09-12-05 PC Agenda AGENDA GOLDEN VALLEY PLANNING COMMISSION Regular Meeting Golden Valley City Hall, 7800 Golden Valley Road Council Chambers Monday, September 12, 2005 7pm I. Approval of Minutes August 22,2005 Planning Commission Meeting II. Informal Public Hearing - Minor Subdivision - SU20-04 - 1440 June Avenue South Applicant: Dennis & Gloria Dylong Address: 1440 June Avenue South Purpose: The Subdivision would create two separate lots in order to keep the existing home and to construct one new home. III. Informal Public Hearing - Minor Subdivision - SU12-1 0 - 209 Cutacross Road Applicant: David Spencer Address: 209 Cutacross Road Purpose: The Subdivision would create two separate lots in order to remove the existing home and construct two new homes. IV. Informal Public Hearing - Conditional Use Permit - CU111 - 2225 Zenith Avenue North Applicant: LoveWorks Early Childhood Academy Address: 2225 Zenith Avenue North Purpose: The Conditional Use Permit would allow a child daycare facility to operate in an 1-1 Institutional zoning district at St. Margaret Mary's Catholic Church. -Short Recess- V. Reports on Meetings of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority, City Council, Board of Zoning Appeals and other Meetings VI. Other Business VII. Adjournment Regular Meeting of the Golden Valley Planning Commission . August 22, 2005 A regular meeting of the Planning Commission was held at the Golden Valley City Hall, Council Chambers, 7800 Golden Valley Road, Golden Valley, Minnesota, on Monday, August 22,2005. Chair Keysser called the meeting to order at 7 pm. Those present were Commissioners Cera, Eck, Keysser, Schmidgall and Waldhauser. Also present were Director of Planning and Development Mark Grimes, Planning Intern Kristin Gonzales and Administrative Assistant Lisa Wittman. Commissio ackett and Rasmussen were absent I. Approval of Minutes August 8, 2005 Planning Commission and Environm Meeting MOVED by Eck, seconded by Waldhauser and mo . the August 8, 2005 minutes as submitted. II. Informal Public Hearing - Final PI Wirth Business Center nt - PUD No.1 00 - North Applicant: . Address: arkway - located on Dahlberg Drive Purpose: for the construction of an office condominium square feet comprised of six buildings, phased Grimes referre Dahlberg Driv Council a ve meetin Final PI site map and stated that it is located at TH 55 and ena and Room and Board. He stated that the City inary plans for this development at their June 21, 2005 of approval and now the developer is moving forward with the t. Gn devel develop constructed. at the property is owned by the HRA and is being sold to the er to build six office condominium buildings in phases. He added that th_e e doing all of the utilities and parking lots at the time the first building is Grimes stated that the property to the north will be going into a conservation easement which will say that it is to remain undeveloped. He stated that staff feels that it is a good developrnent for the area and that it will complete the North Wirth Redevelopment Area which started in the late 1970's. . Keysserasked who would hold the title to the property in the conservation easement. Grimes said the developer would own the property. . . . Minutes of the Golden Valley Planning Commission August26,2005 Page 2 Dale Joel, Capital Growth, stated that they are very excited to be adding to the quality of the North Wirth Business Park. He said they have been working extensively with the City to try to accommodate all of the issues. He stated that the architect for the project, Darrell Andersen, and himself are there to answer any questions. He mentioned that if there is any concern aboutthe quality of the construction the Commissioners could check out a project they recently did in Mahtomedi which took first place in the Minnesota Business Journal for design. Keysser asked Mr. Joel about the time period for selling all six of the un' that it depends on the weather, but that they are trying to get the first fall and expect full build out in less than two years. Keysser opened the public hearing. Hearing and seeing no 0 closed the public hearing. eysser Cera stated that the proposal seems straightforward a that were added by the Council. Syhmidgall stated that they've seen this propos keep supporting it. MOVED by Waldhauser, seconded by the Final Plan of Development for P following conditions: ed unanimously to approve Business Center with the 1. The following plans shal 7/11/05 prepared by t prepared by the Desi prepared by Th esig Paramount Engi . Engineerin 2. The recom Grime 3. Th Mar 4. he pia' shi~ing seed height. 5. The areas along Dahlberg Drive (between the parking lots and the street and east of the southernmost building pad) shall have sod laid at the same time as the landscaping is done around the first building. 6. The area north ofthe railroad tracks shall be placed in a conservation easement with the City of Golden Valley. Development of the area north of the tracks may only occur with an amendment to the PUD and amendment to the conservation easement. rt of this Final Plan approval: Site Plan dated ership; Landscape Plan dated 7/11/05 and sip, . ilding Elevation Sheet dated 7/11/05 and rship; Grading Plan dated 7/29/05 and prepared by tility Plan dated 8/02/05 and prepared by Paramount o In the memo from City Engineer Jeff Oliver, PE, to Mark , 2005 shall become a part of these recommendations ound in the memo from Deputy Fire Marshal Ed Anderson to e ugust 15, 2005 shall become a part of these recommendations. d sod indicated on the Landscape Plan shall be completed around each struction of the building. Prior to construction of the buildings, all areas ed with at seed mix acceptable to the City Engineer. The area that is I be maintained in a manner as to not allow the growth to exceed 8 inches in 1- Minutes of the Golden Valley Planning Commission August 26, 2005 Page 3 . III. Informal Public Hearing - Minor Subdivision - SU09-08 - Lawn Terrace Estates Applicant: Peter Knaeble Address: 25 Lawn Terrace Purpose: The Subdivision would create five separate lots in order to keep the existing home and to construct four new homes. . Gonzales referred to the property on a site map and stated that it is I of Lawn Terrace and Glenwood Avenue. She explained that the Ii divide the one existing lot into five lots with one of them contai the said all lots will have access from Lawn Terrace and Lot 1 . and there will be an easement with Lot 2 and Lot 3 for acces stated that eac~ lot is over.the minimum requireme~tsi[ are each new lot will have a rain garden and, as stated In Je; agreements with the future homeowners to main Keysser asked if the rain garden agreements w deeds. Grimes said that the City will requ' future property owners before the final part of the homeowner's intenance agreement for all Keysser asked about the traffic i concerns ;s traffic during constr construction parking can be . that storage of dumpsters. and would have to be st s a that one of the neighborhood's at the City Engineer has said that during side the street on Lawn Terrace. He stated t, etc. is not allowed on the public right of way y itself. concerns about how narrow Lawn Terrace is and stated et reconstruction calendar in 2011. So at this point in t is concerned about modifying the street now and then is a serious public safety concern. He added that any changes Jso have to be reviewed by Hennepin County. Grimes er is dedicating 14 feet of right of way which could be used to in the future. the definition of "full frontage on a street" and asked where the frontage is on Lo es explained that the narrowest side of the lot is considered the front and the frontage on Lot 3 is on Lawn Terrace. . Waldhauser asked why tree mitigation is not being required for this proposal. Kristin referred to the site plan and.discussed some of the trees that will be removed. Keysser stated that based on information given at the neighborhood meeting there are currently 107 trees on thesite, the developer will be cutting down approximately 33 and some new treeswill beplanted. Grimes explained that the City's Tree Preservation Ordinance allows the removal of up to 30% of the trees without requiring mitigation. Minutes of the Golden Valley Planning Commission August 26, 2005 Page 4 . Waldhauser referred to the rain gardens and asked if there are standards as to how much run-off they are required to capture. Gonzales stated that Lot 3 won't require a rain garden because it is an existing home. Grimes stated that the rain garden plans have been reviewed by a consultant and will still have to be reviewed by the Bassett Creek Watershed Commission to make sure they will meet all of their requirements and best management practices. He said that the City will be wprking with the developer on a lot by lot basis to ensure that the rain gardens work. . Knaeble stated that the site is 2.27 acre will be given up to accommodate any f that the lots will range in size from average lot size in this project is this zoning district is 10,000 sq Keysser asked if an environmental manhole would be an option for this. said he thinks the rain gardens are a better choice because this is a watershed district. Cera added that from an environmental standp . t be the best option. . t. Grimes n of the would Peter Knaeble, Applicant, stated that he has been a residen years. He stated that they have been working with staff to de with the neighborhood, exceed the standards for the 'den ~ fT'I~ir\rity Of th~ tr~~s on th~ c:it~ ~ndprec:~n/~ th~ ~ . ..... 'I n."'J'-" . . . '-I .""". ....,"" ... _ _...""",.""" I I' ___.. _.., ,_ custom designed rain gardens will more than ad generated by this project. r15 t would fit in trict, preserve 14 feet of right of way that wn Terrace. He explained o over 25,800 square feet. The et and the minimum lot size required for Knaeble referred to the s' Terrace. The driveway 0 share a driveway r r th wed that all driveways will have access on Lawn e on Lot 3 and the proposed home on Lot 1 will to request driveway access on Glenwood. Knaeble discu significant and surveyed. be sav Jess tha ation Ordinance and stated that the City requires that e surveyed and that not every tree needs to be t they surveyed 107 trees and of those, 74 of those trees will y 33 trees will be removed. However, he thinks there will be ed once the project is finished. storm water management and discussed the perk tests done on the e said that the rain gardens were designed for each lot specifically accordin e perk test results and that they've reviewed their project, the perk test results and drainage with the City Engineer and the City's consulting engineers and they have preliminarily approved their rain garden designs. He added that they looked at putting a pond on the site, but it would have eliminated a substantial portion of the wooded area on Lots 4 and 5. Knaeble referred to the existing power lines that serve the area and stated that they have had discussions with Excel about redesigning a portion of their line and putting some of the wires underground. . Minutes of the Golden Valley Planning Commission August26,2005 Page 5 . Knaeble stated that he held a neighborhood meeting and discussed a list of issues that came up as a result such as: traffic, drainage, home values and styles, electrical problems in the neighborhood, tree removal and restrictive covenants. Knaeble stated that they are proposing to have one or two different builders build the homes and that the homes on Lots 4 & 5 would be $700,000 or more and the homes on Lots 1 & 2 would be approximately $500,000 - $600,000 or more. He stated that those values exceed the average value of the existing homes in the neighborhood so they are not anticipating an adverse effect in property values in the area. He stat t he has talked to Excel about the existing electrical problems in the neighbor y've stated that this proposal won't make those existing conditions any 0 . Knaeble referred to the tree preservation plan and said that it 40% of the trees on the property could be removed without under that limit. Knaeb10 roferre d to "he reque~" regard. InN "llrlrlinN re .'-' .'-','-', "I''''' Iv ~...'-" II~ UUUIII~ thinks it is a good idea and he is looking into it way to address the maintenance of the rain gar Cera asked if the purchase agreement i said yes. at being approved. Knaeble Cera asked Knaeble to talk more mentioned. Knaeble stated that outages. ical problems that the neighborhood ve said they experience frequent power Keysser asked how man planting will be don t probably be plantin said that the b . provide screen south. s oing to be planted. Knaeble said thatthe tree rs as the new homes are built, but that they will es on Lot 3 when they remodel the existing home. He ,Iy plant approximately 5 to 10 trees per lot in order to a Avenue, between the new homes and the homes to the I urn level of tree planting could be added to the restrictive said yes. the length of the sanitary sewer line on Lot 1. Knaeble referred to the site plan xplained that they were all designed to City standards and addressed Jeff Oliver's concerns. Keysser reiterated that no construction equipment or dumpsters would be able to park on the street. Knaeble agreed. . Keysser said another concern of his is limiting construction worker parking as well and asked that the parking be prohibited on the first 30 to 40 feet on Lawn Terrace south of . . . Minutes of the Golden Valley Planning Commission August 26, 2005 Page 6 Glenwood Avenue because it makes the entrance to Lawn Terrace difficult to drive through when there are cars parked there. Knaeble asked if that is a. Public Works signage proposal. Grimes explained that the City Council makes all decisions regarding parking on the streets and that they could take a recommendation from the Public Works Director that would allow parking on only one side of Lawn Terrace. Keysser said there are two separate issues, one is restricting parking to one side of the street and the other is restricting parking completely for the first 30 feet on Lawn Terrace. Knaeble said current State law prohibits parki . in 30 feet of an intersection. Keysser asked if there was going to be a homeowners associati proposal is to have restrictive covenants which would be filed with maintenance agreements for the rain gardens. . Cera asked who enforces the covenants. Grimes said . C!"hrli\liC!'lon anrl th-:3tsnmet'lmoC! the f'it\l 'IS made a n-:3 ~\oAI""UIV''''' I II"",. "'I""''' v. .. """"""'~1. .. agreements. Knaeble said. that ultimately it's the Keysser opened the public hearing. Brian Andersen, 5160 Colonial Drive, S gardens. He said the rain gardens driveway and asked who is resp fail. He said that Grimes said th what happens with them. G . Golden Valley but they h make sure they work, the Water Managemen omm environmentally the they are appro d b added that the impact on is envir: rain gar with this proposal is the rain Id be located 10 feet above his eway gets washed out if the rain gardens e experimental and he wants to see that rain gardens are a fairly new concept in to work in other areas. He said that in order to h d to provide soil tests and the Bassett Creek ill have to approve them. Andersen said t asked what happens if they don't work. Grimes said if d District and the City Engineers, they will work. He ve a drainage system that is going to have a negative erty owner. Andersen said that every argument he has heard he property in this proposal is going to be draining into these e his property happens with drainage currently. Andersen it is a problem currently going to be more drainage coming toward that area. He said he is worried ncreased drainage and who is responsible if his driveway washes out. Grimes stated that there are engineered drawings showing that will not happen. He added that systems can not be designed for 500 year storms. Grimes suggested Andersen speak to the developer's civil engineer or City's engineer to get a better understanding of how the rain gardens work. Keysser added that rain gardens are somewhat new to Golden Valley, but they are not new to the industry. Andersen said it seems to him that if Golden Valley approves this then they will have some responsibility. Minutes of the Golden Valley Planning Commission August26,2005 Page 7 . Andersen asked what happens to the rain gardens in the winter. Grimes asked where the water goes now. Andersen said it goes down his driveway and into the pond along Highway 100. Grimes asked if water gets into his house. Andersen said no. Waldhauser said that part of the design of the rain gardens is to direct where the overflow goes and that some of the water would go out to Glenwood. Grimes said eventually it all flows to the pond and it is not going to endanger any houses. Andersen said it does endanger his driveway though. , stated that invariably in any real estate development enerally absorbs the benefits and the neighborhood would like to ask the City to minimize the headaches n them. He said he would like the City to insist that off and activities related to the construction be restricted to the aid that the modifications to Lawn Terrace currently scheduled ac erated and done before any construction begins. He said there I of development in that area of Golden Valley and that traffic has n ood and Lawn Terrace and nothing has been done to make that r. He said currently Glenwood has two lanes on it and it should have three to or a left turn lane and four way stop signs should be installed to allow for safer entering and exiting on Lawn Terrace. He asked the City to work with Excel Energy to upgrade the problematic electrical service to the area which will be exacerbated by this proposal. Dr. Arnold Leonard, 5212 Colonial Drive, stated he is also concerned the area and that there was a near drowning in a pond that used to neighborhood, but has since been abandoned. He said he has b. gardens because the whole area is clay which retains the wat are taken out the run-off is going to be stagnant. He said th taken in a dry period and the only thing he thinks would solv culvert were installed along the property line with Mr. ers has cause to be concerned about this because it is second concern is the traffic and that he has cal help to open up Highway 100 going east on 1-3 homes adding to the traffic iUs also from th Te the street and another large building goi going to change and more and more p he is concerned about the children . through if the traffic pattern is po that they have power outages a have had dangerous situati with Excel to improve th n y trees s in th rea were oblem is if a r. Andersen area. He said his ould like the City's is no only.these proposed partments going in down aid the traffic patterns are e through the area. He said bility of emergency vehicles to get hird concern is the electrical factor and .d the transformers are so old and they catch on fire. He said the City has to coordinate ges in the area. . Alan Nadosy, 5121 project of this kind, . Nancy S, 5301 Glenwood Avenue, asked how the developer is going to handle the slopes and level the land to get a flat surface to build houses on. . . . Minutes of the Golden Valley Planning Commission August 26, 2005 Page 8 She asked if the restrictive covenants are completely up to Mr. Knaeble. Keysser said yes, the covenants would be written by Mr. Knaeble. B said that when the Laurel Terrace apartments were approved they were only supposed to take out 40% of the trees but they took out 95% of the trees and there are only 3 trees left. She said she is concerned about compromises having to be made down the line that weren't initially proposed. She referred to people using the street as a park-and-ride location and asked if there is going to be any development with the bus stop across from Golden Valley Lutheran Church. Grimes stated that the Church owns that property and he thinks their plan is to use it for parking. B asked why there isn't any encouragement for people to use t stop down the street. She said she shares the concerns about the clay soil and lIy important that the soil conditions are the same in wet weather as it p dry weather. Vicky Klaers, representing her parents who live at 40 Lawn wished to speak to the aesthetic perspective of this project. being proposed will have beautiful back yards and vie but has a beautiful front view of trees and nature and stu~ losing their view. She said this is a unique piece Terrace until now. It was a well kept secret and said she, and her parents, worry about the u their property when Lawn Terrace is rec 32 feet of right of way for Lawn Terrac - He said he doesn't know how much reconstructed. ted th she houses parents' house Qnts ~rQ Ilnc;:,Qt ~h(,\Ilt "",-,.. , ....... "" '-'It."",,,,,,,.. .........,""...." knew about Lawn it to stay that way. She f land that will be taken from tated that right now, there is Ity has 60 feet of right of way. ded when the street is Cera asked how wide a nor rimes said it varies from street to street. City's ordinance regarding the trees, but if the s to take out are the 65-foot or higher trees currently on to change the character of the land. She said she has beauty of the existing houses and that the people e to be losing their right to have this beautiful area across sked what the City's policy is regarding shared driveways. olicies against shared driveways. Klaers asked if there is a e tance between driveways. Grimes said driveways have to be e property line unless it's a shared driveway. Klaers said she s proposal exceeds the minimum requirements but the idea is to not acter of the neighborhood at all. LeAnne Andersen, 5160 Colonial Drive, referred to Lot 5 and discussed the landscaping. She stated that it is currently covered by shrubs and smaller trees and they will be losing that additional landscaping which will also affect the water run-off. She said she is concerned about the incremental run-off and experimenting with this property. She said she worries about the perk tests that were done were because they were done with the landscaping that is currently in place and it is drier. She said she is also worries about the timing of the proposal and suggested that the Planning Commission table this request until it receives full Watershed approval and recommendation because there are still . . . Minutes of the Golden Valley Planning Commission August26,2005 Page 9 additional drainage concerns that haven't been thought through. She said that a lot of the information they have learned from Mr. Knaeble has shifted. She said Mr. Knaeble said that the trees on Lot 5 would be staying and now at this meeting she is hearing that the landscaping will be up to the individual builders so it feels like more discretion is up to the builders than they initially thought. She referred to the section of the wires that Excel is proposing to bury and said that the cost of doing that should go to Mr. Knaeble and this development and not against her property. Keysser asked about the timetable regarding Watershed approval. Gri would have to be approved by the Bassett Creek Watershed Commis issuance of any building permits. Cera asked if the Watershed Commission has a Board that h yes, and explained that the City is in effect the applicant so with what is being proposed before it goes to the Watershed Keysser asked if it would be possible to notify the n meeting. Grimes said he wasn't sure when this i would be a public meeting. ~atershed agenda, but that it Brian Andersen, 5160 Colonial Drive, as about his property concerns or if they explained that the City has represe suggested that Mr. Andersen tal that the City has always said th negative effect on another to go over the property, the Watershed District mental concerns. Grimes e Watershed District meetings. He ineer about his concerns. He reiterated from a new development can't have a ter has been going over property, it can continue sen an existing situation. Cera added that th be the venue for Mr. off shouldn't b his concern is the trees will inc drain to mmission deals with erosion control issues so it would iscuss his concerns. Grimes stated that the rate of run- e development than before it. Mr. Andersen said that ns are above his land. He said he is worried that when s 4 & 5 and there are two new houses and driveways that it is property. Keysser explained that some of the water will rntside Drive, expressed concerns about erosion and the amount of ce being added. Grimes explained that the City will make the best efforts it can to the erosion and the run-off. Keysser stated thatwith sufficient grading and planting, erosion shouldn't be a problem. Bill Murtaugh, 5100 Colonial Drive, asked the Planning Commissioners if they are all property owners in Golden Valley. He said he was there to support his neighbors and their concerns. He said he doesn't think anybody in their neighborhood is in favor of this project and asked what say they have. He said Mr. Knaeble is out to make a lot of money and that there is nothing in it for the residents. Minutes of the Golden Valley Planning Commission August 26, 2005 Page 10 . He said he is speaking on behalf of the people of the community and he hopes that the City will listen to the neighborhood as much as they are listening to Mr. Knaeble. Dorothy Nadosy, 5121 Colonial Drive, stated that she is in favor of this project if it can be done with protecting the water and protecting the electricity and if all of the concerns can be met it would be a fine addition to the neighborhood. She said the property has beenon the market for months and has not sold so she thinks they need to be practical. . Alan Nadosy, 5121 Colonial Drive, suggested re-opening Turners Cross Glenwood. He added that the Golden Valley Lutheran Church did ha lot. Grimes stated that the decision to close Turners Crossroad wa support of a lot of people in the neighborhood to the south. Key traffic on Turners Crossroad has dropped over 90%. Grimes stated that Turners Crossroad used to have 5,000 t it has about 200 to 300 trips per day until the new apartment 400 to 500 trips. Terry Tillman, 208 Lawn Terrace, stated that on development would be to have lots 1, 2 and 3 s Keysser asked Knaeble what he thinks of t t c option, but he wanted to allow flexibility f wants to leave the option of sharing dr" e the impact of this ay as well as Lots 4 and 5. ble said he did look at that id he likes the idea, but uilders. Brian Andersen, 5160 Colonial D . this neighborhood, there will 18 said that would be an adde Lawn Terrace there is go' he said the homes woul heard $700,000 an ow $400,000 to $500,0 $500,000 to $ 0,0 the Twin Cities are mark eveloper said there were 99 houses in ent units are added, and Grimes just s per day. If a fifth of those cars come down . He stated when he first talked to Mr. Knaeble o 900,000, then at the neighborhood meeting he eeting he is hearing that some of the houses will sell for id the minimum home will price will probably be o plus. Andersen said $500,000 doesn't buy much in like to see the values go up. Keysser said home prices n rrace, said he thinks this plan is a marvelous idea. He said he omes would begin at $700,000. He said he is very concerned that sold for $500,000. He said he would like a detailed explanation of a . Cera stated he is not an expert on rain gardens, but he does know that they mimic natural prairie vegetation with very long and deep root systems that carry water down to the water table, into the. soil system. Waldhauser added that the plants help hold water so it can evaporate up as well. Grimes stated that Sherry Busse, who is a metro area expert regarding rain gardens and a landscape architect at Bonestroo has reviewed these plans to makesure that they will work iJi this situation. Bauer stated that the easiest thing to do would be to put a culvert under Mr. Andersen's driveway. Andersen said the rain gardens sound great, but he still has concerns about what happens to them in the winter. Minutes of the Golden Valley Planning Commission August 26; 2005 Page 11 . Nancy 8, 5301 Glenwood Avenue, stated that she researched rain gardens and that they are meant to be dry. She said she has a hard time believing that people who have $500,000 to $700,000 are going to want to live at the corner of Glenwood and Highway 100 so she thinks it is realistic that Mr. Knaeble is lowering the prices. Grimes said it depends on the market and that many people don't mind living on busy streets because it is a very convenient location. Terry Tillman, 208 Lawn Terrace, asked if the rain gardens are going to be breeding grounds for mosquitoes. Waldhauser said that water has to sit for 7 day. der for mosquitoes to breed. Cera stated that it will likely be drier than it is n eferred to the consultant's review and stated that it says infiltration will tak hours of a rain event. . Seeing and hearing no one else wishing to comment, Keyss/ Eck said he thinks the neighbors concerns about drain es a listened to. He said he believes the City will be ve. con exacerbate the drainage situation by this develo that if all of the requirements of the ordinances addressed they have no legal basis for den . nd should be t the are not going to elieves that the fact is rainage issues are Waldhauser said she thinks the propo concerns will be addressed by the r deeds. She said she can sympat property for many years, but th that it is not a dense develo alternatives could be. rward and that some of the attached to the homeowner's ighbors who have loved looking at this s rights as well. She said she is pleased t it is a nice alternative over what some other Cera said he thinks . worked out with Mr. is somewhat c to enforce the that is wh City co ncept is good. He said he thinks something could be Mr. Knaeble regarding the drainage issues. He said he oven ants on the property and the City not being able t the City can become a signatory on the covenants if I decides to do. Waldhauser said she thinks it would help if the n the maintenance of the rain gardens. at some conditions of approval be added. He said he would like there ted to one side of Lawn Terrace during construction and no parking of r materials should be allowed in the street. Construction workers should park on , off the street. Even after the end of construction there should be a no parking sign from the corner up to the first driveway on Lawn Terrace. Grimes said he would talk to the City Engineer about the signage. . Cera asked if the no parking on Lawn Terrace should be just in front of the site or the whole length of Lawn Terrace. Keysser thought parking should be prohibited just in front of the site. Minutes of the Golden Valley Planning Commission August26,2005 Page 12 . Waldhauser said they've heard a lot about parking and traffic issues in that area, none of which, except restricting parking during construction, have anything to do with the proposal that is in front of them. This development is not going to aggravate the existing traffic conditions or have any impact on them. She said she understands the neighborhood wants to do something about the traffic issues but it is not appropriate to hold up this development in order to deal with those issues and that is something that should be brought up outside of this issue. 1. . 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Keysser agrees that he doesn't want to hold up the process with these t as long as they are looking at the area it makes sense to talk about it the City Engineer's report says that there will only be parking allow. d street and that nothing will be allowed to be stored on the street In Keysser said he would talk to the Public Works Department traffic issues on Lawn Terrace. MOVED by Eck, seconded by Schmidgall and moti request for a subdivision at 25 Lawn Terrace wit The recommendations of City Engineer d in his memo dated August 11, 2005 become a part of th' Park dedication fees shall be paid a t approval. The fee shall be determined by the City Council. The site plans submitted by t d July 7, 2005 shall become a part of this approval. The site plans submitte ant are subject to review and comment by MnDOT and Hennepi Parking will be restri Lawn Terrace during the construction process. There will be no ipment or materials allowed on any right-of-way or on any street. -Short Recess- IV. sof the Housing and Redevelopment Authority, City Zoning Appeals and other Meetings V. Advance notice of future agenda items. . Grimes stated that staff suggests including the Planning Commissioners in the hearing notice mailings that are sent to residents 10 days in advance of the public hearings in order to inform them offuture public hearings further in advance. Cera asked that they be emailed to the Commissioners. Minutes ofthe Golden Valley Planning Commission August 26, 2005 Page 13 . VI. Adjournment The meeting was adjourned at 9:30 pm. . . . Planning 763-593-S095 I 763-593-S109 (fax) Date: September 12, 2005 To: Golden Valley Planning Commission From: Kristin A. Gonzalez, Planning Intern Subject: Informal Public H~aring-Preliminary Plat of June Ave Addition 1440 June Ave 5.- Dennis and Gloria Dylong, Applicants Dennis and Gloria Dylong are the applicants for the minor subdivision of the proposed June Ave Addition. The Dylongs plan to subdivide their property into two lots. The existing home will remain on proposed lot 4A and a new home will be constructed on proposed lot 4B. The property is located on June Ave S, just north of Douglas Ave in the southeastern corner of the City. . The Dylongs have submitted all the information that is required as part of a preliminary plat. The plat indicates that both lots exceed the minimum lot area requirement of 10,000 sq. ft. and the lot width requirement of 100 ft. for a corner lot and 80 ft. for an interior lot. The current size of 1440 June Ave S. is 26,064 square feet. The newly formed lots will be 12,010 square feet for Proposed Lot 4A and 14,054 square feet for Proposed Lot 4B. The current house was constructed in 1986. The property is currently zoned Residential (R-1 single-family) and is guided on the General Land Use Plan for Low Density uses. The area around the lot is also zoned single-family Residential. Factors for Consideration and Approval Considerations for approving or denying minor subdivisions are set out in the Subdivision Code, Section 12.50, Subd. 3. Staff findings on each of the nine points are as follows: 1. Proposed lots must meet requirements of the applicable zoning district. As stated above, each of the two lots in the proposed subdivision exceed the minimum lot and width size requirements for the Residential zoning district. Both lots will have full frontage on a public street. . 2. Minor subdivisions may be denied upon the City Engineer's determination that steep slopes or excessive wetness encumbers the buildable portion of the resulting new lot. . . . City Engineer Jeff Oliver, PE, has written a memodated September 6,2005 regarding this subdivision. Mr. Oliver and the applicant have worked out the drainageissues on the property by proposing a rain garden. 3. Minor subdivision may be denied if public sewer and water connections are not directly accessible to each proposed lot. As stated in the City Engineer's memo, there is an existing sanitary sewer and water service to the lot and for the existing home. The developer will have to install new sewer and water mains to service the new home. 4. Approval of minor subdivisions shall be conditioned on the applicant's granting of easements for necessary public purposes as determined by the City. No easements are required. 5. When public agencies other than the City have some form of jurisdiction over an area including or directly affected by a proposed minor subdivision, approval of that minor subdivision may be conditioned on the requirements of the outside agency. There are no requirements from any outside agencies. 6. If the applicant is required to submit a review of the property's title, the approval of the minor subdivision shall be conditioned on the applicant's resolution of any title issue raised by the City Attorney. Prior to final plat approval, the City attorney will determine if it is necessary to review title information. 7. Minor subdivisions of non-residential properties may be denied if the City Engineer determines that adequate public facilities are not available to serve the site. This is residential property so the provision does not apply. 8. Approval of a residential minor subdivision shall be conditioned on the payment of a park dedication fee in an amount established by the City Council. The City Council has the right to assess a park dedication fee at the time of final plat approval. Staff will recommend that the City Council charge a park dedication fee of $1 ,000 at the time of final plat approval. 9. Refers to minor subdivision for double bungalows. This is not applicable in this case. Recommendation Staff recommends approval of the minor subdivision of the Cutacross Addition with the following conditions: 1. The final plat of the June Ave Addition will be consistent with the preliminary plat submitted with the subdivision application. 2. The comments in the memo from City Engineer Jeff OliVer, PE, to Mark Grimes, Director of Planning and Development and dated September 6, 2005, shall become a part of this approval. 3. A park dedication fee shall be paid in the amount of $1 ,000 prior to approval of the final plat by the City Council. 2 . . . Attachments Location Map (1 page) Memo from City Engineer Jeff Oliver, dated September 6,2005 (2 pages) Preliminary Plat (1 - 11 x 17 page) Preliminary Plat with proposed location of new home (1 -11 x 17 page) 3 City of Golden Valley ol-i' "i-ll 'S 394 HOVUI lH11!RSTATI! 394 $, HWYlOO S TO 1!8 13!l4 'mTl!RSTA1'1! 394 NIl HWYlotl S 1'0 1!81394 WAVZATA IILVD 44411 4<100 4_ 4410 TYROl CRSl'~' _ 432S 4515 4445 -M:J5 (1) M..~'ltiM~3i'~~J~Gt5::m5 -. PID:3002924420083 1440 JUNE AVE S GOLDEN VALLEY, MN 55416 . Lflgcnd HigM;ghlad F..alu,," Ho..... Numba.. $_1 Cenludlrnt" /'I ClIy Umil . Ol'l''' WaNi! ;V SlIloams . P..- DpiJ- . . . C:t1 ' oGolden Valley Public Works 763.593.8030/763.593.3988 (fax) Date: September 6,2005 To: Mark Grimes, Director of Planning and Development From: Jeff Oliver, PE, City Engineer rft) Subject: Review of Proposed Subdivision at 1440 June Avenue South Public Works staff has reviewed the proposed subdivision at 1440 June Avenue South. The proposed lot split is located on the west side of June Avenue just north of Douglas Avenue in the southeastern corner of the City. Site Plan and Plat The proposed development consists of subdividing a single oversized lot into two smaller lots. The final plat for this subdivision must include drainage and utility easements consistent with the Subdivision Ordinance. June Avenue South was reconstructed in 2002 as part of the Pavement Management Program. Because the existing lot was large enough for a potential subdivision, it was assessed one residential unit for the existing home and a second residential unit was deferred until the property was developed. Therefore, the second unit assessment, totaling $2,600, is due at this time. Utilities There is existing municipal sanitary sewer and water available in June Avenue to serve the proposed subdivision. The existing home on site is currently connected to City utilities. However, there are no existing sanitary sewer and water services available for the proposed second lot. The developer will be required to install new services out to the sewer and water mains within June Avenue at the time a new home is constructed. Installation of the sewer and water services will require that the developer or builder obtain a City of Golden Valley right-of-way permit. This permit will include standards for restoration of June Avenue based upon the age of the street as outlined in City Code. G:\Developments-Private\1440 June Ave\FinalReview 090605.doc Gradina. Drainaae and Erosion Control . The property being subdivided includes a high spot where the existing home is located and a low point where the proposed home will be built. There is 30 feet of elevation difference between these points. In addition, the low point is below the elevation of the storm sewer within June Avenue, and therefore is not drained. The developer has submitted a preliminary grading plan for the subdivision that includes the construction of a rain garden to accommodate the runoff to the un-drained low point. In addition, storm water computations have been submitted that calculate the pre- and post-development 1 DO-year high water level in this low point. The proposed grading plan and storm water computations have been forwarded to the City's consulting engineer for review and comment. This review from Bonestroo, Rosene, Anderlik and Associates (BRAA), dated August 23,2005 (attached for reference), addresses the design of the rain gardens and the elevations of the home. The BRAA review also discusses that the developer's architect indicated that the new home will be constructed on stilts. Therefore, based upon the flow calculations, design of the rain gardens and overflow from the site, the low opening of the proposed home must be five feet above the high-water level. This results in a minimum low opening elevation of 889.65. . The construction of the proposed home will require a City grading, drainage and erosion control permit as required by ordinance. The permit application must include a detailed grading plan for the site and detailed design of the proposed rain garden and all other storm water best management practices to be constructed on site. Tree Preservation This development is subject to the city's Tree Preservation Ordinance. Therefore, a tree preservation permit will be required at the time of application for building permits for the new home. Recommendations Public Works staff recommends approval of the proposed subdivision at 1440 June Avenue South, subject to the comments contained in this review and the comments of other City staff. C: Tom Burt, City Manager Jeannine Clancy, Director of Public Works AI Lundstrom, Environmental Coordinator Eric Eckman, Engineering Technician Mark Kuhnly, Chief of Fire and Inspections Gary Johnson, Building Official Ed Anderson, Deputy Fire Marshal . G:\Developments-Private\1440 June Ave\FinalReview 090605.doc ..... Memo . flU Bonestroo ~ Rosene "I\l'lI Al1derli/< & . \J 1 Associates Engineers & Architects Project Name: 1440 June Avenue Client: City of Golden Valley To: Sherri Buss File No: 1438-05-000 From: Earth Evans Date: 8.23.05 Re: Stormwater Review This memo sununarizes our stormwater review for the 1440 June Avenue development proposal. The site is located west of June Avenue in the City of Golden Valley. Plans reviewed include drainage calculations and drainage plans dated 8.16.05 submitted by Terra Engineering. Background An existing low point west of June Avenue is proposed as the primary stormwater management feature. Under existing conditions it appears that this low point outlets primarily via infiltration with an emergency overflow over June Avenue into the existing catchbasins at 884.2. Based on conversations with the architect the home is being designed on piers to sit above the low area and therefore won't affect the flood storage. .ter Quantity Since the June Avenue low point appears to be landlocked, five feet of freeboard is recommended from the 100-year HWL in the low area to the low opening of the home. If an emergency overflow is available from the site, this should be verified and shown on the plans to fully evaluate the freeboard required to the low home. Typically catch basin grates have roughly 3 cfs capacity. During the 100-year event runoff to the June Avenue low point overtops the curb into the low area onsite. The resulting lOO-year HWL is 882.0 and the low opening is at 887.7. Therefore adequate freeboard is provided. Water Quality Water quality treatment is provided by infiltration. Since no discharge downstream occurs from the low area for the majority of events, the site provides 100% water quality treatment. .nestroo, Rosene, Anderlik and Associates, Inc. www.bonestroo.com o St. Paul Office: 2335 West Highway 36 St. Paul. MN 55113 Phone: 651-636-4600 Fax: 651-636-1311 o Milwaukee Office: 1516 West Mequon Road Mequon. WI 53092 Phone: 262-241-4466 Fax: 262-241-4901 o Rochester Office: 112 7'h Street NE Rochester, MN 55906 Phone: 507-282-2100 Fax: 507-282-3100 o Willmar Office: 205 5th Street SW Willmar. MN 56201 Phone: 320-214-9557 Fax: 320-214-9458 o St. Cloud Office: 3721 23'" Street 5 SI. Cloud. MN 56301 Phone: 320.251-4553 Fax: 320-251-6252 o Grayslake Office: 888 East Belvidere Road Grayslake, IL 60030 Phone: 847-548-6774 Fax: 847-548-6979 . PROPOSED LOT 48 PROPOSED NEW SUBDIVISION LINE \ PROPOSED LOT 4A . ,,~ p-'nJ<- _ ~, ....rSr-o <?'" ~ ~ ~ rof:::> ~'(" , ~~. o..:s.r- \ ~...~1- i./: \ 'l\,;'\\' ' )Z,"" LOT CERTIFICATE LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot 4, Block 5, Kennedy's South Tyrol Hills, according to the recorded plet thereof and situate in Hennepin County, Minnesota, NOTES: 1, The orientation of this bearing system is based on the east line of Lot 4, Block 5, Kennedy's South Tyrol Hills which is assumed to have a bearing of South 05 degrees 41 minutes 58 seconds East 2. The area of the property described hereon is 26,De4 square feet or 0.5983 acres. 3. No title work was furnished for the preparation of this survey to verify the existence of any easements or encumbrances. o ~ ~ 00 I ~ I I SCALE IN FEET 1"=40'-0" o DENOTES FOUND IRON MONUMENT o DENOTES SET IRON MONUMENT o ~ MANHOLE CATCH BASIN ELECTRIC METER AIR CONDITIONER GAS METER EB ~ [;jjI LEGEND b, UTILITY POLE -'-OHW-- OVERHEAD WIRE BITUMINOUS SURFACE CONCRETE SURFACE . o Z - <0 ... ~O) V tn'" ....It) CIO ~~ S." ~~ 5l~ g (X)CIltn - _ ~N:::i:;s' O .-tnOii: III :::i: eu!f ZOui":>=" .- >< w 0 ~8.Lf>~ ~(I)lll~~~ {II~coenw ...1t:'-<9Z~ CO:::i:<o~~ >,,'ti:;~~ .J III ffi _a:l >- LLI~s~~~ _... cu~ ,.. IT ::::l N" <l. ... (I) >- ~ 8 ...= ~O Z tnJ: ....0.. <C ~ ~ LLI ~ 0:: o ~ >- W 6; ::l en (!) Z o g ~ < ~ _ J:O 0::: I-(/l ::lW Ooz _, (/lii: ... w:::;; C) 2~ .3l W-, "'" ~-' (I) ~~ _::lz Z..,:!S Z~5 lI.I ~C!) Q iL W :i.::.:: u:.:: ~ Q; ~~ ;;;ui ma:: lJi.... 1_ - lD <(i;: ~ ~ o~-;Je. 13;1'1' g g mW O=' -,LL l<: o 01", m.... 9~ W u:: MINOR SUBDIVISION OF THE PROPERTY LOCATED AT 1440 JUNE AVENUE SOUTH GOLDEN VALLEY MINNESOTA AREA CALCULATIONS: OVERALLLOT AREA: PROPOSED LOT4A: PROPOSED LOT 4B: NOTES: REAR SETBACK IS DETERMINED PER A CONVERSATION WITH THE ZONING DEPARTMENT OF GOLDEN VALLEY. IT IS CALCULATED BY TAKING A POINT 20% TO THE EAST FROM THE NORTHERLY MOST LINE AND SOUTHERLY MOST LINE AND CONNECTING TO TWO POINTS. 26,064 S.F. 12,010S.F. 14,054 S.F. ALL SURVEY INFORMATION IS BASED ON A SURVEY BY EGAN, FIELD AND NOWAK ON SEPTEMBER 4, 2003. TOPOGRAPHIC INFORMATION PROVIDED BY EGAN, FIELD AND NOWAKONjUNE 9, 2005. WATER AND SEWER LOCATIONS PROVIDED BY GOLDEN VALLEY PUBLIC WORKS ON JUNE 16, 2005. TREE LOCATIONS PROVIDED BY EGAN, FIELD AND NOWAK ON JUNE 16, 2005 AND DENOTED AS FOLLOWS: AX DENOTES ASH OX DENOTES OAK CH DENOTES CHERRY WN DENOTES WALNUT 5HeliT~!T I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT TH~ PLAN, SPECIFICATION OR REPORT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MV DIRECT SUPERVISION AND. THAT I AM A DULY REGISTERED ARCHITECT UNDER THE lAWS OF THE STATE OF MiNNESOTA. SlGNATURE ~ REGISTR.' ~ !(to Oen W~ !(t:z~ ():E~ O>-...J ...JW>- >-...JO I-...J<( ffi~ii: a..:zo Ow...J a:::o~ a.....Jo wOz :r:~<( I- - en o:r:- I-I-Z ::::>z zOw oeno cnW>- -::::>ID ;;:::zo oww ~~~ enwo a:::z 0::::> z-' -0 ~~ ..- Project Number: 05031 Project Architect: JOHN GAVIN DWfER Drawn By: JD lho..___<ilI_WII ......_....~.!lltIEI.TE\l.MCHIl'tCTVIIe ~~~~~""'.-- Date of Issue: JUNE 6, 2005 Sheet No. A1.l . . PROPOSED LOT 48 Ii I " / I I I I / I PROPOSED LOT 4A ,..... ~ I'EiNCE; ON L~~',,// : I %%Gt.., \l 11 'I 1 1 , , , , . LOT CERTIFICATE LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot 4, Block 5, Kennedy's South Tyrol Hills, according to tha racorded plat tharaof and situata in Hannapin' County, Minnasota. NOTES: 1. The orientation of this bearing system is based on the east Iina of Lot 4, Block 5, Kennady's South TyrOl Hills which is assumed to have a bearing of South 05 degrees 41 minutas 58 s$COIlds East. 2. Tha araa of the property described hereon is 28,064 square feet or 0.5963 acres. 3. No title work was fumished for the preparation of this survey to verify the existence of any easements or encumbrances. o 20 40 60 I 4 I I SCALE IN FEET 1"=40'-0" o DENOTES FOUND IRON MONUMENT o DENOTES SET IRON MONUMENT o ~ f!J ~] ~ MANHOLE CATCH BASIN ELECTRIC METER AIR CONDITIONER GAS METER LEGEND '0 UTILITY POLE ---oHW~ OVERHEAD WIRE .. BITUMINOUS SURFACE CONCRETE SURFACE . o z - lEl .. ;::1)0> ~~ Lt)~ .A~ .!!lco :"'I. N 0 <b . ::>,.... 1Il;::1) ~ ;:> CD c: ~:E O-,E~O~ 1&1 :E eO ~ Z (,) .!1fX(:j~i ~ 8.~ > ~ ~(I) m:;;~~' (I) 2cornw "'t:.-coZli' QO:E<bu..~ li" -0"1' w.~ .J 1&1 ffi~~'" LLlie.!!l~:d _ Yo 11l~ ~ I:L. ~ ~~ 8 ...:: ~O Z Lt):I: ...Q. <C ~ C) LLI c3> it: o u.. ~ ;:) rn C) Z o ~ <0 ~ ~ < ~ _ J:g D:: 5w OOZ ,(I);!!; .... w:; C) 2>' WW c:tS~::l (I) !Ji:l' _::>z Z""~ Z~..J 11.1 ~8 c iL W :t~ U~ ~~ .~~~ W ~I~ 0: .. ~;g ~if~ o~~ l'\lgg ~~ ...,u. " ~Ire 9~ W u: MINOR SUBDIVISION OF THE PROPERTY LOCATED AT 1440 JUNE AVENUE SOUTH GOLDEN VALLEY MINNESOtA AREA CALCULATIONS: OVERALL LOT AREA: PROPOSED LOT 4A: PROPOSED LOT 4B: NOTES: REAR SETBACK IS DETERMINED PER A CONVERSATION WITH THE ZONING DEPARTMENT OF GOLDEN VALLEY. IT IS CALCULATED BY TAKING A POINT 20% TO THE EAST FROM THE NORTHERLY MOST LINE AND SOUTHERLY MOST LINE AND CONNECTING TO TWO POINTS; 26,064 S.F. 12,010 S.F. 14,054 S.F. ALL SURVEY INFORMATION IS BASED ON A SURVEY BY EGAN, FIELD AND NOWAK ON SEPTEMBER 4, 2003. TOPOGRAPHIC INFORMATION PROVIDED BY EGAN, FIELD AND NOWAK ON jUNE 9, 2005. PROPOSED BUILDING LOCATION AND TOPOGRAPHIC INFORMATION IS PROVIDED BY SHELTER ARCHITECTURE AND IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE PER FINAL HOUSE DESIGN. WATER AND SEWER LOCATIONS PROVIDED BY GOLDEN VALLEY PUBLIC WORKS ON JUNE 16,2005. TREE LOCATIONS PROVIDED BY EGAN, FIELD AND NOWAK ON JUNE 16,2005 AND DENOTED AS FOLLOWS: ' AX DENOTES ASH OX DENOTES OAK CH DENOTES CHERRY WN DENOTES WALNUT SHEIil'E!fj' I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN, SPECIFICATION OR REPORT ~ PREPARED BY Me OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT t AM A DULY REGISTERED ARCHITECT UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. SIGNATURE ~ REGISTR.# ~ !;co cCt.> w~ !;cz~ O~6 0>--1 -Iw>- >--IC I--I<t: o::~_ w.....o:: a..zO Ow-l o::c~ a..-Ic wOz ::I:~<t: I- - Ct.> 0::I:- I-I-Z ::lz ZOw OCt.>C (ijW>- -::lCCl ;:::zc Cww ccl>~ ::lC:Cs Ct.>wo o::Z o::l z'" -0 :E~ .... Project Number: 05031 Project Architect: JOHN GAVIN DWYER Drawn By: JD __....._01__.. ,","'..rn...".~.rS/laTPlARCHlTEOTU~E =rJ':""AllC"':'rr=r---"" Date of Issue: JUNE 6, 2005 Sheet No. A1.1 , fa f . . . Hey Planning 763-593-8095/ 763-593-8109 (fax) Date: September 12, 2005 To: Golden Valley Planning Commission From: Kristin A. Gonzalez, Planning Intern Subject: Informal Public Hearing-Preliminary Plat of Cutacross Addition -209 Cutacross Rd- David Spencer and Gregg Hackett, Applicants David Spencer and Gregg Hackett are the applicants for the minor subdivision of the proposed Cutacross Addition. Mr. Spencer and Mr. Hackett plan to subdivide the property into two lots. The existing home will be demolished and two new homes will be constructed. The property is located on Cutacross Rd, which is north of Glenwood Avenue and south of Olson Memorial Highway. Mr. Spencer and Mr. Hackett have submitted all the information that is required as part of a preliminary plat. The plat indicates that both lots exceed the minimum lot area requirement of 10,000 sq. ft. and the lot width requirement of 100 ft. for a corner lot and 80 ft. for an interior lot. The current size of 209 Cutacross is 35,430.2259 square feet. The newly formed lots will be 18,801.511 for Parcel A and 16,628.7449 for Parcel B. The applicants decided not to keep the existing house due to the condition of the house and costs of the necessary repairs, and the fact that the placement of the house doesn't meet city code requirements. The current house was constructed in 1952. The property is currently zoned Residential (single-family) and is guided on the General Land Use Plan for Low Density uses. The area around the lot is also zoned single-family Residential. Factors for Consideration and Approval Considerations for approving or denying minor subdivisions are set out in the Subdivision Code, Section 12.50, Subd. 3. Staff findings on each of the nine points are as follows: 1. Proposed lots must meet requirements of the applicable zoning district. As stated above, each of the two lots in the proposed subdivision exceed or meet the minimum lot and width size requirements for the Residential zoning district. Both lots will have full frontage on a public street. ~ ,f I . . . , , 2. Minor subdivisions may be denied upon the.City Engineer's determination that steep slopes or excessive wetness encumbers the buildable portion of the resulting new lot. City Engineer Jeff Oliver, PE, has written a memo dated August 22, 2005 regarding this subdivision. The issue of steep slopes or excessive wetness was not addressed in his memo because these concerns are not present on the property. 3. Minor subdivision may be denied if public sewer and water connections are not directly accessible to each proposed lot. As stated in the City Engineer's memo, there is an existing sanitary sewer and water. There will be a new sanitary sewer and water services to the newly created lot. Also, staff recommends the existing sewer and water service be reconstructed. 4. Approval of minor subdivisions shall be conditioned on the applicant's granting of easements for necessary public purposes as determined by the City. No easements are required. 5. When public agencies other than the City have some form of jurisdiction over an area including or directly affected by a proposed minor subdivision, approval of that minor subdivision may be conditioned on the requirements of the outside agency. There are no requirements from any outside agencies. 6. If the applicant is required to submit a review of the property's title, the approval of the minor subdivision shall be conditioned on the applicant's resolution of any title issue raised by the City Attorney. 7. Minor subdiviSions of non-residential properties may be denied if the City Engineer determines that adequate public facilities are not available to serve the site. This is residential property so the provision does not apply. 8. Approval of a residential minor subdivision shall be conditioned on the payment of a park dedication fee in an amount established by the City Council. The City Council has the right to assess a park dedication fee at the time of final plat approval. Staff will recommend that the City Council charge a park dedication fee of $1 ,000 at the time of final plat approval. 9. Refers to minor subdivision for double bungalows. This is not applicable in this case. Recommendation Staff recommends approval of the minor subdivision of the Cutacross Addition with the following conditions: 1. The final plat of the Cutacross Addition will be consistent with the preliminary plat submitted with the subdivision application. 2. The comments in the memo from City Engineer Jeff Oliver, PE, to Mark Grimes, Director of Planning and Development and dated August 22, 2005, shall become a part of this approval. 3. A park dedication fee shall be paid in the amount of $1 ,000 prior to approval of the final plat by the City Council. 2 . . . Attachments Location Map (1 page) Memo from City Engineer Jeff Oliver, dated August 22,2005 (2 pages) Applicant's Narrative (1 page) Email from Jon Segner, 125 Paisley Lane (1 page) Preliminary Plat (1 - 11 x 17 page) Property Survey (1 -11x17 page) 3 City of Golden Valley 2lI BUS 2lI 31Il 24$ 2Sll :124 316 JIlO 57Cl5 240 260 250 230 240 220 :uo 146 125 130 117 124 1ll!I ,UG S701 5743- _l4 PID:3311821330033 209 CUTACROSS RD GOLDEN VALLEY, MN 55422 . Legend Highli;}hled F..alu", Hot!"" Numha", S_t c..flW_S ;/ cay LltM !!ill Open IMIItll. j'I' $.",,,,,,,, !!ill Fa"" !!ill Pal<<ls I . . C:g oGoldenValley Public Works 763.593.8030 I 763.593.3988 (fax) Date: August 22, 2005 To: Mark Grimes, Director of Planning and Development From: Jeff Oliver, PE, City Engineer cltJ Subject: Subdivision Review: 209 Cutacross Road Public Works staff has reviewed the plans for the proposed subdivision at 209 Cutacross Road. This proposed development consists of splitting a large existing lot into two conforming lots. Site Plan The certificate of survey for the existing lot does not include any information regarding proposed easements. The final plat for the subdivision must include standard drainage and utility easements on all lot lines consistent with the subdivision ordinance. The developer will be required to post a street reconstruction escrow for future special assessments. This escrow will be based upon the current (2006) special assessment rate of $3,500 per unit, for a total escrow of $7,000. The lots will not be assessed for street reconstruction in 2010 when the area will be part of the Pavement Management Program. This escrow must be posted prior to forwarding the proposed subdivision to the City Council for final review and approval. Utilities There is existing sanitary sewer and water within Cutacross Road to provide service to this proposed subdivision. The existing home is currently connected to these utilities. The developer will be required to install new sanitary sewer and water services to the lot being created by this subdivision. In addition, staff recommends that the existing sanitary sewer service be reconstructed to the City sewer main in the street. This reconstruction will aid in reduction of potential infiltration of ground water into the sewer system. The developer will be required to obtain the appropriate City permits, including sanitary . sewer, water and right-of-way permits, for the installation of the utility services. G:\Developments-Private\209 Cutacross\Review 082205.doc . . . Gradina. Drainaae and Erosion Control The construction of the two new homes within this development will be subject to the City's Grading, Drainage and Erosion Control Ordinance. Therefore, the developer will be required to provide grading plans for each home at the time of application for building permits. No site work can begin prior to obtaining the required grading, drainage and erosion control permits. Tree Preservation This development is also subject to the City Tree Preservation Ordinance. Therefore, . tree preservation plans will be required at the time of application for building permits. Recommendation Public Works staff recommends approval of the proposed subdivision at 209 Cutacross Road subject to the comments contained in this review, which are summarized as follows: 1. The developer must post a street improvement escrow of $7,000 for the two lots. 2. The final plat must include easement dedication consistent with the Subdivision Ordinance. 3. The developer obtains all the appropriate permits as outlined in this review. 4. Subject to the review and comments of other City staff. C: Tom Burt, City Manager Jeannine Clancy, Director of Public Works Eric Eckman, Engineering Technician Mark Kuhnly, Chief of Fire and Inspections Gary Johnson, Building Official Ed Anderson, Deputy Fire Marshal . , ' . . . Narrative for the 209 CUTACROSS Simple Subdivision. 28 July 2005 The existing property at 209 Cutacross in Golden Valley is 35,430.2559 square feet in area or 0.8134 Acres. It is the intent of the owner to subdivide the parcel into two lots, Parcel A of 18,801.511 square feet and Parcel B of 16,628.7449 square feet. Existing house: The existing house will be removed. The original house was built in 1952 and has under gone additions and changes. An independent inspector was engaged to evaluate the conditions of the house. Numerous repairs and additions would be necessary to bring it up to the standards envisioned for this area. Estimates of the cost of these repairs and additions suggested that it would be more practical to remove the existing and build new. Had the existing home remained it would also require a variance for the rear set back. The rear property line is 27 feet from the existing house; code would dictate 44 feet. Trees: There are numerous mature trees on the property. It is the intent of the owner that they will remain and be protected during demolition and construction. As the proposed site plan demonstrates the only tree to be removed is a 14" Apple tree. New Homes: The new homes planned for the property will likely be 2500 to 3500 square feet in size. The style of the homes might be best described as utilizing traditional cottage style house forms with a contemporary open floor plan. Front porches are planned. I .,~ Wittman, Lisa From: Segner, Jon [jsegner@Dominiuminc.com] .t: Tuesday, September 06,200512:16 PM To: Wittman, Lisa Subject: David Spencer Minor subdivision request, 209 Cutacross Rd Dear Lisa: I received a notice regarding the above subdivision due to the fact that the proposed subdivision is within 500 feet of my home. am strongly against such a subdivision for the following reasons: . It is incongruous with the existing neighborhood. . The neighborhood has suffered with almost a year of construction traffic and road degradation from the construction at 211, 235 and 245 Paisley. I do not wish to sign up for another year of that type of disruption. . The construction traffic has taken its toll on our streets. I will be asked to pay for the restoration of the streets sooner rather than later, and the beneficiaries are the very people who have damaged the roads. . I have not seen any proposals regarding the new homes proposed for the subdivisions. Please feel free to contact me if you wish additional input. Thanks for your time, Lisa. Jon Jon Segner 125 Paisley Lane Golden Valley, MN 55422 763.354.5620 or 763.543.1768 j~J~-9Der@dominiuminc.com Wdominiumapartments.com . 9/6/2005 . CERTIFICATE OF SURV. FOR: David Spencer 209 Cutacross Road Golden Valley, MN 55422 . ~ , (<0&&''\) -M~ LEGAL DESCRIPtION: Lot 3, Block 5, "TRALEE". (Certificate of Title No. 660794) PROPOSED LEGAL 'DESCRIPTIONS: .-----..-,.... Parcel A: That part qf Lot 3, Block 5, "TRALEE" described as lying northwest@'rlyofthe folIowil).g described line: <;::ornmencing at the rTlOst easterly corner of said Lot 3; thence Nortn 50 degrees West, assumed bearing, along the northeasterly line of ~aid Lot 3 a distance of 85 feet to the beginning of the line to be described; thence South 34 degrees 13 minutes 3V seconds West a distance of 196.65 feet to a point on the southwesterly line of said Lot 3 distant 95.00 feet n0l1hwesterly from the most southerly corner of said Lot 3, and there said described line terminating. (Area =118801.511 Sq. Ft. or 0.4316 Acres) Parcel B: That partqfLot 3, Block 5, "TRALEE" described as lying southeastefIy of the following described line: Commencing at the ,*ost easterly corner of said Lot 3; thence North 50 degrees West, assumed bearing, along the northeasterly line of~ajd Lot 3 a distance of 85 feet to the beginning of the line to be described; thence South 34 degrees 13 minutes 3:7 seconds Westa distance of 196.65 feet to a point on the southwesterly line of said Lot 3 distant 95.00 feet northwest~rly from the most southerly corner of said Lot 3, and there said described line terminating. (Area =j 16628.7449 Sq. Ft. or 0.3817 Acres) f.... :.-' 0' ...J "" .~ f),. ""\ D L- .,- \1 ~ /( \ ",-. .' . ~.~' t10{vf?J ~ 5' YOo ~~ ~l>~' 0;>. "\~. ...."~.. ..'~~;~ a . ~); Jr-' ? \ \\ ~~ , 5.: 00 "\ I ~'.S(3C'" <9~ if . " '. \, . '<7%#10... f' ,. FJ. In., 'P r pf) fits oe<!llfatldn ~'" ;,~'\. "(~:.!; ~ -V~%. I ~~ ~ ~,~ L- 0 \,,' ~ '\... ~o " 1~ ~ "0" "-Ic>~ ti;) 'f <II 'Y' "aofl" '- ~ ..~<f" ," ,-~1 ~ ....:J ". '<~ I" ,~ v \ if) 'a.~fO;; 'O~ "- ...... -;f Ik o ..189<!- \Do ~ <Q .~ ,~ I'( "~ ........ 0,-, "" / .^'\ --< 6'9, (; CJ;I' e,\ \'1' ()~>r; ~ 0"\ \... \.}? SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATION: I hereb)t-terity that this survey was prepared by me and that I am a duly Reg~~red ~and Surveyor under the s 0 he State of Minnesota. As surv~~d b me this .1f...day of 2005. ,,/ /0 \. ' \ \ e\' I ?! -=r~~~~~: ~'~ed . Denotes Iron Monument Found . 0 Denotes Iron Mon~ment Set (l) capped RLS No. 10948 e ( ) Denotes VertIcal Spot Elevations -- . - Denotes 2 foot contour interval '& P.P. - Denotes Power Pole Note: Distances as measured are in feet, tenths and hundredths of a foot. Note: Area = 35430.2559 Sq. Feetor 0.8134 Acres >- Vi ... ~~ -Ii' ~QO ""'"'I '>.1)1'0 'Jl < o "" f... () -.J BEN<?H MARK: Top of Water Hydrant @ Sputh Side of Cutacross Road III front of Lot 3, Block 5, "TRALEE" == 890.105 feet (NGVD-~ Golden Valley Engineering Dept. . . . . . . . ~O----st:rEp~m- N ~ '<:::'c:::.., /..". ,aDl,;;" --, ~. .~~ ' .~ '" '~ ~ "~ "~ .. I / ..~ '. .........6' ~; " , . ~,,/ ~ /'f / ""';' '1/ II / I --R/feCt3C ".;e; . ',/,,< /'. \ ~ /. 'v " I'~ IffX1STI/Y1; ~ @ ,I '6'\ '1CJ ;;?e1A1N '-.,. /:' ~~/'::,-;:~.I '\J · ' ~ {i / I . . . . Planning 763-593-8095/763-593-8109 (fax) Date: August 29, 2005 To: Planning Commission From: Mark W. Grimes, Director of Planning and Development Subject: Informal Public Hearing to Operate a Child Daycare Facility at St. Margaret Mary's Catholic Church at 2225 Zenith Ave. N.- LoveWorks Early Childhood Academy--Applicant LoveWorks Early Childhood Academy, represented by Patrice Dorrall, has requested a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) to operate a child daycare facility in a portion of the school located in St. Margaret Mary Church. Within the Institutional (1-1) zoning district, child care facilities are allowed with a CUP. Within the 1-1 zoning district, only churches, elementary schools and secondary schools are considered permitted uses. . The school portion of the church is about 33,000 sq. ft. in size. Up until last spring, the Minneapolis School District leased the space for an elementary school. Starting this fall, a new school will operate in the space. LoveWorks Academy for Visual and Performing Arts, a kindergarten-grade 8, free charter school will operate in the space. They plan to have abou~ 150 children enrolled when school begins on Sept. 7, 2005. They have an agreement to lease up to 33,000 sq. ft. from the church. Due to high enrollment this summer, it appears that they may eventually need all the space sooner than they had originally anticipated. The LoveWorks charter school plans to lease about 4,200 sq. ft. of the space they are leasing from the church for the operation of the LoveWorks Early Childhood Academy. The Academy is proposed to be located in the north portion of the west wing of the school. According to Ms. Dorra", there will be no connection between the charter school and the child daycare facility other than they share a name and will be operating in the same building. The childcare facility will not provide before or after care for the charter school students. The charter school will have their own separate, before and after school room, for their students. The childcare is proposed to serve 40 children ages 6 weeks to pre-kindergarten. However, more children could be enrolled in the future if there is adequate space and the additional size is approved by the State. . In order for the daycare to operate in this location, the State will have to approve the location and issue a State license to operate daycare. In 1986, the City did approve a CUP for daycare at the church when the church operated the school. I believe that the daycare operated for several years and ceased operation when the Catholic school closed. 1 The City's Building Official and Fire Marshal will also have to approve the plans to operate the daycare facility at the church. Overall~ this is a good location for a daycare facility in Golden Valley. There is more than adequate parking and playground space for the children. There is a good sized parking area between the two wings of the school where parents will drop~off and pickup their children. . The Zoning Code provides that in considering a CUP application, the Planning Commission shall make findings and recommendations to the City Council on ten items, which need not be given equal weight in the consideration. Examination of the proposed daycare facility at St. Margaret Mary School in view of each of the ten items follows: 1. Demonstrated need for the proposed use-The applicant believes that there is need for daycare at this location. In Golden Valley, the churches seem to provide most of the space for daycare. This location will provide another daycare opportunity for those living and working in the northeast section of the City. 2. Consistency with the General Land Use Plan-The General Land Use Plan map designates this area for schools and religious facilities. The proposed daycare facility in conjunction with the church and school is in conformance and consistent with the school and religious faculties designation in the General Land Use Plan. 3. Effect upon property values in the area-Surrounding land uses include parkland to the north and west, Wirth Parkway to the south, and single family residential neighborhood across Zenith Ave. to the east. The proposed daycare use will not change the appearance of the school and will have no impact on property values in the area. The property has been used as a school of many years and a daycare facility has many similarities to a school operation. . 4. Effect of any anticipated traffic generation upon the current traffic flow and congestion in the area-The daycare facility will generate additional car trips to the school site in the early morning and late afternoon prior to the time most students arrive at the charter school. The daycare trips will be spaced over a period of several hours in the morning and in the afternoon. It is not anticipated that the additional trips to the daycare facility will create traffic issues. The daycare facility is slated to begin operation in the fall of 2005 with around 40 children along with the necessary number of teachers and aids to meet State requirements. 5. Effect of any increases in population and density upon surrounding land uses-The proposed use will not result in any increases in population or density upon surrounding land uses. 6. Increase in noise levels to be caused by the proposed use-The proposed daycare would not add greatly to the noise now generated at the school site. The children from the daycare will occasionally be outside and will make some noise. However, the nearest residence is across Zenith Ave. which is a couple hundred feet from the playground areas. 7. Any odor, dust, smoke, gas, or vibration to be caused by the proposed use-The proposed use would not cause any odors, dust, smoke, gas, or vibration. 8. Any increase in flies, rats, or other vermin in the area to be caused by the proposed use-The proposed use would not result in any increase in the animals or vermin. 9. Visual appearance of any proposed structure or use-The proposed daycare facility will not involve any alterations to the outside of the building. Signage for the daycare facility will have to meet the City's sign code requirements. 10.Any other effect upon the general public health, safety, and welfare of the City and . its residents-Staff foresees no other effects on the general public health, safety and welfare. 2 . . . Recommended Action Review of the proposed daycare facility in view of the ten factors for examination of a CUP indicates a favorable recommendation. Staffsuggests that the Planning Commission recommend City Council approval of the CUP for LoveWorks to operate a daycare facility at 2225 Zenith Ave. N. The daycare facility will be located within the school subject to the following conditions: 1. The daycare facility shall conform to all requirements and recommendations of the City of Golden Valley Building Office and Fire Marshal. It. may be located within the space of the LoveWorks Academy for Visual and Performing Arts. The number of children within the daycare facility is limited to the license granted by the State of Minnesota. 2. The daycare facility shall be licensed by the State of Minnesota and shall operate in conformance with requirements and provisions of the State license. Attachments Location Map (1 page) Site Map ( 1 page) Map showing proposed daycare location and entrance (1 page) 3 . L~end HiiJllllrIhkld Fealu... Ho.... Null'lba.. MuIllU1llls S_I C<tolllllinaa Clay Lirnil Ol>"o Wale. $_.... Pat%a P1!lfCIIls p [l[J jV ~ I.lttill [l[J 28 <l) PID:1702924240001 2225 ZENITH AVE N GOLDEN VALLEY, MN 55422 . . 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