04-12-66 BZA Minutes y REGULAR MEETING OF THE GOLDEN VA�LEY BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS Apri 1 12, 1966, A : regutar meeting of the Golden Valley Board of Zoning Appea1s was held on 7uesda y, Aprii 12, i966, at 7:30 p.m. at the Golder� Vailey Civic Center , 7800 Golden Va11ey Road, Golden Valley, Minnesota. Chairman Velz presided and the foltowing members wec:e present : Anderson, Christiansen, Jensen a�d Swedberg. ,41so present were Dan Lynch, Jon Westlake, John Voss, and Phyllis Jordahl . APPROVAL OF MINUTES MOVED by Christiansen, seconded by Swedberg to approve the minutes of March 8, 19bb , carried unanimously. 66-4-3 Drs St�ne, Anderscm � Johnson (22 ) 8240 Sixth Avenue N The petition is f or the waiver of Section 5.05 of the Zoning Regulations, sideyard setback. The petitioner desires a waiver of 50 feet to a setback o� 25 feet for a proposed parking lot adjacent to an Open Development District . Drs. Stone, �nderson, and Johnson were present to explain their petition. MOVE� by Christiansen seconded by Jensen, to approve the request for a waiver to permit parking within 25 feet of the west boundary of the property carried unanimously, stiputating that Village Ordinances shatt be complied with in atl other respects. b6-4-4 Wilton Ness ( 1 ) 3431 Terrace Lane The petition is for the waiver of Section 3.07 of the Zoning Regulations , sideyard setback. The petitioner desires a waiver of 4.b feet to a setback of 6.6 feet for an existing house. Mr . Roland, the contractor , was present to represent the petitioner , MOVED by Jensen seconded by Swedberg, to approve the request for a waiver to permit a setback of 6.6 feet for an existing dwelling stiputating that Viltage Ordinances and Regulations sh all be comptied with in ati other respects, carried unanimously. 66-4-5 James Shaughnessy ( 15) 1310 Hampshire Avenue North The petition is for the waiver of Sections 3.04 and 3.07 of the Zoning Regulations, sideyard setback. The petitioner desires a waiver of 4. 5 feet to a setback of 1 .5 feet for an existing home and a waiver in order to create three substandard lots frc>m lots that are already substandard. The petitioner was present to explain his pefiition, i � Regular Meeting ofi the G V �oard of Zoning Appeals 4- 12-b6 2 MOVED by Jensen second ed by Christia:nsen to defer this matter until the next meeting in order to have more time to sfiudy this matter in detail , carried unanimvusly. 6b-4-6 Herbert F. Bedwell (6) 1335 Ange10 Drive The petition is for the waiver of Section 3.a7 of the Zoning , Regulations, frontyard setback. The petitioner desires a wa� ver of 6 feet t� a setback of 29 feet for an existing front yard setback, The petitioners, Mr. � Mrs. Herbert Bedwelt were present to explain their petition. MOVED by Chr9stiansen, seconded by Jensen, to approve the request for a waiver of 6 feet to a front yard setback of 29 feet on an existing home, stipulating tl�at Vitlage Ordinances and Regulations shatt be complied with in alt other respects, carried unanimously. 66-4-7 Rotlie Erickson ( 11 ) 1620 Yosemite Avenue North 1625 Xenia Avenue North The petition is for the waiver of Section 3.02 of the Zoni�g Reguiations. The petitioner desires a waiver in order to buiid twojtwo family dwettings. The petit�ner , Rollie Erickson, was present to present his petition. M�VED by Swedberg seconded by Anderson , to approve the request of the petitioner and create two areas for construction of d4uble bungatows, stipuiating that Village Ordinances and Regulations shall be compiied with in all other respects, carried unanimously. 66-4�8 Fred Netson (5) 2220 Liiae Drive North The petition is for the waiver of Section 3.02 of the Zoning Regu1ations. The petitior�er desires a waiver in order to c�nstruct a two-family dwelling. The petitioner , Fred Nelson was present. MOVED by Swedberg seconded by Anderson, to approve the request for �' waiver to construct a double bungalow, stipula�i�g that Viilage Ordinances and Regutations shali be complied with in all other respects, carried unanimousty. A motion for adjournment was entertained at 9:00 p.m. ,. --- -����- - ---------- ----------- ----------- - Paul Velz, ' m n John V oss, Secretary