05-10-66 BZA Minutes 1 �
May 10, 1966
A regular meeting �f the Golden Valley 8oard of Zoning Appeals was
ehld on Tuesday May 10, 1966, at 7 :30 p,m, at the Golden Valley
Civic Center , 7�00 G�lden Valtey Rflad, Golden Valley, Minnesota.
Chairman Velz presided and the foll�wing members were present :
Anderson, Jensen, Christiansen, Swedberg, and Senstad . Als� present
were Ulstad, Lynch, Westlake, and Phyllis Jordahl .
MOVED by Christiansen , seconded by Anderson to approve the
minutes of April 12, 1966, carried unanimously.
6b-5-5 James Shaughnessy ( 15) 1310 Hampshire Avenue Narth
The petition is for the waiver of Sections 3 .�4 and 3. 07 of the
Zoning Regulations, sideyard setback. The petitioner desires a
waiver of 4. 5 feet t� a setback of 1 .5 feet for an existing home
and a waiver in order to create three substandard lots from four lots
that are already substandard,
The owner of the property and five neighbors were present t�
give their approval �f the request .
MOVED by Swedberg seconded by Christiansen, to approve the waiver
for the existing home carried with 3 yeas , 1 nay .
66-5-q John Greenwood ( 1 ) 2515 McNair Drive
The petition is for the waiver of Section 3 .07 of the Zoning Reg-
ulations, frontyard and sideyard setbacks . The petitioner desires
a waiver of 7 feet to a setback of 4,2 feet for the side yard and
a frontyard waiver of 2 feet to a setback of 33 feet .
The Committee deferred action �n these waivers because the petitioner
is going to try to �btain a smaller plan ( 14' ) for this garage.
66-5- 10 Yngve � Yngve ( 14) 6250 Wayzata B�ulevard
The petition is for the waiver �f Sections 5. 05 and 7 .05 of the
Zoning Regulations, frontyard and sideyard setbacks. The petitioner
desires a waiver of 30 feet to a setback of 20 feet for the side
yard and a waiver for parking area in the frontyard setback.
MOVED by Jensen, seconded by Swedberg, to a pprove the waiver f�r
sideyard setback, carried unanimously, stipulating that Village
Ordinances shall be complied with in a11 other respects.
The board did not act on the request for parking in the frontyard
setback area at this time.
66-5- 11 Leonard Bies ( 19) 7900 � 7920 23rd Ave N
The Board ofi Zoning Appeals recorrnnends that, because of the utility
� easement which runs through the center of the property to be divided,
this item be taken by Chairman Velz to the Regulac meeting of the
� 6�
� Page 2 �
Planning Commissi �n Thursday night .
66-5- 12 John W. Witzig, James A Hagman ( ll ) 2040 D�uglas Dr N
The petition is for the waiver of Sections 10.06 and 10.04 Qf the
Platting Regulations, front, side and backyard setbacks . The
petiti �ner desires a waiver �f 45 feet to a setback of 5 feet on the
n�rth and south side yards and 25 feet to a setback of 25 feet ,
and 15 feet to a setback of 20 feet on the frontyard. All to be
used f�r parking . The petitioner also desires a waiver f�r a two
story building,
The Board deferred action on this item pending recommendation by the
Lang Range and Zoning Committees to the Planning Commissifln.
b6-5- 13 Kenneth G. Benson ( 11 ) 6i55 Duluth Streefi
The petition is for the waiver of Sections 10,46, 10.04 and 13 . 01
of tt�e Piatting Regulations, front, side and backyard setbacks.
The petitioner desires a waiver of 20 feet to a setback of 0 feet
on the sideyard, a waiver of 15 feet t� a setback �f 15 feet on the
backyard, a wai ver of 15 feet to a setback of 20 feet on the front
yard, a waiver of 17 parking spaces from the total of 99 to $2,
and a waiver for a 3 story building.
MOVED by Swedberg, seconded by Jensen, tfl deny the petitioners
request f=�r these waivers , carried una�imousiy.
b6-5- 14 E � Eckstr�m (5) 4030 Wasatch Lane
The petition is for the waiver of Section 3. 07 �f the Zoning
Regulations. The petiti �ner desires a waiver of 4 feet t� a set-
back of 31 feet �n the front yard setback.
MOVED by Christiansen, seconded by Jensen to appr�ve the petitioners
requestcarried unanim�usly, stipulating that Village Ordinances
�nd Regulati�ns shall be c�mplied with in all other respects.
A motion f�r adj�urnment was entertained at 10:30 p,m.
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Pau1 Velz, an J Westlake, Acting Secretary