10-11-66 BZA Minutes � �.
October 11 , 1966
A reguiar meetin� of the Golden Valley Board of Zoning Appeals
was heid �n Tuesday, Octflber 11 , 196b, at 7:30 p.m, at the
G�lden Va11ey Civic Center , 7800 Golden Vatley R�ad, Golden Va11ey ,
Minnesota. Chairman Velz presided and Anderson, Jensen ,
Christiansen and Swedberg were present. A1s� present were Ulstad,
Schmid and Phy11is Jordahi .
Moved by Swedberg, seconded by Anderson to approve the minutes of
September 13, 1966, carried unanimously.
b6- 10-24 �rnest Smith ( 19) 2500 Orkla Drive
The petition is for the waiver �f Section 3.07 of the Zoning Code-
a sideyard waiver �f 6 ' to a setback of 29' on the south side of
the 1�� for a proposed attached garage.
MOVED by Anderson , seconded by Christiansen , to approve the
waiver because of the top�graphy of the lot , the unique manner
in which the house is located on this �dd shaped corner l�t ,
carried unanimously.
b6- 10-28 Orville Nelson (20) 1608 Independence Avenue North
The petition is for the waiver of Section 3. 07 of the Z�ning Code-
a waiver of .25 � to a front yard setback o� 34,75 ' on the existing
MOVED by Christiansen , seconded by Anderson to approve this waiver,
carried unanimo�sly, the reason being to ctarify the petiti�ners tit1e,
66- 10-29 DeMac Inc ( 11 ) 6155 Duluth Street
The petiti�ners withdrew their request for �ne month.
6b-10-30 Dr Ronald N Berry (7) 924 Adeline Lane
The petition is for the waiver of Sectian 3. 07 of the Z�ning Code-
a waiver of 10� to a front setback of 10' on the cul -de-sac �rom a
previously waived setback of 20� ,
This petition was deferred for one month, until certain facts are
gathered by the proponent which include s�il tests , and a definite
l �cation for the bui1ding .
65- �0-31 Donald R . Axelson (4 ) 3000 �ee Avenue Norfih
The petition is for the waiver of Secti�n 3. 12, a waiver of 10� on
a proposed unattached garage to a distance of 10� fr�m the existing
�uilding .
The petiti�n was deferred for one mc>nth, to try to obtain a more
workable p1an and more signature from the neighb�rs.
2 �
6b- 10-32 Ronald Edstram ( t ) 2303 Xerxes
The petition is f�r the waiver of Section 3, 07, a waiver of 4.7 '
�n the existing house and a waiver �f 4.7 � on the proposed garage
attached to the front of the building, and a 9,5 � waiver t� a
fr�ntyard setbaek of 25.5 ' .
The petition was deferred fc�r one month t�o resotve the survey
��- 10-33 Peter Dukinfield (9) 801 parkview Terrace
The petifiion is fvr the waver of Secti�n 3.�7 .�f the �oning Code
a waiver �f 15' t� an existing 20' front setback, a waiver flf 10'
t� a sideyard setback of 5 ' �n a prop�ased attached garage �n the
n�rth side of the home.
This matter was deferred until next month at which time the can-
tractor and petitioner willssubmit a new p1an and obtain more
sign�tures flf the abu�ting property owners.
6o- i0-34 Earl Tulowetzke (8) 541 North Meadow Lane
The petition is for the waiver �f Sectivn 3.07 �fi the Zoning Coae,
a waiver of ii . � feet to a north side setback of 23 .2' on a
waiver of 5 � to a fr�nt setback �f 30' and a waiver of .g' �n
the south sideyard setback �f 9, 7 � �n the existing hflme. A waiver
�f Secti�n 3. 12 �f the Zflning Cocle fc�r a waiver of 2 .4� to a side-
yard setback �f 2 .6� on the existing garage and a waiver of 9,5�
t� a n�rth sideyard setback of 25.5 � �n the prop�sed expansion
�f the �age,
MOVED by Jensen, secondedbby Anderson t� appr�ve the waiver�s
carried unanimously,
bb- 10-35 Wayn Roy, Inc (g) 200 Lawn Terrace
The petitifln is for the waiver of Section 3. 07 of the Zoning Code,
A waiver of ,65 � on an existing home t� a sideyard setback af 11 .35' .
MOVED by Jensen, sec�nded by Swedberg to approve the waiver
c�ntingent �an the advi�e �f the Village Attorney, carried with one
*The advice �f the Village Attorney is as f�llows� Regarding the
waiver granted on Lawn Terrace, it was fett that a hardship existed
of minimal consequence due to an honest and n�n-malici�us errt�r vn
the part of the contract��r , The Vi1lage Attorney felt that the
Board �f Appeals acted entirely W1tF11}'1 its jurisdicti�n.
A m�tion was� e L�tained for adjournment at 10:30 p.m.
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Chai rman �,, . 1 z Secr�ary Ott� Schmid