Regul ar Meeting of the
Planning Commission
Council Conference Room, 7800 Golden Valley Road
Golden Vall ey, Minnesota
September 24, 1990
I. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - August 27, 1990
• August 27, 1990
A regul ar meeting of the P1 anning Commission was held at the Golden Vall ey City
Hall , Council Conference Room, 7800 Golden Vall ey Road, Golden Vall ey,
Minnesota. The meeting was call ed to order by Chair Prazak at 7:15P.M.
Those present were: Leppik, Lewis, McAleese, Prazak and Russell . Also present
were: Mark Grimes, Director of Planning and Development; Beth Knoblauch, City
P1 anner and Mary Dold, Secretary.
I. Approval of Minutes - August 13, 1990
MOVED by Leppik, seconded by Russell and motion carried unanimously to approve
the August 13, 1990 minutes with the addition of discussion by the Planning
Commission and Staff to determine that a residential use in a Business and
Professional Office is not a compatible use and denial of the Conditional Use
Permit appl ication by On-Bel ay.
II. Final Revi ew of By-Laws
MOVED by Russell , seconded by Len►is and motion carried unanimously to approve
the Planning Commission By-Laws with the changes suggested by the Commission.
• III. Consideration of the I-394 Corridor Stud
MOVED by McCracken-Hunt, seconded by and motion carri ed unanimously to approve
the I-394 Corridor Study with the changes suggested by the Commission, and for-
warded to the M�yor and City Council .
IV. Reports on Meetings of the Nousing and Redevelopment Authority, City
Council and Board of Zoning Appeals
Mark Grimes reported to the Committee concerning the HRA meeting with Ron Clark.
Ron Clark is unable to secure financing for the apartment component of the rede-
velopment pl an at Winnetka Avenue and Hwy. 55.
V. Other Business
No other business presented.
VI. Adjournment
Chair Prazak adjourned the meeting at 9:05p.m.
T0: Golden Val l ey Pl anning Commission
FROM: Beth Knobl auch, City P1 anner
Last year, staff and Planning Commission members discussed the possibility of
changing day care facilities from conditional to permitted uses in churches and
school s. Staff al so di scovered some di screpanci es and dupl icati ons i n the day
care provisions for diff erent zoning districts. In the press of other business,
no action was taken on this matter.
Now there has been another change in state law regarding day care requirgnents
for local communiti es. Whil e preparing the necessary amendments to the Golden
Uall ey Zoning Code, staff went ahead and prepared recommendations for updating
all related provisions. Pertinent code sections are attached, with the proposed
changes indicated.
• To summarize:
1. Permitted facility sizes in residential districts have been amended to meet
new state requir�nents. The current Zoning Code reflects the previous
state requirement of no more than 12 children in a day care home. The new
law increases the number to 14.
2. All references are to "day care" rather than "child care" to meet state
requirements. The existing Zoning Code has definitions for "Child Care
Facilities", "Day Care - Home" and "Day Care - Nursery". One definition
for day care is much 1 ess confusing. The new definition for day care
refl ects wordi ng found in state 1 aw.
3. D�y care has been moved to the permitted use 1 ist in the Institutional
Subdistrict (churches and schools serving grades K-12). Currently, a day
care use requires a Conditional Use Permit in the I-1 district. The City
has issued several CUP's for day care centers in churches. None has been
deni�l. The City encourages the use of churches and schools for day care.
By making day care a permitted use in the I-1 district, it will be less
costly and time consuming for the applicant. The staff also believes that
the City is adequately protected without a CUP because the State licenses
day care centers in order to insure the quality of the program and the phy-
sical setting. As part of the state requirement, the City's fire marshal
inspects every day care center.
Memo to the Planning Commission
S ept emb er , 1990
P ag e Two
4. Parking requirements have been more thoroughly addressed. Previously,
these were parking requirements for day care only in the Industrial
District. The staff recommends that the following parking requirement be
instituted in the Institutional-2, Institutional-3, Institutional-4,
Commercial , Light Industrial and Industrial Districts. At least one space
for each enploy ee, plus one space for each eight children or adults
enrolled in the facility.
There is no additional parking required for day care in residential
districts. In the Business and Professional Office District, the parking
requirement would be the same as other office uses.
5. The staff has suggested that miscellaneous quirks be ranoved from the
Zoning Code as rel ated to day care.
6. Miscellaneous quirks have been r�noved. Because these changes have not
been requested by any particul ar property owner, the 500-foot mail ed notice
requir�nent is not applicable. The New Hope-Golden Valley Post Ne�us will
be asked to run an information itgn to publicize the proposed changes.
Action necessary by the Planning Commission is consideration of the amend-
ments and formul ation of a recommendation to the City Council .
§ 11.03
• 6. "Automobile Sales" - An open or enclosed area (building
or structure), other than a street, used for the displ ay, sal e, or
rental , of new and used motor vehicl es in operabl e condition.
7. "Automobile Wrecking" - The dismantling or disassembling
of used motor vehicl es or trail ers, or the storage, sal e or dumping of
di smantl ed, parti al ly di smantl ed, obsol ete or wrecked vehicl es or
their parts.
8. "Bas�nent" - That portion of a building with at least
three walls having at least one-half (1/2) or more of their floor-to-
ceiling height underground.
9. "Buildabl e Area" - That area of a lot which is exclusive
of all yards and within which the principal building must be
10. "Building" - Any structure for the shelter, support or
enclosure of persons, animals, chattels, or property of any kind, and
when separated by dividing walls without openings, each portion of
such building, so separated, shall be de�ned a separate building.
11. "Building, Height of" - The vertical distance above
"grade" as defined herein to the highest point of the coping of a flat
roof, or to the deck 1 ine of a mansard roof or to the average height
• of the highest gabl e of a pitched roof or hipped roof. The measure-
ment may be taken from the highest adjoining sidewalk or ground sur-
face within a five (5) foot horizontal distance of the exterior wall
of the building, when such sidewalk or ground surface is not more than
ten (10) feet above grade.
12. "Business" - Any occupation, ernployment or enterprise
wherein merchandise is exhibited or sold, or which occupies time,
attention, 1 abor and materi al s, or where services are offered for com-
13. "Car Wash" - A building and/or premises used principally
for washi ng and cl eani ng automobi 1 es, usi ng ei th er manual or automati c
production 1 ine methods.
14. "Canetery" - Land used or intended to be used for the
burial of human dead and dedicated as a "c�netery" for such purposes.
Source: Ordinance No. 585
Effective Date: 1-14-83
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,G�,OLDEN VALLEY CC 198 (6-30-88)
§ 11.03
15 �. "Church or Synagogue" - The term includes the following:
• church, synagogue, rectory, parish house or similar building inciden-
tal to the principal use which is maintained and operated by an organ-
ized group for religious purposes.
16 �-. "Clinic" - A place used for the care, diagnosis and
treatment of sick, ailing, infirm and injured persons and those who
are in need of inedical or surgical attention, but who are not provided
with board or room, nor kept overnight on th e pr anises.
17 �. "Club" - A non-profit association of persons who are
bona fide manbers, paying regul ar dues, and are organized for some
common purpose, but not including a group organized solely or pri-
marily to render a service customarily carried on as a commercial
18 �. "Congregate Housing" - Housing for the elderly and/or
handicapped, providing at least one prepared meal per day in a common
dining room, and may also provide certain medical and social services
over and above what might be in a standard elderly apartment complex.
19 �. "Condominium" - A form of individual ownership within a
multi-f amily building, or office/business building, which entails
joint responsibility for maintenance and repairs.
20 -��-. "Convalescent Home (Extended Care)" - Any building or
group of buildings providing personal assistance or nursing care for
� those dependent upon the services by reason of age or physical or men-
tal impairm ent but not for the treatm ent of contagious diseases,
addicts or mental illness, usually of a te�nporary duration.
21 �. "Conveni ence Food Establ ishment" - A pl ace where food
itens �roceri es, meats, etc. ), beverages, and other retail items are
sold along with hot or cold foods in or on disposable containers in
individual servings for consumption on or off the pr�nises. Such
establ i shments do not incl ude video games.
22 �-. "Cooperative (Housing)" - A multiple family dwelling
owned and maintained by the. residents. The entire structure and real
property is under common ownership as contrasted to a condominium
dwelling where individual units are under separate individual
23 -�4. "Court" - A space, open and unobstructed to the sky,
located at, above or below grade 1 evel on a lot and bounded on three
or more sides by walls of a building.
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• GOLDEN VALLEY CC 199 (6-30-88)
§ 11.03
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24. "� care facility" - means � facility, uP blic or private,
which for ain or otherwise regularly rovides one or more ep rsons with
care, training, supervision, habilitation, rehabilitation, or development-
al uidance on a regul ar basis, for eriods of 1 ess than 24 hours �er day,
in a lace other than the erson s own home. � care facilities include,
but are not limited to: famjly � care homes, rou family � care
homes, �care cen'ters, � nurseries, nursery schools, developmental
achievement centers for children, � trainin� and habilitation services
for adults, � treatment programs, adult � care centers, and �
s erv i c�-
• 25 -2�. "District" - Any section of the City as shown on the
Offici al City Zoning Map of the City of Golden Vall ey, for which the
regulations governing the use of buildings and premises and the height
and area of buildings are uniform.
26 -�&. "Dwelling" - Any building, or part thereof, which is
designed or used exclusively for residential purposes of one or more
human beings, either permanently or transiently.
27 �. "Dwelling, Single-Family" - A building designed for or
occupied by one family and containing one dwelling unit.
28 �. "Dwelling, Two-Family" - A building designed for or
occupied by two families and containing two dwelling units.
29 �. "Dwelling, Multiple" - A building or portion thereof
design�l for or occupi ed by three or more famil i es and containing
three or more dwelling units.
30 �. "Dwelling, Group" - A group of two or more detached
dwellings located on a parcel of land in one ownership and having any
yard or court in common.
. GOLDEN VALLEY CC 200 (6-30-88)
31 �. "Drive-In Restaurant" - Any eating establishment
• designed for the purchase of food or drink by persons in vehicl es
parked on the premises, including such facilities having a
"drive-thru" window and/or limited seating capacity.
32 �. "Elderly (Senior Citizen) and Handicapped Housing" - A
multiple dwelling building with open occupancy limited to disabled or
handicapped persons and/or persons over sixty (60) years of age. No
more than ten (10) percent of the occupants excluding disabl ed or han-
dicapped persons, may be persons under sixty (60) years of age (spouse
of a person over sixty (60) years of age or caretakers, etc.).
G�OLDEN VALLEY CC 200A (6-30-88)
§ 11.03
33 �§. "Essential S ervices" - Th e creation, construction,
• alteration or maintenance of underground or overhead gas, electrical ,
communication, steam or w ater distribution syst ens, including collec-
tion, supply or disposals syst ans operated by public utilities, muni-
cipal or other government agencies.
34 �. "Family" - One or more persons each related to the other
by blood, marriage, or adoption, or a group of not more than five (5)
persons not all so related, maintaining a common household and using
common cooking and kitchen facilities.
35 �. "Floor Area, Gross" - The sum of the gross horizontal
areas of the floor(s) of such building or buildings measured from the
exterior faces and exterior ells or from the center line of party
walls separating two buildings. Basements devoted to storage and
space devoted to off-street parking shall not be included.
Source: Ordinance No. 585
Effective Date: 1-14-83
36 �. "Foster Family Home" - Family home licensed by the State
of Minnesota to care for up to seven children under 18 years of age
(including the family's own children under 18 years of age).
Source: Ordinance No. 653
Effective Date: 4-12-85
• 37 �. "Garage, Private" - An attached or detached accessory
building designed or used for the storage of motor-driven vehicl es not
more than two (2) of which are owned by other than the occupants of
the main building.
38 �. "Garage, Public" - Any building or portion of a
building, except that herein defined as a private garage, used for the
storage of motor vehicl es, or where any such vehicl es are kept for
remuneration or hire; including the sale of gasoline, oil and
accessori es.
39 �. "Garage, Repair" - Any facilities for the repair or
maintenance of motor vehicles, but not including factory assanbly of
such vehicles, auto wrecking establishments or junk yards.
40 4�. "Grade" - The lowest point of elevation of the finished
surface of the ground, paving, or sidewalk within the area between the
building and the property line. For the purposes of this Chapter,
"grade" shall be measured from the street side of a property to within
five feet of the building.
GOLDEN VALLEY CC 201 (6-30-88)
§ 11.03
41 �. "Green House" - A glass or similar transparent, or
• translucent, structure used for the cultivation and protection of
plants which cannot be grown outside during all seasons.
Source: Ordinance No. 585
Effective Date: 1-14-83
42 �44. Group Foster Family Home" - A family home l icensed by
the State of Minnesota to care for up to ten children under 18 years
of age (including the family's own children under 18 years of age).
Source: Ordinance No. 653
Effective Date: 4-12-85
43 4§�. "Heliport" - Any land and/or structure used or intended
for use for the 1 anding and take off of hel icopters and any appur-
tenant land and/or structure used or intended for use for port
buildings or other port structures or rights-of-way, which land and/or
structures meet the requiranents and regulations set forth by the
Federal Aviation Administration and the Minnesota Department of
Transportation as and for a helicopter facility.
Source: Ordinance No. 643
Effective Date: 11-16-84
44 �. "Home Occupation" - An accessory use of a dwelling,
• excluding an attached garage or other accessory building, which is
conducted entirely within the dwelling by one or more persons, all of
whom must reside in the dwel l ing unit. (Day care facil iti es 1 icensed
by the State of Minnesota serving 12 or fewer persons in accordance
with Minnesota Statutes Annotated 245.812, Subd. 3, are not considered
a home occupation. )
Source: Ordinance No. 669
Effective Date: 11-15-85
45 �. "Hospital" - An institution providing health services
primarily for inpati ent medical or surgical care of the sick or
injured and incl uding rel ated facil iti es such as 1 aboratori es, out-
patient department, training facilities, central service facilities,
and staff offices which are an integral part of the facility.
46 4�. "Hotel" - A building in which lodging with or without
meals is provided and offered to transient guests and which accom-
modates more than ten (10) persons.
47 -0�. "Institution" - A building occupied by a corporation or
a non-profit establ ishment for publ ic use.
• G�OLDEN VALLEY CC 202 (6-30-88)
§ 11.03
48 §�. "Junk Yard" - A place where waste, discarded or salvaged
. materi al s are bought, sold, exchanged, stored, bal ed, packed,
disassenbled or handled; including auto wrecking yards, house
wrecki ng yards, and used materi al yards, but not i ncl udi ng pawn shops,
anti que shops and pl aces for the sal e, purchase, or storage of used
furniture and household equipment, used cars in operable condition or
salvaged materials incidental to manufacturing operations.
Source: Ordinance No. 585
Effective Date: 1-14-83
49 r�-. "Kennel" - P1 ace where more than three (3) dogs are kept
that are in excess of 90 d�ys of age.
Source: Ordinance No. 669
Effective Date: 11-15-85
50 §�. "Lot" - For zoning purposes, as covered by this Chapter,
a lot is a parcel of land intended for occupancy by one principal
building and any accessory buildings and of at 1 east suffici ent size
to meet minimum zoning requirements for use, coverage and area, and to
provide such yards and other open spaces as are herein required.
Such lot shal l have frontage on an improved publ ic street, and may
consist of:
A. A single lot of record;
• B. A portion of a lot of record;
C. A combination of complete lots of record, or
complete lots of record and portions of lots of record, provided that
i t i s recorded as one 1 ot; and,
D. A parcel of 1 and described by metes and bounds
description, provided that in no case of division or combination shall
any lot or parcel be created which does not meet the requir�nents of
this Chapter.
51 §3�. "Lot Frontage" - The front of a lot shall be constru�
to be the portion nearest the street. For the purpose of determining
yard requirements on corner lots and through lots, all sides of a lot
adjacent to streets shall be considered frontage, and yards shall be
provided as indicated under YARDS in this Section.
52 §4. "Lot Lines" - The lines bounding a lot.
53 §�. "Lot Measurenents" -
A. DEPTH - The mean horizontal distance between the
front (street) line and the rear lot line.
• GOLDEN VALLEY CC 203 (6-30-88)
§ 11.03
B. WIDTH of a lot is its own m ean width m easured at
� right angl es (90 degrees) to its mean depth.
C. AREA of a lot shall be computed from the area con-
tained in a horizontal plane defined by the lot lines.
58 §fr. "Lot of R ecord" - A lot which is part of a subdivision,
the plat of which has been recorded in the office of the Register of
Deeds of Hennepin County, Minnesota, or a lot described by metes and
bounds, the description of which has been recorded in the office of
the Register of Deeds of Hennepin County, Minnesota.
59 §�. "Lot, Corn er" - A 1 ot 1 oc at ed at th e i nt ers ecti on of two
or more streets.
60 §�. "Lot, Interior" - A lot other than a corner lot with
only one frontage on a street other than an al l ey.
61 §�9�. "Lot, Through" - A lot other than a corner lot with
frontage on more than one street other than an all ey. Through lots
with frontage on two streets may be referred to as DOUBLE FRONTAGE
62 �. "Lot Coverage" - That percentage of a lot which when
vi ew�l in its horizontal pl ane, would be covered by a structure or
structures, or any part thereof.
� Source: Ordinance No. 585
Effective Date: 1-14-83
63 fr�-. "Manufactured Home" - A structure, transportabl e in one
or more sections, which in the traveling mode is eight body feet or
more in width or 40 body feet or more in 1 ength, or, when erected on
site, is 320 or more square feet, is built on a permanent chassis, is
designed to be used as a dwelling unit with a permanent foundation in
conformance with Chapter 29 of the State Uniform Building Code when
connected to the required utilities and includes the plumbing,
heating, air conditioning, and el ectrical systems contained therein,
and which has a roof design in conformance with Section 3203(d) of the
State Uniform Building Code; except that the term shall also include
any structure which complies with the State Manufactured Home Building
Code set forth in Minnesota Statutes 327.31 to 327.35, which compl i es
with the "Rul es for Manufactured Homes" set forth in 2MCAR 1.90100
through 1.90900, and which meets the standards of and is certified by
the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.
Source: Ordinance No. 642
Effective Date: 11-16-84
• �GOLDEN VALLEY CC 204 (6-30-88)
"Residential Zoning District" § 11.21
B. Inconspicuous real estate signs and "for sal e"
signs, relating to the property upon which they are located, and of
not more than 4 square feet in area.
• C. Rental of rooms to not more than two peopl e for
lodging purposes only.
D. Name plates not exceeding one square foot in area.
E. Accessory buildings, as defined in this Chapter.
F. Garages, as defined in this Chapter.
Source: Ordinance No. 544
Effective Date: 6-26-81
G. Residential facilities serving six or fewer per-
Source: Ordinance No. 653
Effective Date: 4-12-85
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�°��-�e�-e�-�4.��',��. Licensed � care facilities with
a licensed ca acit of 12 or fen►er ersons, or a 9roup family � care
facil iti es 1 icens� under Minnesota Rul es, parts 9502.0315 to 9502.0445,
to serve 14 or fewer children. —
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• �L'07�. .�CT'�1Y��TJ
I. Manufactured homes, as defined in this Chapter.
Source: Ordinance No. 642
Effective Date: 11-16-84
J. Foster family homes.
Source: Ordinance No. 653
Effective Date: 4-12-85
K. Home occupa�ions, as regul ated by this Section.
Source: Ordinance No. 669
Effective Date: 11-15-85
Subd. 4. Lot Requiranents For Platting. All lots
located within an approved pl at shall be regarded as buildabl e lots.
Tracts, or parcel s of 1 and, described by metes and bounds may be
regarded as buildabl e lots provided they are at 1 east 12,500 square
feet in area and at least 100 feet in width at the building setback
Subd. 5. Lot Area, One Family. In the Residenti al
• Zoning District a platted lot of a minimum area of 10,000 square feet
(and a minimum width of 80 feet at the minimum required front setback
line) shall be required for one family housed in one building.
�GOLDEN VALLEY CC 215 (6-30-88)
"Multiple Dwelling Zoning District" § 11.25
apartment building across the street from or directly abutting any
• other zoning district, the minimum required building setback shall not
be 1 ess than twenty-five (25) feet.
D. Lot Coverage. No structures including accessory
buildings shall occupy more than thirty-five (35) percent of the lot
area; provided, however, that when the provisions of this Subparagraph
are in conflict with the provisions of Subdivision 4, Subparagraph A,
above, the provisions of requiring the larger amount of lot area unoc-
cupied by structure shall prevail .
Subd. 6. Accessory Uses. In addition to those subordinate
uses which are clearly and customarily incidental to the principal
uses, such as driveways, parking areas and garages, the following
additional accessory uses shall be permitted:
A. In all districts, private recreational facilities,
including swimming pools and tennis courts, intended solely for the
use and enjoyment of the residents of the principal use and their
B. Shops and restaurants within multiple residence
compl exes of more than 100 units; provided they are accessibl e only
from the interior of the building, are intended sol ely for the use of
residents, and have no advertising or displ ay visibl e from the outside
of the building. Not more than five (5) percent of the gross floor
• area of the building in which it is located may be devoted to these
accessory uses.
Source: Ordinance No. 544
Effective Date: 6-26-81
Subd. 7. Conditional Uses. The following conditional
uses may be al lowed after revi en► by the P1 anning Commi ssion and appro-
val by the Council following the standards and procedures set forth in
this Chapter:
A. Residential facilities serving up to 25 persons.
B. Group foster homes.
C. Licenced � care facilities with a licensed capacity
ue to 16 ersons. —
Source: Ordinance No. 653
Effective Date: 4-12-85
(Sections 11.26 through 11.29, inclusive, reserved for future
• GOLDEN VALLEY CC 225 (6-30-88)
"Commercial Zoning District"
(Conditional Use List)
§ 11.30
• M. Class III restaurants, bars, night clubs, etc.
N. Sales, or show rooms (auto, machinery, boats, etc. )
0. Unattended business operations, such as vending
machines, coin or token operated machines and equipment, and other
simil ar uses.
P. Video game arcades.
Source: Ordinance No. 615
Effective Date: 5-25-84
Q. Heliports, as herein defined.
Source: Ordinance No. 643
Effective Date: 11-16-84
R. �-{�d- Care Facil iti es, as defined in this Chapter.
Source: Ordinance No. 712
Effective Date: 6-23-88
S. Marine Engine Repair.
Source: Ordinance No. 4, 2nd Seri es
Effective Date: 8-25-88
• Subd. 5. Restricted Uses. No premises shall be used
wholly or in part for the storage of any material whatsoever except
where such materials are stored in a building and where the character
of such building conforms with the general development of a Commercial
District and no building or premises in the Commercial District shall
be used for any kind of manufacture, repairing, alteration, converting
or finishing which uses mechanical power aggregating more than five
(5) horsepower per 2,000 feet of ground area. Ground area means the
total area of the lot or parcel of land on which a building using
mechanical power is located and not just the area of the part of the
lot or parcel of land actually covered by the building.
Subd. 6. Loading and Parking R equirenents. At least one
off-street loading and unloading area shall be provided for each busi-
ness establishment located within a Commercial Zoning District. Off-
street parking requir�nents for each use allowed in a Commercial
Zoning District shall be as follows:
A. Retail and Service Establ ishments - One (1) parking
space for each 150 square feet of retail floor space.
B. Storage - One (1) parking space for each 500 square
feet of floor space used for storage exclusively.
C. Office - One (1) parking space for each 250 square
• feet of gross floor space devoted to office use.
Source: Ordinance No. 569
Effective Date: 7-16-82
uOLDEN VALLEY CC 228 (6-30-89)
"Commercial Zoning District"
(Parking Requir�nents)
§ 11.30
M. Sal es Showroom (Motor Vehicl e, etc.) - At 1 east one
• (1) parking space for each three (3) enployees, plus one (1) parking
space for each 1,000 square feet of display area (inside and outside).
N. Mortuari es - At 1 east one (1) parking space for
each three (3) �nployees, plus one (1) parking space for each 400
square feet of area devoted to funeral service and/or display area.
' . D�y Care Facilities - At least one (1) arkin space for
each �nployee plus one 1 a� rking space for each eight 8 children or
adults enrolled in the facility.
Subd. 7. Yard Requirenents. Front yard, side and rear
yards shall be provided for all buildings within the Commercial Zoning
District as follows:
A. In the case of pr�nises abutting a public street,
front yard setbacks shal l be at 1 east 35 feet from the right-of-way ,
line of said street. All front yard setbacks shall be maintained as
1 andscaped green areas. Al l porti ons of a 1 ot, or parcel , abutti ng a
publ ic street shal l be deemed to be front yards.
6. Side and rear yard setbacks shall be provided as
• 1. In the case of premises adjoining a
Residential , R-2 Residential or Open Development Zoning District, side
and rear yards shall be not less than 50 in depth and width.
2. In the case of premises adjoining a Multipl e
Dwelling, Business and Professional Office, or Institutional Zoning
District, required side and rear yards shall not be less than 30 feet
in width and depth.
3. In the case of premises adjoining a
Commercial , Light Industrial , Industrial , Radio, or Railroad Zoning
District, required side and rear yards shall not be less than 20 feet
in depth or width.
4. One-half (1/2) of the required side and rear
yards, as measured from the lot 1 ine, shal l be 1 andscaped, pl anted and
maintained as a buffer zone.
Source: Ordinance No. 569
Effective Date: 7-16-82
Subd. 8. Lot Coverage. No building or structure, or
group thereof, shall occupy more than fifty (50) percent of the total
land area of any lot or parcel in a Commercial Zoning District.
• GOLDEN VALLEY CC 230 (6-30-88)
"Light Industrial Zoning District"
(Conditional Use List)
• § 11.35
A. Building materials y ard (including inside and out-
side storage.
B. Public garages for repairing and storing motor
vehicl es.
C. Laundri es and drycl eaning pl ants.
D. Animal hospital where domestic animals are received
for treatment, care and cure by a duly l icensed veterinary physici an
and surgeon in the customary and ordinary pursuit of his prof ession.
E. Bal l fi elds and other recreation facil iti es.
F. Research and development laboratories and pilot
pl ant operations incidental thereto.
G. Greenhouses with no outside storage, including an
outside growing area no 1 arger than the greenhouse building area.
Retail sales may be permitted only where located inside and incidental
to a whol esal e business.
H. Packaging and/or bottling of soft drinks or dairy
I. Bakeri es (commerci al-whol esal e).
J. Day care facil iti es
• . as defined in this chapter.
Source: Ordinance No. 546
Effective Date: 9-18-81
K. Health, fitness and/or exercise facil iti es,
including dance studio, gymnastic training, weight lifting studio,
aerobic exercise and gymnasiums.
Source: Ordinance No. 573
Effective Date: 8-27-82
L. Heliports, as herein defined.
Source: Ordinance No. 643
Effective Date: 11-16-84
M. Food packaging and processing that involves
cooking, heating, smoking, soaking or marinating procedures.
Source: Ordinance No. 664
Effective Date: 7-12-85
• �,�,,...: �...,;....�c�--P�e�-.--;�
uOLDEN VALLEY CC 233 (6-30-88)
"Light Industrial Zoning District"
(Parking Requirements)
§ 11.35
• Subd. 5. Prohibited Uses. No building, structure, or
1 and shall be used, and no building or structure shall be erected,
altered or enlarg�i which is intended or designed, for any of the
following uses:
A. Residenti al dwel l ings.
B. Hotels, motels, rooming houses, or tourist homes.
C. Institutional uses.
D. Retail commercial uses, such as shopping centers.
Subd. 6. Loading and Parking Requirenents. Off-street
loading facilities shall be provided for each place of business within
the Light Industrial Zoning District at the rate of one (1) loading
berth for each business, or one (1) loading berth for each 20,000
square feet of gross floor area, whichever is greater. Loading faci-
1 iti es shal l not be counted as parking spaces. Off-street parking
shall be provided as follows:
A. Offices - One (1) parking space for each 250 square
f eet of gross floor area, or fraction thereof.
B. Warehouse and Storage; Light Manufacturing,
• Packaging and Processing Facilities - One (1) parking space for each
500 square feet of gross floor area, or fraction thereof.
C. Da Care Facil iti es - At 1 east one � arkin �s ac�e
for each �en 10 ee, �s one 1 ap rking spac�or each eig t 8 ch-ildren
or aaults en�ol� in the facility.
Subd. 7. Yard Requirenents. Front yard, side yard and
rear yard setbacks shall be required in the Light Industrial Zoning
District as follows:
A. In the case of prenises abutting a public street
front yard setbacks shall be at 1 east 35 feet from the right-of-way
line of said street. All front yard setbacks shall be maintained as
1 andscaped green areas. In the case of corner lots all portions of
said lot abutting a publ ic street shall be deemed to be a front yard.
B. In the case of premises facing a Residential Zoning
District or an R-2 Zoning District across a public street, the y ard
abutting that street shall not be 1 ess than 75 feet from the right-of-
way 1 ine of the street to the structure.
C. Other side and rear yard setbacks shall be as
1. In the case of premises adjoining a Residential
• Zoning District or an R-2 District required side and rear yard set-
backs shall be not 1 ess than 100 feet in depth.
GOLDEN VALLEY CC 234 (6-30-88)
"Industrial Zoning District"
(Conditional Use List)
§ 11.36
� Subd. 4. Conditional Uses. The following conditional
uses may be allowed after revi c� by the P1 anning Commission and appro-
val by the Council following the standards and procedures set forth in
thi s Chapter:
A. All conditional uses as provided for in the Light
Industrial Zoning District.
B. Car wash.
C. Structures and prenises for automobile, or other
motor vehicl e sal es and showrooms, with incidental accessory service
and repair facilities.
D. Gasol ine service stations.
E. Bul k storage of gas, fuel oil , chemical s, and other
liquid or solid materials which may be considered hazardous or toxic.
F. Mortuaries.
G. Off-street parking lots for adjacent Commercial or
Industri al uses.
H. Outdoor sales including motor vehicle and equipment
r ent al .
I. Drive-in retail establishments, such as banks,
cl eaners, photo shops, restaurants (Cl ass II), and simil ar uses.
J. Unattended business operations, such as vending
• machines and equipment.
K. T enporary structures such as tents or air-supported
L. Railroad yards, railroad tracks and rights-of-way
in such yards, railroad shops, round houses, and any other use which
shall be for railroads.
M. Automobile repair shops, auto body repair and/or
painting, and auto cleaning and reconditioning.
Source: Ordinance No. 641
Effective Date: 11-16-84
N. Heliports, as herein defined.
Source: Ordinance No. 643
Effective Date: 11-16-84
. ,
Source: Ordinance No. 712
Effective Date: 6-23-88
Subd. 5. Building Height. No building or structure,
other than water tanks, water towers and 1 ighting fixtures, shall be
• erected to exceed a height of forty-five (45) feet in the
G�OLDEN VALLEY CC 237 (6-30-88)
"Industrial Zoning District"
(Parking Requirenents)
§ 11.36
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Subd. 8. Access Drivc�ays.
A. Distance of Driveway From Street Intersection. The
minimum distance of the driveway from a street intersection shall be
50 feet; provided, however, that if in the opinion of the City
Engineer present or projected traffic conditions warrant a greater
minimum distance then such greater distance shall be required.
B. Minimum Distance Between Driveways. Minimum
distance between drivc�vays shall be 25 feet at the curb cut.
C. Minimum Driveway Angl e to the Street. Minimum
driveway angl e to the street shal l be 60 degrees, unl ess otherwi se
approved by the City Engineer.
D. Minimum Distance Between a Driveway and Adjacent
• Property. Minimum distance between a driveway and the adjacent pro-
perty 1 ine shall be 5 feet at the curb cut.
Subd. 9. Landscaping and Screening.
, A. A71 required yards shall be 1 andscaped according to
a 1 andscape pl an approved by the Building Board of Revi ew.
B. A solid screen, consisting of either a solid fence
or wal l not 1 ess than 6 feet in height, or a pl anted 1 andscape screen
providing at 1 east 90 percent opacity and at 1 east 6 feet in height at
the time of planting, shall be installed and maintained along all pro-
perty lines separating an Industrial Zoning District from any
Residential , Multiple Dwelling, or Institutional Zoning District.
C. Al l waste materi al , debri s, refuse, junk or damaged
vehicles shall be either kept entirely within an enclos�l building, or
compl etely screened from publ ic streets and adjacent property.
D. In the Industrial Zoning District, no materials or
equipment shall be stored outside, unless screened in such a manner as
not to be visible from adjacent properties or streets. No storage
shall be permitted within the required landscaped area.
Sourc e: Ord i nanc e No. 551
Effective Date: 9-11-81
• GOLDEN VALLEY CC 240 (6-30-88)
P �
"Business/Prof. Offices Zoning District"
§ 11.45
• Subd. 7. Lot Area. No building or other structure
located in this zoning district shall be located on a parcel of land
that is less than one acre in area or less than 100 feet in width.
Source: Ordinance No. 541
Effective Date: 5-8-81
Subd. 8. Conditiona1 Uses.
A. Conditions. In addition to those uses specifically
classified and permitted within this district, there are certain uses
which may be allow�l in a Business and Professional Offices District
because of their unusual characteristics or the service they provide
to the public. These conditional uses require particular con-
siderations as to their proper location in relation to adjacent
established or intended uses, or to the planned development of the
City. The conditions controlling the location and operation of such
conditional uses are established under Section 11.80 of this Chapter.
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Source: Ordinance No. 712
Effective Date: 6-23-88
• B. Authority. The Council shall have the authority,
after having received the recommendations of the Planning Commission,
to permit the following types of the conditional uses of land or
structures, or both, within a Business and Professional Offices
District, if the Council finds that the proposed location and
establishment of any such use will be desirable or necessary to the
public convenience or welfare and will be harmonious and compatible
with other uses adjacent to andin the vicinity of the selected site.
1. Buildings and structures exceeding three (3)
stories in height, subject to the provisions of Subdivision 5,
Subparagraph A, It an 2, and Subparagraph B, above, and all other
applicable provisions of this Chapter.
2. Recreational facil iti es such as bal l fi elds,
swimming pools and playgrounds.
3. D�ytime activity centers and/or other facili-
ties providing school and/or training for retarded or handicapped
peopl e.
4. Financial institutions, including drive-in
5. Limited retail services within a professional
office building.
Source: Ordinance No. 541
Effective Date: 5-8-81
G�OLDEN VALLEY CC 246 (6-30-88)
(Conditional Use List)
"Institutional Zoning District"
§ 11.45
• 6. Heliports, as herein defined.
7. Other uses which, in the opinion of the
Council , are compatibl e with the uses specifically described above.
8. � Care Facilities, as defined in this chapter.
Source: Ordinance No. 643
Effc�ctive Date: 11-16-84
Subd. 1. Purpose. The purpose of the Institutional Zoning
District is to establish areas where both public and private institu-
tional uses such as schools, hospitals, parks, golf courses, nursing
homes and public buildings may be located.
Subd. 2. District Established. Properties shall be
established within the Institutional Zoning District in the manner
provided for in S ection 11.90, Subd. 3 of this Chapter, and when thus
established shall be incorporated in this Section 11.46, Subd. 2 by
an ordinance which makes cross-reference to this Se�tion 11.46 and
which shall become a part hereof and of S ection 11.10, Subd. 2
thereof, as fully as if set forth herein. In addition, the �-e
Institutional �- Zoning Districts thus established, and/or any sub-
• sequent c anges to the same which shall be made and established in a simi-
lar manner, shall be reflected in the official zoning map of the City as
provided in Section 11.11 of this Chapter.
Subd. 3. Uses Permitted.
A. The following uses shall be permitted in the I-1
Institutional Zoning Sub-District:
1. Churches.
2. Schools, public and parochial , exc epting
colleges, seminaries and other institutes of higher �iucation.
3. � Care Facilities, as defined in this chapter.
B. The following uses shall be permitted in the I-2
Institutional Zoning Sub-District:
1. Publ ic and private 1 ibrari es.
2. Mus eums.
3. Col l eges, s eni n ari es and oth er i nsti tutes of
higher education.
C. The following uses shall be permitted in the I-3
Institutional Zoning Sub-District:
1. Rest homes, sanitaria, nursing homes, clinics
• and other buildings incidental to the operation thereof.
D. The following uses shall be permitted in the I-4
Institutional Zoning Sub-District:
uOLDEN VALLEY CC 247 (6-30-88)
"Institutional Zoning District"
§ 11.46
� 1. Golf courses, country clubs and polo fields,
excepting those carried on as a business such as miniature golf
2. Parks, playgrounds, City offices, fire sta-
tions, and other lands incidental to the operation of the City.
E. The following uses shall be permitted in the I-5
Institutional Zoning Sub-District:
1. Cemeteri es.
Subd. 4. Conditional Uses. The following uses may be
allowed in the following Institutional Zoning Sub-Districts when
approved by the Council in accordance with the provisions of this
A. Congregate Housing - Housing for the elderly, pro-
viding at least one prepared meal per day, in a common dining room.
Such housing may also provide certain medical and social services over
and above what might be provided in a standard elderly apartment
complex. Congregate housing may be allowed as a Conditional Use only
within the I-3 Institutional Zoning Sub-District.
B. Elderly Housing - Housing (either subsidized or
. unsubsidized) specifically designed and built for occupancy by elder
persons in much the same way that standard multi-family dwellings
might be built and managed, but not providing th e sam e services as
congregate housing, may be allowed as a Conditional Use only within
the I-3 Institutional Zoning Sub-District.
C. Hospitals and out-patient surgical facilities may
be allowed as a Conditional Use only within the I-3 Institutional
Zoning Sub-District.
D. Lodge halls and private clubs may be allowed as a
Conditional Use only within the I-3 Institutional Zoning Sub-District.
Source: Ordinance No. 567
Effective Date: 5-28-82
E. R esidential facilities only within the I-3
Institutional Zoning Sub-District.
Source: Ordinance No. 653
Effective Date: 4-12-85
F. £�1� Day-care facilities may also be permitted as
a Conditional Use within the d--}; I-2, I-3 and/or I-4 Institutional
Zoning Sub-Districts.
• Source: Ordinance No. 567
Effective Date: 5-28-82
GOLDEN VALLEY CC 248 (6-30-88)
"Institutional Zoning District"
§ 11.46
� G. Heliports, as herein defined.
H. Such other uses which, in the opinion of the
Council , are reasonably compatible with th e uses specifically
described in Subdivision 3, above, may be permitted as a Conditional
Use in any of the four Institutional Zoning Sub-Districts set forth
abov e.
Source: Ordinance No. 643
Effective Date: 11-16-84
Subd. 5. Height. No building or structure other than
water tanks, water tank towers and 1 i ghti ng fixtures, shal l be erected
to exceed three (3) stories in height in the Institutional Zoning
District. Church spires, belfries, chimneys and architectural finials
may be permitted to exceed the maximum provisions of this Section when
erected in accordance with this Chapter.
Source: Ordinance No. 609
Effective Date: 11-11-83
Subd. 6. Use of Land. For the purpose of maint aining
the character of this Zoning District, no buildings or structures
shall occupy more than twenty-five (25) percent of the area of the lot
or prenises.
• Subd. 7. Loading and Parking. Adequate areas for off-
street loading and unloading of trucks and service vehicles shall be
provided in each Institutional Zoning District. The minimum number
of off-street parking spaces provided in each Institutional Zoning
District shall be as follows:
A. I-1 Institutional Sub-District - One (1) parking
space shall be provided for each three (3) units of seating capacity
in churches and schools. � care facilities located within churches or
schools do not need se arate arkin in addition to the standard church or
school requirements. — — —
B. I-2 Institutional Sub-District - For libraries and
museums, at least one parking space for each four (4) units of seating
capacity shall be provided. Coll eges, saninari es and other institutes
of higher education shall provide at 1 east one (1) parking space for
each four (4) units of seating capacity, or one (1) parking space for
each four (4) students based on total enrollment, whichever is
C. I-3 Institutional Sub-District - Lodge halls and
private clubs shall provide one (1) parking space for each two and
one-half (2-1/2) seats based on maximum capacity design. One (1)
parking space shall be provided for each three (3) enploy ees, plus one
(1) parking space for each four (4) beds in hospitals, sanitaria, rest
homes, and nursing homes. For clinics (medical or dental ) and out-
� patient treatment facilities one (1) parking space for each three (3)
�nploy ees, plus one (1) space for each doctor and one (1) parking
space per each 250 square feet of gross floor
GOLDEN VALLEY CC 249 (6-30-88)
"Institutional Zoning District"
(Parking Requirements)
§ 11.46
• area shall be required. For congregate and/or eld erly housing, one
(1) parking space shall be provided for every two (2) dwelling units.
Such spaces may be uncovered. Group homes, and residences and/or
treatment facil iti es for ch�nical ly dependent persons, shall provide
one (1) parking space for each four (4) beds, plus one (1) parking
space for each three (3) employ ees, and one (1) parking space for each
resident vehicl e.
D. I-4 Institutional Sub-District - One (1) parking
space shall be provided for each five (5) patrons based on holding
capacity for golf courses, country clubs, or polo fields. In addi-
tion, one (1) parking space for each three (3) e�nployees shall also be
provided. City offices shall be provided with off-street parking on
a basis of one (1) parking space for each three (3) enploy ees, plus
adequate parking to accommodate visitors having business at City offi-
ces. Fire stations and other simil ar facil iti es shall provide at
1 east one (1) parking space for each two (2) on-duty personnel based
on maximum personnel per shift.
E. I-5 Institutional Sub-District - Adequate off-
street parking shall be provided for visitors and enploy ees at ceme-
teries located within this Zoning Sub-District.
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� care facil iti es not located within churches or
schools shall rovide at least one 1 arkin s ace for each enployee,
plus one�� arkin space for each eight 8 children or adults enrolled
in the facility. —
Source: Ordinance No. 567
Effective Date: 5-28-82
Subd. 8. Yard Requirements. Side and rear yards in the
Institutional Zoning District shall not be less than 50 f eet in width
and depth, of which at 1 east 25 feet adj acent to the property 1 ine
shall be landscaped and maintained as a buffer zone.
Source: Ordinance No. 609
Effective Date: 11-11-83
Subd. 9. Front Y ards. No building or structure in an
Institutional Zoning District shall be located less than 35 f eet from
the property line abutting a public street. All portions of a parcel
of 1 and abutti ng a publ ic street shal l be regarded as front yards.
All front y ards shall be planted, and landscaped, and shall cont ain no
off-street parking.
Source: Ordinance No. 567
Effective Date: 5-28-82
• (Sections 11.47 through 11.49, inclusive, reserved for future
G�OLDEN VALLEY CC 250 (6-30-88)
§ 11.70
� Subd. 1. Required Ratios. Where the number of required
parking spaces is measured by the number of �nployees or seating capa-
city, such employment or seating capacity sMall be determined for peak
gnployment or maximum capacity.
Subd. 2. Adjacent Parking Areas. Where parking space
cannot be reasonably provided on the same lot with the principal use,
the Council may permit such space to be located on other off-street
property in a similar or heavier zoning category, located within five
hundred (500) feet of the permitted use, measured along lines of
public access.
Subd. 3. Loading Docks and Berths. In Commercial , Light
Industrial , Industrial and Terminal Warehouse Zone Districts, truck
berths and/or loading docks for loading and unloading of goods or
wares shall be provided on the same lot or parcel for each building
designed to be used for these purposes. Where truck berths are pro-
vided inside the building such area shall not be included in the total
floor area used for determining the required number of such berths,
nor for parking space requirenents.
Subd. 4. General Requir�nent. For any and all uses or
structures not specifically provided for, such parking space as the
Council shall determine to be necessary shall be required, considering
• all the parking generating factors involved.
Subd. 5. Change in Requir�nents. Whenever after the
effective date of this Section there is a change in the number of
enployees, or business visitors, or in the lawful use of the premises,
or in any other unit of ineasur�nent specified in this Section; and
whenever such change creates a need for an increase in more than 15
percent of the number of off-street parking spaces as determined by
the requirements of this Section, the additional off-street parking
facilities shall be provided within a reasonable time on the basis of
the adjusted needs, as determined by this Section.
Subd. 6. Mixed Uses. In the case of mixed uses, the
parking facilities required shall generally be the sum of the requir�nents
for the various individual uses, compute� separately in accordance with
this Chapter. Exce t as specifically rovided for individual uses wihtin
each zonin9 district or subdistrict, �arking facilities for one use shall
not be considered as providing the required parking facilities for any
oth er us e.
Subd. 7. Design Standards.
A. All off-street automobile parking facilities shall
be designed with appropriate means of vehicular access to a street or
alley and with maneuvering areas.
. GOLDEN VALLEY CC 288 (6-30-88)