02-09-81 PC Agenda � Golden Valley Planning Cor�nission
February 9, 1981
(Civic Center, 7800 Golden Valley Road)
7�30 p.m.
I . Approval of the Minutes - January 26, 1981
I1 . Review and Discussion of the Planning Commission's Duties and
1 • 1937 Ordinance creating a Planning Commission
2. Ordinance No. 488, March 19, 1979 (Advisory Boards and
3• Motion by the City Council approving list of duties of the
Planning Commission
III . Review and Discussion of Planning Commission By-laws, with emphasis
• on Section pertaining to attendance.
IV. Discussion of the Number of Members that the Planning Commission
should have.
_ V. Review and Discussion of Ideas for continuing Education for the
Planning Commission.
VI . Report on City Council Meeting - February 3, 1981 •
� Minutes of the Golden Valley
Planning Cortmission
January 26, 1981
A regular meeting of the Planning Commission was held at 7:30 p.m. in the
Council Chambers of the Civic Center, 7800 Golden Valley Road, Golden Valley,
Minnesota. Chairperson Forster called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.
Those present were Commissioners : Forster, Moede, Polachek, Sehlin and
Commissioners Eastes, Hughes, and Specktor were absent.
Also present was Michael Miller, Director of Planning � Redevelopment, and
Martin Farreli , Rssistant City Planner.
I . Approval of the Minutes - January 12, 1981 •
It was moved by Thompson, seconded by Moede and carried unanimously to
approve the minutes of the January 12, 19�1 Planning Commission meeting.
II . Request for Waiver of Ptatting Ordinance.
APPLICANT: Luke K. T. Lam � Sytvia N. Lam
� LOCATION: 23rd Avenue North � Winnetka Avenue
• REQUEST: Subdivide three residential lots into two
larger residential lots.
Martin Farrelt briefly explained the Staff report and recommended that the
Planning Commission give favorable consideration to the request for the
waiver of the Platting Ordinance.
Luke Lam, 3057 Patton Road, Roseville, Minnesota, owns the property. He
addressed the Commission and stated that the west section of the lot would
. be sold to the resident on the corner of 23rd Avenue and Valders Avenue.
The east •section of the lot would be combined with the corner lot on
Winnetka and 23rd Avenue. This corner lot could eventually house a duplex
on the site.
It was maved by Moede, seconded by Thompson and carried unanimously to
recommend a waiver of the platting ordinance.
111 . Review and Discussion of the Ca ital Im rovements Pro ram for Years
19 0-1984.
Commissioner Thompson questioned the time that would be involved Tn the
construction of Laurel Avenue. He then stated that the lJisconsin Avenue
extension was not going to be completed. He then suggested that the time
� and money involved with the tOth Avenue extensi.on be used in another project.
� Page Z
Minutes of the Golden Valley Planning Commission
January 26, 1981
It was moved by Thompson, seconded by Sehlin, and carried unanimously that
the Planning Commission suggest that the 1981 project (I) Laurel Avenue
Improvement (XenialColorado) be combined with the 1982 project (F) Lauret
Avenue Improvement (Colorado/Jersey) into one project.
Commissioner Moede then questioned the proposed use of the Park Improvement
expenditures. Mike Miller answered the question stating that the funds
were set up for general park improvements throughout the City.
It was then moved by Moede, seconded by Thompson, and carried unanimously
that the Planning Commission recommend an additional program in 1982 that
would appropriate an additional $50,000 for park improvements that would
be used to upgrade Lyons Park.
Commissioner Sehlin stated that she would like the Planning Commission
to receive the Capital Improvement Program for comment and review as soon
as it is availabte in the future.
IV. Report on the January 20, 1980 City Council Meeting.
Commissioner Moede represented the Planning Commission in place of Commissioner
� Forster at the January 20, 1981 City Council Meeting.
Moede questioned the council 's intent when they motioned to have "the Housing
Policy implemented by the Ptanning Commission" and stated she would like
the _Council ' s intent by this motion more clearly defined. Thompson then
suggested that this matter be discussed at the next Council-Planning Commission
V. Report on the January 13, 19�1 HRA Meeting
Dave Thompson attended the January meeting of the HRA. He briefed the
Commission on the Ptanning Commission and City Council sub-�committee.
Thompson then requested that the Commission discuss the St. Cloud State
University seminar at the February 9, 1981 Planning Commission meeting.
He also suggested that the Commission discuss their By-laws at the same
The Comprehensive Plan was then discussed. It was moved by Moede, seconded
by Thompson and carried unanimously to recommend hand delivering the notices
of the public hearing on the Comprehensive Plan that the Planning Commission
will hold on March 9, 1g81 .
Martin Farrell presented the City's Year VII preliminary application for use
of Communi ty Development Block Grant �t�d-s:—Staff recortunended the funds
� be used to write down land acquisition costs for a low and moderate income
housing project.
Page 3
� Minutes of the Golden Valley Ptanning Commission
January 26, 1981
lt was moved by Thompson, seconded by Sehlin and unanimously carried to
approve the application for GDBG funds as presented by staff.
Commissioner Moede requested that the staff inemo on the Council meeting
be changed to reflect her attendance at the January 20, 1981 City Council
Respectfully submitted,
William Forster, Chairperson Martin Farrell , Recording Secretary
February 2, 1981
T0: Golden Valley Planning Commission
FROM: Mike Miller, Ptanning � Redevelopment Coordinator
SUBJECT: Review and Discussion of the Planning Commission 's Duties
and Responsibitities
At the request of the Chair, and other members of the Planning
Commission, the review and discussion of the duties and responsi-
bilities of the Planning Commission has been placed on the agenda
for the February 9th meeting.
To aid Commission members in preparing for this discussion, the
following items are provided:
t . Minnesota Statutes 462.354 (Subdivision 1) relating to
the Planning Commission.
� 2. Section 240:00 Resolution Creating a Planning Commission,
Ju1y 19, 1937•
3. Motion with �Duties of Ptanning Commission, December, 1979•
4. Ordinance No. 488, An Ordinance Amending the City Code
(Advisory Boards and Commissions) May 21 , 1979•
;, ,pi,ANQNRVG,ZOP1�11G 5554 5655 HO1�ING, .P1/�Il�ID11G.ZON�IG �2..�b4
NNIVIQPAL PLANNING fficipelity,aud such other infonnation on�tal�o��as may be pertinen�•
Subd. 10. "OHidal map" means a map ado�d in ac�rd�nce wlth section
�AL PiA11Il1IDNG A11ID DEVII�OPNID1Tf; STAIFIYY�EI1iI' OF 46L.359 show9ng eroistinB�P���streets and the area needed for wid-
tture Rnds that m�mid Ues are faced with mwmting problema in of e�oLctinB�S of the munidpality.An offlcial map may also show the loca-
'gui�ng future develop ent of land so as to insure a sater.aare �of eaisting aad future publlc land and fadHties wlUrin the munidpalitY.in coun-
economical envimnment for resident3at.�a1,iadustrial and ties in t6e metroP�lltan azea as detined in ae�ion 473B.02�subdivis3on 1,official maps
9 to promote t6e puhllc health,safetY.morals and general welfare. meY fa�r aperiod of up to five yeats�te the boundaries of areas reserved for
prepare for antldpated changes and by such preparations bring o�'s�il���,��'�PPjY�°�flood c�r�trol and surface
rvings in both prlvate and pubBc expendltures.MimiciP�P��t►8, wa�drainege and removal iacludinB epproP���°���areas
guides to future munidpal action,enables other public and private apinst encmachment by buildings.othe�'PbY���ar fadlities.
ieir activities in hannony wlth the munidpalit�s plans. Munidpal Subd. 11.°Guvernin6body in the case of dties means the council by whatever
in developing lands more wisely to serve citizens more effectively� ��pR,p,epd in the cese of a town,means the town board
[slon of public services leas castly,and will achieve a more secure � Ig�,S c GIO s 2;19?3 c 123 art 5 s 7,•1974 c 3l7 s 2]
wrpose of sections 462.351 to 462.364 W provide municipalities,in
iw, with the neces.sary powers end a �miform procedure for ade- qgl,$B3 ALTfHORP11'TO PLAN.Subdiv3sion 1. Gene�s�aut6orttY. A munld-
and implementing muaicipal planning. ��mp�rehensive mimidpal P�activities for guidin8 the fu-
'1 l t�develoPment eud improver�°t of the muaicipality and maY PreP�e�g�OP�and
amend a c�ehensive��P�an and implement such Plan bY ord�a�ce and
of sections 462.351 to af!►er of6dal actions in accardance with t�Provisions of se�iaas 462.351 to 462.364.
F'D1II710NS.Subdivlsion 1.For the purposes ����R,����vision 1, a
lefined'm this seckion have the meanings�ven them Subd 2. �ml rePort% � � �es�and other ll-
m�miciPalitY maY coIIed end analYie data.PreP8ie���m����Y maY P�llcize
vd�cy°�anv a�y.�,�e acy o�si��r a no� �ons ana a�v�rs.���matters• maY.distribute reports
oy towm having the powers of statutory cities pursuant to sectian ��azid may�dvlse�the PubUc on the P��t�wlttun the scoPe of its
duties and obJedives.
nning eBen�Y'�means the P�B�►tission or tl�Plannin8 de` Subd.3. and aoatrseta A mlmic3paNtY maY aPProPnate moneys
p� fund not�to oth�purposes in order to finance ks plamm�g activi-
fd LY• �mimtidpal+tY�r*eceive azid�67�°u ana gtfts for vlanning purpos�s
end may enter inW c�h"acts wft6 ihe a�state Bovernm�ts�with other
�or �r fo�r the approval of�f�within m�mid� public or private ag�cies in fu�therance of the PlanninB a��tles authorized bY sec-
ff plal�ig wntrol. tions 462.351 w 4G1.364.
[ I8G5c670s3)
aprehensive municipal plan••m�ns a compilation of policy state- ,�gy„4g4 pRGAAD7J►'RON FOR PLAlVl1IING-Snlxlinsion 1. ��Y•
lards.and maps for guicLng the physical,social and economic devel- A mumldpality may bY chart� or a�inaitce create a Plannin8 eBen�Y• A planning
te and public,of t6e municipality and Its environs and mey include. agency created by ordinance meY be abolished by two-i6ird�vote of all the members
o,the following:statemenu of po8cies.Boals.standards�a land use of the BoverninB bodY.The plamm�g aBen�Y�be advlsorY,excePt as�rt�or
� facilities plan, a transporcatron plan, az►d rec�v�ndatians for �d duties are imp�d��bY sections 462.351 to 462.364,bY s�atute.bY
romprnhensive plan represems the planninS agency's n�m�n�da- by,�c�nsistent wlth Ute munlcapal�erter.The plesnin8 agen�Y�Y take the
development of the commumty. following eltemative forms:
(1)It may cons�of a plannin8 cosnmis��.wh��h may aa may not include mu-
id use plan"means a compilation of poHcy stateaients.Soals.etan- its members•'Ihe P�ann�B����Y be Provtded w9th
ea ��y�o���g overn-
md action progams for guiding the future development of private �{which maY be a division of the administrative�epne of the municiP�B
y.The term includes a plan d�i�sung types of uses for the ent3re ��Zhe�on shall be advieory�UY to the governinB bodY.
!ll as a spedallud plan showing specific areas or specific types of t with a planning commission advi-
; residential. commercial. industrial. Publlc or aemi-public uses or (2)]t may consist of 8 P��P�n•
f such uses. s�y to it and shall functiai as a�t a�n�y be p������u-
muni«pal administratlon.The PlanninS�Pe*tme
tive director and other ataff as in the case of other�d������ Y
msportation plan"means a compilation of policy s[atements,goals, of an munic[•
nd action pro�ams for guiding the future development of the vari- Subd.2. Boatd d sd1��s a��PP�' �,����p�p�vide
sportation of the municipality and its eavirons such as streets and pality adoPtinS oz t�aviug�n effecc a z°ning°rd�ance wers
'ansit,railroads, sir transportatlon. WckinB and water traaspone- by�nance for a board of appeals and adjustments.ltie boazd shall have the po
a ma or t6oro are lan. s�forth in s�ectlon 462.357.�ibNvison 6 aad seaim►462.359,subdivisian 4.E7ccept
J � P as otherwise Pi'uvlded bY���gO°���y°�y�°�de alternatively that
mmunity facilitles plan"means a comp�at3an of policY statements, th�e be a separete board of appeals and ad�usunems or that ihe gu�ertin8 b°d�'or
oomcm.ssion or a committ.ee of the plennin8 coa¢nies�on serve as the
naps and action progams for guiding the future development of the �e P��►S g� ��appro�iate name for the
blic facilid� of the municipality such as recreational. educetional board of appeais azu1 adju�ments�and��y P�O� � �ct
ies. board The board may be giv�such other duties as the governinB bodY Y
1n an5'mutdcipal�tY where the council does not serve as the board.the govertdng
�Pa ffiat the decisions of the
ipltal improvement program" means an itemized progam settlnB �Y�Y.��as uRherwise�ded b3'chart��� revlew or ere final
ana aetails of c lacea ubHc rovements by flscal eoara an maeters Wic►�in tts j�ls��on are snal subiecc co iu�de!
specifi contea►P P �P cial review or ace advisory
h their estimated cost.the justification for each improvement,the subject w appeal to the�boerd�'e a�ppeals and ad]+�•^�^�.s6a11 be held within
mprovements will have on the current operating expense of the mu- to the oo4mcil.Hearin�bp
. � _ - z::. _: _ __ -
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�` _
Section 240:00
Section 240 - Plannina Commission
;' Section 240:00. Resolution Creatin4 a Planninq Comnission.
(Sk�own for reference only)
WHEREAS - The Village Council of Golden Valley has made application
to the Works Progress Administration ta approve a project for the
Making and Planning of the Village of Goltlen Valley and -
H�IEREAS - the 1937 Regular Session of Minnesota State Legislature has
enacted a law known as Chapter 287 of the Session Laws of 1937 auth-
orizing wnicipalities to set up Planning Commissions� -
TF�REFaRE� Be It Resolved that the Village Council of Golden Valley
do in conformity vrlth the Laws 1937, Chapter 287� set up a Planning
Commission� said Planning Comnission to consist of not less than
seven and not more than twenty members, said Comnission to have full
authority under the act.
� � � (Resolution adopted July 19� 1937.)
.. .
�. _. � ,,. � �
� .'�
�� � � �
� � Motion wtth Duties of Planning Comnission
The ordinance establishing the Planning Commission has several charges and general
duties giving direction to the Cortmission. The City Council by motion approves
� the following list of duties which amplifies and/or gives more specific direction
to the Planning Cortmission.
The Planning Commission shall :
a. Review specific development proposals made by private developers and public
b. Review and make recortmendations on proposed rezonings, subdivision plans,
amendments to the zoning text, platting regulations and variances and
similar items having to be with admintstration and regulatory measure.
c. Conduct special studies deating wtth items such as renewal , civic design,
maintenance of a suitable living and working environment, economic conditions,
etc. These studies may be conducted at the initiative of the Planning Cortenission
and�or specific direction from the City Council .
d. Review major public capital improvement plans against the policy and goals
stated in the comprehensive development plan for the area.
e. Advise and make recommendations in matters relating to housing and community
development not covered by other statements of responsibilities such as:
1 . Make recommendations to t�he City Council on the use of funds
received through the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974.
@ 2. Make recort�nendations to the City Council on the City's participation
in other Federal , State, Metropolitan Council , County and Multi-City
Housing and Community Development programs.
f. Advise and make recommendations in matters relating to and affecting the
e�vironment such as:
1 . Taking into account environmental concerns and the impact on the
environrt�nt of any Planning Commission recor�nended actions.
2. To c�perate with and:coordinate envi�onmental prop�sals and programs
with other city groups and Federal , State, Metro, County and other
municipal groups.
3• To make such reviews of land reclamation, filling, excavation and
grading applications as are required by City ordinance or referred
to the Commission by the Council ; provided that no review or
� recortmendation shall remove or limit the right of a property
owner in accordance with City ordinances and the statutes and
iconstitution of the State cf Mfnnesota.
.� Council Policies and Programs
Following are policies and programs adopted by and/or supported by the Golden
Valley Council . The Planning Cortunnission will be involved in implementing
these. Members of the Planning Commission should understand these are City
� policy and should be able to work toward their implementation.
1. Valley Square Redevelopment Plan. The Council has adopted the Valley
Square Redevelopment Plan. It is commited to some public initiated
redevelopment. It is commited to working with the private sector to
effect private reinvestment and revitalization of the area.
2. North Wirth Parkway Redevelopment Plan. The Council has adopted the North
Wirth Parkway Redevelopment Plan. As in Valley Square, the Council is
comrnited to some public involvement but also to encouraging and allowing
redevelopment and reinvestment by the private sector.
�i, 3. Housing Policy. The Council is commited to and supportive of a housing
I policy and implementation program which provides for diversity in both
' the cost of housing available in Golden Valley and in types of housing
available (single family, duplex, townhouse, multi-family) .
� � N� 284
(Advisory Boards and Commissions)
The City Council for the City of Golden Valley does hereby
ordain as follows:
Section 1. The City Code is hereby amended in Section 170
' thereof by deleting therefrom, in its present form and entirety,
', Section 170:04, and by enacting and substituting in lieu of the
', same the foltowing:
', "Section 170:04. Park and Recreation Cortxnission.
I There is hereby created a Golden Valley Park and
Recreation Commission consisting of not more than
' nine (g) members, whose duties shall be, not as
individual members, but as a body to advise,
recortmend, and assist the Council in matters
relating to parks, recreation, and open space
programs of the City.
1. The Commission shall periodically review the
Comprehensive Plan as to its consistency and
feasibility regarding:
�� a. Open space needs.
ib. Park and Recreation programs.
2. The Commission shall develop policy and plans
subject to approval by the Council for:
� a. Park and recreation programs.
b. Use of open space.
3. The Commission shall prepare and periodically
update an assessment of current programs
- a. Open space.
b. Park and recreation.
4. The Commission shall prepare and periodically
, update an assessment of future needs regarding:
' a. Parks and recreation.
', b. Open Space.
5. The Commission shall advise the Council on policy
' and cooperative agreements with other public and
private agencles, groups, or individuals relative
to recreation programs.
� .
. � N`-' 28�:
6. The Commission shall advise the Council
� on policy matters of budget and capital
outlay of the following funds:
a. Parks and recreation.
b. Brookview.
c. Public Land Fund."
Section 2. The City Code is further amended in Section 170
by deleting therefrom, in fts present form and entirety, Section 170:05.
and by enacting and substituting in lieu thereof the follcwing:
"Section 17:05• Planning Commission. There
is hereby created a Golden Valley Planning
Commission consisting of n^.-�-- `��f yP �;� ;�; � ��,
1FR�"� nn r �ry r ♦L. } 7 a_ `1 9� ��J
.+r -r..� ...
. �
�.1.�4F� '
� S
�f�ac�-t-r-���ro�, he duties of which commission
� shall be not as individual members, but as a body,
to advice, recortrcnend, and assist the Council in
matters relating to planning and growth of the
City: This shall include matters relating to the
social , economic and physical environment.
1 . The Planning Commission shall develop and
• make recomrnendations to maintain, on an up
to date basis, the comprehensive plan for
the City.
2. The Planning Cortrtuoission shall develop and
make recommendations to mafntain, on an up
to date bas i s, the 1 and use regu]at i ons�= ��. -�=:°j
needed to implement the comprehensive plan. '
3. The Planning Commission shall develop and
make recommendations for policies on other
matters related to the social , economic and
physical environment that are not included
in the comprehensive plan.
4. The Planning Commission shall carry out such
other functions or pracedures as may be
assigned by other city ordinance or the City
Council ."
Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in full
farce from and after May 21 , 1979• Section 2 of this ordinance shall
take effect from and after passage and publication of this ordinance.
Passed by the City Council of the City of Golden Valley this
19th day of March, 1979•
ATTEST• Robert R. Hoover, Mayor
� February 3, 1981
T0: Golden Valley Planning Commission
FROM: Mike Miller, Planning � Redevelopment Coordinator
SUBJECT: Review and Discussion of the By-laws of the Planning
At the request of the Councit-Planning Commission Subcommittee, the
review and discussion of the By-laws of the Planning Commission, with
emphasis on the section pertaining to attendance, has been placed
on the Commission's agenda for the February 9th meet+ng. The City
Council would appreciate any recommendations relative to any By-law
changes that the Commission might wish to make. Any changes or
amendments to the By-laws must be made in accordance with Section 17
of said By-laws.
, .. • • ��
. l'f
s �
Section 1 . The annual meeting of the City Planning Correnission shall be tfie second
regular meeting in March of each year. .
Section 2. Re,gular meetings of the Commission shall be held at 7:30 P.M. on the
second and fourth Monday of each month. Attendance is required at all
� mee_ tinc�s� Absence from a �third �of the regularTy scheduled meetings in
any one year shall constitute unds for automa ic reviea� of inem 's
. a in_men y t e ouncil . ,��
Section 3. Special meetings may be called by the Chair whenever he/she deems the
same expedient. Special meetings shall be called whenever three memb�rs
request the same in t�riting.
Section 4. The members may adjaurn from time to time, a bsentees being notified
thereof, and in case there shall be no quorum present on the day fixed
for a regular, adjourned or special meeting, the members present may
. adjourn from time to time until a quorum be obtained, or may adjourn
said meeting sine die. A ma�ority of the membership of the Camnission
shall canstitute a quorum.
Section 5. Each menber shall be notified at least forty-eight hours previous to.
� � any special meeting, of the time, place, and purpose of the same.
Said notice shall be given by the Secretary, and shall be served
- personally, or in writing by mail postmarked at least forty-eight hours
before the time appointed for such meeting.
Section 6. No business shall be transacted at any special m�eting �ather than that
named in the call thereof, except by consent of two-thirds of the entire
Carnnission,. or by unanimous �consent if fearer than two-t�irds but at least
a quorum are �present. If such consent is obtained, any measure adopted
by a vote of a quorum shall have the same effect as if adopted at a
. regular meeting. .
Section 7. Pleetings shall �e called to order by th� ��hair, or in his/her absence,
by the Vice Chair. In the absence of both, the Secretary shall cal]
the meeting to order, when those prese�t may �lect a Chair pm tem.
Section 8. A record shall be kept of those Car�nission me bers pres t and those
.,:. ;
absent for each Planning Commi ssion meetinQ,�2 �:�.-_ .��- �
. The minutes of previous meetings shall be submitted for approval and
." � any errors noted and corrections made, after which, the regular order
of business shall be taken up, provided tl�t the reading of the minutes
� may be dispensed with and the same approved if there are no ob3ections.
, . .
� '
. . �lay 1977
...- � . - �--
. � , �
, . .
� page 2
Section 9. The further order of business, unless otherwise ordered by the Commission,
shall be as follows, and shall be shown on the agenda of each regular
" � � � 1 . Action items
2. Planning items
� 3. Administrative items
, � 4. Corrm�unications
5. Other business
� 6. Adj ournment
The order of It�ns 1 & 2 may be reversed at every other meeting if the
Cam�ission so desires. op
Section 10. All re�sj �tions, and resolutions�shall be in writing. If it is
� desired that more than the substance thereof be entered in the minutes,
the Chair shall so direct the Recording Secreta�ry, who w�ill incorporate
the additional details with the minutes of the meeting.
Section 11. At the annual meeting in F1arch of each year, the Comnission shall
elect a Chair,� Vice Chair, Secretary, and such other officers as
it may deem necessary; but in case of failure to elect at the time
� specified, the election shall �take place at a subsequent meeting
without delay. The Chair, Vice Chair, and Secretary shall hold their
respective offices until the next annual meeting after their election,
and until their successors are elected and qualified.
�The City staff r�presentative to the Planning Canmission shall serve
• as the Recording Secretary. � �
Section 12. The Chair shall preside at all meetings of the Camnission. He/she may
� present to the Cammission such matters as in his/her �udgment require
attention, and need not vacate his/her chair for that purpose unless
proposing to discuss the same.
At the request of any Commissioner, he/she shall direct that the yeas
and nays be taken and entered on the record on any question before the
Commission. �
When the Conenission has not established rule of parl iamentary practice,
the Chair shall t� guided as nearly as may be by Roberts' Rules of Order
Revised. �
. . The Chair shall exercise .a-general supervision over the business, papers,
and� property of the Cortanission, sign the mihutes, and shall act as the
' Cor�nission's Executive Officer.
The Chair or his/heM designated representative shall present to the Council •
� all Planning Co�nission reconm�ndations. The Chair shall perform all other
•duties as the Carmission may prescribe. �
� �. C?� �- � ` ��v� �.
_� .
� ,Y r
� paqe 3
Section 13. The Vice Chair shall act for the Chair when the Chair is absent or
disabled, and shall siqn the minutes for those meetings he/she chairs.
" All duties of the Chair's office or as a member of any cammittee shall
temporarily devolve upon the Vice Chair.
The Vice Chair shall serve as a member of the Board of Zoning Appea]s.
The Vice Chair shall perform al� other duties the Camnission may
� prescribe. �
Section 14. A. The Commission Secr�tary shall sign the minutes and perform al�
other duties the Carenission may pr�scribe. �
' B. The Recording Secretary shall attend all meetings and keep the
records of the Caranission, and shall in addition perform a11 other
duties usually pertaininq to this office. He/she shall keep a true
aad complete record of all proceedings of the Camnission, and have
charge of all books, documents and papers which proper�y belong to
this office. -
� Section 15. The Chair may appoint ad hoc committees unless the Commission shall
otherwise direct, and shall be an additional member ex officio, of all
. committees. The Chair shall appoint a Planning Cammission member to
chair each ad hoc committee. �
e All comnittees shall consist of at least three members, except as
otherwise ordered by the Commission.
The Corr�ni ssion may, at any time, change the number of inembers of -any
co�nittee in such way as it may deem best.
Three rt�embers of any comrnittee shall constitute a quorum of such
. cortenittee. If fe�er than three members of the committee are present
at any meeting, the members present may prepare reports and may submit
the same to the City Planning Canmission on behalf of such comnittee,
in which case the report shall show the carenittee members present.
Section lb. P�othing in the foregoing shall be construed as waiving the rights of
the Coriar►ission at any time to increase or curtail the duties of any
con�nittee and/or to direct or control its actions.
Section 17. The above ruies and regulatians, or any portion thereof, may be suspended
= by a majority of thQ members of the Cor�nission at any regular meeting, or
may be amended or repealed by a two-thirds vote of the entire Cor�nission
at any regular meeting subsequent to the meeting when the same is proposed.
� � .
� February 3, i981
T0: Golden Valley Planning Commission
FROM: Mike Milter, Planning � Redevelopment Coordinator
SUBJECT: Review and Discussion of Ideas for Continuing Education for
the Planning Commission
As requested at the last Planning Commission meeting, Monday, January
26, 1981 , the above item has been placed on the agenda for the
February 9th meeting. Also, as requested, you witl find attached to
this Memo an outline proposal for a Community Planning Seminar for
the City of Golden Valley as presented by St. Cloud State University.
� � Local and Urban Affairs
'��� Stewart Hall, 226
St. Cloud, Minnesota 56301
(612) 255-3184
December 18, 1980
Mr. Martin Ferrell
Pianning Department
City Hall
7�0 Golden Valley Road
Golden Valley, MN 55427
Dear Mr. Ferrel I :
Enclosed you will find a rough outline of some thoughts i have had rel—
ative to our telephone conversation this past week. Please review this
and if you wish to discuss a more formal proposal please contact my office.
Proposai Draft: Community Planning and Development Seminar� Retreat
City of Golden Valley, Minnesota
December 15, 1980
• For whom Members of City Council/ Housing and Redevelopment Authority
M embers of City Planning Commission
Members of Zoning Board of Appeals
Other staff or elected/,appointed persons as determined by
City of Golden Valley
Purpose In our brief telephone conversation these seemed to be some
of the issues I heard reference made to;
-- To increase understanding of individual and distinct
responsibilities of each city board, commission, and the
council involved in planning and development activities.
°— To review appropriate state statutes and local ordinances
which apply.
-- To increase awareness of areas of discrete authority,
potential conflicts and overlaps and areas of needed co—
ordination and cooperation and to reaffirm members�
understandings of what each should accomplish.
Speciolizing in Community ond Public Service Coreers
, SCSU isan equal opportunity/affirmative action employer and is in compliance with all state and federal laws prohibiting discrimination.
• Page 2
� -- To assist in the establishment of policies� procedures
for the operation of the above named groups.
-- To review related planning and development tools and
. techniques and under5tand their application.
As a way of considering alternative delivery methods to respond to such
purposes I would like to suggest the following four options:
Alternative A
To handie such a task adequately would preferably require
a 22 day retreat with staff and elected and appointed members
both present. Ideally such a retreat should be held at some
location which avoids the constant interruptions which plague
locally heid activities. The St. Cloud area has several
excellent facilities where such a retreat could be held.
Alternative B
It is possible to deal with a broad range of community dev—
elopment and planning related issues over a series of aiternate
• weeks. For example, a two hour (minimum) session on topics
such as: (A) the purpose and scope of a comprehensive plan;
(B) the purpose and scope of work of each of the related
advisory bodies and of the council ; (C) purpose and scope of
housing activities; (D) purpose and scope of redevelopment
activities; (E) sources of funding — CDBG� UDAG� tax increment,
etc.; and (F) review and discussion of impact of other ex—
ternal considerations on community pfanning and development.
The number of sessions would, of course, be dependent on the
depth to which you wished to proceed. Such a program could be
conducted at a local site (city hall , library, school , etc. ) .
Alternative C
It is possible to deal with three or four key issues in a
general superficial manner in the space of 4 or 5 hours.
Some of these presentations could be supplemented by audio—
visual presentations and handouts which could be later dis—
cussed at the individual convenience of each of the groups
involved. The oniy participation of the workshop staff would�
in this case, be at the 4-5 hour presentation only. As with
Alternative B, this could be handled at a local site as well.
' Page 3
� Alternative D
Utilize own staff and training materials available at Govern—
ment Training Service or State Planning Agency.
Obviously at this point this represents only a series of general proposals
of what could happen to respond to some of the gen2ral concerns which you
suggested to me in our telephone conversation. You will no#e also that
there is no discussion of cost and of course this is dependent on what alt—
ernative is chosen, the number of staff needed to conduct such a program,
and the number of participants. This matter is more easily discussed wherr
other factors have been determined. As a first step I would suggest you
review these alternatives as a general model , review the statements of
purpose then get back in touch with me. It perhaps goes without saying but
the more specific the city can be about the purpose(s) about such a program
the more helpful it will be to us as we attempt to design a program to meet
the specific needs and concerns of Golden Valley. I hope this is useful
to you as you carry it forward for additional discussions. I will await
your reply.
Sincerely, .
James W. Kel I ey
cc: D. Simpson, Outreach Coordinator
Center for Continuing Studies