Chapter, and when thus established shall be incorporated in this Section 11.21, Subdivision 2 by an ordinance which makes cross-reference to this section 11 .21 and which shall become a part hereof and of Section 11.10, Subdivision 2 thereof, as fully as if set forth herein. In addition the R-1 Residentkll Zoning Districts thus established and/or any subsequent changes to the same which shall be made and established in a similar manner, shall be reflected in the official zoning map of the City as provided in Section 11.11 of this Chapter. Subdivision 3. Uses-Permitted Uses. The following uses and no other shall be permitted in the R-1 Residential Zoning Districts: A. Country estates and GAe-Sinole-family dwellings. B. When the propertv owner resides on the premises, R[ental of rooms to not more than two people for lodging purposes only.l___u_uu_______------ C. Name plates not exceeding one square f-oot in area. E. Garagos, as defined in this Chapter. F-,. C. Residential facilities serving six or fewer persons. M-: D. Manufactured homes, as defined in this Chapter. J.:- E. Foster family homes. b F. Essential Services - Class I Subdivision 4. Accessory Uses. The followina accessory uses and no other shall be permitted in the R-1 Zonina Districts: . . . g., 8.:- Accessory buildings, includinQ private QaraQes, as defined in this Chapter. 1. Accessory buildinQs less than 120 square feet in area require a ZoninQ Permit issued by the Director of PlanninQ and Development. The fee for the ZoninQ Permit is established by the City Council. The purpose of the ZoninQ Permit is to insure that accessory buildinQs are located in a conforminQ location on the lot. ~ B. Home occupations, as regulated by this Section. G,. C. Home 9day care facilities licensed by the State of Minnesota serving 12 or fewer persons.:...in aooordance with Minnesota Statutes ^nnotated 2~5.812, Subdi':ision 3. Subdivision 43. 5. Conditional Uses. The following conditional uses may be allowed after review by the Pkmning Commission and approval by the Council fOllo...:ing the standards and procedures set forth in this Chapter. A. Residential facilities serving from 1- seven to 25 persons. B. Group foster family homes. Subdivision 4. 6. Lot Requirements For Platting Buildable Lots. No dwelling or accessory building shall be erected for use or occupancy as a residential dwelling on any tract of unplatted land which does not conform with the requirements of this Section, except on those AU lots located within an approved plat shall be regarded as buildable lots. Tracts, or parcels of land, described by metes and bounds may be regarded as buildable lots provided they arc at least 12,500 square f-oet in area and at least 100 feet in 'Nidth at the building setback line. In the R-1 Residential Zoning District a platted lot of a minimum area of 10,000 square feet (and a minimum width of 80 feet at--tAe minimum required front setback line) shall be required for one family housed in one building. Subdivision S. Lot Area, One Family. In the .B..1 Residential Zoning District a platted lot of a minimum area of 10,000 square feet (ond 0 minimum 'Nidth of 80 feet at the minimum required front setback line) shall be required for one f-amily housed in one building. Subdivision 6. Unplatted Proporty. No dwelling or accessory building shall be erected for use or occupancy as a residential d'l/elling on any tract of unplatted land 'I/hich does not conform 'Nith the requirements of this Section. Subdivision 8-r 7. Corner Visibility. Between the right of way lines of intersecting streets and a line joining points on such lines 25 f-oet distant from . . . their point of intersection, or in the case of a rounded corner, the point of intorsoction of the tangents, no building or structure may be erected and no '/eget:::ltion, other than shade treos trimmed up a distance of at least 10 foet above the curb line, may be maintained above a height of three feet above the plane through their curb grades, for the purpose of oorner visibility. All buildinqs and structures in the R-1 Zonina District shall meet the reauirements of the corner visibility reauirements in Chapter 7 of the City Code. Subdivision 8. Easements. No buildinqs or structures in the R-1 Zoninq District shall be located in dedicated public easements. Subdivision 9. Lot Covera e. No lot or arcel in the R-1 Zonin District shall have a lot coveraqe of more than 30 percent. ____________________. Subdivision 10. Principal Buildinas. Subiect to the modifications in Subdivision 12. below. principal buildinqs in the R-1 Zoninq District shall be Qoverned by the followinq reauirements: A. Subdivision 7. Setback Requirements. The following building setbacks shall be required for principal buildinqs in the R-1 Residential Zoning District. G,. Garages or other accessory structures buildinas which are attached to the house or main structure shall also be governed by these setback requirements, of this Chapter which pertain to the main structure. except for stair landinqs UP to 25 sauare feet in size and for handicapped ramps. J3..,...-2. Rear Setback. The required rear setback shall be 20 percent of the lot depth. G,. 3. Side Setback. Side yard setbacks are determined by the lot width at the minimum reauired front setback line. The distance between any part of a buildinq d\':elling or structure and the side lot lines shall be governed by the following requirements: l ................. __.................. __.................. __. .________..... __ ____.. 1. In the case of lots having a width of 100 feot or groater, the side setback shall be 15 f-oot; 2-,. a. In the case of lots having a width greater than :ro 65 feet :::lnd less than 100 foot, the side setback shall be 15 percent of the lot wiGtR 1 0 feet: . . . 3. b. In the case of lots having a width of 7Q-65 feet or less, the North or West side setback shall be 10 percent of the lot width, and the South or East side setback shall be 20 percent of the lot width. .!L.Subdivision 10. Height Limitations. No principal building shall be erected in the R-1 Residential Zoning District to exceed a heiQht of tAfee two and a half stories or 30 feet as defined in the City's buildinQ code. whichever is less. in height. C. Subdi':ision 11. Building Width Requirements. No principal building shall be less than 22 feet in width as measured from the exterior of the exterior walls. unless j conditional use pormit is issued in accordance 'Nith the provisions of this Chapter. D. Subdivision 9. Cornices and Eaves. Cornices and eaves may not project more than tRiFty 30 inches into a required open space or setback. E. Decks. Decks over eiqht inches from qround level shall meet the same setbacks as the principal buildinQ. Subdivision ~ 11:. Accessory Buildings. Subiect to the modifications in Subdivision 12, below. A.2.ccessory buildings, as heroin defined, shall be governed by the following requirements: A. Location and Setback Requirements. The followinQ location reQulations and setbacks shall be required for accessory buildinQs in the R-1 Zoninq District: A. Detached accessory buildings shall be located ,,<..holly to the rear of tho house or main building to which it is incidental "'/ith at least 1 0 feet of separation bel'.,>'een the main building and the accessory building or buildings. '-"/hen so placed, the accessory building or buildings shall be no less than 5 foet distant from any lot boundary line othor than a street line and no leGS than 35 feet distant from lot boundary line which is also a street line. 1. Location. Detached accessory buildinQs shall be located completelv to the rear of the principal buildinQ, unless it is built with frost footinQs. In that case. an accessory buildinQ may be built no closer to the front setback as the principal buildinQ. IfClr cornerJ()tE:! ~999E:~ClI)' lJ~ilc:!it:l_g~_~h~'-UD()()L_------ this location requirement for tho front corner onl'I, not tho corner side. 2. Front Setback. The required front setback shall be 30 feet from the front property line alonQ a street riQht-of-wav line. 3. Side and Rear Setbacks. Accessory buildinQs shall be located no less than 5 feet from a side or rear yard property line. . . . 4. Separation between buildinas. Accessory buildinas shall be located no less than 10 feet from any principal buildina and from any other accessory buildina. B. Heiaht Limitations. No accessory buildina shall be erected in the R-1 Zonina District to exceed a heiaht of one stOry, which is 10 feet to the top plate line. C. Provision for garage. No building permit shall be issued with respeot to the main struoture for a single family dwelling not having a garage unless the registered survey submitted at the time of the application for the building permit is made reflects the necessary amount of area and setback reauirements for a future aaraae. space for tho looation of a garage, 'Nhich 'NiII meet the setbacks and other requirements of this Seotion. D. Cornices and Eaves. Cornices and eaves may not project more than 30 inches into a required setback. E. Each property is limited to a total of 1,000 sauare feet of the followina accessory buildinas: detached and attached aaraaes. and detached sheds, areenhouses. and aazebos. Swimmina pools are not included in this reauirement. F. Size of Accessory buildina. No accessory buildina shall be laraer in size than the principal buildina. G. Swimmina pools. Swimmina pools ~h_a!! ~El.~tt_~_e_~C!~El._______----- setback and location reauirements for accessory buildinas. Setbacks shall be measured from the property line to the pool's edae. Decks surroundina above around pools shall meet setback reauirements. H. Decks. Free standina or decks attached to accessory buildinas shall meet the same setback reauirements for accessory buildinas. I. Air conditionina units shall not be allowed in the front yard of a sinale family home. Subdivision 12, Pre-1982 Buildings. For all existina buildinas constructed in the R-1 Zonina District prior to January 1. 1982. the followina buildina setbacks shall be in effect. A. Front yard - The buildina setback for principal buildinas shall be no closer than 25 feet to the front yard property line. B. Side yard - The buildina setback for principal buildinas shall be no closer than three feet to the side yard property line. . . . C. Rear yard - The buildinq setback for principal buildinqs shall be no closer than three feet to the rear yard property line. D. Accessory buildinQ - The buildinq setback for accessory buildinqs shall be no closer than three feet to the side or rear yard property lines. At the discretion of the Director of Planninq and Development. a property owner may be required to move an accessory buildinq if it is located in a public easement area. Subdivision 13. Temporary Outdoor Storaae. Temporary Outdoor Storaqe in the R-1 Zoninq District shall be qoverned by the followinq reQU irements: A. Duration. Temporary outdoor stora~e units shall not be stored on a property for more than seven days. B. Location: Temporary outdoor storaqe units shall be stored on a hard surface and be located completely on private property. Subdivision 14. Driveway Reauirements. Driveways in the R-1 Zoninq District shall be qoverned by the followinq requirements: A. Driveways shall be constructed of hard surface materials such as asphalt. pavers, or concrete. B. Driveways shall be setback three feet from a side yard property line, except for shared driveways aqreed to by both property owners in a private easement aqreement.lm___ HU _ _ _ _ _ U _ U _ _ U U _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ 1______________________________________________________________________________________________n Subdivision 15. Decks and Platforms. Decks and platforms not more than 30 inches but qreater than 8 inches above adiacent qrade and not attached to a structure with frost footinqs and which is not part of an accessible route shall require a Zoninq Permit issued by the Director of Planninq. The fee for the Zoninq Permit is established by the City Council. The purpose of the Zoninq Permit is to insure that decks qreater than 8 inches but less than 30 inches. in heiqht are located in a conforminq location on the lot. Subdivision 44 16. Home Occupation Requirements. A. Home occupations in the R-1 Zoninq District shall be governed by the following requirements: . . . 1. The use of the dwelling for the occupation or profession shall be incidental and secondary to the use of the dwelling for residential purposes. 2. The exterior appearance of the structure shall not be altered for the operation of the home occupation. 3. There shall be no outside storage or display of anything related to the home occupation. 4. The home occupation shall not be permitted in an accessory building or garage. An accessory buildinQ. includina a QaraQe. shall not be used for a home occupation. 5. Notwithstanding that a use may be a 8 permitted occupation in a residential GistFiGt, it-shall not result in noise, fumes, traffic, lights, odor, excessive water use or QarbaQe service, electrical, radio or TV interference in a manner detrimental to the health, safety, enjoyment and general welfare of the surrounding residential neighborhood. 6. No physical products shall be displayed or sold on the premises except such that are incidental to the permitted home occupation. 7. No signs or symbols shall be displayed other than those permitted for residential purposes. 8. Clients, deliveries and other business activity where persons come to the home shall be limited to between the hours of 9';()(} AM and a ~ PM. 9. No more than 20 percent of the gross floor area of the dwelling shall be used for the home occupation. 10. No home occupation shall generate traffic, parking, sowage or '.vator uses or garbage sorvices which aro dotrimontal to tho health, safety, .....elfare and enjoyment of the residential area. 44- .1Q,. Parking related to the home occupation shall be provided only on the driveway of the property where the home occupation operates. /\t no time shall parking be permitted on the street. ~ 11.,. A home occupation shall not generate more than eight client trips per day and serve no more than two clients or customers at a timel_ _ _ _ _ _" _ _ _ __u_ __ ____________ _ ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ u _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ u _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ u _ _ __ _ _ _ _u_u_u__ 4-3,.1l.:. All other applicable City, State and Federal licenses, codes and regulations ffiI:lSt shall be met. . . . B. The f-ollowing are permitted home occupations provided they meet the provisions of this Section: 1.. Dressmaking, sewing and tailoring. 2. Painting, sculpturing, writing or photography. 3. Telephone answering and secretarial services. 4. Home crafts such as model making, rug '.'leaving, lapidary '....ork and cabinet making. 5. Tutoring, teaching or instruction limited to one student at one time. 6. Repair and servioe of the following: small eleotrical appliances, radios, typewriters, cameras and other items that may be oarried by one person exoept for the repair and service of any item in'Jolving an internal combustion engine or motor. 7. Hair oare services. 8. Computer services. G.,. B. The following uses are prohibited home occupations: 1. Repair, service, buildinQ, or painting of autos, trucks boats and other vehicles. 2. Restaurants or cafes. 3. Animal Hospital. 4. Veterinarian. 5. Funeral Home or mortuary. 6. Medical Clinic. 7. Stable or kennel. 8. Repair shops other than those permitted in sub paragraphs, above. Repair and service of the follO'.ving: small electrical appliances, radios, typewriters, cameras and other items that may cannot be carried by one person and exoept for the repair and service of any item involving an internal combustion engine or motor. . . . 9. Gift or antique shop. Retail sales. 10. Sale or repair of firearms. D. /\ny proposed home oocupation that is not detrimental to the health, safety and 'Nelfore of a residential area and not specifically permitted by Subparagraph B. above, nor specifically prohibited by Subparagraph C, above, shall be oonsidered a conditional use ami €Jrantod or denied by the Counoil upon oonsideration of those requirements contained in Subparagraph 1\, above, and the provisions of this Chapter relating to conditional uses.