03-07-05 PC Agenda
Regular Meeting
Golden Valley City Hall, 7800 Golden Valley Road
Council Chambers
Monday, March 7, 2005
I. Approval of Minutes
February 28, 2005 Planning Commission Meeting
II. Informal Public Hearing - PUD No. 87 Amendment #2 - Allianz Life Insurance
Company of North America - Phase II
Applicant: Allianz Life Insurance Company of North America
Address: 5701 Golden Hills Drive
Purpose: To allow for the construction of the Phase II portion of the PUD
approved in 1999 - consisting of a 200,000 square foot office
building and parking ramp addition.
-Short Recess-
III. Reports on Meetings of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority, City
Council, Board of Zoning Appeals and other Meetings
IV. Other Business
A) Election of Officers
B) Envision Discussion
V. Adjournment
Regular Meeting of the
Golden Valley Planning Commission
February 28, 2005
A regular meeting of the Planning Commission was held at the Golden Valley City Hall,
Council Chambers, 7800 Golden Valley Road, Golden Valley, Minnesota, on Monday,
February 28, 2005. Chair Keysser called the meeting to order at 7 pm.
Those present were Commissioners Eck, Hackett, Keysser, McAleese and Schmidgall.
Also present were Director of Planning and Development, Mark Grimes and
Administrative Assistant, Lisa Wittman. Commissioners Rasmussen an
were absent.
nimously to approve the
I. Allianz Tour - Meet at Allianz Front Lobby at 6 pm
The Planning Commissioners and Mark Grimes met at the
of their facility.
II. Approval of Minutes
February 14, 2005 Planning Commission
MOVED by Eck, seconded by Hackett and
February 14 minutes as submitted.
Informal Public Hearing - Ci
Businesses" - 7 pm
Grimes reminded th
their January 1 2
businesses imm
allows th . to
this ordi
that they had seen a draft version of this ordinance at
said that staff isn't anticipating any sexually oriented
n I 0 Golden Valley upon approval of this ordinance but this
e control over limiting the location of these types of
he documents that were used in writing the purpose section of
at they will be kept on file should anyone want to read them.
Ke current moratorium on sexually oriented businesses would be
remo is ordinance is approved. Grimes said yes, the moratorium would
probabl oved at the same meeting the new ordinance is approved. He added that
when the ordinance goes to the Council there will be a notice published in the paper and
that staff may talk to the affected businesses owners.
Eck asked if it is accurate to say that there are not any sexually oriented sales in Golden
Valley accessory or otherwise. Grimes said not that he knows of. Eck asked if facility
wanted to sell adult magazines if that would qualify as an accessory sales use. Grimes
said yes, and that any sales would be restricted to a certain percentage of their facility.
Keysser opened the public hearing. Seeing and hearing no one wishing to speak,
Keysser closed the public hearing.
Minutes of the Golden Valley Planning Commission
February 28, 2005
Page 2
McAleese stated, that he noticed the changes the Planning Commission recommended to
the ordinance when they saw it in January were incorporated in this version of the
ordinance so he didn't have any further additions or questions.
Keysser asked how violations of this ordinance would be handled. Grimes said violations
would probably be handled on a complaint basis.
MOVED by Eck, seconded by Schmidgall and motion carried unanimously to recommend
approval of City Code Section 11.50 "Sexually Oriented Businesses".
-Short Recess-
IV. Discussion about Envision Golden Valley
Grimes stated that Jeanne Andre was scheduled to attend t
meeting to discuss Envision, but that she was attending the
Commission meeting until approximately 7:45 pm. He ked
would like to wait for Andre or reschedule their discus
come to their March 7 meeting instead.
Hackett stated that two things he has heard ove
people wanting a town center and the des'
Planning Commission can help with th
Eck referred to the business inven
said that there is money in the
regard to Envision are
ity and that he thinks the
in the budget for 2006. Grimes
at they are in the data collection phase.
Hackett asked about the r
requests to form a task ~
the City Council sets up t
developer acquires f th
any requests to cha
something the nni
the ide~ of buil
form a task force and if there have been any
etka/Highway 55 area. Grimes explained that
s an at the City's stance has been that once a "
ential properties in that area then the Council will look at
Il;ehensive Plan and Zoning. Hackett asked if that is
'on could discuss because it goes back to Envision and
nity and having a town center. Grimes said it would be
ee ngs of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority, City
rd of Zoning Appeals and other Meetings
Keysser said that he would like to have the election of officers at their next meeting.
VII. Adjournment
. The meeting was adjourned at 7:40
763-593-8095/763-593-8109 (fax)
March 3, 2005
Golden Valley Planning Commission
Mark W. Grimes, Director of Planning and Development
Informal Public Hearing on Final PUD Plan for Allianz Life Insurance
Company of North America-PUD No. 87 Amendment No.2-Corporate
Campus Phase II-Allianz Life, Applicant
Atthe April 4, 2000 City Council meeting, the Council gave final approval to the General
Plan of Development for Allianz Life USA Addition PUD No. 87. This final approval
allowed for the construction of Phase I of the Allianz campus plans. Phase I includes the
existing 10-story, 400,000 sq. ft. office building and 5-story, 7-level parking ramp with
1,434 parking spaces. In addition to the parking ramp spaces, there are 368 surfac~
parking spaces for a total of 1,820 parking spaces. The total area of the Allianz site is
about 12 acres.
At the time the Phase I development was approved by the City Council, the Council also
gave preliminary approval to a Phase II development that would include the construction
of a 5-6 story office addition of approximately 200,000 sq. ft. and an expansion of the
parking ramp to add an approximate 820 parking stalls. It was anticipated that the final
parking count for the Allianz development would be 2,500 parking spaces (ramp and
surface parking) to serve the 600,000 sq. ft. of office space and about 2,400 employees.
The Phase II development would have to go before the City Council to receive Final
Plan approval before construction could begin. (In July, 2004, the City Council amended
the PUD to allow Allianz to construct a temporary 247 space parking lot west of the
existing office building. This parking has been constructed and is now being used. This
parking lot will be removed as part of the construction of the Phase II.)
It was originally thought by Allianz that Phase II would be constructed in 2008. Due to
the success of the company and the need to provide space for their expanding
employee base, Allianz is going forward with Phase II ahead of schedule with
construction starting in spring 2005 and completion in 2006. At the time the PUD was
approved in April 2000, the PUD ordinance required that only the City Council review
the Final Plan (called the General Plan of Development in the old PUD ordinance.) In
late 2004, the PUD ordinance was amended to require that the Planning Commission
hold an informal public hearing and review the Final PUD Plan in order to determine that
it was consistent with the Preliminary PUD Plan.
Allianz and its consultants have submitted a complete application for the Final Plan of
Development for Phase II. The application booklet is attached to this report and dated
February 8, 2005. Within the application booklet are the reduced scale plans. Full scale
plans are also attached to this report.
The PUD Code states that the role of the Planning Commission is the review of the
Final PUD Plan for consistency with the Preliminary Plan for the Phase II portion of the
PUD No. 87. In April 2000, the City Council gave Final PUD approval to the Phase I
portion of the Allianz development and only Preliminary Plan approval to the Phase II
portion of the Allianz plans.
The staff has reviewed the proposed Phase II plans and finds them to be generally
consistent with the PUD that was approved by the City Council in April 2000. The PUD
permit approved in April 2000 calls for the Phase II development to include a 200,000
square foot, 5-6 story addition along with the addition to the parking ramp of the same
height and some additional surface parking. It was anticipated that the total number of
parking spaces on the Allianz campus atter completion of Phase II would be 2,500
spaces with approximately 2,200 spaces in the ramp and around 300 surface parking
There are several changes to the Phase II plans that should be considered although
they are not significant changes from the plans submitted as part of the April 2000
approval. These changes are as follows with staff comment:
1. Shape of Phase II office building-The shape ofthe Phase II office building has
changed. The Preliminary Plans for Phase II indicate a building that is shaped more
like a reverse "L" with a two level link connection to the Phase I office building. The
Phase II office building has changed shape and is rectangular in shape. It remains 6
stories in height as it was in the Preliminary Plans. This does not significantly alter
the visual presentation of the building. It will be constructed of similar materials to
the existing Phase I building and designed by the same architect.
2. Addition of Auditorium and Training Area-The revised Phase II plans call for a
two-story, 350 seat auditorium that will be located between the Phase II office
building and the parking ramp. It will share a lobby with the Phase II office building.
The auditorium will be used only for internal Allianz events.during business hours;
therefore, no additional parking will be needed. Allianz has noted that this auditorium
may be available for community uses after regular business hours when parking
becomes available. Access to the auditorium will be from the west entry plaza. The
Phase II plans also call for several training rooms along the link between the Phase I
and Phase II office buildings. These spaces will be used for employee training only
and not used as office space. At the current time, they have a shortage of training
3. Parking-The proposed addition to the parking ramp is consistent with the plans
submitted to the City in April 2000. There will be a total of 2,250spaces in the ramp
and 250 surface parking spaces. The 250 surface parking spaces are primarily along
the west and south side of the site as was in the plans submitted in April 2000.
There have been some slight changes to the parking areas due to the shape of the
office building. The attached memo from City Engineer Jeff Oliver, PE, dated March
1, 2005, to me indicates some changes that will have to be made to portions of the
surface parking. These changes are relatively minor to improve traffic flow and
safety. At the northeast corner of the campus, Allianz would like to add 18 new
visitor parking stalls as shown on the site plan. These spaces are needed for short-
term visitor parking. It is anticipated that there will be about 2,400 Allianz employees
on this campus. This amount of parking should more than adequately provide
parking for both employees and visitors.
4. Full Basement Below Phase II Office Building-Allianz plans to construct a full
basement below the Phase" office building for the purpose of mechanical and data
center support space. No employees would be housed in this space. As indicated in
the attached letter from the architect and attached to the application, the full
basement is a cost-effective way to construct the building due to the poor soil
conditions in the area. The PUD permit will indicate that the basement level can only
be used for mechanical and data center support space with no employees housed in
5. Landscaping-Allianz has developed a landscape plan that is attached to their
application. It indicates the placement of numerous trees and shrubs along the
perimeter of the site. They also indicate that the interior courtyard spaces will be
landscaped in a manner similar to the Phase I landscaping near the front of the
entrances to the building. They have indicated that the central courtyard south of the
parking ramp will "incorporate environmentally responsive site design strategies by
selecting climatically and regional appropriate plants that minimize maintenance,
reduce pest management and irrigation requirements and enhance regional identity".
Allianz has had an excellent track record for site landscaping. The entry point to
Allianz at the intersection of Golden Hills Dr. and Xenia Ave. has been very well
landscaped and applauded by the community. All landscaping plans must be
approved by the Building Board of Review.
In the memo to me dated March 1,2005, City Engineer Jeff Oliver, PE, listed several
recommendations that will also become recommendations of this memo. These
recommendations have been discussed with Allianz and will be addressed. One of the
most significant recommendations of the City Engineer is the requirement that Allianz
~ post a cash escrow of $100,000 to fund a portion of future improvements to Golden Hills
Dr. These improvements will be done at some time in the future as determined by the
Deputy Fire Marshal Ed Anderson has also written a memo to me dated February 22,
2005 indicating his comments on the final plans for Phase II. These comments will also
become a part of the recommendations of this memo.
The major issue when addressing this development prior to its approval in April 2000
was traffic congestion. What measures would have to be taken by Allianz and the City in
order for traffic to flow smoothly in the area when there are 2,400 people employed at
Allianz? The City and Allianz worked to develop street improvements and a Traffic
Management Plan (TMP) to help address the issue. The TMP was developed assuming
full build out of the Allianz campus. So far, the traffic that has been generated by Allianz
is less or consistent with City projections during the AM and PM peak hours due to
certain traffic management techniques employed by Allianz. The most important factor
has been that workers at Allianz have a wide window for beginning and ending work.
This spreads out the impact of the traffic from Allianz over a longer period of time and
reduces peak hour congestion. It is anticipated that the same will happen after the
Phase II building is constructed. If traffic does become a problem, Allianz has committed
to make changes in order to reduce AM and PM trips to and from their site. Since this
traffic management issue was addressed as part of the original PUD approval, there will
not be any additional conditions related to traffic in this new PUD approval.
There will have to be a new plat for this PUD submitted to the City Council. At the
current time, the property is divided into two lots. Allianz would like the property divided
into three lots-a lot for each of the office buildings and a lot for the parking ramp. Prior
to issuance of a building permit for the new building, a revised plat will have to be
approved by the City Council and Hennepin Co. indicating the new lot lines.
Staff is enclosing a copy of the site plan from the original approval in April 2000, and the
site plan from the PUD amendment done in April 2004, that permitted the construction
of a temporary parking lot west of the Phase I office building. Also attached is a copy of
the PUD Permit for the Allianz development that was last updated when the temporary
parking lot was approved in July 2004.
The staff recommends approval of the Final PUD Plan for Phase II of Allianz PUD No.
87. The plans are consistent with the preliminary PUD plans that were submitted and
approved by the City Council in April 2000. The changes that have become part of the
final plan for Phase II are relatively minor and improve the site. The Allianz campus
remains under a Traffic Management Plan (TMP) that requires Allianz to take action to
reduce AM and PM peak hour traffic if certain thresholds are met. The size, bulk and
height of the Phase II buildings are the same as the plans approved as part of the
original PUD. The staff is recommending the following conditions to the approval that
will become a part of the PUD permit:
1. "Application for Final PUD-Allianz Life Insurance Co. of North America Corporate
Campus Master Plan-Phase II" dated February 8,2005 shall become a part of this
approval. The Application includes site plans, building elevations, existing condition
map, demolition plan, grading and drainage plan, stormwater pollution prevention
plan, utility plan, utility detail plan, and landscape plan.
2. The recommendations of City Engineer Jeff Oliver, PE, found in a memo to Mark
Grimes dated March 1, 2005.
3. The recommendations of Deputy Fire Marshal Ed Anderson found in a memo to
Mark Grimes dated February 22, 2005.
4. The basement of the Phase II office building will be used only for mechanical and
data center space and shall be non-habitable.
5. The auditorium shall be for internal use by Allianz during regular business hours.
6. A revised final plat shall be submitted that will indicate three lots-one for each of
the Phase I and Phase II office buildings and one lottor the parking ramp. The
revised plat must be approved by the City Council and approved by Hennepin Co.
prior to any building permits being issued on the Phase II development.
7. The final landscape plans must be approved by the Building Board of Review.
8. The building plans must be reviewed by the Building Board of Review prior to
issuance of building permits.
9. The terms of the existing PUD Permit for PUD No. 87 shall remain in force and
amended for the Phase II development
Location Map (1 Page)
Application Booklet with Oversized Plans Attached
Star Tribune Newspaper Article dated December 6,2004 (1 page)
Memo from City Engineer Jeff Oliver, PE, dated March 1,2005 (5 pages)
Memo from Deputy Fire Marshal Ed Anderson, dated February 22,2005 (2 pages)
Transportation Management Plan, dated February 2000 (11 pages)
Preliminary Phase II Site plan from 2000 approval, dated December 3, 1999 (1 page)
Site Plan from 2004 approval for the temporary parking lot (1 page)
PUD Permit from 2004 approval for the temporary parking lot(5 pages)
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~GoldenVall ey
Public Works
763.593.8030 /763.593.3988 (fax)
March 1, 2005
Mark Grimes, Director of Planning an Development
Jeff Oliver, PE, City Engineer." J/i)
Final Plan of Development R~w for Allianz Life, PUD 87 A-2
Public Works staff has reviewed the proposed final plans for the Allianz Life Planned
Unit Development (PUD) amendment. The Allianz site is located north of Interstate 394
and west of Xenia Avenue. The following comments regarding the proposed plans are
based upon our review.
Site Plan
. The proposed site plan is generally consistent with the original PUD site plan. However,
this submittal includes an auditorium and training area, both located between the
existing and proposed buildings that were not on the original plan. The addition of these
features is acceptable from a Public Works perspective.
Staff has identified several issues within the proposed parking lots that result in potential
safety issues. A summary of these issues is a follows:
The plan shows 90 degree parking on the inside of the curve in the extreme southwest
portion of the site. The proposed parking, in conjunction with the tight radius of the
curve, results in a significant sight distance problem for vehicles using the driveway.
Traffic entering or backing out of these parking spaces will also have poor sight
distance. These concerns will create a situation where crashes are highly likely.
Therefore, at least four of these parking spaces should be eliminated.
There is also 90 degree parking shown on both sides of the western driveway
immediately south of Golden Hills Drive. Vehicles utilizing these parking stalls will need
to use both lanes of the driveway to enter or exit the spaces. In addition, these vehicles
will be blindly backing into traffic using this driveway, and pedestrians will also need to
cross the driveway traffic, which will be heavy during peak hours. These issues also
result in a situation where crashes are likely and the potential backups could affect
traffic on Golden Hills Drive. Therefore, at least four parking stalls should be removed
on each side of this driveway just south of Golden Hills Drive.
G:\Developments-HRA\Golden Hills Central\Allianz Phase 2\PUD Review 030105,doc
The row of parking proposed immediately west of the entry plaza and the parking ramp
also has potential conflicts at one parking stall. This stall is the furthest north on the east
row of this parking bank. Vehicles using this site from the north, which is the most likely
direction for traffic, will need to perform multiple maneuvers to enter or exit the stall.
These maneuvers will occur in the driveway access in and out of the parking ramp.
Therefore, this parking stall should be eliminated and the concrete island should be
The driveway adjacent to the entry plaza has a proposed width of 24 feet. Since this
area will likely be heavily used for deliveries and pick-ups/drop-offs, there will frequently
be vehicles parked in the driveway. The proposed width is too narrow to allow parked
cars to enter or exit the adjacent parking stalls while other vehicles are parked in the
driveway. Therefore, the plans should be modified to provide adequate space for parked
vehicles and access to the parking spaces to occur at the same time.
There is an existing MCTO bus stop located on the southwest corner of Xenia Avenue
and Golden Hills Drive that was constructed when the original Allianz building was
constructed. The location of the bus stop and shelter in the southbound right turn lane
into the Allianz site creates traffic congestion problems when buses stop at this location.
In order to eliminate these traffic issues, staff and the City's consulting traffic engineer
are currently reviewing alternative designs for the bus stop. Allianz will be required to
make the modifications as part of the second phase of the PUD. An agreement will be
. developed that outlines these changes.
When the original Allianz PUD was developed, the upgrading of Golden Hills Drive was
based upon the first phase site plan. With the second phase of development there will
be additional traffic on Golden Hills Drive. In addition, there will be future need to modify
Golden Hills Drive to accommodate right turn lanes and access points to the property on
the north side of the street when redevelopment occurs there. It is estimated that the
overall cost of improvements due to development of the Allianz site and other properties
will be in excess of $500,000. Based upon the additional needs on Golden Hills Drive,
and the amount of traffic that will be generated by Allianz, staff recommends that this
developer post a cash escrow for 20% of the estimated cost, or $100,000. This escrow
must be posted prior to approval of the final PUD amendment.
All pedestrian ramps on site must be constructed according to the City of Golden Valley
Standard Detail, including the installation of detectable warning devices. The City detail
must be included on the Detail Plan submitted for the project.
Utilitv Plan
The proposed utility plan does not include the installation of any additional fire hydrants
on the west end of the site. It is recommended that an additional two hydrants be placed
on site within the western parking lot areas. In addition, in order to insure adequate fire
flow to these hydrants, the water main should be looped from the existing mains on the
G:\Developments-HRA\Golden Hills Central\Allianz Phase 2\PUD Review 030105.doc
south and north sides of the site. This water main extension will be a City-owned main
. and must be designed and constructed according to City standards.
The water main improvements will also be addressed in the development agreement
between the City and Allianz.
The water main extension discussed above must be placed within a 20-foot wide
drainage and utility easement centered over the water main. This easement must also
extend to cover all fire hydrants on site. The developer will be required to prepare and
submit a legal description for this drainage and utility easement, which the City will then
prepare for execution. This easement must be submitted for recording prior to the
issuance of a grading permit and start of any work on site.
In order to provide a more complete picture of the proposed utility changes on site, the
Utility Plan must be modified to include all proposed sanitary sewer and water main
The standard details for sanitary sewer and water mains on site, as shown on the Detail
Plan sheet, must be City of Golden Valley Standard Details.
GradinQ, DrainaQe and Erosion Control Plan
This development is within the Sweeney Lake sub-district of the Bassett Creek
Watershed, and is subject to the water quality standards of the Bassett Creek Water
Management Commission (BCWMC). The final plans must be submitted to the BCWMC
for review and comments prior to any work starting on site.
The BCWMC Water Quality Policy requirements for this site have been accounted for in
the storm water pond in the northwest corner of Xenia Avenue North and Laurel
Avenue. This regional pond was constructed by the City in 1999 as part of the Xenia
Avenue Extension Project.
This PUD is also subject to the City of Golden Valley Grading, Drainage and Erosion
Control Ordinance. As such, the Grading Plan for the site must be prepared according
to City Standards, which have been provided to the developer's engineer. The final
Grading, Drainage and Erosion Control Plan must be approved prior to submitting the
plans to the BCWMC for its review and comments, and prior to issuance of a City
Grading Permit for the site.
The proposed storm sewer removals shown on the demolition plan must be shown on
the Grading Plan.
Additional spot elevations are needed on the grading plan, particularly on the islands in
the western parking lot, in order to more fully analyze drainage patterns on site.
G:\Developments-HRA\Golden Hills Central\Allianz Phase 2\PUD Review 0301 05.doc
This development must also obtain an NPDES Storm Water Permit from the Minnesota
Pollution Control Agency prior to starting of any work on site. The developer must
provide the Public Works Department with copies of the NPDES permit application and
a copy of the permit once it has been obtained.
It appears that a CADD layer from the Utility Plan was not shut off when the Grading
Plan was plotted. There are several labels from the Utility Plan along the southern
portion of the site that need to be removed from the grading plan.
The developer has also submitted a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)
as part of the submittal package. Although this plan is required as part of the NPDES
permit, it contains information that must also be included on the Grading, Drainage and
Erosion Control Plan. The developer's engineer should review the requirements for both
plans and combine the plans to the extent possible. It may be possible to provide all the
required information on a single plan. .
The line type shown for silt fence shown on the grading plan key does not match the
line type used on the plan. These line types should be consistent.
The notes included on the SWPPP appear to be standard notes for a residential
development project that do not apply to this development. The developer's engineer
should review and modify these notes as appropriate.
. Summary and Recommendations
Public Works staff recommends approval of the Final Plan of Allianz Life PUD 87A-2,
subject to the following conditions.
1) The developer must modify the plans to incorporate the modifications to the parking
lots and driveways contained in this review.
2) The developer enters into a development agreement with the City to address the
following public improvements as discussed in this review:
a. The modifications to the bus stop south of Golden Hills Drive on Xenia Avenue;
b. The extension of City water across the western portion of the site.
3) The developer posts a $100,000 cash escrow for future upgrading of Golden Hills
4) The developer dedicates a drainage and utility easement over the water main
extension as discussed in this report.
5) Subject to the review and comments of the Bassett Creek Water Management
G:\Developments-HRA\Golden Hills Central\Allianz Phase 2\PUD Review 030105.doc
6) The Grading, Drainage and Erosion Control Plan must be prepared to the standards
of the City. The plan must be approved by the City prior to review by the Bassett
Creek Water Management Commission.
7) Subject to the review and comments of the Building Official, City Attorney, Deputy
Fire Marshal and other City staff.
Please feel free to call me if you have any questions regarding this matter.
C: Glen Van Wormer, SEH
Tom Burt, City Manager
Jeannine Clancy, Director of Public Works
AI Lundstrom, Environmental Coordinator
Mark Kuhnly, Chief of Fire and Inspections
Gary Johnson, Building Official
Ed Anderson, Deputy Fire Marshal
G:\Developments-HRA\Golden Hills Central\Allianz Phase 2\PUD Review 030105.doc
e ora
Fire Department
763-593-8055 I 763-512-2497 (fax)
Mark Grimes, Director of Planning & Zoning
Ed Anderson, Deputy Fire Marspal
Subject: PUD-87 -A-2-Allianz Phase II
February 22, 2005
Mark Kuhnly, Fire Chief
The Golden Valley Fire Department has reviewed the proposed site plan for PUD-87 -A-2-Allianz
Phase II concept. Listed below are the comments for the final plan of the development.
1. The turning radius for the fire department apparatus access road shall be a 45 foot inside.
turning radius.
2. Relocated the fire hydrant south of the parking ramp to the area identified as a plaza area.
3. Additional fire hydrants will be required throughout the site and the access roads. Water
supplies for the fire hydrants and equipment will be required for review by the City Engineer
and the Deputy Fire Marshal.
4. An approved fire apparatus access road shall be provided around the exterior of all the
buildings. The concept plan does not indicate, due to other conditions, therefore an approved
alternate means of fire protection will be provided which includes but is not limited to Class I
standpipes, additional sprinkler system and smoke detectors throughout the building.
5. The fire department access road shall have a minimum of 26 feet of unobstructed width or
provide another fire apparatus access road based on the potential for a permit for a single
road by vehicle congestion, condition of terrain, climate condition or other factors that could
limit access to the building.
6. Landscaping and other building equipment or vehicles shall not obstruct in any manner or
material access to any fire department equipment, including, but not limited to fire hydrants,
post indicator valves and fire department connections.
. 8.
An approved access walkway, leading from the fire department access road to the exterior
opening of the building will be required.
Fire department key boxes will be required for all fire department access doors.
The installation of No Parking Fire Lane signs shall be in accordance with the Golden Valley
City Ordinance and the Golden Valley Fire Department standard on installation of the
stationary posts and placement of signs.
10. Provide additional information on the proposed water supply for the fire suppression systems
for all buildings in the Phase II concept.
If you have any questions, please contact me at 763-593-8065.
Golden Valley, MN
Prepared for:
Prepared by:
Benshoof & Associates, Inc.
February 2000
1. INTRODUCTION ... ................. .... .............. ....... ......... ........ ....... .... ......... .............. 1
TRANSPORTATION MANAGENlENT MEASURES .. ................. ....................... 2
3. GOALS, OBJECTIVES, AND PERFORMANCE MEASURES ........................... 2
Goals ...... .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . " . . . . . . .. . .. . .. . . . ..2
Objectives and Performance Measures ................................................3
PLAN AND ALLOCATION OF RESPONSIBILITIES ......................................... 4
MANAGEMENT PLAN .......... ......;.... ......................... ........... ....... .... .................... 7
Overall Steps ... ... ... ... '" ... ...... ... ... '" ...... '" ...... '" ... ......... ... '" ... ... ...7
Actions to Limit Peak Hour Vehicle Trips Generated by
AllianzJLifeUSA Development. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7
This document serves as the Transportation Management Plan (TMP) for the proposed
AllianzlLifeUSA headquarters building that will be located in the southwest quadrant of
the Golden Hills Drive/Xenia A venue intersection in Golden Valley, MN.
AllianzlLifeUSA is an established company with over 100 years of history as a
Minnesota based company. They have been in their current location for over 50 years.
To continue this heritage, they want to build a home that will be of high quality to
enhance the community and attract employees looking for a quality work environment.
The majority of their employees are salaried professionals, who have been with the
company over five years. As salaried employees, they are not tied to an 8-hour work
schedule. This allows the organization flexibility in work hours to facilitate the
mitigation of traffic issues.
Their corporate culture promotes building relationships with all of their "customers."
This includes their agents, policyholders, vendors, and outside partners. This philosophy
will carry through to their new building site in their relationships with all neighbors,
residential and corporate, to create a community environment that works well for
The proposed AllianzlLifeUSA headquarters will contain 600,000 square feet of office
space. Construction is anticipated to proceed in two phases with full completion
expected in 2007. An Environmental Assessment Worksheet (EAW) was completed for
the development in the fall of 1999. The conclusions from the Technical Traffic Report
prepared as an attachment to the EA W stated "it is expected that the implementation of
traffic management plans through the 1-394 Overlay Zoning District Ordinance would
increase the level of service expected."
The Cities of Golden Valley and St. Louis Park adopted the 1-394 Overlay Zoning
District Ordinance, which requires each dense development along the 1-394 corridor to
prepare and execute a TMP. The purpose of this ordinance is to improve traffic
congestion, air pollution, and noise pollution.
Through the process of developing the EA W, City of Golden Valley officials, staff, and
residents have expressed interest in limiting the traffic impacts of the AllianzlLifeUSA
development. AllianzlLifeUSA views themselves as a member of the community and
recognizes that being a responsible citizen is important. To that end, AllianzlLifeUSA is
committed to implementing this TMP in cooperation with Golden Valley, St. Louis Park,
Metropolitan Council, Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnIDOT), and
neighboring businesses. The following sections discuss AllianzlLifeUSA's prior
transportation management experiences and identify the goals, programs, responsibilities,
and implementation plan that comprise this TMP.
Allianz/LifeUSA TMP
Allianz/LifeUSA has a solid track record of voluntarily implementing transportation
management measures, and they will continue this tradition by implementing this TMP.
Following are the programs they provide at their current locations:
A flexible work hours program which has been in place since 1987. This program
enables an employee to work a schedule which meets their personal needs as well
as the corporate needs.
Sell and subsidize public transportation passes for their.employees, paying 50% of
the bus pass cost.
Encourage car pooling by providing priority parking in their parking lots.
Mapped employee population and travel patterns to help implement transportation
management strategies. .
Work with the community to address traffic or parking issues that arise. The
Allianz/LifeUSA organization has a single contact person designated for ease of
communications on transportation issues. Their current contact person regarding
this TMP is:
Ed Fitzpatrick, Second Vice President
The two principal goals for this Transportation Management Plan are:
a) For Allianz/LifeUSA to limit the number of peak hour vehicle trips to and
from their development.
b) For Allianz/LifeUSA to participate with the City of Golden Valley and other
public and private organizations to maintain effective accessibility to and from
the nearby area in Golden Valley and St. Louis Park.
In terms of the first goal of limiting peak hour vehicle trips, it is important to defme peak
hour. For purposes of this Transportation Management Plan, both the a.m. and p.m. peak"
hours are considered. The a.m. peak hour consists of the four consecutive 15 minute
intervals during the period of 6:00 to 10:00 a.m. in which the highest volumes are
recorded for trips to and from the AllianzlLifeUSA site. The p.m. peak hour consists of
the four consecutive 15 minute intervals during the period of 2:30 to 6:30 p.m. in which
the highest volumes are recorded for trips to and from the Allianz/LifeUSA site.
AllianzILifeUSA TMP
. Obiectives and Performance Measures
Based on the preceding goals, the following objectives and performance measures have
been developed for this Transportation Management Plan. ~
1. Upon full occupancy of the 400,000 sq. ft. phase 1 building, seek to achieve peak
hour vehicle trip generation that does not exceed the projections from methodologies
presented in the EA W - 563 trip ends during the a.m. peak hour and 528 trip ends
during the p.m. peak hour.
2. Upon full occupancy of the 200,000 sq. ft. phase 2 building, seek to achieve peak
hour vehicle trip generation for the entire development that does not exceed the
projections in the EA W - 778 trip ends during the a.m. peak hour and 752 trip ends
during the p.m. peak hour.
3. AllianzlLifeUSA will work with the City of Golden Valley and other appropriate
organizations to establish a Transportation Management Organization (TMO)
involving business and property owners in the 1-394/Xenia Avenue interchange area.
It is expected that the 1-394 Joint Task Force will be the principal sponsor for this
TMO. AllianzlLifeUSA will actively participate in this TMO, but will not be the
primary "owner." The TMO will work to seek effective transportation accessibility
for the area in a manner that reflects positive coordination among the involved
stakeholders. Typical guiding principles of a TMO are (based on the Minneapolis
TMO's mission statement):
Provide an information clearinghouse and a sales outlet for commuters.
Teach commuters about alternatives to driving alone during the peak periods.
Involve employers, developers, and building managers in making sound
transportation decisions.
Advise government agencies in creating solutions to transportation problems.
Promote effective improvements and alternative transportation methods.
4. According to the Metro Commuter Services division of the Metropolitan Council, a
10% reduction in the peak hour, single occupant vehicle trips can be achieved through
a rigorous transportation management program. As part of the implementation
process detailed below, a survey will be conducted to detail the existing commuting
habits of the AllianzlLifeUSA employees after they move into the Golden Valley
building. Given the extensive emphasis that AllianzlLifeUSA already places on
measures to limit peak hour single occupant vehicle trips, it may not be appropriate
for AllianzlLifeUSA to strive for the same 10% reduction that the Metro Commuter
Services generally has established. One outcome of the survey referenced above is
that AllianzlLifeUSA will establish a percentage objective for further reduction in
peak hour, single occupant vehicle trips. A second survey will be conducted two
years after the fIrst. A comparison of the two surveys will show if AllianzlLifeUSA
has met their established percentage reduction goal.
Allianz/LifeUSA TMP
5. Based on the commuter survey, goals will be developed for the increase of employees
utilizing each of the components of the TMP. The combination of these goals will
result in the overall percentage reduction established in item 4.
The following components have been developed through past experience and
collaboration with several agencies. Metro Commuter Services, Metro Transit, and the
Minneapolis TMO have all provided many resources, and continued contact with these
organizations is recommended.
1. Promote car-pooling:
· AllianzlLifeUSA will provide a minimum of 20 preferential parking spaces for
registered car pools of two riders or more. AllianzlLifeUSA will utilize signs
provided by Metro Commuter Services to designate these spaces. If demand
exceeds supply, an appropriate number of preferential parking spaces will be
· AllianzlLifeUSA will develop and implement strategies to connect employees
who may be able to commute together. These may include: hosting annual
commuter fairs, hosting zip code parties, providing potential car pool lists by area
through assistance from Metro Commuter Services, utilizing e-mail, and
providing a permanent bulletin board.
2. Promote van-pooling:
· Research the viability of providing vanpools to area park & ride lots.
· Research the viability of providing vanpools to downtown Minneapolis so transit
users could conveniently access the bus route that will take them directly to their
· Research the viability of providing vanpools for employees for travel between
their homes and the new AllianzlLifeUSA office facility.
3. Promote transit use:
· AllianzlLifeUSA will continue to sell public transportation passes directly to their
· AllianzlLifeUSA will continue to pay 50% of the cost of a bus pass for interested
AllianzILifeUSA TMP
· Allianz/LifeUSA will investigate the viability of implementing the Metropass and
Transitworks! Programs, both offered through Metro Transit, which offer transit
cost savings to both the employee and employer.
· AllianzlLifeUSA will work with the City of Golden Valley and Metro Transit to
improve transit service to the site.
· AllianzlLifeUSA will investigate constructing lit, heated bus shelters near the site.
4. Promote flexible work hour arrangements:
· AllianzlLifeUSA will continue to actively promote "flexible work arrangements,"
which allow employees to arrive and leave outside the peak commuting hours
with their supervisor's permission. This will include non-traditional workweeks
such as a four-day workweek and part time work schedules.
5. Promote telecommuting:
· AllianzlLifeUSA will address telecommuting on an ad hoc basis.
6. Explore a "Parking Cash Out" program:
· This program puts cash in the pockets of those employees who choose not to use
single occupant vehicles. The on-site parking ramp would be a paid parking
facility. Allianz/LifeUSA would give its employees a parking subsidy, which
would partially or completely cover the cost of parking in the ramp. By taking
transit, carpooling, vanpooling, walking, or biking to work the employee would
realize cost savings and put the extra cash in their pockets. One of the benefits of
this approach is that it uses positive reinforcement instead of negative
reinforcement. If this program is developed and a parking subsidy is given, it
would work in conjunction with the existing transit subsidy program.
7. Employee surveys and plan reports:
· Metro Commuter Services, a division of the Metropolitan Council, will conduct a
survey that tracks the commuting habits of employees for private companies.
AllianzlLifeUSA will coordinate with Metro Commuter Services to conduct this
· Based on the commuter survey, Metro Commuter Services will prepare a brief
report that summarizes the results and suggests strategies that will decrease the
number of single occupant vehicles that AllianzlLifeUSA generates during the
peak hours. Based on the survey report, AllianzlLifeUSA will refine the
strategies in the management plan to better implement measures that will reduce
the peak hour trip generation.
AllianzlLifeUSA TMP
· To keep up with changing trends, a survey of this nature and refinements to the
transportation management plan should be performed every two years. This plan
will be revised biannually based on the surveys and submitted to the City of
Golden Valley. This program will be in effect until Allianz/LifeUSA, the City,
and the TMO agree it is not needed.
8. Advertising and communications:
· Allianz/LifeUSA will request the assistance of Metro Commuter Services to
provide materials and assistance. Allianz/LifeUSA will develop a packet that
describes all of the transportation options and incentives available, with help from
Metro Commuter Services. This packet will be distributed to all existing and new
employees. It will also be available at kiosks in the office building.
· Allianz/LifeUSA will continue to have an appointed staff member as the primary
contact for the City of Golden Valley and the neighborhood regarding
transportation issues.
9. Transportation Management Organization (TMO):
· Allianz/LifeUSA will work in conjunction with the City of Golden Valley, nearby
property owners, nearby businesses, and other appropriate agencies to establish a
TMO that will help implement and further develop the strategies included in this
TMP. This will have many benefits, including improving the effectiveness of
carpooling efforts by increasing the ridematching possibilities.
· Allianz/LifeUSA will pay a traffic management administrative fee of $.10 per
square foot of gross floor area in accordance with City of Golden Valley
Ordinances. This fee amounts to $60,000 for this site after both phases of
construction are complete. This $60,000, minus the minor amount the 1-394
Overlay Zoning District Joint Task Force is allowed to use for expenses, will be
pooled with the fees collected from the other developments under the jurisdiction
of this ordinance to develop and support the TMO.
10. Encourage area improvements:
· AllianzlLifeUSA will support efforts of Golden Valley and St. Louis Park to
encourage Mn/DOT to improve the operations of the 1-394/Xenia Avenue
interchange by periodically updating the signal timing and ramp metering rates to
effectively accommodate trips entering 1-394 at this interchange.
· Allianz/LifeUSA, in conjunction with the TMO, Golden Valley, and St. Louis
Park, will support considerations for the addition of High Occupancy Vehicle
Allianz/LifeUSA TMP
(HOV) bypass lanes on the 1-394/Xenia Avenue ramps. This would improve the
attractiveness of carpooling and vanpooling.
11. Promote bicycle use:
· AllianzlLifeUSA will provide shower and locker room facilities on site.
· AllianzlLifeUSA will provide a minimum of four covered and convenient bike
parking facilities on si(e. If demand exceeds supply, an appropriate number of
. parking facilities will be added.
Overall Steps
1. AllianzlLifeUSA currently provides several transportation programs.
Allianz/LifeUSA will continue to provide these transportation programs through the
transition to the Golden Valley location.
2. Before AllianzlLifeUSA occupies the Golden Valley location, they will work in
conjunction with the City of Golden Valley, nearby property owners, nearby
businesses, and other appropriate agencies to establish a TMO.
3. Before AllianzlLifeUSA occupies the Golden Valley location, they will develop
traffic management programs to implement immediately upon occupancy.
4. After the first phase is 70% occupied or approximately four months after initial
occupancy, whichever is later, AllianzlLifeUSA and the TMO will cooperate to
conduct a commuter survey as previously described. Based on the results of the
survey, the goals should be refined as previously discussed, and the full transportation
management plan should be implemented.
5. AllianzlLifeUSA and the TMO will cooperate to conduct a commuter survey every
two years until a point in time when AllianzlLifeUSA and the TMOagree it is not
needed. Based on the survey results, the goals and strategies will be modified
appropriately. The TMO will continue to operate after the biannual surveys are
deemed unnecessary, to provide continuing follow-through regarding transportation
accessibility needs in the area.
Actions to Limit Peak Hour Vehicle Trips Generated by AllianzlLifeUSA
One of the two goals expressed at the beginning of this Transportation Management Plan
is to limit the number of peak hour vehicle trips to and from the AllianzlLifeUSA
AllianzILifeUSA TMP
development. This goal was further quantified in the objectives to refer to the trip
generation projections for the a.m. and p.m. peak hours that were established in the EA W
for the AllianzlLifeUSA project. Through discussions with City staff, a decision was
made to establish the following two threshold levels for purpose of monitoring the trip
generation for the development and taking appropriate actions:
a) "Alert" level. This is a condition in which the trip generation for the
AllianzlLifeUSA site during the a.m. and/or p.m. peak hours is approaching
the not to exceed limits. This condition prompts vigorous follow-up by
AllianzlLife USA, with support from the City of Golden Valley, to reduce
peak hour vehicle trips generated by the development. For the purpose of this
Transportation Management Plan, this "alert" level consists of the following
trip generation values:
· For the 400,000 sq. ft. phase 1 building, the total trip generation
projections from methodologies presented in the EA W - 563 trip ends
during the a.m. peak hour and 528 trip ends during the p.m. peak hour.
. For the full 600,000 sq.ft. development, 90% of the total trip
generation projections presented in the EA W - 700 trip ends during
the a.m. peak hour and 677 trip ends during the p.m. peak hour.
b) "Not to Exceed" level. This is a condition in which the trip generation for the
AllianzlLifeUSA development during the a.m. and/or p.m. peak hours is at the
maximum allowed by this Transportation Manjlgement Plan. This situation
triggers the need for AllianzlLifeUSA to take strong mitigative measures and
achieve satisfactory results. If satisfactory results are not accomplished, this
situation would constitute a violation of the City's Zoning Ordinance and
would permit the City to take.appropriate enforcement measures defined
under its Zoning Ordinance.
The foundation for addressing the needs to limit trips generated by the AllianzJLifeUSA
development is a monitoring program to count the number of trips entering and exiting
the development. On an annual basis commencing within 12 months of initial
occupancy, AllianzlLifeUSA commits to conducting a count of all vehicles entering and
exiting the development by 15 minute period for a full week. AllianzlLifeUSA will
provide the count data to City staff, along with other information to ensure City staff that
the week counted represented normal business and employee tripmaking conditions. This
monitoring and reporting program shall continue every year until at least two years after
full occupancy of the phase 2 building and until Allianz and the City mutually agree that
the program can be terminated.
Each annual weekly set of trip generation counts will be utilized as described next. If all
the hourly peak hour volumes are below the alert levels, no further action is needed. If
the peak hour volume for either an a.m. peak hour and/or a p.m. peak hour exceeds the
alert level or not to exceed level for at least one day, AllianzlLifeUSA conducts another
identical set of weekly trip generation counts during a typical week four to six weeks
after the first set of counts. AllianzlLifeUSA and City staff then would review the two
AlIianzlLifeUSA TMP
sets of counts to determine the trip generation patterns that are being experienced, i.e. to
determine whether the volumes typically are below the alert level, are higher than the
alert level but below the not to exceed level, or are higher than the not to exceed level.
If the determination from the preceding review of the two sets of weekly counts is that
the peak. hour trip generation volumes generally are below the alert level, no further
action would be needed. If the determination is that the peak. hour volumes exceed the
alert level, but are below the not to exceed level, the following two steps would be
1) AllianzlLifeUSA and City staff would meet to discuss the situation and
candidate mitigative measures.
2) AllianzlLifeUSA, with support from the City, would implement measures to
reduce the peak. hour vehicle trips generated by the development such that
they would be below the alert levels.
If the determination from the review of the two sets of weekly counts is that the peak.
hour trip generation volumes generally exceed the maximum not to exceed levels, the
following steps would be accomplished:
1) AllianzlLifeUSA and City staff meet to discuss the situation and candidate
mitigative measures.
2) AllianzlLifeUSA responds to the City with a draft recommended action plan.
This plan first would address the potential to reduce peak. hour vehicle trips
generated by the development. If such an option were not fully sufficient, the
plan may address funding assistance to increase vehicle capacity at
particularly congested locations, and/or leadership to reduce peak hour vehicle
trips generated by other properties in the area.
3) AllianzlLifeUSA and City staff agree on an action plan and.appropriate steps
to monitor success of the plan. AllianzlLifeUSA, with support from the City,
implements the action plan.
4) Accomplishments of the action plan are monitored according to the
procedures established in the preceding step.
5) If the monitoring from step 4) demonstrates satisfactory outcomes as defined
in step 2), no further action is needed. If the monitoring from step 4), shows
continued violations, AllianzlLifeUSA and City staff would need further
discussions regarding next steps, including whether the City would implement
enforcement measures allowed under its Zoning Ordinance.
AllianzILifeUSA TMP
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Allianz Life USA Addition P.U.D. No. 87 Amendment No.1
City Council Approval: Julv 6. 2004
City of Golden Valley, Minnesota
Use Permit
Planned Unit Development
Project Name:
Allianz Life USA Addition P.U.D. No. 87, Amendment NO.1
That area bounded by Xenia Avenue on the East, 1-394 on the
South, the Soo Line Railroad on the West and Golden Hills Drive on
the North (address: 5701 Golden Hills Drive)
legal Description:
Lots 1 & 2, Block 1 Allianz Life USA Addition P.U.D. No. 87
Allianz Life Insurance Company of North America ("Allianz Life")
5701 Golden Hills Drive, Golden Valley, MN 55416
Allianz Life
5701 Golden Hills Drive, Golden Valley, MN 55416
Zoning District:
Business and Professional Offices
Permitted Uses:
Phase One - A 10 story, 400,000 sq.ft. office building with a 5-
story/7 level parking ramp containing 1,426 spaces. (A 200,000
sq.ft., 5-6 story addition, along with additional ramping and surface
parking is planned for this site as indicated on the attached site
plan. However, this addition and parking ramp addition must obtain
a separate approval of a General Plan of Development at the time
construction is to occur. It is anticipated this construction could
occur by 2008.) Permitted uses include other support services, such
as cafeterias or snack bars, copying and collating services, mail
services or day care, with no outside advertising or signage allowed
for such support services, a temporary, 159 space surface parking
lot on the Phase Two office site. This parking lot will be removed
when the Phase Two building and parking ramp is added.
A. land Use
1. The General Plan of Development P.U.D. plans, prepared for Phase One of the
Allianz Life corporate campus, shall become a part of this permit. These plans were
prepared by Architectural Alliance and dated February 11, 2000. These plans
include a site plan, building elevations, floor plans,landscape plan, and tree
preservation plan.
Allianz Life USA Addition P.U.D. No. 87 - Amendment #1
B. Construction
1. Except as specifically provided in the terms of the General Plan approval, all on-site
improvements must meet the Building Code, Fire Code, Mechanical Code,
Plumbing.Code, City sign standards forthe Business & Professional Offices Zoning
District, and miscellaneous other City Development requirements that would apply
for a similar project outside a P.U.D.
2. Waste and recycling facilities shall be located entirely within the main building or in
the loading dock area.
3. If the second phase office building is not started within three years of the final
approval of the PUD amendment for the 159 space temporary parking lot, all
temporary parking areas shall have concrete curb and gutter placed around the
perimeter in a manner ~pproved by the City Engineer and shall be landscaped as
per City requirements. Allianz should submit a fund guaranty acceptable to the City
Attorney in an amount acceptable to the City Engineer to ensure that the curb and
gutter construction will be completed in a timely manner. The financial guaranty
shall be submitted prior to construction of the 159 space temporary parking lot.
4. The recommendations in the memo from Deputy Fire Marshal Ed Anderson, dated
April 29, 2004 shall become a part of this permit.
Page 2
C. Grading, Utilities, Access and Other Engineering Issues
1. The memos from City Engineer Jeff Oliver, PE, to Director of Planning and
Development Mark Grimes, dated March 28, 2000 and May 6, 2004, and the
recommendations contained therein, shall become a part of this permit.
2. The construction of the Allianz Life development is subject to a Tree Preservation
Plan and a Grading, Drainage and Erosion Control Plan. City staff, prior to the
issuance of building permits, must approve these plans.
3. Allianz Life will construct and maintain a bus shelter on the property or in the right-
of-way along Xenia Avenue as required by the City and Metro Transit.
4. When it is determined by the City or the State of Minnesota that the construction of
a High Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) ramp access lane to westbound 1-394 is feasible
and practicable, Allianz Life agrees to dedicate the necessary property needed for
its construction.
5. The attached Traffic Management Plan is a part of this PUD Permit. In addition,
Allianz Life is subject to all requirements found in Section 11.56 (1-394 Zoning
District Ordinance) which provides in part as follows:
For all parcels located within Zone A each time (a) the traffic
generated for one hour during the p.m. peak hour three days out of
five consecutive business days exceeds Level of Service E at more
than half of the intersections within the Xenia/Park Place
interchange (effective after the interchange is substantially
completed and operational), or (b) once the reserve capacity
Allianz Life USA Addition P.U.D. No. 87 - Amendment #1
allocated to the city for this interchange has been used, whichever is
first, the owner shall implement an original or revised traffic
management plan. The traffic management plan initially shall be
prepared when the traffic generated for one hour during the p.m.
peak hour three days out of five consecutive business days reaches
Level of Service E at more than half of the intersections of the
Xenia/Park Place interchange (effective after the interchange is
substantially completed and operational). It shall be designed to
reduce the traffic generated by or from the parcel by a percentage
which, in conjunction with the other parcels in the zone, will
accommodate Level of Service E at the p.m. peak hour (or keep it
within the city's allocable portion of the reserve capacity, if that
applies), given the p.m. peak hour trips assumed to be generated by
the parcel based on the table attached to the ordinance as Exhibit 1 .
The owner shall submit the traffic management plan to the Joint
Task Force, which shall review and approve all traffic management
plans before they may be implemented.
Each development containing more than .6 square feet of gross
floor area per each square foot of land area within a lot or parcel
within one of the three zones shall monitor the traffic generated by it,
the locations and times to be determined by the Joint Task Force,
and it shall supply such traffic volume figures to the Joint Task
Force. Each planning department will publish those figures yearly.
The Joint Task Force shall determine the acceptable methods of
measuring traffic volumes, the acceptability of persons or firms
undertaking it and all other reasonable requirements in connection
Each developer or owner of a parcel who leases part of the parcel,
or part of a building thereon, to one or more tenants shall include the
following in each lease:
The Cities of Golden Valley and St. Louis Park have established
an 1-394 Traffic Zoning Ordinance. It will require traffic
management plans for traffic generated by this and certain
adjacent developments when certain conditions occur. Under
such conditions it will restrict traffic generated by these
developments. The plan is intended to promote improved traffic
circulation and reduce pollution and congestion, particularly
during peak times, for all users of city streets. The traffic
management plans prepared by the owners may require the use
of rideshare incentive programs, public transit incentives, bicycle
and pedestrian incentive measures, variable work hours or flex-
time programs under which employees are required to stagger
their work hours, measures to reduce reliance on single
occupying vehicles, shared parking and the like. A copy ofthe
complete ordinance may be obtained by calling the city offices of
Golden Valley or St. Louis Park.
Page 3
Allianz Life USA Addition P.U.D. No. 87 - Amendment #1
Page 4
6. Allianz Ufe has agreed to implement the Traffic Management Plan prior to any
requirement of the 1-394 Zoning District Ordinance (Section 11.56 of the Zoning
Code). Because Allianz Life will implement the Traffic Management Plan voluntarily,
before it is imposed by Ordinance, Allianz Life will be given credit to the extent they
have previously reduced traffic in the AM and PM peak hours when the Ordinance
is imposed.
7. The uses on the site shall meet all applicable City, State and Federal standards.
D. Subdivision
1. The final plat shall include "P.U.D. No. 87" in its title.
2. The final plat that will consist of three lots - one lot for the 400,000 sq.ft. Phase
One office building, one lot for the parking ramp and one lot for the Phase Two
office building.
3. The final plat(s) shall indicate all easements as required by City Ordinance and the
City Engineer.
Allianz Life USA Addition P.U.D. No. 87 - Amendment #1
Page 5
It is hereby understood and agreed that this P.U.D. Permit is a part of the City Council
approval granted on April 4, 2000. Any changes to the P.U.D. Permit for the Allianz Life
USA Addition P.U.D. No. 87 shall require an amendment.
Witness: ;f~ W'Jp-
;i~<- ~
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By: ~t!~~tt~~
Date: /~ ZI- 04
Warning: This permit does not exempt you from all other City Code provisions,
regulations and ordinances.