Envision Connection �roject Executive Board
May 10, 2012 7 p.m. Brookview Community Center, Conference Room
Board of Directors: Shep Harris, Chair, Lynn Gitelis, Sharon Glover, Jim Heidelberg, Cindy
Inselmann, Helene Johnson, Philip Lund, Dean Penk, Mike Schleif, Marshall
Tanick, Blair Tremere
Staff Liaison: Sandy Werts.
1. Call to Order
2. Approval of Agenda *
3. Approval of the Minutes of April 19, 2012
4. Reports and Updates
A. Golden Valley Days
B. 125th Anniversary Events
5. Old Business
• Development of recommendation for City Council on Envision Board role and on 2012
program priorities (oral report of April 10 Council -Manager meeting; review of Council
Resolution No. 07-35; review 1-19-12 Mayor's suggestions)
6. Communications
• Board and Commission Dinner Reminder
7. Other Business
8. Future Meetings — June 21; July 19, August 16
9. Adjournment
* If you have business to bring up — let us know Ot the time the agenda is approved, and it will be
inserted at the appropriate place on the agenda.
Envision Connection Project Executive Board
April 19, 2012 7 p.m. Brookview Community Center, Conference Room
Board of Directors: Blair Tremere, Vice Chair; Lynn Gitelis, Jim Heidelberg, Cindy Inselmann,
Helene Johnson (7:15 pm), Philip Lund, Dean Penk, Mike Schleif, Marshall
Tanick (7:22 pm)
Directors Absent: Shep Harris, Chair, Sharon Glover
Staff Liaison: Sandy Werts.
1. Call to Order
The Meeting was called to order at 7:07 pm by vide Mair, Bear Tremere.
2. Approval of Agenda
Motion: It was moved by Schleif and seconded by Gitelis to apprOve the agenda as printed.
The motion was passed unanimously.
3. Approval of the Minutes of March 15, 2012
B. Old Business, vi. Line two -change the work quarterly to monthly.
Motion: It was moved by Heide6e4pno, seconded by Pend to approve the minutes as
amended. The motion carried.
4. Old Business
A. Development,o recommendation ,City Councit owEnvis on Board role and on 2012
. , , �a
program pri6ig4 - "'s (oral reptant of Aprit— t = „C t ncil-Man ter meeting; review of Council
Resolution NoS 7,-35; review 1-19 12 Ubb- or's suggestions)
Tre e; reviewed t C,", 01ri ,a I"a ens meeting of April 10. He, Penk, Johnson and
Welts attended the meet�rg. The`'c�uncil talked about continuing the Board. Council
members expressed appre?ciation for wFaat;the Envision Board has done. The Board was
i'.ven the charge tb.ake a`acommendation of the role of the Envision Board going
Tremere,-,said he made bequest for an organization chart showing the relationship of
Envision d Bridge Bu0- rs to the City Council. Johnson said she asked for a continuing
liaison from tfeouncd
The Board would like';ffhe attorney from the League of Cities to come to a meeting and
discuss the open meeting law and how it affects the Envision Board.
Tremere continued that the council is interested in Envisions recommendations on
questions for the community survey that will occur in 2013.
Werts said she heard the manager ask for the Envision board to put together their mission
and vision and how it would accomplish their goals in reference to Resolution 07-35
Section I B on Responsibilities.
Tremere said he sees the charge as a two step deal. 1) Revise the resolution and goals
and objectives, and 2) revise again after the community survey.
Schleif suggested that the board look at the value they have created and let the council
know what we want to do.
There will be a work session of the entire committee.
B. Participation in meetings by electronic means — A memo from the City Manager stated that
"a member may listen in to the meeting by phone but will not be considered present for
purposes of voting or a quorum."
5. Update and Reports:
A. Important Envision Topics (list is not ranked as to priority)
1) Public Awareness/promotion — Penk questioned whether Envision should continue
with promoting both CommonPlace and I -Neighbors. He said a new member
recently joined I -Neighbors. It was recommended that the people on 1 -neighbors be
invited to join CommonPlace and that information not be posted on I -neighbors.
Gitelis said it was possible to set up "neighborhood" groups on CommonPlace.
Lund said he would like the Minnesota CommonPlace representative to participate
in Valley Days.
2) Connecting Cultures — Johnson reported that the next meeting will be on Monday,
April 23 from 6:30 to 8 pm at the Lik tery. A �l group has coo together and she
will proceed with them.., Johnson said hat Lerida Loomis is worki'tg with the
Farmers Market and #hote.will be theme ds i'gnations for various weeks. Some of
those being planned ihcIud0i.Somali, Natio nerican, Mexican, and Asian. There
will be children's activities sand fnt�d.. a ,
Johnson satdVthey are also #tanking at Iaining Cultural activities with education
and applj fin ;Irgacy grant=#ands
3) Young 9AduIts/YouhdProfessior`' this is a Bridge Builder Activity
4)Envision"�fis Affil e.und will himinate the Farmers Market founders after
5) Calendar omm�. Events and"Holiday Events — Tremere said that Mayor
Harris is in ted iii Qmmunity events calendar. Such a calendar will be set up
on the Found atran Websiitl,
6) 125 AnniversaryEvents —
a) '��g Capsula .� Tremere reported that a group from the 125« Anniversary
Ca taa ttee ti'focusing on a location for the time capsule. Three locations have
beeh,,sugopt I t ed on the City Hall Campus. The date has not been set for the
event. 'o city will dig a hole, line it with a concrete culvert and put a city logo
cover on it. There will also be a marker. One date they are looking at is the
first day of the market.
b) Hall of Fame — Marshall reported that they are working on ideas. He showed
some examples for a plaque.
7) Bridge Builders Group — The next quarterly meeting is coming up — Penk said they
wanted to have a planning meeting before the next meeting. A venue is needed.
There will be a planning meeting in June for the meeting in July.
8) Ice Cream Social — this is set for July 16. The Sousa Band has been contracted.
Sebastian Joes will provide the ice cream. They sell it to us at the wholesale price.
Tanick will contact potential sponsors.
9) Lilac Planting — Werts reported that there will be a Lilac Maintenance Morning on
Saturday, May 26 from 9 am to Noon. This will take place in the area planted in
2010. The Fall planting will occur on September 22.
10) Farmers Market — The Farmers Market starts on Sunday, June 24 from 9 am to 1
pm. Envision requested space on the following dates: June 24, July 22, August
19, September 16, October 7 The Board needs to arrange for the set up of
its booth. Last year Linda Loomis had a key. Gitelis suggested that the
board should put together a list of what the city has provided. Tanick
suggested that the Board cut back on dates.
11) Valley Volunteer Day — This will occur on October 6 and will include some of the
same activities. Instead of sidewalk chalk drawings, the children will be painting
12) Youth Engagement/Summit —No repo�
13) The Arts —no report
14) Recruitment of Board Memb="`fake off agenda
B. Other Groups and Activities
1) Golden Valley Days Penk would Iik' got A;banner for Val[dy*:]Day. In discussing
staffing the Valley De s booth, everyo' K4he committee has tither obligations on
Valley Days. It was deeded that Envisi6k idge Builders, the Foundation and
Lilac Planting be in two.tenti'iide.by side
2) Community Foundation �'Penk'r ported thatfii� Foundation Board is identifying
groups to solipit,for funding r Tremero- atd,there s toobe a meeting of the city
manag6m'6ht the, Human Services Fu°rid an i the Foundation Board to resolve how
to transifon funds so that in the future the Ruga °in`the Valley and the Golf
Tourndrtent are pert.of the Foitt�t��'tion.
The websit asfOtr,_A d — gx,bundation.org. A donation site has not been
dev 1u fid. Mtaart yv"how ' oto9 , olden Valley Foundation fund at Wells Fargo
ban k.`Oey isifignated iritzfollowing areas: Envision, Foundation, Human
Services Fend and"Glen Valley'Days.
5. Communications .
• Bd4d.and Commission Dinner - a memo with details was included in the packet. The
date "WMav 30 at 6 ': Dm at Brookview.
7. Other Business
• Tanick will chTth the Golden Valley Country Club for a date in July for the Bridge
8. Future Meetings — May 10, Brookview; June 21; July 19
Motion: It was moved by Heidelberg and seconded by that be only two items
on the May 10 agenda. These will be discussion on Golden Valley Day and the Resolution.
The motion carried.
Gitelis will be having surgery on May 1 and will not be at the May 10 meeting.
Heidelberg will be out of town on May 10.
9. Adjournment- The meeting was adjourned at 9:15 pm.
Resolution 07-35
August 21, 2007
Member Freiberg introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption:
WHEREAS, Envision Golden Valley encouraged citizens to share their individual
ideas and develop a collective vision for the community; and
WHEREAS, those ideas coalesced into the themes of creatively connecting people
and places and inspiring care for the community, further detailed in the Vision Guide: A
Shared Vision for Golden Valley's Future, referred to herein as "the vision"; and
WHEREAS, the Golden Valley City Council (Council) desires community
involvement in carrying forward ideas brought forth as part of Envision Golden Valley; and
WHEREAS, the Council has identified the Golden Valley Connection Project as a
way to provide for citizen involvement, and would like to continue the tenure of this Board
from that Established In Resolution 06-08, Extending The Scope Of The Envision
Connection Project Executive Board.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Golden
Valley, that the Executive Board of the Envision Connection Project is hereby continued
with the following mission, responsibilities and procedures:
A. Mission
The Executive Board shall advance specific implementation strategies for the
Connection Project that meet the following objectives:
Present the Vision Guide to the community and get feedback from
interested parties; help them to understand the vision and know where
to go for more information.
2. Link people, groups and resources that are inspired by particular
3. Encourage interaction between the Council, City staff and Envision
volunteers and other citizens on ways to advance the vision.
4. Sponsor events or other strategies to involve more people in advancing
the vision.
5. Create a community -wide sense of progress toward the vision.
Resolution 07-35 - Continued
B. Responsibilities
The Executive Board shall:
August 21, 2007
develop a schedule for proposed activities for a two-year period, from
August of 2007 through August of 2009, with a detailed budget for each
activity or group of activities, using the January, 2006,connection
Report to the City Council "Recommended Direction for Envision
Connection Project" as the basis for activities; and
2. secure Council approval for proposed activities and related budgets; and
3. take leadership in implementation of those activities (through Board
work teams as appropriate) or facilitate the implementation of those
activities by other community organizations or individuals; and
4. identify ways to accomplish the Connection Project mission and
responsibilities through another entity or entities outside of the scope of
city government while retaining the possibility of links to the City of
Golden Valley.
A. Membership
The Council will appoint up to 15 persons to the Executive Board:
a. Some members will continue from the initial Executive Board.
b. Additional members will be recruited, with an emphasis on
recruiting members to lead key activities undertaken by work teams
c. Volunteers not appointed to the Executive Board will be provided
opportunities to participate on work teams.
2. The Mayor will be a member and serve as chair of the Executive Board.
3. The City Manager shall provide appropriate staff support.
B. Meetings and Time Frame
The Executive Board shall complete its charge in two years.
2. The Executive Board shall meet at least monthly, on the fourth Thursday
of the month. It may call special meetings as necessary, in compliance
with the State Open Meeting Law.
3. A quorum must be present to conduct business.
Resolution 07-35 - Continued August 21, 2007
4. Members who miss three consecutive or twenty-five percent of the total
meetings in a twelve-month period will be requested to resign.
5. All meetings shall be open to the public and subject to the requirements
of the State Open Meeting Law.
A. Minutes shall be kept of all meetings and forwarded to the City Council upon
B. The Board shall report to the City Council on its activities at least annually.
Linda R. Loomis, Mayor
Susan M. Virnig, City Clerk
The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was seconded by Member Freiberg
and upon a vote being taken thereon, the following voted in favor thereof: Freiberg,
Loomis, Pentel, Scanlon and Shaffer; and the following voted against the same: none,
whereupon said resolution was declared duly passed and adopted, signed by the Mayor
and her signature attested by the City Clerk.
�dl�en ualleg
Recommended Direction for
Envision Connection Project
Report to the Golden Valley City Council
January 17, 2006
Presented by Connection Project Executive Board
Jim Heidelberg
Helene Johnson
Riva Kupritz
Linda Loomis, Chair
Philip Lund
Kristi Miller
Dean Penk
Charlie Quimby
Marshall Tanick
Blair Tremere
Luke Weisberg
Staff Support: Jeanne Andre and Cheryl Weiler
The City Council through Resolution 04-69 identified the Connection Projectas a means of
providing for community involvement. The Council appointed the Executive Board
comprised of citizens and the Mayor to study and to recommend options for establishing
the Connection Project. The Board's term was set for one year.
The Board was assigned four responsibilities, and the Board framed its work through 2005
by these charges:
• Presenting the Vision Guide to the Community [Look at alternative ways to
present the Vision Guide to the community and get feedback from interested
• Linking People, Groups & Resources [Identify ways to link people, groups and
resources that are inspired by particular visions.]
• Encouraging Council, Staff, Volunteers & Others [Identify ways to encourage
interaction between the Council, City staff and Envision volunteers and other
citizens on ways to advance the vision.]
• Involving More People [Recommend an event or other strategies to involve more
people in the vision.]
The Board addressed these areas by following up on the details of the Work Plan
presented to the City Council in April, 2005. This year-end report was also requested by
the Council. It outlines our recommended strategies for the continued vitality of Envision
and the successful establishment of the Connection Project. We have organized our
response under three themes:
• Help citizens understand the vision and know where to go for more
• Link people, groups and resources to encourage involvement
• Create a community -wide sense of progress toward the Vision
In this report, the Board also presents recommendations regarding the responsibilities and
the "permanent establishment of the Golden Valley Connections Project" as directed by
the Council.
Based on its work to date, the Board believes a substantial amount of work remains to be
done. Implementation of the Council's goal — and satisfaction of expectations of those
many citizens involved with Envision — requires dedicated, ongoing attention. The Board
is willing to continue pursuing the fundamentals and the details for the Council.
Envision Connection Project Report - January 17, 2006
Guiding Principles
The Envision Connection Project applied these connection principles in developing its
• Help citizens do things for themselves that benefit the larger community
• Emphasize citizen -conceived and -run initiatives, with the City as facilitator if needed
• Create conditions that encourage people, within realistic legal and fiscal constraints, to
try out new ideas
• Think big and start small; favor projects that focus or connect existing community energy
— rather than diluting it or diverting in new directions
• Rely largely on existing groups and infrastructures to manage participation rather than
developing a separate framework
Lessons Learned
In addition to completing the activities described above, we gained several insights into the
state of community engagement in the city.
While there are a number of community -related groups in Golden Valley, their
organization, level of activity and membership vary widely. They are not looking for new
ideas or projects. Rather, they need more active members and new blood. It was telling
that many groups contacted had difficulty identifying someone to respond to our request
for information.
There is still good awareness of Envision, but the momentum has slowed as we try to
move the community from vision to action. We believe the philosophy of not dictating
specific projects and letting citizens do for themselves is correct, but most people prefer
some structure and identifiable tasks they can agree to take on or not. The Envision
Connection Project Board in its first year was a policy and planning body. It needs to
evolve with better -defined roles and be more focused on implementation.
We would like to acknowledge the support of the City, and in particular, the role of Jeanne
Andre in helping the Board stay on track and in bounds. Cheryl Weiler has also been
proactive in helping to keep Envision before the public.
Envision Connection Project Report — January 17, 2006
The Council, Staff and Commissions are already pursuing activities in support of Envision.
The Envision Connection Board believes it has laid out a clear future direction for Envision,
and many of the actions recommended are either already under way or do not require
explicit City involvement or Council resolutions.
However, we request the following from the Council:
1. Reappoint the Envision Connection Board and renew its charter for another year.
The new Board should include individuals with interests and skills to serve as
coordinators for Web outreach, Bridge Building, Neighborhoods, Business and
Community liaison.
2. Authorize approximately $2,000-4,000 in City funding for the training of Bridge
Builders as detailed in this report. A specific proposal will be submitted once dates
and costs are finalized. For more detail, see Bridge Builder Description document —
attached as an appendix.
3. Agree in principle to support the introduction of a community Web site using (-
Neighbors or other Web -based tool to encourage citizen involvement and facilitate
community connections. This may involve a future request for modest seed funding
from the City or local businesses.
Recommended 2006 Time and Events
Of the Connection recommendations presented on the following pages, we have
determined that establishing a group of "Bridge Builders" will be a key pacing item for
initiatives in 2006. Council approval of the recommendations above will allow the Board to
begin timely work on the following events:
Approve Bridge Builder (BB) Initiative Funding
Publicize BB Role
Recruit and Select BBs
Orient BBs to Envision
Train BBs
Introduce BBs to the Community
Begin BB Activities
Publicize Projects, Opportunities and Outcomes
Envision Connection Project Report — January 17, 2006
January -February
May 12
May 19-20 (Valley Days)
July -Ongoing
1. Use existing city resources and activities to publicize and draw connections to
Envision -related activities. These suggestions either amplify or add to what the City has
already been doing well.
Provide ongoing updates through City News, Channel 16 and Web site
Encourage Council Members to be Envision ambassadors and invite them to be
involved in specific Envision activities
Continue the joint Council/Commissions annual meeting; include Envision content
and recognize commissions that have helped advance the Vision
Incorporate Envision -compatible standards for future reference and implementation
in the City's Comprehensive Plan
2. Enlist other community/local government resources in furthering community
awareness of Envision -related activities. These outreach activities could be undertaken
by the Envision Board and its coordinators.
► Book a Bridge Builder presentation with each service group in the community
► Develop liaison with Hennepin County Library branch and explore joint
► Develop liaison with Jeanne Fackler/Seniors Coordinator and explore potential of
established seniors groups as "small sparks"
► Develop liaison with Summer Playground Program and explore a Parks -based
outreach initiative
► Enlist sponsors to produce a Community Assets Map to supplement information in
"Getting Around Golden Valley" — highlighting Golden Valley businesses, events,
historic sites, cultural assets, places to eat, schools, bicycle trails, parks, etc.
► Enlist local cafes/coffee shops to co -host Community Coffees with Bridge Builders
3. Introduce newcomers to the Vision and Envision -related activities. This would
formalize and expand what the City is already doing.
► Provide a copy of the Vision Guide, Assets Map and I -Neighbors community Web
information as part of communication package to each new resident,
developer/permit applicant and business owner in Golden Valley
Envision Connection Project Report — January 17, 2006
1. Recruit and train volunteers from diverse segments of the community as "Bridge
Builders." This initiative would identify potential BBs, train them and turn them loose to
"fan the small sparks" of passion in the community. It would require one or two
coordinators. Ideas in this report and the Vision Guide may serve as inspiration for BBs,
but the focus of their activities would be determined by their individual enthusiasms and
community connections.
Become knowledgeable enough about Golden Valley to act as a referral, liaison,
connecting point
Communicate what's happening to individuals and groups
Get people connected (through personal interest and follow-up)
• Encourage them to join I -Neighbors
• Tell them about activities/opportunities for involvement and offer to connect them
(if appropriate)
• Share the activities of your club, interest group or organization with others in the
Generate "small sparks" — sample activities
• Organize an interest group in the City
o Initiate a "small spark" yourself (or with another Bridge Builder), which will
attract others with the same interest
o Recruit members to your club or interest group
• Convene individuals who expressed interest in specific Envision area at the
Summit to explore follow-up
• Organize your block/neighborhood
o Help initiate an activity in your block/neighborhood
o Link your neighborhood to others in the community
Participate in periodic Bridge Builder meetings
• Share what's happening, how-tos, get suggestions, maintain the excitement
2. Use I -Neighbors to test viability of the Web as a tool for community connection.
We are currently testing I -Neighbors, a free community -building tool. A pilot project will use
this tool to create a Golden Valley community site. If the project shows reasonable
effectiveness, we may continue to use I -Neighbors as a platform or move to a more
customized site. A coordinator with appropriate Web skills will be required for this project.
Populate I -Neighbors with community information, including database of community
groups, contact information and primary interest areas
Train one community organization, one affinity group (e.g., Seniors) and one
neighborhood to use I -Neighbors as their organizing/connection tool; use the
examples of these "pioneer" groups to enlist and train other groups
Publicize I -Neighbors to entire community after pioneer groups and content become
established and create a critical mass of users
Envision Connection Project Report — January 17, 2006 6
3. Encourage neighborhood groups to self -organize and participate in community
building. Neighborhoods represent a potent base for community action. A few selected
initiatives could stimulate neighborhood -centered Envision activity.
Offer an "Envision Your Neighborhood" Community Ed class
Develop liaison with Historical Society to develop a "Golden Valley Neighborhoods"
educational program
Promote neighborhood identification; encourage neighborhood naming
• Link neighborhoods to history, parks
• Offer City funds for neighborhood signs
Leverage Neighborhood Night Out and Neighborhood Watch structure
Partner with Summer Playground Program – present to wider neighborhood
Promote intra -neighborhood relations and collaboration
• Identify ways to link block clubs
• Identify joint neighborhood activities
o Spirit of the neighborhood competitions (tug-of-war, pumpkin festival, popcan
tab collection, gardens, holiday decoration, etc.)
o Shared activities (cookie baking, kite flying, community gardens, focus on
kids, seniors, trail/creek cleanups, etc.)
Invite academic study of neighborhood community building — Follow up to Envision
study by Humphrey Institute
4. Identify groups that have a reason to connect and promote concepts for
community -wide events that have cross -sponsorship potential. Some inter -
organization collaboration already occurs, in part due to cross -membership. These are
examples of initiatives that could broaden contacts and stimulate new action.
Sponsor an All -Organizations Conference annually to promote exchanges and
shared projects
Repeat the Envision Connection Summit, focusing on an annual theme — perhaps
in conjunction with Valley Days/GVCEF
• Envision -centered speakers, exhibits, activities that highlight and connect
community groups that now sponsor their own booths at Valley Days
• Allow groups to recruit and publicize their projects
Sponsor Community Reads — with Library, schools, Community Ed or HRC
• Selected book, groups sell book, organize book clubs, discussion board
Golden Valley Parks Day — with Open Space & Rec, Environmental Commissions,
Music in Parks, Neighborhoods
• Coordinated parks events city-wide, bike tour or run -the -parks
Envision Connection Project Report — January 17, 2006 7
1. Issue an annual "State of the Vision" that is a joint report from the Council and
the Envision Connection Board. This report would not simply list activities or projects,
but would attempt to quantify the community's progress toward its Vision.
► Establish a few key metrics that could be tracked annually to measure progress
► Publicize successful Envision projects
► Itemize City and staff actions consistent with the Vision
► Update organization and project information
2. Establish an Envision Award - annual recognition of Envision projects, groups
or individuals. Citizens could supply nominations, similar to Views of the Valley photo
3. Supplement existing communications and provide larger context to keep citizens
informed. Much valuable citizen information would be delivered under "Help Citizens
Understand the Vision," Bridge Builders and I -Neighbors sections described above. The
Envision Connection Board would monitor coverage and the resulting sense of progress,
suggesting story topics and promoting information sharing.
Engage Envision alumni — those who worked in earlier stages of the Envision
project — in subsequent phases
Develop three Envision story ideas annually and pitch to Sun -Post or other
local media
Work with City Communications coordinator to develop a communication plan
Provide content and updates for delivery through I -Neighbors
Envision Connection Project Report - January 17, 2006
Bridge Builders – With "think big and start small" as a guiding principle, these selected
individuals would be trained to reach out to the various "pockets of people" and involve
them in community building activities that capitalize on their interests and skills as well as
provide opportunities for additional involvement by other citizens. In essence, they would
"ignite" small sparks in the community and generate the momentum.
Ideally, these represent a cross-section of the community's "pockets of people" and are not
limited to the "usual suspects"
Possible Job Description
Become knowledgeable enough about Golden Valley to act as a referral, liaison,
connecting point. Activities would be based on interest and level of participation.
Initial Backgrounding Activties
• Orientation to the city, Envision, Connection Project
• Orientation to the role of Bridge Builders
• Information about other community resources—schools, churches, library
• Information about other levels of government
• Attend State of the City, all -commission meeting; meet council members and key
Ongoing Activities
• Receive updates on the Connection Project
• Communicate what's happening
• Speak at official functions or informal get-togethers
• Use key messages and materials developed & updated by Connection Project
Board, City Staff, designated Bridge Builders
• Promote a project you would like to see happen in the community
• Get people connected (through personal interest and follow-up)
• Encourage them to join I -Neighbors
• Tell them about activities/opportunities for involvement; offer to connect them (if
• Share the activities of your club or organization with others in the community
• Recruit members to your club or interest group
• Link your neighborhood to others in the community
• Participate in periodic "bridge builder" meetings
Share what's happening, how tos, get suggestions, maintain the excitement
Ideal. Be assigned to a population group that is not currently very involved in the
community, meet with a representative group to explore possibilities, follow-up
Envision Connection Project Report — January 17, 2006
Generate "small sparks"
• Organize an interest group in the City
• Initiate a "small spark" yourself (or with another Bridge Builder), which will attract
others with the same interest
• Convene individuals who expressed interest in specific Envision area at the Summit
to explore follow-up
• Organize your block/neighborhood
• Help initiate an activity in your block/neighborhood
• Link your neighborhood to others in the community
Special Bridge Builder Leadership Assignments:
• Coordinator —Speaking Engagements
o Schedule speaker training session after materials are completed
o Field requests; line-up speakers
o Forward any changes to the message/materials as developed
• Organizer/Convenor — Bridge Builder Meetings
Assumes That Initial Tasks To Operationalize Bridge Builders Are Undertaken By
2006 Envision Connection Board In Conjunction With City Staff:
• Promotion, Recruitment, Orientation, etc.
• Develop and Launch Bridge Builders as Communcators (as outlined below).
Bridge Builders as Communicators
A. Operation
1. Develop an outreach plan that is an integral part of the overall communications plan
for the Connection Project
2. Recruit
a. Develop list of potential bridge builders
b. Recruit and maintain a group of volunteers from the community
3. Develop materials (an official template/script which can be adapted to the various
audiences and contexts)
4. Promote bridge builders as a resource within the context of the overall
communications plan
a. By the City
b. Via web site
c. Through events, flyers, etc. as determined appropriate
5. Designate a volunteer as Coordinator who can respond to requests for a Speaker
(with advertised phone number and/or email)
6. Keep bridge builder speakers up to date with any changes to the message and
Envision Connection Project Report — January 17, 2006 10
A. Content of Presentation ("Message")
NOTE: An official script approved and sanctioned by Envision directors should be
developed and maintained. Speakers have flexibility to adapt presentations to actual
audience, but the fundamental themes and message must be consistent with the script.
It is a tool and it is THE official message. Envision directors should provide for
assigned persons or group to be responsible for "the message" maintenance and
dissemination to ensure consistency and accuracy.
1. Envision History (brief synopsis ---the starting point now for those getting the
message is the Envision Project "product." We are where we are and looking
2. Purpose of Connection Project
a. "A vision intended to inspire citizens and empower creative participation"
b. To promote care for the community
c. To facilitate citizen -led initiatives
d. To creatively connect people and places
3. Role of the City of Golden Valley including the formal statement of Support from the
City Council
a. City Staff has been directed and authorized to participate in the Connection
efforts and to respond to public inquiries (referral to volunteers who "run" the
Envision effort, and eventually referral to Envision -produced lists and rosters)
b. Missions of Departments, Boards and Commissions are linked to Envision
strategies [note: we should request a progress report back from these advisory
Boards and Commissions who were asked by the Council to undertake this
task last winter]]
c. City's Comprehensive Plan (the incorporation of Envision -compatible
standards for future reference AND implementation. This is very basic since
the comprehensive plan is required to have goals, objectives, and criteria for
the city's planning .... it literally is the legal base for city planning and the city is
legally required to ensure that its ordinances and policies ---"official controls" ---
are consistent with the adopted comprehensive plan.)
4. Examples of Successful Envision Projects
5. Review "Bridge Builders" Initiative: finding and maintaining a cadre of volunteers
who can sustain the Connection Project
6. Promote Connection Strategies (in-place systems)
a. Furnish database of groups
b. Promote positive self-management using web or email
Materials Needed by Bridge builders/speakers
1) Envision Guide (and other available promotional literature)
2) Power Point Presentation (kept current)
3) Clippings and the like showing examples of Precedents: photo images of improved,
vibrant communities brought about by citizen -led initiatives, private -public
collaborations, and contributions of institutions and groups. Access to laptop
computer and/or digital projector
4) Access to current group data base with contact names and phone numbers
Envision Connection Project Report — January 17, 2006 11