11-08-66 BZA Minutes � � REGULAR MEETING OF THE GOL�EN VALLEY BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS November �, 1966. A regular meeting �f the G�lden Valley Board of Zoning Appeals was held �n Tuesday, N�vember �, 1966, at 8: 00 p.m. at the G�1den Valtey Civic Center , 7800 Golden Va1Tey R�ad, G�lden Valley, Minnesota . Chairman pra tem Jensen presided and Anderson and Swedberg were present . Als� present were Ott� Schmid and Phyllis J�rdahl . APPROVAL OF MINUTES MOVED by Anders�n , seconded by Swedberg t� approve the minutes �f Oct�ber 11 , 19b6, carried unanimously. 6b- 11 -30 Dr R�nald N Berry (7 ) 924 Adeline Lane The petitioner wishes t� have this item deferred for one month , 66- 11 -32 R�nald Edstr�m ( 1 ) 2303 Xerxes Avenue N�rth The petiti �n is f��r the waiver ��f .3 � an the n�rth l�t line �n the existing building t� a sideyard setback �f 4,7 ' . A waiver �f 4 ,3 ' t� a south sideyard setback of 5 .7 ' and a waiver of appr�ximately 9' t� a frontyard setback �f 26' on the proposed garage. MOVED by Anders�n , s�conaed by Swedberg to grant the sideyard waivers, but t� deny the fr�ntyard waiver , carried unanimously. bb- 11 -33 Peter Dunkenfield ( g) 801 Parkview Terrace The petition is for the wai �er of Section 3. 07 �f the Z�ning Code a waiver �f 7 ' to an existing 28 ' fr�nt setback, a waiver � " �f 72' t� a si deyard setback �f b' �n the n�r th si de �f the h�me. � MOVED by Swedberg , sec�nded by Anders�n t� ap�rove the waivers because �f the extreme drop in the lot, carried unanim�usly, A motion was entertained f�r adj�urnment at 9:00 p.m. --- ----------- -- -------- --------- -------- ------ -- ---- Chairman pr� tem Jensen Secretary Ott� Schmid